Ronald The Higher Being

After hearing the window close and waiting for a few minutes to make sure that the coast was clear, Ronald got up off of the bed and couldn't help but fixate his eyes towards the window where Luna had exited of for a few minutes with an extremely uncomfortable look on his face.

Even though Ronald had his eyes closed during the entire time that Luna had been talking to him, he could genuinely tell that Luna was extremely passionate and heavily obsessed with him, which practically confirmed to him that Luna wasn't pretending to only love him on the surface, but truly loved him as a person.

And that's what made Ronald feel extremely uncomfortable.

Ronald didn't want Luna's love, nor does he want any of the heroines' love for him in that regard.

After all, why would he?

Just because they looked extremely beautiful?

'What a sick joke.'

In the eyes of someone like the protagonist, the heroines are probably extremely charming, had amazing qualities about themselves, and could even be considered role models most of the time.

However, in his eyes, most of the heroines were monsters that just so happened to appear as human beings.

And in a sense, they still are even in his life.

Hell, Luna even said something along the lines of killing billions of people to change the world or something like that.

But to be honest, heroine or not, there were a lot of people in this world who were monsters but had a human appearance anyways.

'And in that regard, I guess I'm no better, huh.'

Well anyways, as much as Ronald wanted to continue reminicing about what had happened in his previous life, he had other things he needed to worry about.

The moment that Luna had left his room, Ronald had noticed that the number of people that are 'secretly' protecting him right now had increased from 25 people to 50 people.

And since they were undoubtedly Luna's subordinates, that was a huge problem for him.

After all, the WEAKEST person that was currently protecting Ronald right now was most likely up to par with a master of martial arts.

And Ronald definitely couldn't just have them continously following him around all the time, and he sure as hell couldn't allow them to follow him to the next plot, as it was one of the more important plots that Ronald had to complete.

Of course, Ronald could also just do the same thing as he had done last time and just completely avoid them.

However, the problem with that was that since Luna was extremely smart, she'd undoubtedly start to suspect that he was strong.

Maybe in every other heroines' cases, he could somewhat afford to reveal that he wasn't completely weak and get away with it.

But Ronald definitely can't afford to reveal his strength to Luna.

Luna is the most important heroine in this novel after all.

So if Luna even starts to suspect that he was incredibly powerful and whatnot, then Ronald's hopes of leaving this world will completely disappear.

'Maybe I should just commit suicide and start over again?'



After thinking about it for a brief second and realizing that the concept of death was something not to be taken lightly and joke about, Ronald started to think of another way he could somehow move forward without having to be consistantly monitored 24/7.

'It seems like I have to meet up with her again, don't I?'

Although Ronald definitely didn't want to have to meet up with this person again in this life, it seemed like he really had no other choices besides that.

So with all of that in mind, Ronald sighed in his heart before making his way towards his bedroom door.

When Ronald had arrived infront of his bedroom door however, he had realized something.

'I can't feel Iris's prescence as well.'

Just like Luna, he couldn't feel Iris's prescence as well despite her always standing outside of his room in order to guard him.

And now that he thought about it, Ronald was pretty sure that he wasn't actually able to sense any of the heroines' prescences ever since he had regressed back into the novel.

But that should be impossible!

The only person in the world that Ronald shouldn't be able to detect would be Ye Fan since he's the protagonist!

'Well whatever, I'll find out why later.'

Ronald then grabbed the gift that he had prepared for Gu Yuan, and then started to make his way towards her room with Iris silently following him behind.


While Ronald was slowly making his way towards Gu Yuan's room, Gu Yuan, on the other hand, was currently staring up at the ceiling with eye bags below her eyes.

The reason why she couldn't sleep at all last night was because of one thing, and one thing only.

Ronald didn't torture her yesterday!

That's right, in her previous life, Ronald had not once missed a single morning torturing her to death ever since he had started to torture her.

Sure, although she had regressed back now to before she had started torturing Ronald, she was absolutely certain that Ronald had regressed back as well and still held a big grudge against her.

After all, Ronald wouldn't of had randomly decided to tortured her the moment he had met her if he didn't remember anything from the previous life.

So the fact that Ronald didn't torture her for some reason yesterday made her feel as if it was the calm before the storm.

Just as she was staring at her ceiling thinking about what Ronald might do to her in order to make up for yesterday, she heard footsteps headed towards her direction outside of her room.

So she quickly looked at the alarm clock on her nightstand and realized that it was the time when Ronald would usually come to her room and kidnap her.

Fearing that she might make Ronald annoyed if she kept him waiting for even a second longer, Gu Yuan hurriedly ran to her bedroom door and immediately opened the door before Ronald could even knock on her door.

"P-please b-be gentle with me..." Gu Yuan said in quiet tone and couldn't help but shiver uncontrollably while looking down on the floor, waiting for Ronald to once again blindfold her up and take her somewhere.

But after awkwardly staring at the floor for a few seconds however, to her surprise...

"What do you think you're doing?" Ronald asked in an arrogant tone.

"Y-you're n-not going to d-do a-anything to me?" Gu Yuan slowly lifted her head up and looked at Ronald in the eyes while asking in a timid voice.

"No, why would I?"

To be honest, even though Ronald did plan to continuously torture her again in this life, after witnessing the grusome scene involving Gu Yuan about two days ago, he felt so bad for her that not only did he decide not to torture her again in this life, but also prepared a gift for her in order to apologize.

"B-but y-you-" Right before Gu Yuan could fully reveal to Ronald that she had remembered everything in her previous life...

"Ohhh, that? Yeah my bad, it was just an accident, however, I promise that I won't do it again." Afraid that Gu Yuan would accidentally reveal to Iris, who was currently standing behind him, about his strength, Ronald quickly interrupted Gu Yuan and stated in a nonchalant manner.

Upon hearing this, Gu Yuan couldn't help but widen up her eyes and open her mouth in shock.

She didn't want to believe it at all!

After being tortured for exactly 296 days including the one day that she had gotten tortured after regressing back, Ronald just nonchantly stated that he wouldn't torture her ever again?

But how come?

The moment she had looked at Ronald's uncaring face however, she quickly deduced the answer to that question.

'He doesn't even care about everything he's done to me all this time.'

Even though Gu Yuan should've been relieved knowing that she wasn't going to get tortured again, she was extremely furious.


Because Ronald considered all of the pain and suffering that he had caused her as completely insignificant in his eyes, and her pride and ego as China's queen of the underworld didn't want to accept the harsh reality of it all.



Completely forgetting the fact that Ronald was extremely strong, Gu Yuan couldn't help but start to gain the tendency to torture Ronald.

The hell that Ronald had made her go through, she wanted to pay back ten folds.

Quickly afterwards however, she had came to a sudden realization of something.

'296 days... wasn't that the amount of days that I had tortured him as well in my previous life?'

That's right, back in her previous life, every time she had tortured one of her victims, she would mark down on her diary the date and time of when she had tortured them.

And for Ronald's case, she had tortured him for about 296 days within a 5 year span period before he had started to take his revenge and torture her back.

So wouldn't that mean that the only reason why he had tortured her was because she had tortured him first?

That would also explain the reason for her regression!

Since Ronald had only managed to torture her for only 295 days before 'committing suicide' for some unknown reason, he had undoubtedly decided to regress her back to the time when they had first met and tortured her for one more day in order to payback all of the wrongdoing she has ever done to him.

So after figuring out the real reason as to why Ronald had tortured her, all of the anger she had for him completely dissipated and all she had left was guilt and remorse for him.

But now that everything had been said and done, that begs another question.

What the hell is Ronald exactly?

Not only was he incredibly powerful and had the ability to completely heal anyone's wounds at will, but the fact that he also has the ability to regress people back in time is just completely unfathomable to think about.

After contemplating about it for a while however, there was only one entity that had came to her mind that had met all of those qualifications.

'A higher being.'

Even though she had speculated that he was some kind of god beforehand, she still hadn't been fully convinced that he was one at the time.

But now that she's learnt that Ronald has the ability to regress people, she was absolutely certain that Ronald wasn't a god, but some sort of being that was much more powerful than a god.

After all, from everything she's learned from her previous life after Ronald's death, she knew that some of the "Gods" that the people worshiped in this world had limitations to their power and required some kind of special summoning ritual in order for them to reside on earth for a limited amount of time.

So the fact that Ronald had abilities that are much more powerful than a god and could reside on this world for as long as he wanted to, proved that he was a being that gods probably even feared!

He might've even been the one who had created this world to begin with!

Just as Gu Yuan was fantasizing about Ronald in her head however...

"You there?" Ronald, who was completely oblivious to Gu Yuan's thoughts, couldn't bare the silence any longer and decided to speak up.

"A-ah! Y-y-es sir n-no no, not s-sir, s-sorry, w-what do you w-want me to r-refer to you as?" Gu Yuan asked in a respectful tone while completely butchering most of her words.

"Refer to me as? Why are you even talking to me like tha- nevermind. Listen, I believe that you received an invitation to a masquerade party just recently, correct?"

"Y-yes sir, why?"

"You don't mind if I have it, right? I want to attend it this afternoon."

"O-of c-course not, sir, l-let me go get it for you." Gu Yuan than went and opened the drawer next to her bed, took out a shiny golden ticket from the drawer, and then handed it to Ronald.

"Thank you, also here, take this gift from me as an apology to everything that's happened beforehand." Ronald handed over the gift that he had prepared for Gu Yuan, and then left Gu Yuan's sights in order to start preparing to go to the masquerade party.

'Is it just me, or is Gu Yuan looking at me funny?'

'Eh, probably just my imagination.'