Chapter 3

As we ascended the mountain I just stayed quiet as Leorio blabbed off like before. We soon came across an seemingly abandoned town but to my surprise Gon ended up saying it wasn´t. Right after he had said that a door opened revealing some old woman and some white cloaked and masked people by her side. Strangely enough they were carrying instruments.

¨exciting, . . . exciting¨


I was shakended by the volume of the voice catching me off guard with the instruments sounding behind her making it worse for me to focus. As I looked around at the others I knew at least I wasn't the only one caught off guard.

The woman then started to explain that she knew that we were planning on going to the cedar tree at the top of the mountain but to pass and get there we needed to pass her test. As I listened to her explain further Leorio freaked out wondering what was going on but once he heard her say that if we fail we´ll have to retake the hunter exam next year everyone expositionally Leorio then understood that it was another trial we had to undergo.

As she explained further, some guy appeared behind us blabbing about something but I didn't seem to care that much since he just tuned out of my mind. I just stood still staring at the old woman not saying a word as if in a allucition. Unknowing to me it was as if I had shut down and time just passed and the next thing I knew was that Gon was poking me and was asking if I was coming. I Immediately jolted and understood following behind the boys as they trekked up some tunnel that came from who knows where.

As we walked some more I soon knew that we had somehow passed the test as I listened to the boys chatter amongst themselves. They mentioned that the walk might take a few hours but to me I didn't really mind. But as we walked I started to get hungry so I opened my travel bag that I lucky packed lots of snacks since I knew that whatever was in store for me there it was going to be bad food. As we walked I rummaged around and pulled out a small bag of pretzels and shouted,

¨Hey do any of you want a snack I got a few bags of chips and pretzels.¨

Gon then turns around and says ¨Sure!¨ Enthusiastically. Although the other two did not turn down the offer they did seem to check it as if I had poisoned them. But, for the rest of the way I went back to being silent as I followed behind them for the rest of the way through the tunnel.

Soon we were out but it sadly seemed as if there was a longer way until we had reached our destination but we made it soon enough even if the old woman lied about the amount of time it would take.

About another half an hour of antagonizing minutes passed as I listened to Leorio complain about the hike and signs everywhere talking about magical beasts.

¨Huh I think I see it!¨ Kurapika exclaims, making me as excited as the rest as we rushed on over. Once we had made it to the house Leorio knocked on the door but with only silence responding. But entering none of the least to find the place in shambles with some creature inside with a wounded man and a girl that seemed to be taken hostaged. Kurapika explained that the creature was a Kiriko or a Magical Beasts that can change their own physical appearance. But the Kiriko ended up escaping with Gon and Kurapika on its tail. While I stayed behind with Leorio and helped the man. As I was helping Leorio by giving him items from his briefcase as he bandaged the man.

When done Leorio sighs as if in relief but for me I just tried to assess the situation further to no avail. Although I had some sort of feeling telling me that I should leave but as I was just about to leave I heard Leorio yell. I turned around to see another kiriko that had knocked out Leorio, leaving me to finally realize that the man was another kiriko.

¨Come here kid and I´ll make this quick,¨ said the creature. But for me the only thought process I had was to save Leorio and make a run for it. As if on command my body ran quickly past the kiriko grabbing Leorio like there was nothing charging for the window.

¨ Oi kid get over here,¨ the kiriko said while grabbing ahold of my foot. But that didn't seem to work in his favor because I was wearing sneakers, having me trip as he pulled but easily slipping the shoe off. Without looking back I quickly grabbed the unconscious Leorio and ran into the woods very far and deep making any turn possible I could to avoid the creature. But unbeknownst to me the kiriko didn´t chase us, they just went after Gon and Kurapika.

I was running like my life depended on it with the thought of it still coming after us. I just ran faster and deeper into the woods, losing sight of everything. But the further I got the more fatigue I felt. Soon I slowed down as I came across some sort of cave. I had placed the unconscious Leorio outside the cave as I searched inside but luckily there weren't any animals inside. Once done searching I placed Leorio inside, I finally relaxed as I sat down on the cold ground. Then it hit me. I felt huge pain in my knees as I looked down. I saw that my knee caps, forearms, and my right elbow were bleeding badly but I was too tired to move and I didn't bring either my bag or Leorio's. So all I could do was hope for the best as I drifted away into slumber.