Chapter 4

As I slept I saw something different in the dream I´m used to rewatching in my head. I saw Gon in the place of one of the boys who was laughing and speaking with me. Although when we were speaking it still sounded muffled as the scene played out. Soon the other boy came and started yelling once again. Soon I knew that at least the development of the dream is changing but I do wonder why the dream keeps recurring now with even Gon joining.

I do hope my dreams start to change soon, although the dream seems sweet it's started to get boring watching the same scene.

As I thought inside my head I had already forgotten about my injuries and everything else. But anbeconce to me that right after I had fainted to blood loss and muscle exertion. Leorio had awakened.

¨Uhh. . . what happened.¨ Leorio thought, from what he could remember, that he was just looking after the injured man. Then it snapped and he remembered being knocked out by the man who was another kiriko. He looked around and saw that he was in some sort of small cave in the middle of nowhere. Then he saw the girl that was traveling with them from the ship leaning against a rock in another corner. ¨Hey girl, or whatever your name is again. Where are we?¨ he spoke as he got up to wake the girl. That's when he saw that she was sleeping but panicked when he saw some blood forming around her legs. He looked around again realizing that he didn't have his briefcase so he couldn't help much. He turned and walked outside the cave and found some large leaves he used to clean up the blood and wrap my legs with a vine holding it together. Leorio knew he couldn't do much so he just sat down waiting to see any improvement.

As Leorio was helping me Gon and Kurapika had finished their part of the test and were heading back with the kirikos. When getting back to the cabin everyone realized that we weren't there. One of the kiriko explained what had happened, leaving Gon and Kurapika worried and went ahead to find us with the kirikos searching from above. Although it took a bit they did find us eventually with Leorio there to explain my condition to them.

During the time I slept the kirikos had approved us all to join the Hunter exam and that they would fly us to the exam. I only know this because it was explained to me after I woke up to hanging from the feet of the kirikos. I almost passed out again because of the surprise of being several feet in the air.

Although we did soon make it to Zaban City, the said location of the hunter exam. As the kiriko explained about a navigator's job I just zoned out thinking of what's next since I know that soon we´ll have to part ways. I am happy to at least not seem to need to worry about them being vigilant of me for the most part.

Soon he brought us out to an old restaurant where he brought us in and told the chef some weird but yummy sounding code. He soon brought us to the back where a room had a table and 4 chairs layed out. We all sat down and I listened to how leorio and Kurapika complained about the right way a hunter should follow. But they luckily soon stopped when we heard a ding of the elevator. It had reached 100 floors somehow, leaving me still surprised at how fast time passes by around the surprising trio.