
After Blue Water left, Goldman opened the door and walked in. Seeing Leo lying comfortably on his lounge chair and said, "Mirror Element, the vice president of the 'Emperor Guild', wants to see you."

"The guy from the first guild?" Leo opened his eyes and asked, "What has he done to see me? I can't tell them anything about Succubus Fruit."

Goldman shook her head and said, "It shouldn't be for Succubus Fruit. You meet him or not?"

"Come on, let's go and see what he has to say," Leo stood up from his seat and said, "I just happen to be curious about the so-called first guild."

Goldman asked again: "How is Lily? I see that she has always been invisible in the friend column, and she has also hidden her level..."

"Don't worry, she's been leveling up really well now," Leo waved his hands and said, "I'm sure you'll be shocked when you see her next time."


In the reception room of the auction house, Mirror Element sat at the table, took a sip of the coffee in front of him, and then looked at Leo on the opposite.

"Leo, that's a good name, I like it very much." Mirror Element said, looking at him very calmly as if everything was under control.

Leo looked at him pretending to be forceful, but didn't break it, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Mirror Element saw that Leo had no intention of taking the initiative to please him, so he asked, "You should know about our 'Emperor Guild', right?"

"The number one guild on the top ten guild rankings, who doesn't know?" Leo said.

"Well, now our guild is very interested in Mr. Leo, how did you know the intelligence of Succubus Fruit Forest?" Mirror Element asked, "Also, it is said that you are the most powerful intelligence master in Newbie Village? I have a question to ask you, but I don't know if you have any information on this."

Leo folded his arms and said, "As for how I know about Succubus Fruit Forest, don't worry about it. If you have any questions, just ask."

"Okay, do you know... ' Heaven Kings'?" Mirror Element asked tentatively.

"Of course, I know," Leo nodded. "The big city three hundred miles east of Newbie Village is five times the size of Newbie Village. Players can only enter after reaching level50."

Seeing Leo speak so clearly, Mirror Element couldn't help but be surprised.

Heaven Kings was discovered by their guild with plenty of manpower and resources. It is said that Heaven Kings is very majestic and is a place where players who leave the novice village often go in and out, but before reaching level50, the gate guards of Heaven Kings will let them in.

As such a big city, the first guild is naturally very concerned. If they want to maintain their number one position, they must take the lead step by step, otherwise, players will generally flood into Heaven Kings after level50, and it will be too late to act at that time.

It's just that no matter how much energy the people of Emperor Guild spend, they can only find out the news outside the Heaven Kings, and the news in the city can't be obtained at all, which makes them very anxious.

"Since you know so well, what is the situation in Heaven Kings?" Mirror Element asked quickly, with his eyes full of desire.

The information of Heaven Kings is the most important thing to them, even more, important than Succubus Fruit Forest!

Leo glanced at Mirror Element and asked with a smile, "Why should I tell you?"

Hearing what Leo said, Mirror Element couldn't help frowning. In this game, apart from their guild leader, no one dared to reject him directly.

Mirror Element said in a deep voice, "As long as you tell me the information about Heaven Kings, our guild will naturally not treat you badly."

"Forget it, it hurts my ears to hear such polite words," Leo poked out his ear with his pinky finger, "I'm a salesman of information, and I don't need others to remember my kindness. If you want to know any information, pay the money it is worth in exchange."

Mirror Element saw that Leo was immune to both soft and hard tactics, so he had to ask: "Information on Heaven Kings... How much are you going to bid?"

"This number." Leo stretched out five fingers.

"500,000?" Mirror Element said without hesitation, "Deal!"

"No, it's five million." Leo smiled and said.

"Five million?" Mirror Element no longer had the calmness at the beginning, he said in astonishment, "It's just the information about one city, isn't it so expensive?"

Leo spread his hands and said with a smile, "Although it's just information about one city, I don't believe I need to say more about the value of this information? Five million dollars in cash is not much."

Mirror Element lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "I can't make a decision yet, I have to ask our president first."

"Please," Leo said indifferently.

Mirror Element nodded, then called up his friend system.

"Busy? Do not disturb message..." Mirror Element said to himself, looking at the window in front of him, and finally sighed.

"Our president is busy at this time, so maybe I can't give you the result now."

Leo said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I can wait. Anyway, players are generally lv10 or lv20, and lv50s are still far away."

"Well," Mirror Element closed the window, and then said to Leo, "Maybe we can cooperate in another way."

"In what way?" Leo asked.

"You are the best intelligence master in Newbie Village, naturally only the first guild is worthy of you," Mirror Element said, "I would like to invite you to join our 'Emperor Guild' as the chief intelligence officer, as long as you are willing to join, we will Giving you great power in the guild, and also giving you enough fame and wealth..."

Before Mirror Element could finish speaking, Leo quickly shook his head and refused: "Forget about it, I'm used to being idle and wild, I don't like to join any guild, and the information I have here is clearly priced, after joining you, what will happen? Didn't it all become yours? Haha, that's the way your first guild is, making getting something for nothing so reasonable."

"Did you reject us?" Mirror Element was displeased by what Leo said, and said sharply, "Do you know the consequences of offending us?"

"Are you threatening me?" Leo raised his head, looked directly at Mirror Element, and asked rhetorically.

"Forget it," Mirror Element was a little flustered by Leo, and he didn't know why the person in front of him had such sharp eyes, so he dared not look at him, "We are not the kind of unscrupulous guild, it's just that you just gave up the best chance in your life, don't regret it later."

The corners of Leo's mouth rose, and he said with a smile, "Don't worry, the word 'regret' never existed in my dictionary."

The two exchanged tit for tat, and suddenly, a window popped out in front of them.

This is a notification window forced by the system to pop up. Generally, it will only pop up when a major event occurs and needs to be notified by all channels!

"Congratulations to player 'Emperor' for reaching level30! Congratulations to player 'Emperor' for reaching level30! Congratulations to player 'Emperor' for reaching level30! "

"Since the first player to reach level30 appears, the system will open the 'Level Leaderboard'! A large number of hidden dungeons near the Newbie Village will be opened soon!"