23 Sisters Web Novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Jack leaves the airport and heads toward his destination. He drives from small town to small town, half expecting some crazed hillbilly family to jump out at him and abduct him. Jack finally arrives in Krimple, Alabama, only to find out that all it is, is a gas station and a beaten-up, run-down motel. He pulls into the motel parking lot. He gets out of the car and walks into the office.

Standing before him is a large man with a mullet, wearing a blue jean vest and wife beater.

"Can I help ya?" He asks curtly.

"Yeah, I need a room," Jack responds.

"Smokin' or non-smokin'?" asks the man.

"Ugh, non-smoking. Is there a place where I can get something to eat?" Jack asks. The long trip had left him hungry; he hadn't eaten anything on the plane. He started to remember a faint smell of cherry on the plane, and he was craving something sweet.

"They's got some food at the 'Drop In' across the street." He says, clearly not wanting to make conversation.

"Drop in?" Jack has never heard of any restaurant with that name, fast-food or otherwise.

"Ya know, the station," the man says.

"Oh, the gas station, you mean?" Jack asks.

"Yep," the man grumbles.

"Anything fresh?" Jack asks, hoping to make some conversation.

"I wouldn't call Twinks or candies fresh. They do have some cheeseburgers that's you cans nuke."

The motel manager turns around and pulls a key off the key rack behind him.

"You's in room four. Fourth from the office." He says.

"Thanks," Jack tells him.

"No need to thank me. Just doin' my Godly duty." He says, hoping to end the conversation.

"Something isn't right about this guy." Jack thinks to himself.

"Of course you are," Jack replies.

Jack heads to his room. He puts the key into the lock, turns the doorknob, and opens the door. It's a bland room, just like he expected it to be. It's just a sleazy bed, a crappy non-HD TV, and a dirty bathroom. It's the epitome of a cheap motel room, but it will have to do.

"I might as well go across the street and get something to eat." Jack thinks to himself.

Jack walks through the parking lot and prepares to cross the street to the similarly disheveled gas station.

"Do I even need to look both ways? I haven't heard a single car drive by since I've been here." Jack jokingly tells himself.

Jack looks both ways before crossing the road anyways; it is better to be safe than sorry. What would Grant say if he ended up laid up in a hospital bed right next to him?

He pushes open the door to the dingy gas station, fully expecting to meet another yokel manning the register. Instead, he is pleasantly surprised to find a cute girl with short red hair standing behind the counter. She's got a round face and the cutest little nose. She perks up as soon as she sees Jack; she must not get a lot of customers out here in the boonies.

"How ya doin', sir?" She asks Jack.

"Doing pretty good," Jack replies.

"That's cool. Ya need anything?" She seems happy to finally have something to do today.

"I'm looking for something to eat," Jack says to her.

"Ah. It is suppertime." She says with a smile; it accentuates her features and makes her look even more beautiful.

"Sure," is all Jack manages to get out after being struck by such beauty.

"Well, we got some nuke'em burgers in the freezer. There's also some nuke'em hot dogs in there, but they ain't too good."

"But the burgers are?" Jack asks, slightly puzzled as to what she means.

"I wouldn't call thems good, but they ain't bad neither." She says; her colloquialisms have a bit of rustic charm to them.


"You a Yankee?" She asks.

"Yep," Jack says.

"Really? I ain't never met no Yankee. Our little town don't get too many visitors." She says excitedly.

"Yeah, I kind of got that."

"So, you just driving through, or ya got business here?" She asks, desperate for any information and conversation to help her pass the time.

"I actually have business here," Jack responds.

"Is ya here to see Beaker the Meth Tweaker?" She says, smiling.

"Who?" Jack asks. Clearly caught off guard by the question.

"Oh, never mind. I didn't say nothin'." She says.

"Okay," Jack says suspiciously.

"I'm actually here looking for a girl named Tiffany Douglas," Jack says.

The girl behind the counter perks up and asks, "Why is ya lookin' for Tiff?"

"You know her?" Jack asks, not really shocked that this girl knows Tiffany. It is a very tiny town, after all. Probably no more than two hundred people live here, and they all must know each other.

"Of course, I know who she is. She's my cousin." She says happily.

"Ahh, cousins." Jack thinks to himself. He fondly remembers the night he recently spent with his cousins, Abby and Alice. What a fantastic way to spend a weekend.

Jack comes back to reality and asks, "Really?"

"Why do ya want to see her?" She's apprehensive about what this handsome stranger might want with her cousin.

"I'm her brother." Jack decided it would be better to be honest with her.

"Shit! Really?!" She says with more excitement than Jack expected.

"Yeah, really."

"I'm guessin' on her daddy's side?"

"Yep," Jack says.

"Well, she's gonna want proof."

"DNA test?" Jack asks. Slight snag in his plans; he hadn't figured that his sisters might want to have proof of their relationship.

"You's gonna have to find a different way. Tiffany don't trust... Hmm. Well, you'll see. Maybe you have some talent that's the same. Like somethin's ya's equally good at?" She ponders for a second, trying to work out how they'll be able to prove that Jack is related to Tiffany.

"I'll tell ya what... You's stayin' at the 'tel across the street, right?" She asks.

"Yeah." Jack is hesitant to respond, but seeing as the motel across the street is the only place he could be staying, he decided it was best not to lie to her.

"I'll meet ya there tomorrow mornin'. What room ya in?" She asks, clearly having a plan brewing in her head.

"Room four."

"'Kay. I'll stop by in the mornin'. Do ya still want something ta eat?" She asks him, nearly having forgotten why he came in in the first place.

"Yeah. Might as well get one of those burgers." He tells her.

"Cool. The microwave is right next to the fountain. Oh, I'm Krissy, by the way." She finally introduces herself to Jack, still smiling from ear to ear.

"Jack," he says while pointing to himself. "Nice to meet you, Krissy."

Jack "nukes" his dinner and grabs a Koala Kola to drink it down. He says his goodbyes to Krissy as he leaves. He walks back across the street to the motel and heads directly to his room. Once he settles down on his bed, he eats his "dinner."

"Hmm, this isn't too bad for a microwaved burger." Jack thinks to himself, happy to get anything edible into his belly.

Jack turns on the TV, and the confident and measured voice of a newscaster fills the room as the static clears. He lays back on his bed and settles down to watch the news.

"The sounds of roosters crowing echoed out across downtown Manhattan today. Normally this wouldn't be news, but the noise echoed across eight blocks on the Upper East Side. Scientists say that for a rooster to be this loud, it would have to be up to nine feet tall. No one saw the rooster, but many eyewitnesses claim to have heard it. Afterward, reports from citizens state that they heard a woman's voice yelling, "Bad Mister Doodles! Bad!" Followed by, "Shit! Is this on?" No one knows what the hell was going on." The cute news reporter says. Jack didn't even hear what she said; he was too busy checking her out.

Around eleven in the evening, the toll of the long drive through Alabama catches up to Jack. As he succumbs to the warm embrace of sleep, the continued garbled drone of the news cuts through the murky abyss. The last thing he hears the news reporter say before he passes out is, "Uncle Buc...."

*Zzzzz* Jack falls asleep. He's too tired to worry about the state of the motel he is in, it could be the inspiration for Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, but Jack could not care. He was so worn out and tired from everything that he had recently experienced that his body just wanted rest. Even if some psycho killer were to murder someone in the room next to his, he would not wake up.

"KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!" A loud abrupt banging on his hotel door pulls Jack from his slumber.

"What the fuck? What time is it?" He thinks to himself.

He groggily looks at his watch.

"Six thirty-seven in the morning?! What the fuck?" He thinks.

"Come on, Jack! It's time." He hears Krissy yell from the other side of the door. She sounds eager to get the day started.

"Hold up! I've got to get dressed." Jacks is slowly waking up but is alert enough to remember to have some modesty.

"Is ya naked?" She yells back at Jack with, what sounds like, a hint of lust in her voice.

"Yeah," Jack yells back to her.

"Cool! Let me see!" She sounds eager to see him in his birthday suit.

"What?" Jack is caught slightly off guard by her request, and he's not sure if he's still half asleep and hearing things.

"Come on! Let me see!" Jack starts to wonder how sturdy his hotel door really is.

"You want to see me naked?!" He needs to be sure he's not still half-asleep and is hearing things correctly.

"Damn, straight I do!" She yells; her excitement is too much to hide.

"I guess it couldn't hurt." Jack thinks to himself. "I might even get laid."

"Come on in." He yells to her, excited to see how this goes.

Krissy opens the door, and Jack is surprised to find that that she's standing there completely naked. She's got a huge grin on her face.

"Why are you naked?" Jack asks her, completely caught off guard this time.

"I wanna see if you can fuck. When you told me ya was naked, I got pretty horny." She says gleefully.

"Me saying I was naked got you horny?" Jack knew yokels were more open about stuff, but this was insane.

"Yep. Now get on the bed. I'm a cowgirl, and I like to ride."

"Will Tiffany get mad?" Jack blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. It wasn't until after he said it that he realized his mistake in potentially letting the plan slip.

"She won't give a damn. Knowing her, she'll jump on your dick once you prove to her that you're her brother. She's kinda into that. Now, on the bed!" She says. Jack was more than happy to oblige; he was also glad to see that some stereotypes rang true.

Krissy climbs on top of Jack, desperate to start riding him.

"Let's see what ya got, cowboy!" She yells.

Krissy takes Jack quickly inside of her; she doesn't give him the chance to protest or try to talk himself out of it. She wanted to jump his bones as soon as she saw him walk into the gas station. She would not let anything stop her from getting what she wanted.

As soon as Jack penetrates Krissy, she's screaming with joy.

"Oh fuck! God damn, you're fillin' me up!" She moans with pleasure.

Jack stares at Krissy's ass smashing into him over and over. Appreciating her tightness and the ferocity and hunger in the way she rides him.

Jack could tell she had experience riding, but he wasn't sure if she was really a cowgirl and used to riding horses or if she learned all of this at a family reunion. She kept riding him harder and harder, and it was obvious she was enjoying herself.

"Oh, yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Krissy kept screaming every time she went up and down on him.

She was a bit inexperienced, but her vim and vigor as she rode him more than made up for it. Jack could feel every nook and cranny of her tight young pussy squeezing around his manhood. It was exhilarating watching her control the pace. The pleasure was exquisite, and while Jack enjoyed seeing the rambunctious young beauty ride him, he felt like something was missing.

Jack decides to take charge of the situation and throws Krissy onto the bed. At first, she's a bit stunned and is worried that she did something wrong. Jack quickly gets on top of her and starts pressing the head of his dick against her moist wet entry. Krissy quickly realizes what Jack intends to do and spreads her legs open to allow him easier entrance.

"Ohh, I like a guy who takes charge," Krissy says, eager to see just how hard Jack can fuck her.

"Damn, straight!" Jack says as he begins to pump into her faster and faster.

He's free to go as fast or slow as he wants now that he's in control. While he was enjoying Krissy riding him, seeing her face contort in pleasure as he slammed into her was something else entirely. Taking control and pounding Krissy's brain into putty was a new feeling for Jack, and it was all thanks to his fateful encounter with his father. He keeps pounding his stiff manhood into her welcoming pussy and watching Krissy's face fill with ecstasy as she screams for more.

"Keep going, don't stop! Give me more! Faster! Faster!" Krissy was losing all control of her mind, and all she could focus on was prolonging this immense pleasure.

Jack can feel his orgasm bubbling up as Krissy's pussy begins contracting around him. He doesn't know how much longer he can last; it feels like he's pumping his dick into a furnace. The more he pounds his dick into her, the hotter her pussy gets.

Jack feels like he's about to burst, and he's not sure if he should warn Krissy about it. She seems lost in joy as she squeezes on him harder and harder, trying to subdue her orgasm bubbling up inside. Krissy wants to postpone the inevitable and enjoy this to the max. Jack can tell she's too far gone, and even if he tried to say anything to her, all she could think about was sex and pleasure.

It became too much for her to bear, "Oh my god! Oh my God! Oh, fuck! Oh fuck, I'm cumming!! AGGGGHHHH!!!" Krissy screamed out as her orgasm overpowered her. She shuddered and trembled as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her, draining her of all her energy.

Krissy's body goes limp under Jack. She's been fucked senseless and barely has any energy left in her.

"Keep going. I can't keep you from cumming. Just not inside." Krissy softly whimpers to him.

Jack keeps fucking her as he feels his orgasm building up inside, deep within him. He knows he's not going to last long, and he should really warn Krissy about it. Just then, he remembers something Grant told him before. Could he be right? Could cumming deep inside of someone without their consent really feel that good? Krissy mentioned she likes guys who take charge, so maybe she wouldn't mind, even if she doesn't consent.

He keeps pounding into her still, exhausted, tight, nubile body; he's made up his mind and decided that the best way to end this is by giving Krissy the best creampie of her life.

"Well, you said you like a guy who takes charge, so I'm gonna cum inside you," Jack says as he speeds up.

"No. You can't. It's not safe." Krissy tries to protest but can barely muster the energy to say anything. Her previous orgasms left her worn out, and there's nothing left in her tank.

Jack pretends he didn't hear her and just keeps pounding deeper into her, faster and faster. The bubbling pleasure inside him is becoming too much for him to handle. As it reaches its zenith, all Jack can do is scream out, "Here it comes!"

Jack pounds his dick into Krissy's pussy one final time and lets the pleasure take over him. He pumps load after load of cum deep inside Krissy; the ecstasy he experiences is indescribable. It feels like he can keep cumming forever; mere seconds of orgasms seem like an eternity. He feels his balls empty inside her, flooding her and painting her in his color. Waves of pleasure ricochet all over his body every time he feels another load of jizz unload into her.

Jack knows this is it; he can no longer go back to anything else. The feeling of overfilling a tight young hole with all your seed is truly divine, and it is the only way Jack will be able to get off from now on. Grant was right; it feels so much better knowing they didn't want you to cum inside them. That ultimate control over someone is like nothing else.

"No. No. Why? I can't believe..." Krissy wants to push him off and yell at him for what he did, but all the strength has left her body. She can't believe he actually did that. She knows she should get up and try and clean all the cum that is spilling out of her, but she just can't command her body to listen to her.

While she wants to chastise Jack some more for cumming inside her, Krissy finally passes out.

Jack finally climbs off of Krissy after the last wave of pleasure has left his body. He didn't expect to start the day having wild sex with the hot gas station attendant a day after meeting her. He stands up and surveys his work; the pleasure must have been too much for Krissy, causing her to pass out.

"Damn, she's out cold. I might have been a little too "in charge." I think I'm gonna take a shower now." Jack thinks to himself, happy with what he just did.

Jack proceeds to take a shower to watch the sex off of him and get his thoughts in order. He wondered how Krissy will react to him cumming deep inside her. He was glad he did, but a nagging thought at the back of his mind had him wondering how alike Grant he really was. Jack takes his time finishing his shower and finally decides to face the music.

He expects Krissy to lunge at him as soon as he gets out of the bathroom. To his surprise, Krissy is still fast asleep on his bed.

"I guess I'll have to wait for her to wake up." He thinks to himself. "I might as well watch some TV."

Jack puts his clothes on and sits on the bed next to Krissy. He turns on the TV and settles in to watch the news.

"When asked why he was ejaculating into the water supply, he simply said, "Why wouldn't I?" He was a heroin user, and as such, he considered this normal." The news reporter said.

Three hours pass before Krissy wakes up.

"Hmm." Krissy moans as she shakes the sleep from her body.

Jack looks down at Krissy as she starts to wake up.

"Well, look who's finally up," Jack says to her. Glad to know he didn't cripple or kill the poor girl.

"What happened?" She asks, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"I fucked you so hard you passed out. I'm quite proud of it actually." Jack happily tells her.

"Oh, yeah. Wait?! You came inside me!!" Krissy yells at him, frustrated that he creampied her without her consent.

"Yeah, I did," Jack says, smugness permeating his words.

"Dammit! If I get pregnant, ya better take responsibility, ya hear?" She yells, a mixture of frustration and hidden excitement audible in her voice.

"We'll see. Now, can you take me to Tiffany? I've been waiting for almost three hours." Jack couldn't help but tease the cute girl lying naked in his bed, his cum dripping out of her.

"What?" She asks, slightly confused.

"You've been passed out for three hours." He explains to her.

"Why didn't ya wake me up?" She says, surprised at how much Jack's dick both took out of her and left inside her.

"You looked so peaceful." He says, mocking her.

"Screw ya!" She angrily says to him.

"You already did that." It was so easy to tease her, and it was equally amusing.

"Fine. But we ain't walkin'. That's your car out there, right?"

"It is," Jack says.

"Fine! You's driving."

Jack waits for Krissy to get dressed, and then they both walk out to the car.

"This is a really nice car." She says, quickly forgetting and forgiving Jack for potentially impregnating her without her consent.

"Thanks. My dad bought it for me. Now, get in." He tells Krissy.

"Fine. You don't have ta be a jerk." She says.

Krissy and Jack get in the car and drive about 7 miles down a dirt road.

"This is it. Turn right here." Krissy tells Jack.

"Okay." Jacks says

They drive up a hill, a single solitary trailer home sitting on top of it. They pull up to the trailer, park the car, and get out.

"Hey, Tiff, get your ass out here and meet your brother!!" Krissy yells into the mobile home.

Out walks a tiny girl who must be about five foot five inches tall. She has short, wavy, blond hair and large voluptuous breasts. Next, Jack noticed her tiny beautiful face accentuated by a mischievous grin. Jack would soon learn that her beauty belied a rough and rowdy attitude hidden behind those seemingly innocent eyes.

My grandfather didn't know it then, but this girl would change his life more than he could ever imagine.

"I ain't got no brother, and you know it, shit for brains!"