Chapter 7: Weakness

Alexander was swimming in absolute darkness. He felt as if he was floating in an ocean with no water. His senses were void of sensation. But from the sensationless void came a whisper that echoed in his ear.

"Is this how you will die, my love?"

His heart skipped a beat. There was no doubt that he was hearing his wife's voice. Even though he heard her speak, he could not see her. But she felt so close, and all he wanted was to embrace her; however, his body would not move.

"Eveline, my love, is that really you? Have I finally joined you in the afterlife?"

She did not answer his question, and her presence seemed to depart from him, leaving him to ponder hers. Is this really how it ends? I swore to bring that man to justice. If I die here, it's all over. I thought I wanted to join Eveline, but I don't want to die now, not before killing that bastard Sidero. But my power is so minute I couldn't even kill a single experienced Huntsman. How can I hope to control this power if mine is so inferior?

At that moment, Alexander realized what was wrong. I am weak; there is no denying it. There is a power gap I simply cannot clear alone. Now I am on the verge of death, and I can feel a great power flowing through my body. It's almost impossible to think anything could survive it. There is no way I can tame this monstrous power.

A sudden realization struck him. I am fighting to control this power while my own is clearly inferior. I am still trying to remain in control of something thing I can hardly fathom. Is that what the trial is? They never said I had to control the power, only to survive it.

I was never meant to conquer it; I was meant to accept it.

Even after his realization, it was still no easy feat. It was his body's natural response to fight for control. But now that he knew what had to be done, it was possible.

He focused his mind inward, forced his body to relax, and allowed the power to rush through him. Without the friction of his own power, the foreign power coursed through him freely. For a moment, it felt as if his body would evaporate under the sheer pressure. But after the moment of stress, the world around him became clear once more. He could see the colors of the sky and the outline of Arkin and the master. Before his hearing returned to him, he heard Eveline's voice again.

"Live a long life, Alex. Do not become consumed by your anger. And remember, I will always be by your side.

Her voice faded as the world's noises around him flooded his ears. The first clear image his eyes caught was the master's grin.

"It seems Arkin was right about you. I must admit, I thought for sure you would die. But it seems you have found a way to survive the trial. Now tell me, how do you feel?"

Alexander stood up and looked at his hands.

"My body is stiff, but it feels like I have become a god. Like I have surpassed every limit known and unknown. And it feels like my power is still growing.

"It is only natural. Your body is changing to accommodate your new power. With that being said, I would advise you to avoid using your full power. Until your body has fully adjusted to it, there is a chance it can still kill you," the great wolf said, examining Alexander. "Although, it seems that your body is adapting much faster than I had expected."

"Yes, I can feel it," Alexander answered as he stretched his limbs. "But I must ask; what have I become? I am no longer a vampire."

The grin on the master's face returned. "It seems Arkin did not tell you who I am. I am known as Fenrir, and I am the father of all wolves."

"Under normal circumstances," Arkin chipped in. "Any descendant of the master would be born a werewolf. But you are the first to be changed by his blood."

"Yes, and judging by your scent, you are neither vampire nor werewolf," the great wolf said, inhaling deeply. "Rather, it seems that you have become something that is both. The first of your kind, no less."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Alexander questioned.

"You are the first Hybrid."