Goblin follow-up mission

Closing the dialog box, Lu Yang said to Xiao Liang, Han Ying, and others: "I'm leaving. I'll leave it to you in the future. Remember, at least one of your three warlocks will stay here every time you go offline."

With the increase of the number of players, a place such as the Dead King Palace will be discovered by the players sooner or later. Once it is discovered by others, it will inevitably become the battleground of all guilds as in the previous life.

"Boss, don't worry, I will arrange everything." Xiao Liang said.

Lu Luyang patted Xiao Liang's shoulder and said, "I believe in you."

I took out the back to the city roll, Lu Yang flew back to the city of St. Gall, and found Bissell in the south market.

"Oh, my brother, you haven't come to see me for a long time," Bissell said warmly.

Lu Luyang said, "I've been a bit busy these days."

"Oh, you're at level 30." Bissell looked at Lu Yang's level in surprise and said, "Can you go to the night goblin goblin camp if you like, my father encountered some difficulties, I I want to ask you to help him. "

Lu Luyang said, "Of course you can."

Mission Tips: Find Bissell's father.

This is a follow-up mission of Bissell. Lu Yang has seen it in the previous life. It requires the player's level to reach level 30 to trigger. With this task, Lu Yang can take his men to upgrade.

Leaving from the goblin camp, Lu Yang used the teleportation array to fly to the night town. As in the previous life, the map of the swamp zone still does not invite players to see. There are 20,000 or 30,000 players who can enter the level 20 map in Saint Gall and are willing to come here. There were few upgrades.

In the commercial district on the east side of Yese Town, Lu Yang found the Storm Investment Company and walked into the gate. Lu Yang saw the frowning Carus in the center of the camp.

"Dear Mr. Carus, I am a friend of your son Bissell. He heard that you have encountered difficulties and asked me to help you." Lu Yang said.

Seeing Lu Yang's grateful smile, Carus said, "Dear friend, Bissell has told me about you in the letter and thank you for saving my son."

"You're welcome, what difficulties have you encountered and what can I do for you." Lu Yang asked.

Carus showed an angry expression, saying, "The Moon-fall Mountain Range to the east of Yere Town is where my Storm Investment Company bought the ore, but when we dug up the mountain, we found a demon palace inside. My 30 Many of my men were eaten by demons. I want to ask you to help me destroy the demons in the palace. "

Mission Tip: Kill the Demon, Do You Accept

"No problem, I will kill all the demons for you, please wait for my good news." Lu Yang said.

System Tip: You have opened the reputation of Storm Investment

Your reputation as friendly at Storm Investment

Carus said, "My dear friend, if you want to go there, please bring more helpers, there are a lot of demons there."

"Okay, thanks for reminding me," Lu Yang said.

The reason why this mission lasted for the last time impressed Lu Yang is that the monsters in this demon palace are not ordinary.

At the time, the copy task was started by the blue blood sky, and the chairman led 39 elites into it, and was surrounded by countless demons in the hall.

At that time, the level of the boss of the blue blood sky was level 30, and the 39 members who followed him were all level 30. Such a team could be surrounded in a map, showing how many strange things were inside.

Later, during the interview with the Bloody Sky, they recalled that their guild had entered the statistics. There were more than 100,000 monsters in the entire hall. At that time, 40 people went in. After killing more than 2,000, the medicine was exhausted and Perish.

Such a map is just right for Lu Yang and his guild, and it is not at risk of being discovered.

Even if others know that Lu Yang has upgraded on this map and has not taken on the previous Goblin missions, he cannot enter the palace unless he can enter the team formed by Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sent a message to Jiang Ze and said, "Are you ready for 1,000 people?"

Jiang Ze said: "It has been assembled in the swamps outside Yese Town, and it is ready to go."

This group of players was carefully selected by Jiang Ze these past few days. The group with the highest guild points and the hatred with the Bloodlust Alliance has an average level of 12.

"Very good, stand by, wait for my news." Lu Yang closed the speaker and ran to Spore Village.

On the other side, the bosses of the major guilds, such as Bloodthirsty Bully and Xiongba, have received reports from spies.

"Lu Yang took 1000 Brother League members to Yerezhen?" Bloodthirsty Batian frowned.

"Every night outside the town is a swampland. Players will undoubtedly die if they fall into it, what they do there." Ye Guxing said.

Yuba Xueba Wang said, "Will you also buy a fast-upgrading map like us?"

Ye Ye Gu Xing said: "It is very likely, boss, if we send someone to kill them. I can gather 5,000 people at any time."

Bloodthirsty Batian said: "Our spies failed to enter the management and were not selected for the upgrade team this time. Their movements cannot be determined for the time being. However, you must summon people first. Once found, immediately launch a thunder strike. . "

The propaganda video of Xun has kept the Bloodthirsty Batian in a period of anger, but anyone who has a chance to defeat Lu Yang will not miss this opportunity.

In the spore village.

The signing players such as Muzhuo Liquor, Xia Yuwei, Baixi Sanxiong, Lan Yu and half-life love are taking 224 men to rest in the village.

"This place is amazing. I don't think there is such a supply village in the vast swampland." Zhuo Jiu Qing said.

Xu Xia Yuwei nodded and said, "Lu Yang probably spent a lot of money to buy a map to enter this place. If there is no map, there is absolutely no way in."

"Boss is here." Sun Yu looked up and found that Lu Yang ran over in the distance.

Xizhuo Liquor and other people stood up immediately after confirming and ran to the door to greet.

"Boss." A group of people said together after joining Lu Yang.

Lu Luyang watched the drunken wine dump, Xia Yuwei, and half-loving half-life who hadn't been seen for a week. Everyone was wearing level 20 equipment and said, "Yes, they have improved a lot."

"Boss, the strategy you gave is too perfect. We used the strategy to play epic copies without any difficulty." Sun Yu said.

Luyang laughed. The strategy is one aspect. The ability of this group of people still occupies most of them. Take out the storage bags from the backpack, a total of 4, muddy wine, Xia Yuwei, White Lion, bitter love half a person.