Special Skills

"Boss, where did you get it?" Mao Qiu asked in surprise.

"I naturally have my way." Lu Yang took out two weak body arrow skill books from his arms and handed them to Mao Qiu and Sun Yu. "This is a special skill, you two have learned."

"Weak body arrow? Can weaken the player's strength by 30%!" Mao Qiu immediately learned it.

Sun Yu also clicked to learn and said happily, "Boss, this skill is too great."

Weak body arrows are weakened as a whole, including movement speed, attack, defense, blood, and all data reduced by 30%.

"Boss, are there any soldiers?" Bai Lang asked with interest.

Lu Yang smiled and took out 5 flames, said: "This is the strongest single attack skill of the soldier, it is yours."

White wolf, white tiger, bitter half-life, Zhang Zibo, Xia Yuwei all came forward to collect.

"The next attack will increase the attack power by 200%." ​​Zhang Zibo said excitedly, "This skill is used by everyone."

"I now have 350 points of attack power, if a knife can deal 700 damage, cloth armor and leather armor classes will die with a single knife," said White Wolf.

Lu Yang said: "More than that, if you cooperate with the charge to launch the flame chop, the effect will be superimposed, and the maximum damage will be 3.2 times."

"I'm invincible." White wolf said excitedly.

Lu Lu laughed, took out a copy of Hellfire from his backpack, and said to anyone who insulted me forever, "Come here."

"What's the matter, boss." Kang is "playing soy sauce" and was yelled by Lu Yang.

"You are the only warlock among us, this skill book has given you, I hope you can live up to your name." Lu Yang said.

"Ah?" Who took the skill book for a while and looked at the name, saying, "Calling Hellfire requires 500 intelligence. Boss, I don't have enough intelligence."

Han Hanliu said, "With my equipment, the gems on my body can add up to 500 intelligence."

Han Hanliu is a local tyrant. Each of the 17 pieces of silver equipment in the body is marked with 3 intellectual gems. The pure intelligence competes. Han Liuli has more intelligence than Lu Yang.

Lu Yang took out his magic fire staff and gave it to Kang, and said, "plus this should be enough."

"Oh." Who indulged in my own life level 20, replaced Han Liu's equipment and magic fire staff to make up 500 intelligence, click to learn, summon Hellfire into his skill bar.

"What skills, let's take a look." Twilight Harvester curiously said.

Whoever indulged in my life, looked at the skills madly, looked at the crowd, and said, "I try."

A spell in his mouth read, and a turquoise space wormhole with a diameter of 30 yards suddenly opened in the sky of Spore Village.

"What's that?" The 224 elites in Spore Village looked up in surprise.

Suddenly, the space wormhole trembled. Immediately, a large-diameter green rock emerged from the wormhole and smashed across the sky with a green fire tail and fell outside the Spore Village.

"Hello ~!"

In the stunned eyes of everyone, the stone that hit the ground turned into a 5-yard-high giant stone man with green flames-Hellfire.

"I rub it." White Wolf couldn't help but scolded him and asked, "What kind of character is this stone man."

Who opened the Summoning Beast Attributes and looked at it madly, and said dumbly: "Evil attack power 102, defense power 640, with 302 fire damage per second, blood 8000."

Lu Yang said: "Evil attack power ignores physical defense, as much attack power is how much damage."

"The current strange defensive power can't break the defense at all. If there is a copy of this thing, the boss in the 20th epic will not necessarily kill him." Mao Qiu said.

"Why is this sorcerer's special skills so strong." Said bitterly for a long time.

Lu Yang said: "No way, they all say that the master is the second-world son, in fact the warlock is the hellfire is so powerful, but fortunately, the explosion rate of this book is too low. It 's all at level 50, and 90% of warlocks don't have the book. "

Everyone sighed.

Whoever looked at Lu Yang frantically for the rest of my life, trying to say a thousand words but couldn't say a word, ended up saying only one sentence.

"Thank you."

Lu Yang patted his shoulder and said, "It's all brothers, don't be polite."

Some people can buy loyalty with money, but he is not worth that money. Some people can't buy loyalty with money. They can only treat him with affection. Whoever insults me forever belongs to the latter.

Everyone expressed congratulations to him, and who was so excited about me in his lifetime. With this hellfire, he established his position as a top master in this game.

Lu Yang said to Lan Yu: "Little girl, come here."

"Brother, do I have it?" Lan Yu said in surprise.

"Of course." Lu Yang took out a spellbook of cursed spirit killing from his backpack and said: "This is the most powerful attacking skill of the priest at the current level. It can control the target while it is incapable of action and destroy the target. Qi and blood equivalent to your spell damage. "

Spell-bound killing, attack range: 6 yards in diameter. Also with earthly protection and sacred wave, one is to improve the physical defense of the Holy System, and the other is to increase the physical attack of the Holy System Yes, they are very powerful group bonus skills. "

Divine Soul Guardian provides players with an additional 30 points of + magic damage / 10 defense, and with the current more than 200 magic damage of the blue feather, it can provide players with 50 defense.

"Thank you brother." Lan Yu said.

Yan Yeyue listened to the wind and the dumb handsome guy said with a depressed face, "Boss, how about us, don't bring such a heavy and light friend."

Everyone laughed, and Lan Yu's face turned red.

Lu Yang took out two copies of the same skill book and said, "Don't talk nonsense, you are indispensable."

"Boss, you know you won't forget my friends." The dumb handsome guy and Yeyue listened to the wind and immediately sold cute.

Lu Yang was so amused by these two people that he took out two counter blades from his backpack and said, "The twilight reaper, the wild knife, this is yours."

"The divine anger, the seal of omnipotence, and the weakening of magic. This is the Paladin, the muddy wine pouring and the white lion, to you both." Lu Yang continued.

The twenty-four people stepped forward to receive the skill book, and after their respective study experiments, they all showed an amazing look. The 224 elite players behind them were envious, especially the warlock profession.

"The boss," said Zhuzhuo, "boss, with these special skills and routines, our strength has been greatly improved."

Lu Yang said, "The whole team."

"Yes." Zhuo Jiu Qing and Xia Yuwei and others immediately replied, sorting out their teams, and within a short time 224 people divided into four groups and came to Lu Yang neatly.