Secret Scroll—Ice Crystal Fury!

Spirit Fox Guild's chairman sighed, "But we're already trapped here. If we keep dragging on like this, our guild will be overtaken by other guilds. Time waits for no one, and we have no choice."

Goldman thought for a moment and then said, "Then, I'll listen to you."

"Alright, let's do this. Once everyone's status is restored, follow me out. I'll use the scroll to eliminate the guardian first," the chairman ordered.

All the female players in the room nodded, "Yes, Madam"


At this moment, a loud noise came, and it was clear that a stone wall outside had been broken through by monsters!

"It's coming!" the chairman stood up and shouted, "Everyone, get ready for battle!"

The female warriors of the Spirit Fox Guild drew their weapons, but before they could steady themselves, another "boom" sounded, and a monster with a dog's head and a human body broke through the wall from the outside!

The monster was over two meters tall, with strong muscles and blood-red eyes staring at the people in the room. Saliva slid down its sharp teeth, and each drop corroded the stone floor, leaving a large hole.

The monster held a huge axe in both hands, and the walls that the axe touched turned to sand. No one knew how many resentful souls were entwined around the axe...

This was the guardian of the fourth floor of the castle, a level 35 elite monster!

"Warriors, hold its aggro! Mages, use Fireball to focus on its head! Priests, keep up the healing!" the chairman instructed, and then charged forward with her sword drawn.

After several rounds of fighting, the elite force of the Spirit Fox Guild suffered heavy casualties, with five warriors dead, and two each of priests and mages. The remaining people were in poor condition, and the entire team was on the verge of collapse.

Previously, when fighting in the spacious palace, the members of the Spirit Fox Guild could use the advantage of space to dodge attacks, but now they were forced into such a small space by the guardian, making it even more difficult to avoid the monster's attacks. As a result, casualties were rapidly increasing.

"All warriors and knights, withstand its attack! I'm going to use the scroll!"

Seeing the increasingly dire situation, the chairman made a decisive decision.

So, all female warriors and knights rushed forward, preparing to use their weapons or shields to block the guardian's upcoming onslaught. However, the guardian just howled and swung its axe, causing the health bars of two members to drop instantly.

The priests' healing couldn't keep up with the damage from the guardian boss. In no time, another warrior lost her life. The chairman took out a scroll from her bag, unfolded it, and began chanting...

"Goldman, it will take me several minutes to prepare this large-scale, destructive magic. You take command of them in the meantime, and make sure they hold on until I'm ready!" the chairman shouted.

Goldman nodded. Although her profession was a merchant and not a combat specialist, she could still temporarily take command.

In the meantime, the dog-headed guardian killed another member of the Spirit Fox Guild, making the situation increasingly dire.

Three minutes was neither long nor short. During this time, members of the Spirit Fox Guild fell one after another. Goldman tried her best to direct them, but it was of no use against such overwhelming power. Even the most exquisite tactics were useless in the face of absolute strength.

"Goldman, everyone, get out of the way!"

At that moment, the chairman finally spoke.

"Secret Scroll—Ice Crystal Fury!"

As her words fell, powerful magic was released from the scroll in her hand. Countless blue ice crystals shot out from the magic circle, targeting the towering dog-headed creature!

Each ice crystal was over a meter long, exuding chilling air. The terrifying cold almost froze the surrounding air. After a volley of ice crystals, the dog-headed creature was pierced by ice and fell with a howl.

"Did we succeed?!" Upon seeing the dog-headed guardian fall, Goldman and the other guild members jumped with excitement. No wonder the chairman spent a lot of money to buy such a high-level scroll that could instantly kill such a monster!

The Chairman breathed a sigh of relief, and the scroll in her hand vanished into smoke—this type of scroll had great power, but the price was that it could only be used once before disappearing.

A few daring female players slowly approached, wanting to see what the dog-headed creature looked like after it had died.

"Wait... There's no system prompt, and we haven't left combat!"

The chairman suddenly noticed something was wrong and shouted.

But it was too late. With several screams, the enraged dog-headed creature tore those female players to pieces!

"It's over... It still has 3,000 health points left..." the chairman said, somewhat despairingly.

In Dragon Abyss Online, any monster's health points would be displayed in detail when it was reduced to less than one-tenth of its maximum. This creature still had 3,000+ health points, meaning... it originally had more than 30,000 health points!

The Ice Crystal Fury scroll had caused over 20,000 damage, but it still wasn't enough!

The remaining 3,000+ health points were the most crucial—now the dog-headed guardian was in a "frenzied" state.

In the game, every elite monster would enter a "frenzy" state when its health was reduced to less than one-tenth, and its damage and agility would increase exponentially!

The Spirit Fox Guild members were completely hopeless. They couldn't defeat the monster before, and now it was even more impossible in its frenzied state...

Everyone was dejected, with no will to fight left.

"It seems we've failed this time... and failed thoroughly," the chairman looked at Goldman with a sad smile. "This time, we're going to fall out of the top ten guilds..."

As the frenzied dog-headed creature killed a player with a single punch, it charged towards the chairman. Just as its massive fist was raised in the air...

"Hey, Cassandra, you're usually pretty capable. How did you end up like this?"

A familiar figure appeared in front of her. Cassandra 's eyes widened in shock as she watched the man suddenly appear, stopping the frenzied guardian's fist with just a single finger.

Her ID was hidden using a special item, and in this game, only two people knew her ID was " Cassandra." One was Goldman, and the other...