Private Chat

Blue Water's quotation made everyone's eyes turn to her.

Someone immediately sighed: "People from the Pale Blue Guild? This is interesting. Although the Pale Blue Guild is not ranked among the top ten guilds, their president is known to be rich!"

"Yes, I don't know if the vice president of 'Mirror Element' will bid again."

"Should be, right? The first guild has always been mysterious, no one knows their true strength, and no one knows their financial resources..."

"Anyway, both sides are guilds with deep pockets. This competition has nothing to do with the rest of us..."


"5.6 million." Mirror Element glanced at Blue Water before continuing to bid.

"6 million!" Blue Water continued to shout.

This quotation instantly suppressed the prestige of the first guild. After all, Mirror Element only dared to add 100,000 by 100,000, and Blue Water's addition was a million.

It's as if money doesn't count in her eyes.

"Okay, you're amazing," Mirror Element shook his head reluctantly, "Our 'Emperor Guild' quit."

"You let me win." Blue Water got up and clasped her fists towards Mirror Element, then sat back with a smile on her face.

At the auction table, Goldman made a final decision when she saw the matter and announced: "6 million dollars sales! Congratulations to Blue Water of the Pale Blue Guild for obtaining the information about this auction! Thank you for your participation. Please come to our backstage lounge."


In the backstage lounge of the auction house, Leo leaned back on the chair and stared at Blue Water, making her feel weird.

There were only two of them in the house, and Blue Water felt a little flustered by being alone with Leo in one room.

Finally, Blue Water couldn't help but ask, "Why are you staring at me all the time?"

Leo shook his head and said, "You are really rich. I thought at first that your Pale Blue Guild was quite rich, but I didn't expect to be this rich..."

"My brother said that the value of this Succubus Fruit Forest is extraordinary, even if it costs 10 million to buy it!" Blue Water raised her head and said.

"Your brother? Pale Bule, the president of the Pale Blue Guild?" Leo sighed, "Not bad, it seems that your brother has good eyesight and knows the true value of Succubus Fruit."

Blue Water asked suspiciously, "Actually, I don't know, is this Succubus Fruit really that important?"

"Did you know that there will be a boss after level 50, as long as you have a lot of Succubus Fruit, you can easily take it down. This boss will drop a lot of powerful level50 equipment items," Leo laughed, "Your brother should be having obtained this information, so he must control Succubus Fruit Forest at all costs."

"Really? So, when players are generally level 50, Succubus Fruit's value will be even higher?" Blue Water asked in surprise.

Leo nodded and said, "Of course, it will."

"Then why didn't you say it during the auction?" Blue Water asked again, "In this case, the value of Succubus Fruit will be even higher, right?"

"It's almost done, my conscience will be disturbed if the bid is too high," Leo said.

Blue Water rolled her eyes at him: "Do you still have a conscience, a profiteer?"

"That's it," Leo explained, "Don't you think that after knowing where Succubus Fruit Forest is, you can pick it like apples?"

"What do you mean?" Blue Water asked cautiously.

"Simple, it means that the place where Succubus Fruit Forest is located is not only remote and difficult to find, but also extremely dangerous," Leo said with a smile, "When you go to that place now, you are courting death."

Blue Water glared at him and said, "Are you kidding us?"

"Hey, I didn't trick you," Leo waved his hand and said, "So I think it's not bad to sell this information for 6 million, We are old acquaintances since you bought my information after your guild can find more than ten level 30 players, I will give you a detailed guide to entering Succubus Fruit Forest."

Blue Water said helplessly: "It needs 10 people reaching level 30? Well... If I find out that you lied to us, my brother will not let you go!"

"Look at you, when have I deceived you?" Leo smiled, "By the way, how is your Dragon Abyss progress?"

Blue Water sighed and then said, "The progress is slow. Although your information is very useful, the monsters inside are too powerful... Several of our elite members have been relegated."

"But you should have got good equipment, right?" Leo said.

"How do you know?" Blue Water asked.

Leo spread his hands and said, "Otherwise you would have given up there long ago, didn't you? There is only loss without gain, no matter how big a guild is, it can't handle such a consumption. Since you still haven't given up, it means that the gain is greater than the cost. ."

Blue Water couldn't refute, so she changed the subject and said, "Okay, can you tell me about Succubus Fruit Forest now? I have already transferred the money to the auction house."

"No problem," Leo nodded and said, "I will send you the coordinates and the entrance mechanism privately, and you can see it later."

After a few seconds, Blue Water received the message from Leo. After checking it, she frowned and said, "This place... is too far away?"

"That's why I said that you should go there after level 30," Leo said. "Not everyone can go in there alive."

Blue Water nodded, at least she got the information his brother asked to bring back, and after confirming it again, she closed the information viewing window, stood up, and said to Leo: "This news is not allowed to be mentioned to anyone else. , otherwise, our guild will not let you go!"

"Don't worry, I do business with integrity," Leo said with a smile.