Second Heroine

Even though Ronald was a little irritated with the heroine behaving differently this time around, he still firmly believes that the heroine's personality hasn't changed a bit and Luna must've been acting accordingly for her own benefits, which did fit her personality.

If that was the case then the plot should still go accordingly to plan.

But that still leaves a question hanging, where has the protagonist been this entire time?

Ronald still remembers that his first encounter with Ye Fan in his last life was when Luna stepped into the banquet halls with Ye Fan escorting her as a bodyguard.

Then originally after Ronald saw Ye Fan standing next to Luna, he got extremely jealous of Ye Fan and started to yell at Ye Fan for even daring to stand side by side with Luna.

Luna would then stand up for Ye Fan and berate Ronald for having no talent and being a useless rich second generation that does nothing except rely on his family background.

Ronald, being an absolute simp and dog licker he was, didn't retaliate against Luna and could only "secretly" plan to get his guards to attack Ye Fan during the banquet.

This would give Ye Fan an opportunity to proof his worth to Luna, impress other people in the upper society, and embarrass Ronald right in front of his entire birthday party. Killing three birds with one stone.

This would also be the start of an everlasting feud between Ronald and Ye Fan.

So where was his father the entire time while this occured to Ronald in the original plot?

Well apparently his father was busy with work so he couldn't attend Ronald's birthday party.

When Ronald was reading the novel during the time before his transmigration, he was well aware about the fact that the author was just making an excuse in order for the protagonist to embarrass Ronald.

'Damn the protagonist and his stupid luck.'

"Guys look! Miss Ruolin is here!" Just as Ronald was thinking to himself what he should do next, he heard a shout from across the hall.

Looking along the crowd, Ronald took a glance at the girl with a slightly lighter shade of black hair, gorgeous black beautiful eyes, wearing a black cheongsam dress.

It's Xie Ruolin, the second heroine!

Xie Roulin is the eldest daughter of the Roulin family who controls most of the underworld forces in the entire country, and is well connected with a lot of the major families.

With a family background as grand as that, even Ronald's own family didn't dare to even retaliate against them as long as it had nothing to do with Ronald.

Xie Roulin may look like one of those typical beautiful next door mothers, but the moment someone dares to go against one of her principles, she will be extremely cruel and mercilessness towards them.

In the novel, after Xie Roulin witnessed Ye Fan's fighting prowess during the banquet, Xie Roulin wanted to get acquainted with him and slowly fell in love with him.

Since she's the second heroine in the story, her role in the novel was also significant.

Whenever Ye Fan got into a predicament with any forces he faced in China, Xie Roulin was usually there to back him up.

Although Ronald knew that Xie Roulin was going to show up at his banquet today, let alone see her, he didn't really want to have anything to do with her outside of the plot.

'Being the protagonist sure does give you a lot of perks.' Ronald couldn't help but continue complaining.

Just as Ronald watched Xie Roulin make her entry to the banquet halls, he couldn't help but notice a handsome figure wearing a colorful shirt, white shorts, and sandles walk pass him and towards Luna.

That's right, it's the protagonist, Ye Fan.

Ronald then realized that with Ye Fan being the protagonist, even though Ye Fan looked like he had just came back from visiting Hawaii, he could still enter the banquet without being thrown out.

Or maybe the gods did hear Ronald's prayers.

After all, this shitty plot can't start without the protagonist being present.

Anyways, Ronald decided to wait a few mintues for Luna and Ye Fan to get acquainted with each other before deciding to start his performance as a generic rich second generation villain.

Even though the plot has already slightly deteriorated from the original plot, he believes that it can still be salvageable.

While Ronald was waiting for Luna and Ye Fan to get acquainted with each other, unbeknownst to him, there was a pair of black eyes staring at Ronald.

Xie Roulin, who was in the crowd, was staring deeply at Ronald.

'My angel... He's alive, he's actually alive!' There was extreme excitement in her eyes, and both her arms and her legs couldn't help it but start shaking.

Xie Roulin slowly started to sprint towards Ronald to try and tell him about all the sins she's commited in her past life, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw who Ronald was staring at.

'It's that damn bitch again!' Xie Roulin couldn't help but clutch her fingernails into her palms.

She is well aware that Ronald was deeply in love with Luna and would sacrifice pretty much anything in order to obtain her heart, but what did Luna do in return? She spat in his face, robbed everything that the Kuangge family had, and worst of all, teamed up with the one person that heavily contributed Ronald's downfall.

'Bastard... THAT FUCKING BASTARD!' Xie Roulin almost absolutely lost it and was considering to just grab a knife and head towards the direction Luna was at when she took a good look at who Luna was talking to.

Xie Roulin took a few deep breaths and then started to calm herself down again. She knows that she can't be too impulsive, after all she to knew that she was too weak to murder Ye Fan now, and even if she did managed to succeed, the forces standing behind Ye Fan would've not let Ronald and his family come out alive as the Kuangge family was the hosts of this banquet, so she could only grit her teeth and continue with the banquet while glancing at Ronald every so often.

A few minutes later, Ronald checked the time on his watch and decided that it was time to start his performance.

'Let's do this.'