Hyatt Casino (6)

"Why don't I just kill you instead?" Ronald stared down at Ling Feng, who was currently struggling breathing right now, and announced in an intimidating tone.

A couple of minutes ago while Ronald was scouring the casino building counting the amount of cameras there were on the second floor, he had thought to himself whether or not he should actually kill Ling Feng.

Not only was Ling Feng an anomaly to this world that will undoubtedly change the trajectory of this world if left unchecked, but since Ling Feng is most likely a cultivator that had rebirth back to earth, Ronald was worried that Ling Feng wouldn't have an actual limit and might actually become even more powerful than himself in the future.

And if that happens and Ling Feng decides to intervene in Ronald's future plots, then not only will Ronald have to worry about his future plots failing, but he'll have to worry about the safety of his life as well.

Of course, if Ronald does end up getting killed somehow, then the system will allow him to regress back and start everything over again.

But he didn't want to actually spend more time than he already has to in this novel world.

So after considering about what to do with Ling Feng, Ronald decided that it was best to dispose of Ling Feng right now while he still can without causing too much of a disturbance.

Taking a good look at Ronald's face and seeing that he was serious, Ling Feng couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He knew that if he didn't do anything at all, then Ronald will undoubtedly kill him.

But how was he suppose to do anything against someone who was significantly more stronger than him?

'Ronald literally took down all of the people on the second floor of this casino building without even moving!'

'And this is the same guy who is literally the laughing stock in all of China?'

Yesterday, after rebirthing back to when he was still a teenager, Ling Feng had promised to himself that he wouldn't let him or his family get humiliated by anyone else ever again in this life...

And yet he is being stepped over and trampled over like an ant without even being able to retaliate back literally about a day later after making that promise.

While Ling Feng reminiscing about the past however...

'OH FUCK!' Ling Feng shouted out in his head.


Because he could see Ronald crouching down and started swinging his fist down directly towards his face at an incredibly fast speed.

So fast in fact, that Ling Feng knew that he will undoubtedly die when that fist ends up hitting his face.

But since he knew that he couldn't avoid the punch at all, Ling Feng just closed his eyes and waited for his head to explode.

'Just when I thought that I had another chance to redeem myself and correct all of my mistakes...'


'Sorry for making you suffer again, dad.'

Just as Ronald's fist was just about to hit Ling Feng's face however, he had to stop the trajectory of his fist since...

"DON'T KILL HIM!" Lai Meiyun shouted on the top of her lungs, ran all the way to Ling Feng's side, and then used her entire body to cover Ling Feng's face, leaving her back exposed to Ronald.

Even though she didn't care for Ling Feng's life that much since she had only known him for a full day, she knew that her Grandpa would definitely get involved and try to avenge Ling Feng if he does end up dying.

And after seeing that Ronald could easily overpower Ling Feng, someone who her Grandpa considered extremely powerful, she knew that the Lai family wouldn't even be able to last a full night against Ronald if her Grandpa does end up offending Ronald.

"..." Seeing that Lai Meiyun had regained conscious again, Ronald's face frowned.

He knew that the reason why Lai Meiyun had suddenly regained conscious again wasn't because he used too little force against her when knocking her unconscious, but rather it was most likely because of...

'Ling Feng's plot armor.'

Ronald couldn't help but sigh in his heart just thinking about it.

The protagonists' plot armors are so ridiculously overpowered that the plot armor would still somehow save the protagonists' asses even if Ronald ends up destroying this entire world.

And to be honest, Ronald could've not stopped the trajectory of his fist and probably kill Ling Feng even with Lai Meiyun using her body to block for him.

But the problem with that however is that he'd also end up killing Lai Meiyun along the process, which he definitely couldn't afford to do.

After all, he still needs Lai Meiyun to stay alive in order for him to actually complete his future plots properly.

Anyhow, he wasn't too worried about Ling Feng's plot armor coming in to save the day, since he had half-expected that to happen anyways and had already made a back-up plan for it anyways.

What he was truly worried about is now that since Lai Meiyun is aware of his strength, sooner or later, all of the heroines will eventually become aware of his strength.

And if that happens, not only would be have a much harder time completing his plots, but how the hell was he going to have a peaceful life in this world for the next 7 years?

'Alas, when I thought that Lai Meiyun is going to actually become a normal heroine for once, I somehow ended up fucking up.'

Truthfully, although Ronald was complaining about Lai Meiyun not being a normal heroine, he wasn't all that mad about it, and on the contrary he was actually extremely happy right now.


Because unlike all of those other heroines out there that passionately love him besides Gu Yuan for some reason, Lai Meiyun doesn't actually love him.

This meant that whenever he does end up doing some of his future plots with her involved, they'll most likely end up going smoothly since Lai Meiyun wouldn't try and put her life in the line in order to protect him.

At most, she'll just try and defend him somewhat out of fear that Ronald would do something horrible, which was completely fine to him anyways.

And besides, he could just put in the extra effort to try and prevent the information about him being extremely strong from leaking out of Lai Meiyun's mouth.

So with that in mind...

"Miss Lai." Ronald said in a cold tone.

"Don't talk to me you monster!" Lai Meiyun replied back angrily.

"Calling me a monster when all I've done so far is beat around Ling Feng for a bit? Then what does that make Ling Feng then? He's the one who had beaten up all of Sheu Fai's bodyguards, kicked Sheu Fai in the balls, and then decided to beat up Grant as well."

"That was because all of them had bad intentions to begin with! Ling Fang was just defending himself!" Lai Meiyun retorted back.

"And I'm not defending myself? What a shame Miss Lai, your love for Ling Feng has blinded you far too much." Ronald faced his back towards Lai Meiyun and then started to walk back towards the poker table he and Grant had been sitting at just awhile ago.

"And here I thought that we could become friends for once since you always seemed to be the more logical one here, but since you have decided to side with Ling Feng, I guess we'll become lifelong enemies from now on." Ronald then sat back on the chair he had been sitting on just awhile ago and started munching on popcorn again.

"Oh, and by the way, you can stop trying to protect him now."

"Ling Feng's already dead after all."