I’ll reform this world.

"I can bring him back to life!" Upon hearing what Lai Ho has said, Ye Fan suddenly barged into the hospital room and shouted enthusiastically while quickly glancing at Ling Feng's lifeless body.

Before Ye Fan had barged in through the door and had been secretly eavesdropping on the entire conversation inside the hospital room, taking into account beforehand that he was in extreme agony and pain, he hadn't been too sure that he could've actually saved Ling Feng.

And not only that, but he honestly felt that he wouldn't gain as much benefit from the Lai family even if he had managed to save Ling Feng from the brink of death.

But contrary to how he was feeling, however, his gut instincts was practically screaming at him to take this chance and save Ling Feng.

So Ye Fan had decided to take a gamble and trust his gut instincts once again despite his gut instincts almost always screwing him over in the last month or so.

"I don't know who you think you are but you better get out of this room before I-" Before Lai Meiyun could finish threatening Ye Fan however…

"Hold on my granddaughter." Lai Ho lightly tapped on Lai Meiyun's shoulders for her to quiet down and then turned his head towards the young man who had suddenly barged into the room.

"What did you just say?" Lai Ho asked in a suspicious tone.

"I said that I can bring him back to life, but if you want him to be saved, then you need to let me operate on him immediately." Ye Fan stated in an urgent manner.

Even though Ye Fan definitely didn't have the ability to raise anyone back from the dead, after quickly observing Ling Feng's lifeless body from a distance, he determined that he could still indeed save Ling Feng as long as he applies some acupunctures onto his body and give him a heart transplant.

Upon hearing what Ye Fan had said and seeing the confidence that Ye Fan had displayed, both Lai Ho and Lai Meiyun couldn't help but turn their heads towards each other with utter disbelief visibly displayed on their faces.

Let alone a random young man who looked completely injured and disoriented, not even a full team of renowned medical physicians and surgeons could save Ling Feng.

But for some reason however, both Lai Ho and Lai Meiyun had a strong feeling that Ye Fan might be able to actually pull it off.

And besides, even if Ye Fan couldn't pull it off, it wasn't like the situation wasn't going to get any worse as it currently was anyways.

So after staring at each other and contemplating about it for a couple of more seconds, they both decided that they might as well put their faith into this random stranger.

"Okay… we'll put our trust in you. Do you need me to get you anything?" Lai Ho closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then asked Ye Fan what he needed.

"Yes, please ask the doctors of this hospital to get me the basic items needed to perform surgery, the needles from my hospital room, and have multiple doctors on standby just in case if I need anything else…"

"Oh, and one more thing…"

"Have faith in me." Ye Fan smiled widely and proudly and displayed his confidence to Lai Ho and Lai Meiyun before starting to perform surgery on Ling Feng.


As the sun started to dawn on Ronald's face, just as Ronald was about open his eyes and get up from his bed to start off his morning routine…

[Host, we're currently in an extremely bad predicament right now, so please listen carefully to my next instruction. Do not open your eyes at all and pretend that you're sleeping right now. Roll your body onto the left side of the bed if you can hear me.]

Even though Ronald had no idea what this bad predicament was, he still listened to the system and slowly rolled onto the left side of the bed while pretending that he was still asleep.

[Good, now listen to me host. This might come as a shocker to you, so please do not start freak out upon hearing this… but Luna is currently right in your room as we speak.]

After hearing what the system had said, Ronald couldn't help but start to have a fit of terror inside of his heart.

'What? Luna's in this room right now?'

'Why can't I feel her presence at all?!'

Ronald didn't understand, despite being able to detect literally any living beings' presence from miles away beside the protagonist, how come he didn't even realize that Luna was in his room at all?

Sure, although Luna was somehow a cultivator in this life now and can easily hide her presence from others, that still doesn't mean that she could hide her presence from him, even while he was asleep.

Additionally, when Ronald had encountered Luna and her subordinates back at the abandoned house, he could tell that he was still much more powerful than her.

So that could basically only mean one of two things…

Either Luna had gotten much stronger than Ronald to the point where she could easily hide her presence and strength from him, or he had somehow gotten so weak after regressing back to the point where he couldn't detect her at all.

However, Ronald didn't feel like any of these theories were plausible at all.

If Luna did indeed somehow get much stronger than him, then Luna without a doubt wouldn't bother going through the hassle of trying to grow her business empire by normal means.

After all, even though Ronald wasn't too familiar with her new current personality as of now, he was still certain that Luna was still trying to grow her business as big as she can in this life and would use any means necessary in order to do so.

But there was also no way that Ronald had gotten significantly weaker after being reborn back into this second life.

He wouldn't have been able to actually kill or even injure Ling Feng, who was most likely a rebirth with a deep understanding of cultivation with ease if that was the case after all.

'So what is the actual reason then?'

While Ronald was still emersed in his thoughts trying to find a plausible reason as to why he couldn't sense Luna's presence at all, he immediately stopped his train of thought and subconsciously held in his breath all of a sudden.


Because he heard the sound of footsteps slowly heading towards his way!

'What the hell is she doing?'

'No… don't tell me…'

'Does Luna intend to hop into bed with me?'

Ronald couldn't help but start to get extremely anxious just even thinking about it.

How the hell is he even supposed to act in front of Luna when he decides to "wake up" and finds her sleeping in his bed all of a sudden?

Maintain his original personality as Luna's dog licker and act as if this was a normal occurance?

Sure, even though that might actually work, but considering that Luna is actually in love with him now, if he decides to maintain his original personality as soon as he "wakes up," Luna is going to undoubtedly force him to spend some time with her.

And Ronald sure as hell didn't want to spend any of his free time outside of the plot with a heroine.

That's even worse than showing up to the stupid plots in this life!

Just as Ronald was thinking about how he was going to get out of this situation, the sound of footsteps suddenly came to a halt, and Luna slowly sat on the edge of the bed completely hovering over Ronald's face in order to fully gaze upon it.

As the seconds continued to slowly pass by however, Luna's eyes started to cloud with tears as she kept gazing at Ronald's face, and before she knew it, streams of tears started to tremble off of her cheeks and onto Ronald's face.

"Ronald, I'm sorry..." Luna uttered in a quiet but audible voice while wiping her cheeks with her fingers, but to no avail since new tears kept rolling down before she could get rid of the old ones.

"I'm sorry that I've hurt you so many times beforehand."

"I'm sorry that I forced you to sacrifice everything you had just for me."

"I'm sorry that I was too blinded to see that you were the only one for me in this abhorrent world."

"I'm sorry that I had to ruin your life..."

"And I'm sorry that I still have to keep secrets away from you even now."

"I know that I don't deserve you at all and just telling you that I'm sorry won't make up all of the wrongdoings from the past..."

"But I'm truly sorry... for everything."

After getting most of the things she wanted to say off of her chest and took a deep breath, she managed to swiftly gain control of her emotions again.

Afterwards, she once again stared at Ronald and couldn't help but have a natural urge to hop on his bed and lay down with him as well.

But she successfully managed to resist the urge to snuggle in bed with Ronald.

After all, although Luna really wanted to cling onto Ronald on bed right now, she knew that she couldn't just act on an impulse and wake Ronald up, otherwise she'll end up arousing Ronald's suspicion towards her.

It was reported that Luna hadn't even step foot out of her company ever since yesterday after all.

And she couldn't just tell Ronald about her secrets of being a regressor and a cultivator just yet as it'll undoubtedly put him into harm's way, and she was definitely not strong enough as of now in order to protect him.

Only when she is strong enough to defeat all of those terrifying entities in the future and is fully 100% confident that she can protect him no matter where he's at, then and only then will she fully reveal everything to Ronald and offer him this world.

So after blinking a few more times to prevent any more tears from welling up and wiped the dried up tears from her cheeks with her fingers, Luna pulled out a handkerchief from her business suit and gently wiped all of the teardrops from Ronald's face.

"No matter what happens from now on..."

"Even if I have to kill the damned gods of the universe and massacre billions upon billions of people while ruling this world with an iron fist and becoming the biggest villain that this world has ever seen."

"I promise that I'll reform this world and make this world completely accept you."

"So please... don't leave me alone this time."

After leaving those departing words for Ronald, Luna got off of the bed and then exited through the bedroom window.
