

(In a naming ceremony going on as a lot of people in the land of Chada were present in the ceremony to hear the name of the new baby born into the land. The baby was handed to the father who seems pretty annoyed).

Zulu: She will be named... Ugly! (He showed the baby to the people).

Crowd: Ahhh!!! (They all gasps seeing a baby with one eye looking so terrifying).

Man: She is a monster, run! (The people began to run as they all exit the ceremony. Zulu and his wife with the baby in her hands were left alone).

Zulu: We got to let her go.

Milla: To where?

Zulu: Is either we kill her or dump her in the sea to die.

Milla: What! I won't allow you do that. My first child must live. (Holds the baby in her arm more stronger).

Zulu: You gave birth to a creature that has only one eyes and at same time looks so ugly and terrifying. Do you expect me to train that?

Milla: Is that why named her Ugly?

Zulu: I intentionally did it. The traditions says any baby named once can't be changed or reformed. So that name fits her.

Milla: Zulu this is your daughter. You gat to love her.

Zulu: I can't stay with an ugly being, I have to leave.

Milla:(Gasps) No Zulu, don't do this, we will both take care of U-U- (In a soft tone) Ugly.

Zulu: I keep a beautiful name not a an ugly name. That baby of yours can't change it Bye! (He left as Milla tries to stop him but he has already gone leaving his family).

Milla:(Whispered as she looks at the baby in her arm) Now it's only you and I. Don't worry, momma is here for you. (She hugs the baby as the baby coos softly).