Spirit Fox Guild's call for help

In no time, Goldman replied to the message:

"How is Lily?"

Leo replied: "Don't worry, no one can harm her as long as I'm around."

"That's good. We've indeed encountered some troubles here, can you help us?" Goldman replied.

"Well, I heard you guys can't get out of the Sandfall City? What's going on?" Leo asked again.

After a few minutes, Goldman replied: "It's quite complicated. Do you have any information about the soul of the Desert Tyrant, the lord of Sandfall City?"

"I know some, but not in great detail. How about this, you guys wait for me, and I'll come over to discuss."

After sending this message, Leo snapped his fingers and teleported to the edge of the Sandfall City.

"Ding!" Goldman sent another message. "Are you coming now? But the Sandfall City has been cursed and sealed, you shouldn't be able to enter, right?"

Leo didn't reply, but looked at the swirling sand in front of him.

A large amount of sand was swept up by the wind formed inside the city, surrounding the entire Sandfall City.

At first glance, it seemed harmless, but Leo knew that the barrier formed by this sandstorm was like a powerful spell that would cause instant death to anyone who approached it. "This damage level... even a level 100 player can't withstand it, right?"

Leo reached out his hand to test the sand. Surprisingly, it caused damage when it scraped against him.





Watching his health slowly decrease, Leo couldn't help but sigh: "Sandfall City is truly strange. Even my approach causes damage, let alone other players. They can't get close at all."

Leo kept his hand in the sandstorm for several seconds, but the blood he lost didn't as quickly as it recovered, so he remained at full health.

"There should be a way to break this curse," Leo thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's too troublesome. Let's just barge in."

With his decision made, Leo walked straight in. He saw the "-1, -1, -1..." numbers constantly popping up above his head, but his health remained full.

The range of the sandstorm was about a minute's walk. After reaching the windless area, there was no more blood loss.

The Sandfall City, to be honest, Leo had never been here before. He had chosen the Dragon Abyss route when leveling up. By the time he graduated from the Dragon Abyss, he was already over level 50 and didn't need to come to the Sandfall City to level up.

As for information about the Sandfall City, Leo knew some but not much, mostly gathered from the NPCs in the novice village.

It was said that the Sandfall City was once a major city like Heaven Kings and Night Dragon City, and it was one of the main cities that players could choose after leaving the novice village. But later, something happened, and the lord of Sandfall City suddenly died. After his death, all the humans in the city were mysteriously turned into sand, and a major city disappeared, becoming a player instance.

Due to the curse, ghosts roamed the Sandfall City, and the city lord became a fierce ghost called the "Desert Tyrant". Whoever dared to invade his territory would be cursed, turned into dust, and could never escape the Sandfall City.

Leo had a thorough understanding of the game. In Dragon Abyss Online, there were various energies, including "magic," "fighting spirit," "spiritual energy," and "ghost energy."

Ghosts and such might sound scary, but they were just manifestations of a certain energy in the game. As long as the appropriate method was found, those ghosts could be killed just like ordinary monsters, and they would drop money and equipment.

The gate of the Sandfall City was huge, but Leo easily pushed it open. When he entered, the main street inside was empty, and the surrounding buildings were covered in a thick layer of yellow sand. It was clear that no one had lived here for a long time.

From the NPCs, Leo learned that the dungeon of the Sandfall City was mainly located in the castle where the city lord resided. The castle was divided into three underground floors and five above-ground floors. The outer city where he was now was not considered part of the Sandfall City dungeon.

Members of the Spirit Fox Guild must be inside the castle by now. The wandering ghosts on the streets, which were at levels 10 to 20, could not stop the progress of a disciplined and organized guild.

Leo casually killed a few wandering ghosts of the Sandfall City, which dropped items like Desert Soul Essence, with almost no value. Leo stopped wasting time and headed straight for the castle.


Inside the main castle of the Sandfall City, on the fourth floor.

In a small room, Goldman was bandaging a veiled woman. Although the bandaging skill didn't heal much or quickly, it consumed little energy and bandages were very cheap materials. It was the preferred skill for recovering after battles.

There were more than 20 women squeezed into the small room, all of them beautiful. However, looking at their expressions, they were all sighing and lamenting.

"Goldman, who were you messaging just now?" the veiled woman asked.

"Chairman, it was Leo," Goldman answered honestly.

The veiled woman frowned and said, "Did you ask him for help? Didn't I say..."

"No, chairman," Goldman immediately explained, "he contacted me first."

"Oh? Is that so? Then tell him I don't need his help at all and tell him not to meddle in our affairs," the chairman of the Spirit Fox Guild said coldly.

Goldman sighed. She didn't know what had happened between the chairman and Leo, but the chairman was so determined not to ask for his help.

Goldman thought for a moment and tried to persuade her, "But chairman, we've been stuck on this floor for two days now. The guardian outside is a level 35 elite boss. More than 20 of our elite guild members have tried five or six times without success, and many of them have lost levels... The lower floor keeps spawning monsters, and our other members can't hold on much longer..."

"Don't say anything else. We still have a chance," the chairman interrupted Goldman, "Don't forget, I still have one last item to use."

"But chairman, wasn't that item meant to deal with the final boss on the fifth floor, the Desert Tyrant?" Goldman asked in surprise, "If you use it now, how are we going to clear the dungeon..."