

(Ten years later, Ugly now walk and she is just nine years older. Living in a small hut with her mother, she came in contact with a mirror).

Ugly:(Looking at the mirror on the floor) Oh a mirror (She bends down to take the mirror as her mother came in and took the mirror from her very quickly) Mum! Common, since when I was born you never allowed me see how I look Iike. Whenever I have the chance to get a mirror, you always appear from no where and collect it. Am I really that Ugly? Don't I look like my fellow girls?

Milla: Ugly, don't listen to what people tell out there. You are not ugly, the world is. You are beautiful made and I love it.

Ugly: To be sincere having ugly as my name is so dump, why did father gave me that name? Mummy I gat a lot of questions for you to answer.

Milla: Calm down Ugly. I will answer all questions you ask but it will be one after the other.

Ugly: Starting from the day I was born... I'm listening.

Milla: Come have a seat. (They both sat on a wooden chair) When you were born, your father hated you so much. On the day of your naming ceremony, I believe he intentionally named you Ugly so that any where you go you will be laughed at and embarrassed. According to the traditions, once a baby has been named once that name can't be changed or reformed. You father couldn't bare seeing you, so he left me to take care of you. (She bends her face unhappy).

Milla: Give me that! (Struggle to collect the mirror). I wanna know how I look, mummy please give me this chance.

Milla: Ugly or not, you are beautiful to me.

Ugly:(Sobbing as tears rolled down her cheek). So dad left his family because of me.

Milla: Your dad was foolish to leave his family. Now let me tell you this, never allow anyone show you a mirror.

Ugly:(Looks at Milla's eyes) Mummy please be honest, am I really ugly?

Milla: Er... just accept your name is indeed Ugly but you are beautiful my child. (She quickly gave Ugly a hug as light fades).