Hyatt Casino (5)

'It's inevitable, isn't it?' Ronald saw Ling Feng staring at him and couldn't help but think to himself.

To be honest, Ronald had also considered acting like a brainless villain once more and allowing Ling Feng to face slap him in order to just get it over with, which in return actually saves himself a lot of hassle as well...

But why would he want to get himself humiliated again if he doesn't have to?

Although he doesn't plan on acting like a brainless villain this time around, that still didn't mean that he could just flail his strength around and announce to the entire world that he can easily defeat someone who had literally defeated one of the four Gods of War in the Western World.

Ronald still wanted to live a peaceful life in this novel world until he goes back to earth after all.

So Ronald started observing around the second floor of the casino to see if he can fight Ling Feng without having to reveal his strength to anyone else.

'469 surveillance cameras and 21 people on the second floor of the casino building excluding Ling Feng... quite a lot of things to take down, but doable.'

After looking around the casino one more time and making sure that he hadn't missed anything else, Ronald knew that it was time.

'Guess it's time to make my move.'


While Ronald was sitting down looking around the casino building still munching on popcorn for whatever reason, Ling Feng couldn't help but look at Ronald extremely cautiously.

"That's just Ronald from the Kuangge family, has he offended you somehow? If you'd like, you can let me deal with him." Lai Meiyun saw that Ling Feng was staring at Ronald weirdly and thought that Ling Feng just wanted to beat him up.

Despite the fact that the Kuangge family was one of the 10 major families in a different city, let alone the top 10 major families in the capital city, even some of the weakest major families in the capital city were stronger than the 10 major families in the city that Ronald resides in.

So Lai Meiyun wanted to score some brownie points with Ling Feng and offered to help.

"..." Ling Feng didn't reply back since he was extremely deep into his thoughts.

For some reason, Ronald seems significantly more different compared to everyone else he had seen so far after his rebirth.

Unlike everyone else, who he could easily see and tell accurately how powerful they were, he couldn't tell how strong Ronald was at all.

And when he couldn't accurately tell how strong something was, it would usually mean one of two things.

The first being that the thing was so incredibly weak that he couldn't actually assess its power level and determine its strength, for example, an ant.

And the other being that the thing he was assessing was so incredibly strong that he couldn't accurately assess its power level.

Of course, if he does end up coming across an extremely strong being that he couldn't assess with his eyes, he could still tell that the being was strong.

The problem with Ronald however was that he literally couldn't tell if he was strong at all.

And there was no way in hell that Ronald was as weak as an ant.

So does that mean that Ronald was just extremely strong?

'But there's no way it can be that.'

Even though Ling Feng was extremely poor in his previous life and had no connections with anyone in the upper class at all, he still knew a lot about Ronald.

After all, Ronald was so infamous that even a homeless person laying on the streets would make fun of him from time to time.

But anyways, if Ronald was so strong just like he had initally thought for a brief second, then why would Ronald allow himself to get face slapped by so many others and allow the girl he had been following around like a dog for so long go into the hands of another guy in his past life?

Even someone with a brain dysfunction wouldn't allow that to happen to them if they were strong to begin with.

Just as Ling Feng was immersed in his thoughts however...


Someone who was sitting on his chair dropped dead onto the floor all of a sudden.

Then right after that person had dropped onto the floor...




One by one, everyone on the second floor of the casino started dropping dead onto the floor.

And then after everyone had dropped completely unconscious onto the floor besides Ling Feng and Lai Meiyun...

"W-what's going o-" Before Lai Meiyun could say anything else, she suddenly collapsed onto the floor unconscious as well.

In order not to let Lai Meiyun hit her head directly onto the floor, Ling Feng hurriedly grabbed her torso and then gently placed her onto the ground.

Afterwards, Ling Feng slowly turned his head back towards the one person who still hadn't collapsed yet.

"Ronald..." Ling Feng looked at Ronald with a stone-faced look.

"Sup." Ronald looked back at Ling Feng and smirked.

"How... no, why did you do this?" Ling Feng asked cautiously.

Just about a minute ago, he had been wondering to himself why he couldn't assert Ronald's power level at all...

But now he had figured out the answer to that question.

Ronald was incredibly strong.

So strong in fact, that he couldn't even tell if Ronald was strong or not, a problem in which he didn't even knew existed until now.

"Why? You're asking the wrong questions here, Ling Feng. What you should be asking me instead is if I'll let you walk out of this casino alive..." Ronald then slowly stood up from his chair.

"And the answer to that question... is no." Ronald said menacingly and then just stood there smiling wickedly at Ling Feng without doing anything else.

Ling Feng was almost certain that Ronald was going to instantly attack him after saying all of that, but all Ronald did was just smile at Ling Feng wickedly, which made Ling Feng confused.

"What are yo-" Just before Ling Feng could say anything else...


Ling Feng immediately vommited out streams of blood, and then kneeled down to the floor when he felt an immense amount of pain dwelling up inside of his body all of a sudden.


'I didn't even see him move at all!'

While Ling Feng was still kneeling down and facing the floor in a daze, a black custom-made shoe appeared infront of his face all of a sudden, and then...


Ling Feng got kicked in the face and started flying all the way up until his body hit the ceiling of the casino.

And although the ceiling didn't actually manage to break upon impact, he had gotten hit up to the ceiling so hard that the whole casino building had shaked for a few seconds.

Then after falling 75 meters back to the ground, just before Ling Feng could quickly get up and do anything else, Ronald lifted up one of his foot and stepped onto Ling Feng's chest, completely immobilizing him.

"Yo Ling Feng..." Ronald then lifted up his foot and stomped directly where Ling Feng's heart was at, causing Ling Feng to cough up even more blood.

"Did you really think that you could just beat up my friend and get away with it?" Ronald then stomped on his chest again.

"Fucking… simp!" Ling Feng grasp for air and then yelled at Ronald in order to provoke him even further.

"Haha, as expected, you really don't know when to yield." Ronald couldn't help but laugh.

Even in an actual life or death situation, the protagonist's mindset never changes.

"Truth be told Ling Feng, I was honestly just thinking about leaving you alone beforehand..."

"But now that you've decided to stick your head out of that hole of yours and shoot for the stars…"

"Why don't I just kill you instead?"