

(Ugly and Milla coming to the market to buy foodstuffs. A young boy saw Ugly as he got the attention of everyone around).

Boy:(Pointing to Ugly). Hey! Look at the ugly creature again. (Everyone looks at Ugly as they all start to laugh).

Trader:(Came closer to Ugly and whispered). You are damn ugly.

Milla: You all should stop this. (She hold Ugly as they both tried leaving but the people keep coming their way and laughing at Ugly).

Woman:(Screams loud). You look like a monster with your one eye. (She laughs)

Ugly: Ah! (She touched her face and felt one eye) I still see clearly.

Milla: Ugly, let's leave here. (She holds Ugly as the both of them left heading back home. On their way, they came in contact with the king and his son. The terrible face of Ugly got the King's son a bit scared. Milla covered her daughter as they both ran home).

Fred: Dad, did you see that creature with an eye?

King: The ugliest being in this land.

Fred: Is that so? But her mother is normal, does that mean her father has one eye too?

King: Son, that is not our business. let's go where we are going. Don't bring this topic again.

Fred: Okay dad. (They both continue to walk as Fred filled his thought with Ugly's face. Milla and Ugly got home).

Ugly: Mum what's the meaning of the this?

Milla: Of wah?

Ugly: From been ugly to one eye looking like a monster.

Milla: No darling, you are beautiful just the way you are.

Ugly: Please don't tell me that mother. I can see I'm really ugly that is why people keep avoiding me.

Milla: How I wish I can change your name but this stupid tradition won't allow me.

Ugly: It's not about the name mother, it's known to me I'm ugly. (She starts to cry loud as she left).

Milla: No Ugly, come back (She sighed sadly as she sat down). This is so bad. (Light fades).