Chapter 2

I wake up to light shining in my eyes being the nuisance that is only to be greeted to an alarm that doesn't even wake me up running its annoying bell. As always I smash the thing and proceed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. When done I grabbed my cute cottage styled shirt and shorts that I had a skirt layered onto. Quickly making a small snack to take on the go with my ID and wallet all shoved into my bag full of who knows what. Then right as I was leaving I had realized one vital thing, my hair was a mess from running around making it into a nest that I hated. I quickly brushed it straight and before I left looking into the mirror seeing my new self I knew a new hairstyle was vital so a quick hair tie to my hair and looping it around on the side making a cute bun. Off I went to apply for a job at the docks.

(2 Weeks Later)

After working for 2 weeks and repeating the same routine I finally came home with a paycheck in hand for 37,520 jenny ( Pretty much $2680 in the US). Although it's not much when you add taxes and other stuff that's pretty much over my head. At least I won't starve to death and I can start saving. I think I'm happy with my job since I get to run around helping others with shipments and deliveries. Boss said yesterday that since I can't really do much in lifting he's sending me on a ship to help with delivering some food and passengers to the island of Cedar.

After taking care of myself I went to bed and dreamed of the same scene of the 2 small figures that I found out soon enough were small boys that were taller than me it had seemed. But sadly I still couldn't see their faces still but I do wonder why I have that recurring dream. It was fun to watch it happen but I wish it would continue than them just laughing about but that's up to my mind to decide. I soon woke up to the usual sound of my alarm and made my way to the bathroom and did my usual routine but decided to wear the same outfit I did on the first day I started. Having an extra half an hour left I thought it would be fun to wander around the neighborhood before going to work.

(30 minutes)

Once at work the boss came up to me and said " The big day for you is here as I said the other day I need to board that ship over there and attend to any needs they tell you to do and I'll add an extra 1,000 jenny to your paycheck." he said while pointing towards the left to a large ship. "Yes sir." I say happily while grabbing onto my bag.

Once on the ship I soon saw the main man, the captain but he just said to go sit at the top deck with the other passengers, probably thinking I was another passenger. I was fine with that if it meant I didn't need to do work. I walked up the deck and found a whole bunch of buffed up men sitting around staring at each other. It was quite weird but I just ignored the stares directed at me. But what did catch my attention was what the men were whispering about. "What's a kid doing here?" " I don't think a kid would survive." What a runt doing here, like they would come to take the Hunter exams." As soon as I heard about the hunter exam I was in shock to know that this was an applicant ship. That damn old old man should have said something to me.

As I thought about things I hadn't realized that the ship had left already heading for another island. As I thought about my situation and how good it could be if I were to try to join the hunter exam but at the same time not with the potential death threats hanging above my head if I were to go. But as I thought even more the better it would be for me since If I somehow get a license I can use it to get information on why all those changes had happened to me. So with a mind of contempt I had decided, I was going no matter what.

After sailing for a few hours we finally reached the last stop whale island or pretty much the island that is the shape of a whale. From the crewmate I heard that this would be a quick stop since we aren't grabbing shipments, just the applicant's that I had realized was a boy that looked a bit older than me only to hear him shout making my ears feel like they would bleed from his voice being so loud. Although surprisingly no else was as affected as me they just stared at him. As the ringing from his voice started to dull I had realized he already left and was on top of the flag pull. I saw him sniff the air and yelled yet again making my ear drums almost burst saying something about a storm approaching but I didn't care even after I saw the clouds I just grabbed my bag and sat it on my lap and waited.

As soon as the clouds rolled in one of the crewmates asked us to head inside, everyone did but I just sat there and he asked why I wasn't going in. I just said " No thank you, I prefer the rain." I say as I pull out an umbrella from my bag. He didn't remain much longer and left to help the others ready for the storm awaiting them. Although I didn't care that much and just sat on top of a nearby crate and opened my umbrella waiting for the storm.The storm was pretty bad but great. I hadn't had such a deep fall in a while.

As I sat there the ship turned back and forth riding the waves with such force that I was surprised I wasn't seasick by now. But soon enough someone had to ruin my mood and told me that the captain wanted to see me. I was sad to think that he might have figured out that I wasn't a passenger but luckily that wasn't the case. Once inside the stirring room you know the one where the wheel is. Well inside I found the captain, the same little boy, a blond head and an old man inside. " All right then, go down the line and tell me all your names." The captain said as soon as I walked in. "My name Gon," the little boy said as he raised his arm in the air. "I'm called Kurapika." "The name is Leorio." Both the blond boy and old man speak after each other. "My name is Silvia,'' I state blatantly.

"Good, good now why do you all wanna become hunters?" (Captain)

"Wo your not an examiner so what's with the third degree!" (Leorio)

"Just answer the question dummy." (Captain)

"I will Because my dad is a hunter, being a hunter was the most important thing in the world to my dad, and I wanna know why, that is why I left whale island." (Gon)

"I will as well," I say as I slightly raise my hand, which soon caught the attention of everyone. "I wanna join only because I wish to find answers to my questions that I can't get by normal means." I finish with a glum look hoping for him to believe me.

"Hey you 2 kids, you don't have to tell that old guy anything." (Leorio)

"But, he asked why I was here, it's not a secret." (Gon)

After listening to their blabbing I just zoned them out to avoid another person yelling again having ears end up bleeding. Just listening for any good info that came as a surprise when the captain said something making me not regret my decision before. He said something about asking the exam committee about 2 drop outs probably because they didn't answer him.

They of course decided to explain to him but I didn't get a word of it since I was more focused on the rain. Then the arguing happened again reaching my ear making my trance snap. But, once I heard there was going to be a fight I immediately perked up and started to follow them as they were going out to the deck. I just sat on top of a nearby crate watching the action of the fight in the waves with my umbrella. As well as watching the crew struggle with trying to get the sails down. But unexpectedly the waves caught a large wind sending most of the crew flying around. As I watched it all happen I was surprised about there being a man flying over me towards the edge of the ship. I knew I couldn't do anything so I quickly dropped my umbrella and rushed to the boy that was trying to help the man. But suddenly gon jumped and ended up catching him with the others catching gon. Once I made it over I helped the old man and Kurapika onto the ship while they got the other 2 up.

Once everyone was on deck and the commotion from the old man calmed down. The storm started to lift leaving only traces of rain behind. But of course once the arguing happened I just left to go find my umbrella and bag but luckily one of the crew had it and gave it to me. So I just sat inside waiting for the ship to arrive at Doleah harbor.

Once off the ship I had no idea where to go so the only thing left I could do was to ask the boys from before so I mustered up the courage and went up to them as they were starting to walk up towards the mountain. " Hey, gon." I say as I come up behind them. "Do you know where to go next?"

"Why should we tell you!" (Leorio)

"Oh I was told by the captain that if we want to take a shortcut that we should go up the mountain by the cedar tree." (Gon) says as he points to it.

"Umm, if you don't mind can I join you just until we arrive at the site." (Silvia)

"Sure." (Gon)

Although Gon was accepting of me I could see with the other 2 that the blond boy didn't really care that much while the old man hadn't really approved of it. But, I knew as long as I wasn't an absolute burden it should be fine to follow along behind.