Guild Establishment Order

"Drunkard's Secret Stash?" Drunkard shook his head with a bewildered look upon hearing the term, "I don't know."

"Well, I didn't expect you to know," Leo said, unsurprised, "because if any one learns about the existence of Drunkard's Secret Stash, they would desperately try to keep it a secret, hoping that others won't find out."

Drunkard nodded, "Sounds like a treasure? And it's related to the Drunkard profession? Big brother, what's inside?"

"The most valuable item is the 'Guild Establishment Order'," Leo said, "With this item, a guild can choose a piece of land near the Heaven Kings to build its guild headquarters. With a headquarters, practical buildings like a guild pharmacy, guild treasury, and guild training room can be built..."

"…Most importantly," Leo added, "Do you know how many reputation points the first 'Guild Establishment Order' in the Newbie Village can add to a guild? A whole 10,000 points!"

"Ten thousand..." Drunkard stopped breathing for a few seconds after hearing that, "Wouldn't that make us the top guild?"

"Not necessarily, the top guild probably has over ten thousand guild reputation points already," Leo said, "But if one of the top-ranked guilds got it, they would definitely compete for the top guild spot. And once they have a real guild headquarters, the strength of the guild members would surely increase significantly. It's a divine item that every guild leader would want to obtain at all costs."

Drunkard asked, "So how do we get in now, big brother? The forest is not very big, and there are members of the Ink Dragon Guild guarding everywhere... The Ink Dragon Guild ranks second in the guild leaderboard, only behind the Emperor Guild. Shouldn't we avoid provoking such a powerful guild?"

"What's there to fear? Remember, you're following me. You can do anything in the future, just don't be timid." Leo patted his shoulder and then snapped his fingers.

Leo suddenly disappeared from Drunkard's sight, startling him with a "wow."

"What are you wowing for, you're invisible too," Leo's voice came from the front.

Drunkard looked at his body, which was still visible to him, and asked, "Really?"

"Of course, you can see yourself," Leo said, "I just cast a simple invisibility spell on you, so we can sneak in without anyone noticing."

"A simple invisibility spell?" Drunkard worriedly said, "The Ink Dragon Guild has many tricks up their sleeve; I'm afraid they'll see through us..."

"The invisibility spell your big brother cast on you, even the simplest one, is not something these guys can see through. Just relax," Leo said, "Let's go, time waits for no one. This invisibility spell lasts for only an hour."


In the hut, the vice president of Ink Dragon Guild, "Inky Serpent," stood in front of the old man with several carts of wine next to him. He silently watched as the old man took one jar after another from the carts and drank wildly.

He had been waiting for six hours already.

He didn't know what the old man's stomach was made of; he had already finished two or three carts' worth of wine without even belching.

"Sir, have you not had enough?" Inky Serpent asked, a bit impatient.

The old man looked at him drunkenly and said, "What's the rush? I haven't even had half my fill yet."

Hearing this, Inky Serpent started to worry. He initially thought that all the wine he had collected from the novice village would be more than enough, but now the old man seemed like he could finish it all without being satisfied.

If he had known this would happen, he would have collected even more wine. There was still one tavern they hadn't visited because it was closed.

Would all their efforts be in vain if the old man wasn't satisfied?

Meanwhile, Leo and Drunkard had also infiltrated the forest. They hid behind a tree, watching all that happening near the hut from a safe distance.

After the old man finished the last jar of wine from the cart, he asked Inky Serpent, "Is there more?"

Inky Serpent looked at the empty carts and shook his head helplessly, "No more."

The old man patted his belly discontentedly, "But I'm not satisfied yet..."

"Please wait a moment; I've already sent someone to buy more. It will be delivered soon," Inky Serpent hurriedly said.

"I don't like waiting," the old man said, patting his belly again, "You've got one hour. If the wine isn't here by then, I'm leaving."

Hearing this, Inky Serpent frowned. If the old man left, they would have to start the whole process of supplying him with wine again to get the item. He had already collected almost all the wine in the novice village this time, and it would take days for the village to restock that much wine.

By then, would the item still be within his grasp?

No, he had to get it today!

"Sir, please wait. I'll personally fetch the wine and be back within half an hour!" Inky Serpent knew that he couldn't rely on his subordinates to deliver the wine within an hour, so he decided to go himself.

Thankfully, he had brought a teleportation scroll just in case. The scroll, which had cost him 500 gold coins, could teleport multiple items at once but could only be used twice.

After speaking, he turned to his subordinates watching the carts and said, "You guys, keep an eye on the old man. Don't let him leave. I'll be back soon!"

The subordinates nodded quickly, "Yes, sir, don't worry, we'll handle it!"

The old man glanced at them, but he didn't care. If there was more wine to drink, waiting a bit longer wouldn't be a problem.

Inky Serpent unfurled the scroll, chanted for a moment, and vanished from the spot with the carts.

At this moment, Leo, who was hiding under the tree, smiled slyly, "Drunkard, this is a great opportunity. The Ink Dragon Guild is practically preparing everything for us..."