Chapter 8: Rising Champion

It took Alexander several days to recover from the trial. It had put a great deal of strain on his body, and it continued to affect him even after the trial had ended. His body was no longer the same; even though it had not changed in appearance, his new power altered his entire being.

After the trial had ended, Alexander wanted to pursue the Huntsmen. Arkin had suggested he wait until his body had finished adjusting to his strength. As much as Alexander wanted to put an end to the Huntsmen, he could not deny the fact that he was utterly exhausted.

After eight days of rest, his body finally adapted to his newly found power. It made him feel invincible.

On the ninth day, Fenrir instructed him to fight Arkin to see how far his power progressed. At first, Alexander was unsure about fighting an ally, but he could not argue that it would be the best way to measure his strength. His senses had improved nearly tenfold, and he had no doubt that his power had also increased; however, he did not know to what extent.

Arkin took up position ten yards in front of Alexander and went down on all fours.

Baring his teeth, he exclaimed, "Are you ready, Alexander? Know that I will be trying to kill you, so do not hold back, or you will die!"

He lunged forward at Alexander, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. He swung his claws in an arch slashing at Alexander's throat. Acting on instinct, Alexander quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding decapitation. When he looked back at Arkin and noticed what had happened, he had moved twenty yards away from his attacker with a single jump. But there was little time to revel in what had happened before he had to dodge a flurry of attacks.

Arkin moved at a dizzying pace, but alexander could easily see his movements and evaded each attack with increasing ease.

After several attacks had failed, Arkin stopped his assault.

"Have you attained this power just to run like a coward? Is this how you will fight Sidero? Stand and fight, weakling!" He roared as he leaped forward once more.

Alexander knew he was right. All he had been doing was move out of the way, eliminating the purpose of what they were doing. As he watched Arkin quickly close the distance between them once again, his instincts told him to move, but he decided against it. He brought up his hands and waited for Arkin. Alexander stepped to the side when Arkin brought his claws down, allowing the wolf's momentum to carry him forward. His eyes quickly met Alexander's; he knew what would happen if he could not evade, but his movements were too slow. Alexander struck him on the lower jaw, rendering him unconscious.

"Excellent!" Fenrir's voice echoed through the forest. "Your power has grown exponentially. Usually, a vampire could not hold a candle to Arkin. But you beat him with ease, and if you had not held back, you would have killed him."

"How did you know I was holding back?" Alexander questioned.

"I have seen enough battles to know," Fenrir started. "But I must warn you. Just because you have gained new strength does not mean you will defeat Sidero. He is a monster among monsters, and if you let your guard down for even a second, he will kill you."

"I knew that much. Ever since I faced him, I was well aware that he was not a foe that would be defeated with ease. And I never expected that he would be. All I wanted was a chance, which is exactly what you have given me."

"Spoken like a true wild," Arkin's voice came.

Alexander spun around, only to see Arkin walking towards him. He bore his teeth, but this time it was in a smirk.

"Now tell me, if you manage to defeat Sidero, what will you do then?" he asked.

Alexander thought for a moment. The only reason he had started on his journey was to end Sidero. At first, it had only been in the name of revenge, but Arkin had shown him the Huntsmen's true colors. He realized that revenge was no longer the only force driving him. Now there was another reason, a more righteous one.

"Sidero is a tyrant; there is no doubt. But if he is removed, another will rise to take his place. I will become the force to oppose people like Sidero and the Huntsmen."

Both Fenrir and Arkin seemed to be pleased with his answer.

It seems a fitting purpose that that would be my new purpose. Before, I had lived the life of a blood-thirsty monster. If it had not been for Eveline, I would have died a monster. To honor her memory and to atone for my sins, I will become the symbol that stands against tyranny.