Top-quality attributes

By morning, Leo had returned to his tavern with Blue Water.

At this time, the tavern was already filled with people. Mirror Elements, Polaris, and Pale Blue were among them, arguing incessantly around the largest wooden table.

Upon seeing Leo and Blue Water, Pale Blue immediately stood up and demanded, "Leo, where did you take my sister last night? Why didn't you reply to any of our messages? What did you do to her?"

Leo spread his hands with an innocent expression, "It's none of my business. When you sent her messages, she was busy with something."

Hearing Leo's response, Pale Blue turned to Blue Water.

Blue Water hurriedly explained, "Brother... I'm sorry. I was fascinated by something last night and forgot to reply to your messages."

"What were you doing?" Pale Blue frowned.

"It's not suitable to talk about it here," Blue Water couldn't reveal what she had seen directly since there were many outsiders present, "I'll tell you in detail after we log off."

"Alright," Pale Blue nodded.

Leo pulled up a chair and sat down, then asked, "As soon as I came back, I heard you guys arguing here. What's going on? Can't you argue somewhere else? Why do you have to do it here?"

"Brother Leo, you came back just in time. We need you to mediate," Mirror Elements spoke first, "Last night, our Emperor Guild contributed the most people and suffered the most losses, so it's fair and reasonable for us to get an extra set of equipment today. However, these two completely disagree, so that's why we're arguing."

Leo glanced at the table, where four sets of equipment were neatly arranged, and laughed, "Wow, it seems I underestimated you guys. I didn't expect you to get four sets of equipment. I thought two or three would be pretty good."

Polaris immediately said, "If there were only three sets, it would be fine for each of our three guilds to get one set. However, your Emperor Guild only restrained the other dark knights a bit. We, the Starry Sky Pavilion, also suffered considerable losses. Why should you get an entire extra set of equipment?"

Pale Blue also said, "Although our guild ranks last among the three, we, the Pale Blue Guild, provided all the potions and runes consumed last night. That cost us a lot of money too, so the extra set should go to us!"

"Hmph, that's easy for you to say. If it weren't for our guild leader who single-handedly held off three dark knights, would we have successfully killed four of them last night? We probably wouldn't have killed even one!" Mirror Elements scoffed.

After listening, Leo waved his hand and said, "I don't want to get involved in how you divide the loot among yourselves. However, speaking of which, Mirror Elements, isn't your guild leader the top-ranked player on the leaderboard? Why isn't he involved in the distribution of the spoils?"

Mirror Elements shook his head and said, "Brother Leo, you don't know. Our guild leader is always mysterious and elusive. He only participated in last night's operation after I reported directly to him and asked for his help."

Leo laughed and said, "So, Emperor himself is not interested in the dark knight's equipment?"

"Of course," Mirror Elements said proudly, "Our guild leader already has the best level 30 equipment, so he doesn't need these."

Polaris sneered, "Look at the attributes of these dark knight sets on the table. Each one is a top-quality item. This bracer alone adds 100 points of attack power, and the dark knight's sword adds 450 points of attack power, with an additional fear attribute that can affect the enemy's combat status. Not to mention the set bonuses when these items are combined... How powerful is your guild leader that he doesn't even care about such top-quality equipment?"

Pale Blue chimed in, "That's right. Since your guild leader doesn't care about it, why do you still want to fight for the remaining set? Both Polaris and I highly value this equipment."

Mirror Elements smiled and said, "In that case, there's no point in arguing further. How about each of our guilds sends a representative, and we determine the winner through a test of strength? Whoever wins gets the last set!"

Upon hearing this, Polaris and Pale Blue exchanged glances.

"What a joke. Your guild leader is the only player who has broken through level 30. No one we send can defeat him!" Polaris slammed the table angrily, "Mirror Elements, if your number one guild wants to bully us and forcibly take the last set of equipment, just say it. Don't pretend to be so virtuous!"

Pale Blue was also very dissatisfied, "Mirror Elements, don't go too far!"

The atmosphere between the three became tense, and the subordinates they had brought with them also stood up, looking as if a battle was about to break out.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm warning you not to cause trouble here. If you destroy my tavern, you won't be able to afford the damages!" Leo immediately spoke up.

Seeing that the three had no reaction, Leo continued, "Hey, you guys killed four dark knights and owe me 400,000 in intelligence fees. Who's going to pay up? I don't allow credit here, you know..."

Before Leo could finish speaking, Blue Water grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

"Can't you read the atmosphere? My brother and the others are about to fight, and you're still butting in. Do you have a death wish?" Blue Water whispered to Leo.

A death wish? Can all three of them combined even hurt me?

The damage they can cause won't even outpace my natural health regeneration, right?

"I'm telling you, your brother is too stubborn. What's the point of fighting for so much? It's just a set of equipment," Leo said.

"Didn't you see the attributes of the sets on the table?" Blue Water's eyes widened, "They're such high-quality items! My brother and Starry Sky Pavilion's leader, Polaris, are both close to level 30. With these top-notch items, our guilds can progress faster when raiding and grinding, and the overall strength of the guild will increase significantly. Of course, we have to compete for them!"

Leo scoffed and then said, "There's no need for all that trouble. Listen to me, tell your brother to give up on the extra set and just choose the one on the far right."

"Why?" Blue Water asked, puzzled, "Don't the four sets of equipment all have different attributes?"

"What do you know?" Leo said, "Trust me, you won't lose out. In fact, as long as you choose the set on the far right, your guild will definitely make a killing this time. The value of the other three sets combined is not as great as the one on the far right."