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23 Sisters Chapter 2

Krissy yells, "You don't know who ya daddy is. For all ya know, you have ten brothers."

Tiffany walks toward them angrily. Jack could see how small her stature really was.

"Damn, she's short," Jack thinks to himself.

"How old are you?" Jack asks.

"If you must know, I'm nineteen. What's your name?"

"This girl looks like she's 13. Except for her giant breasts, those definitely don't belong on a 13-year-old." Jack thinks.

"Hello?" Tiffany was quizzically staring at Jack, wondering what he could be thinking.

Jack snaps back to reality, "Oh, Jack."

"Hmm. I'm Tiffany Douglas. So, you's supposed to be my big brother?" She carefully looks him over; she's not sure if he's lying and trying to trick her.

"Um, I am," Jack says nervously. He knows full well what she's going to ask him next.

Tiffany points at Jack and winks. "Okay, then prove it."

She then gets serious. "Oh, and I ain't doin' one of them CIA DNA test. I don't need da government turning me into a goat mutant!"

Jack understands the situation perfectly now; Tiffany is as crazy as her dad. "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree," he thinks.

Jack tries to organize his thoughts and say something nice, but all that comes out is, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Krissy responds, "You ain't heard about how the government is using people's DNA to make goat mutants?"

"What the fuck is wrong with these two?" Jack thinks. He's worried that the allure of all that money clouded his thinking, and he agreed to something he shouldn't have. After all, is allowing these two crazy chicks to procreate a good idea?

Remembering his manners and trying not to anger the two little psychos, Jack says, "No, I've never heard of that one. Who told you about that?"

Krissy smiles and says, "Uncle Buck did, of course. He's part of some super-secret government agency called 'Majestic Ten.' He actually works with livin' aliens."

"Jesus, these girls really are insane." Jack thinks to himself. Jack wonders who this Uncle Buck is, maybe some crazy religious cult leader? "He sounds kind of like that crazy TV and radio host, Buck Godsen." Jack thinks.

"Nah, it couldn't be. That guy is world-famous. There's no way he can be related to these two." Jack reminds himself.

"So, he works with aliens from outer space?" Jack asks Krissy. He thinks it's better to just go along with their insane story and not piss them off.

"He got it! Maybe you is my kin. You's a smart one." Tiffany says with a big smile on her face. Jack notices she puffs out her sizable chest with pride.

Krissy looks at Tiffany and says, "See, I told you."

Jack looks up toward the sky and thinks, "Damn, impregnating this girl really might not be the best thing for mankind."

"Well, it is $12,000,000,000. Maybe some of my good genes will give this kid an intelligence boost? Of course, she is my sister, so maybe it'll drop the kid's intelligence. Ah, fuck it, it's $12,000,000,000."

Krissy asks Jack, "What you thinkin' about?"

Tiffany chimes in as well, "Yeah. You're looking off into the sky? Do you see the flyin' saucers like Uncle Buck?!"

Krissy yells and cowers in fear. "Not the aliens!! They'll probe our anuses!!"

Tiffany consoles her by saying, "Relax, Krissy. Uncle Buck would have warned us if they was coming."

"That's true," Krissy says, relaxing after hearing Tiffany's rational thoughts.

Tiffany looks at Jack and explains, "Uncle Buck can see them, but we can't."

Krissy calms down and adds, "Yeah, but first he's gotta take his medication. He can't see them unless he takes his medication. It's called LS-something?"

Jack has no fucking clue what is going on but decides to add to the conversation instead of ending it. "Are you talking about LSD?"

Tiffany yells with excitement, "Shit, you really are smart! Yeah, Uncle Buck says we can't take his LSD because our brains can't handle it."

Krissy quietly whispers while crossing her arms, "I think my brain could handle it."

Tiffany looks at Krissy smiling and says, "I think so too. You really is smart, Krissy."

Tiffany then looks back to Jack and says proudly, "She gets straight C's in school. Mama says that's the highest grade anyone in our family has ever gotten!"

Jack looks at Krissy and says, "I'd stay away from that stuff. It's not good for you, and you shouldn't take it."

"Hmm. Maybe you're right." Krissy says to Jack.

She looks at Tiffany and says, "Your brother's really smart, Tiff."

Tiffany looks back at Krissy and says suspiciously, "We don't know he's my brother yet."

Krissy yells emphatically and points up to the sky, "I got it! We'll test him."

Tiffany smiles and says, "That's a good idea, Krissy. That's why you get all those C's."

"Thanks, cous," Krissy says, smiling back at her cousin.

Tiffany turns back to Jack; she seems prepared and focused. "Okay, let's see if you can answer these questions. If you can, it'll prove that you're my brother."

"Okay," Jack says. He's not sure what the questions will be, but he knows he's smarter than both of them combined, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Krissy yells, "This is so cool!"

Tiffany admonishes her, "Settle down, Krissy."

Krissy calms down and says, "Ask him the questions."

Tiffany responds, "Fine."

Tiffany gets serious and addresses Jack, "Okay, here's the first one. Who is the son of God? Is it Jesus Christ, Uncle Buck, or George Washington?"

Jack thinks to himself, "Okay, these girls are batshit crazy, so the answer must be the one that makes the least sense. It shouldn't be too hard."

Jack replies, "Simple, it's your Uncle Buck, of course."

Tiffany is stunned he got it right. "Holy shit! You must be a prophet. How did ya know that?"

Jack says jokingly, "I saw it in a dream."

Amazed, Krissy says, "Woah, he has visions just like Uncle Buck!"

Tiffany starts to feel a slight tingle between her legs. She thinks to herself, "Mmm, I'm getting a little tingly."

Tiffany regains some composure and continues to grill her supposed brother. "Okay, second question."

"How did the COVID-19 virus transfer to humans two years ago? Did The Chinese create it in a lab? Did a COVID-infected Mothman rape a pregnant Chinese peasant girl, causing his mutant semen to seep into the unborn child's skin and making it a human virus? The virus then started spreading after the child was born. Or did a Chinese guy eat a bat with the virus?"

Jack can't believe the insane shit that came out of his sister's mouth, but he knows he needs to answer correctly to complete Grant's plan. He uncomfortably says, "Umm, Mothman rape?"

Tiffany yells, "That's right!"

"Holy shit, these two are insane. Insane girls are great in bed, though." Jack thinks to himself. "After all, Grant just wants me to knock them up; I'll never have to see them again afterward."

Krissy is visibly angry and says, "Those Mothmen are fucking perverts!"

Tiffany turns to her and says, "I know, right? Just going around and raping women. Consent is important!"

Krissy continues the Mothman bashing, "It took just one fucking Mothman rape to make the economy crash for over a year."

Tiffany, fully engaged in the conversation, says, "It's a good thing that the China girl was already pregnant, or she would have gotten pregnant by a Mothman!"

The tingly feeling between Tiffany's legs starts to grow; it's all she can do to contain it. She thinks to herself, "All this talk about pregnant girls makes me feel a little hot."

Tiffany comes back to her senses and continues the test. "Okay, third question. What is the worst thing mankind will have to deal with in the future? Is it Global Warming, Nuclear War, or heroin addicts jerking off into the world's water supply?"

While all the questions thus far have been utterly insane, Jack can't help but think he misheard that last one. He asks Tiffany, "Umm, what was the last one?"

Tiffany smiles and says, "Heroin addicts jerking off into the world's water supply."

His hearing wasn't failing him yet; she really did say that. There really was only one correct answer to this question, "Well, I'd have to say heroin addicts jerking off into the world's water supply."

Tiffany yells happily, "Ding, ding, ding, ding! That is correct. I like cum as much as the next girl..."

Krissy interrupts Tiffany, "Me too."

Tiffany yells at Krissy, "Shut up, Krissy! I'm explaining shit."

"Sorry, Tiffany." These questions have the same effect on Krissy as they do on Tiffany. She couldn't stop herself from chiming in and got embarrassed when Tiffany scolded her.

Tiffany turns back to Jack, "Anyway, as I was saying... I like cum as much as the next girl, but if you drink the cum of a heroin addict, you become a heroin addict! Think of it; the entire world addicted to heroin? You don't want that, do you?!"

"I guess not." While Jack can't agree with her logic, he does agree that everyone getting addicted to heroin would be a bad thing.

Tiffany is starting to drip, her juices slowly flowing between her legs. She thinks, "I'm getting really wet talking about cum."

Tiffany finds it hard to focus, but she knows she needs to continue the test. She clears her throat, "Okay, so wow, you're doing really good with these questions."

Krissy, visibly as aroused, joyfully says, "I know!"

Tiffany finds it really hard to concentrate as her legs get even wetter. "Okay, here's a hard one. Why is the British Royal Family so fucking cool? Is it because they believe inbreeding to be Godly? Is it cause they're so rich and powerful? Or is it because they almost took over the world?"

Jack remembers what Grant told him about Tiffany. He knows he has similar fetishes, so he smugly responds, "Because inbreeding is Godly."

That was the final straw, the levee broke, and her own juices were about to flood her legs. Tiffany grabs Jack and forcibly drags him towards the trailer, saying, "Okay, that's it! I'm soaking wet. You're my brother, and we're going inside and fucking!"

Jack thinks to himself, "Cool, fun time. She might be crazy but just look at those tits! There's no way I'm passing up this opportunity."

Tiffany drags Jack into the trailer, and they pass what looks to be a religious shrine dedicated to NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt. There are like twenty lit candles and everything. Jack wonders if she says a prayer to him every night, like a good little girl.

"I expected nothing less," Jack humorously thinks to himself.

As they walk into the living room, Krissy tells Tiffany, "Be careful. He'll fuck you unconscious!"

Tiffany asks her, "How do ya know?"

Krissy carefully and quietly says, "Because I fucked him earlier today, and I passed out."

Tiffany is incredulous; she can't believe anybody can be that good at sex. She turns to Krissy and suspiciously says, "There's no way he made you pass out."

Krissy raises her hand and puts the other one over her heart, "I swear to Uncle Buck! I passed out for like three hours!"

Tiffany asks, "Is that why you were late today?"

"Yep." She responds giddily. She might have been late, but she enjoyed the reason why.

"I tried to wake her up," Jack says.

Krissy nods, "I wouldn't budge."

Tiffany replies, "Well, I'm gonna fuck him anyway."

Tiffany looks at Jack and says, "I just got one condition."

Jack asks, worried. "What's that?" He looks around the room and hopes he doesn't spy some make-shift strap-on with a giant Bad Dragon dildo attached to it.

"Like, I really want you to impregnate me. It's been my fantasy, since I was twelve, to have my brother impregnate me." Tiffany joyfully explains to Jack.

"That works for me," Jack tells Tiffany, failing to hide the relief in his voice. Jack is happy to know that he'll go another day without being impaled by a giant dildo.

Tiffany is glad that her childhood dream is about to be fulfilled. The only thing she can think to say is, "Cool."

Krissy tells Tiffany, "I think he already got me pregnant. He came in me earlier."

Tiffany is quite shocked to hear this, "Why did you let him do that?!"

Krissy is no longer upset about Jack shooting his thick load inside her. She just smiles and says, "I let him take charge. Hey, if we get pregnant on the same day, our kids can grow up together!"

Tiffany joyfully replies, "You're right, and they'd be sibs!"

Krissy yells, "Fuck, you're right. You've gotta do this."

"Hell yeah! Take off those clothes," she orders Jack.

"You got it," Jack replies. He won't lie; the chance to knock up two sexy southerners in one day has his dick almost breaking through his pants. The fact that he'll also be able to leave and not have to worry about taking care of the kids afterward is also helping with that.

Maybe Jack was more like his father than he wanted to admit, but he wouldn't let that bother him now. There was fucking to do.

Jack takes his clothes off, and Tiffany quickly follows. Krissy stands there just staring at Jack's dick, biting her lower lip.

Jack doesn't notice this because he can't help but stare at Tiffany's petite little body. He doesn't care if she's his sister. Jack could only think about her tight young body and those voluptuous breasts. He imagines they would feel heavenly in his hands.

"Damn, look at those tits! They don't belong on someone so small. But there they are; it's so fucking hot." Jack thinks to himself. He is completely erect, and he needs to fuck his sister. There was only one way to get his penis to go down, and that was by cumming deep into his sister's tight wet cunt.

Tiffany yells, "Get out of here, Krissy."

Krissy complains to Tiffany, "But I wanna watch!"

"You want to watch your girl cousin fuck someone? You're so gay." Tiffany replies, disgusted at what her cousin just said.

"Fuck you!!" Krissy yells. If she can't feel it inside her, she at least wants to see Jack's dick in action.

"GET OUT!!" Tiffany screams at Krissy. She wants her brother to impregnate her and doesn't want anybody or anything to distract her.

"Fine!" Krissy concedes and reluctantly exits the trailer.

Now it was Tiffany's turn to stare at Jack's dick. She licks her lips; she can't wait to have his massive rod impale her and knock her up. The dick she is craving is attached to her brother; that makes it even hotter.

"Oh my god, you sure put the big in big brother, don't ya?" Tiffany didn't think she could possibly get any wetter, but the brewing flood of biblical proportions between her legs proved her wrong.

"Damn straight." Jack has always been proud of how well-endowed he is. Not even in his wildest dreams did Jack imagine he would use his massive tool to pleasure his sister, though.

"First thing first, I've got to taste it." The lust in Tiffany's eyes was hard to miss. She not only wanted to please her brother but satisfy her own desires.

Tiffany quickly drops to her knees and takes her brother's dick in her mouth. She might not be that experienced, but her sexual hunger and eagerness to please him more than make up for it.

"Umm, you taste really good, bro." Tiffany takes a break from trying to suck her brother's soul through her dick to pay him a compliment. She quickly returns to sucking him off. She felt at home with her head bobbing up and down her brother's firm and thick dick. It lived up to all her expectations, and it was everything she dreamed it would be. If the taste itself was this good, she could only imagine how amazing it would feel when it penetrated her.

"Good to know; now, get back to sucking, sis." Jack was glad to know how good his dick tasted, but his only concern, at the moment, was making the pleasure last as long as he could. He wasn't sure if it her inexperience and eagerness made it feel so great or if it was the fact that they were related. The point was, it was the best blowjob he had ever received. He never wanted it to end, the pleasure just kept building and building, and his sister's soft small lips felt heavenly wrapped around his penis.

"Mmmm, so good," Tiffany manages to get some words out while blowing her brother. Jack could tell she was really enjoying it and giving it her all. She wasn't holding back; she did her best to try and take his dick as deep as possible.

Tiffany finally managed to take all of Jack's dick and looked up at him, trying not to gag. She's hoping to get praised for swallowing all of him. Jack's face is a mixture of pleasure and lust, and it's evident to her that he's doing all he can to stop himself from cumming load after load down her tiny throat.

Ecstatic to see the look on her brother's face and proud of what she had accomplished, Tiffany finally removed the dick from her mouth. Drool and precum leaking from her mouth, she looks into Jack's eyes and says, "Okay, time for fuckin'!"

Jack was already at the edge and ready to explode, and it took all his will to keep from covering Tiffany's face in fresh hot cum after hearing her say that. He would not stop until he fucked her, and he mustered up all his strength to keep from cumming and pushed Tiffany up against the wall.

Jack lined himself up against her dripping tight cunt and penetrated her as deep as possible. Tiffany was impossibly tight, and Jack was scared that he wouldn't be able to pull out of her. He stares down to see where they are connected and is happy to see how much of his dick he got inside her. If it felt so good just entering her, fucking her must be truly heavenly. Jack starts fucking her, from behind, with such ferocity, slamming her against the wall with every thrust.

"Oh, hell yeah! Fuck me, big brother! Your dick was meant to be inside me!" Tiffany lost any remaining semblance of sense; the only thing that mattered was to feed her pleasure and bask in it. All she cared about anymore was the pleasure she was receiving. She didn't even care that she was getting slammed against the wall; the only thing that mattered was that Jack kept fucking her.

Jack was more than happy to oblige as he kept pumping into her. He felt her somehow getting tighter with every thrust. "You fucking incest whore! You love it when your brother fucks you?"

Jack notices Tiffany arch her back, and he can almost see her shudder when she hears him say that. It's painfully obvious that part of the reason she's enjoying this so much is due to the fact that they're related. "Fuck yeah, I do!" is all Tiffany can manage to say in between whimpers and moans. She is lost in her pleasure as wave after wave of euphoria washes over her with each thrust. She keeps slamming her hips against his, wanting to extend the pleasure, hoping it will last forever.

Jack is lost in his own pleasure, thrusting into her with wild abandon. His mind tells him to slow down to make the pleasure last longer, but his body won't listen. It needs to explore every nook and cranny of her. He fucks her faster and faster, feeling every inch of her squeeze him tightly, begging him to release his seed deep inside her. The tightness of her cunt and the juices coating his immense member allow him to thrust faster and deeper into her. Jack pushes up against her cervix and fucks her into oblivion.

Jack grabs onto Tiffany's arms to allow himself more control and continues the dirty talk, "Asking me to impregnate you, you're one sick fuck. Tell me you want me to pump my seed into you. Tell me you want your brother to creampie you."

Shivers run up and down Tiffany's spine, and she can feel goosebumps spread all throughout her as she violently cums all over Jack's dick. Those simple words were enough to drive her over the edge as she's lost in waves of pleasure as her orgasm shakes her body. All throughout, Jack never relents and keeps fucking her against the wall. He keeps fucking her harder and deeper, with more and more passion. He feels his own orgasm building up inside of him, begging to explode. Tiffany's legs go weak after such a massive orgasm, but she knows what she wants, what she desperately needs. There's no way this is ending any other way. Jack needs to cum deep inside her; he needs to knock her up.

Her voice shaking with pleasure and barely a whisper, she says, "Yes! Yes! Fill me with your seed, big brother!"

Tiffany's orgasm causes her pussy to feel even wetter and hotter, it was a boiling inferno, but Jack kept pumping into her. He was trying to prolong his own orgasm as best as he could. It was the best sex he had ever had, and he wanted to make the most of it. As he vigorously thrusts into her, he wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck. Jack whispers in her ears, "You're a slut, Tiffany. But that's okay because you're my slut. Your only purpose in life is to give your brother pleasure. Never forget that you're my slutty little sister, Tiffany."

Tiffany screams with lust, "Yes, I am! Fuck this slut till she passes out! Oh, yes. Yes! Oh God, here it comes. I'm gonna cum! Almost there! Ughh! Ughh! YESSSSS!!!! I'm CUUUMMMMMIIIINNNNGG!!!!! Now, give me your seed! You're my brother, and you need to put a baby in me!! That's your job as a brother, to breed your sister!!" It's too much for Tiffany, and she can't stop herself from cumming again. As if by reflex, her cunt squeezes tightly on Jack's dick as her eyes roll back into her head as she cums all over him.

Tiffany's incest-fueled rant was enough to push Jack over the edge. He's about to explode deep inside his sister and knock her up. "Here comes my seed!" is all he can manage to scream as he tries to hold out a bit longer, even if only for a few seconds.

"Shoot it deep inside me, big brother!" is the last thing Jack hears before unleashing a torrent of cum inside her.

Load after load of hot sticky incestual jizz explodes into Tiffany, filling her to the brim. Jack doesn't even know where all of it is coming from; he just keeps pumping more and more into her. There's no possible way she doesn't end up pregnant after this. Tiffany's tight cunt does its part to wring all the semen out of him, clenching tighter and tighter after every load.

Jack is astounded he can still cum so much after all the fun he had this morning with Krissy. He stays firmly planted in his little sister until he completely empties the contents of his balls inside of her.

Tiffany stares at the cum dripping out of her tight hole as Jack pulls out. "Oh, wow. It's in so deep! You must be my brother. Only my brother could fuck like that."

Tiffany walks over to the couch and collapses on it, her pussy still full of her brother's cum.

Jack asks Tiffany, "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Of course. It's just down the hall." She tells him, fighting the urge to pass out.

"Thank you kindly," Jack replies.

Jack walks down the hallway towards the bathroom. He thinks to himself, "One down, twenty-two more to go."

He relieves himself and splashes some water on his face before heading out. Jack notices something strange as he comes out of the bathroom. Tiffany is now sitting on the floor, and his pants are right next to her. She's looking very suspicious and is clearly trying to hide something.

"What did you do?" Jack asks apprehensively.

Tiffany feigns ignorance, "What? I didn't do anything."

"You look like you're guilty of something," Jack knows he won't get anything out of her.

Tiffany looks away from Jack and says, "I don't know what yous talking about."

Jack is too tired to try and grill her any further, "Sure. Well, I've got to go."

"Aww, will I see you again?" Tiffany puts on her best puppy dog eyes and stares up at Jack.

"Probably. I am your brother, so I'm sure we'll see each other again." Jack isn't sure he'll ever see her again, but there's no reason he should tell her that.

"Fuck yeah, ya are," Tiffany says with a smile and what seems to be a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Jack's thoughts are interrupted by a sudden knocking on the window. He looks over and sees Krissy's face pressed against the glass.

"Can I come in now?" It's evident that Krissy was watching through the window as they put on a show.

Tiffany yells, "Sure, Krissy. Come on in."

"Was she watching us the whole time?" Jack asks Tiffany, knowing well that the answer is yes. It's not like it bothers him; if anything, it only makes the events even hotter. If he wasn't already completely spent from all the sex today, he's sure that knowing that Krissy was watching them would get him raring to go again.

"Probably. I was a little busy to notice. Yous also knocked me into the wall so many times I may has one of them concussions." Tiffany teasingly tells Jack.

Krissy almost knocks down the door as she barges in.

"Did he do it?" Krissy asks Tiffany, eager to know all the sordid details of the hot wild sex her cousin just had.

Tiffany tells her, "Yep. He came inside me."

Krissy giddily says, "Cool. Now we is going to be sister cousins!"

"Yep!" Tiffany replies, equally ecstatic.

Jack just smiles and says, "Okay. Well, I better get going now."

"Aww, you gotta leave so soon?" Krissy appears dejected; she thought she would go one more round with Jack.

"Yeah, sorry. I got places to go, things to do." While the idea of fucking both of them again seems enticing, Jack knows that he still has many more sisters to pleasure.

Tiffany replies, "Well if ya got ta go, ya got ta go. See ya soon, bro."

"Yea, see ya," Krissy says. They probably had a plan brewing, but Jack needed to get going and report his conquest to Grant.

Jack starts getting dressed, but he notices something is off when he puts on his pants. He swears he had left his phone in his right pocket, but now it's in his left pocket. He thinks to himself, "Is inbreeding and brain cell loss transmissible during sex? Did fucking two beautiful southern yokels make me stupid and forgetful? Oh, well. It's there, and that's all that should matter. I'm not going to complain."

Jack says his final goodbyes and heads out the door. He drives straight back to the motel and goes to check out. There seem to be some issues with his card or the reader because it keeps declining the transaction. The motel owner grows more frustrated by the second, and Jack starts to worry that Grant is trying to screw him. He calls up Grant and explains the situation to him. Eventually, the issue gets sorted, and Jack checks out.

After checking out, he hops into his car and drives to the airport. He heads directly to the familiar gigantic airplane waiting for him. El is waiting for him, dressed in her cute captain's uniform, complete with a short skirt and everything. She seems to have her usual bubbly personality, ready to greet him.

"How was your trip, sir?" She eagerly asks him.

"It was good. Thank you, El." Jack is happy to see her again, she has a warm motherly presence, and it always relaxes him.

Jack boards the plane after exchanging pleasantries with El. He notices a pink suitcase as he walks past the cockpit. The suitcase has a cute loli anime girl on it. It looks like something a small child or a young teenager would use.

Jack sees this as the perfect opportunity to tease El. "Cute suitcase, El. It's very unique."

"T-Thank you. It's one of my favorite characters." She nervously responds, trying to hide her embarrassment.

After a 4 hour flight and another long car ride, Jack makes it back to the hospital.

Jack walks directly into Grant's room.

"Well, how'd it go?" Grants asks excitedly. His eyes scanned Jack, hoping to glean even a tiny detail from his facial expressions.

"It went well. You were right; impregnating someone gives you a major power rush." Jack says, knowing that this would only inflate his already massive ego.

"Right? Now you see why I've done it so many times." Grant says happily. As if this is what passes for wholesome family bonding between them.

"I do. Doing it to a family member makes you feel even more powerful." Jack says with a big smile; he knows he is messed up, just like Grant. There is no point in trying to hide it anymore.

"Damn, I wish I could have had a chance to do that," Grant says mournfully. Jack notices a hint of disappointment creeping across his face.

"Oh, it's an amazing feeling. You just take control and fuck your sister like only a brother could." After having a taste of incest, there is no way Jack could ever go back to just plain old vanilla sex.

"Good. Good! Now you know the feeling; there's really nothing quite like it in the world." Grant can see that a fire had been lit inside of Jack and he was no longer doing this just for the money.

"Yeah, I kind of want to do it more now." Jack hopes his next sister is just as hot as Tiffany was.

"That's great to hear! So, was I right about Tiffany?" Grant asks, wanting to learn more in-depth just what exactly went down.

"Oh yeah. All she wanted in life was to be impregnated by her brother. She was quite happy when it happened. She was even happy when she learned that I screwed her cousin Krissy also. I even came inside her for good measure." Jack feels like he went above and beyond his duty. After all, any opportunity to fuck cousins is an opportunity he'll always take.

"Wait, you fucked Tiffany and her cousin? And you came in both of them?" Grant might have only met Jack a few days ago, but he is sure that he has never been prouder of his son than at this moment.

"Yep," a smug look plastered on Jack's face.

Grant is full of so much joy after hearing his son that he begins to sob.

"I should have come to you earlier! *Sniff* I couldn't be more proud of you, son. You're a chip off the old block. *Sniff*" Grant wishes he could get up out of bed and hug his son; but then decides that would be too gay.

"Agghhmm!" Grant clears his throat and forces back his tears. It's time to get serious.

"Okay, enough with the waterworks, back to business. Next girl is named Akeko Sumran." Grant regains his composure and tells Jack about his next sister.

"She's Asian?" Jack asks; he's never been with an Asian before.

"Japanese, to be specific. You're going to have to travel to Los Angeles. She's a student at UCLA and has a major teacher fetish. To that end, I've already talked with UCLA and set you up as a traveling professor who will be visiting and giving some lectures."

"What am I gonna be teaching?" Jack asks Grant, slightly worried. Grant never fails to amaze and scare him with how many connections he seems to have.

Grant says, "Whatever you want. Make up some shit about it being okay for women to be sluts, for all I care. Just make sure to make it sounds like some feminist bullshit; they'll definitely fall for that. That's all feminism is anyway. It's a way for college professors to turn their female students into sluts, so that billionaires can get a steady supply of young pussy."

"You're a fucking liar." Jack never ceases to be amazed at the insane shit that comes out of Grant's mouth. There's no way that what he is saying is true. Is there?

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Billionaires control the world and what we say goes. Maybe it's a billionaire conspiracy because we just weren't getting laid enough; before the '50s. Maybe women were goody little two-shoes and wouldn't fuck anything in sight; and that pissed Rockefeller off because he wanted some young pussy. Wait, did I say 'Rockefeller?' I meant some random billionaire. Anyway, maybe this random billionaire started the feminism movement and paid college professors to teach it, to help him get laid." After finishing his rant, Grant finally looks toward Jack and notices he's completely perplexed and astonished.

"You're so full of shit. There's no way that could possibly be true. It would be public knowledge if it were!" Jack is completely incredulous at what he just heard, but he can't put anything past Grant. He tries to rationalize his argument in his own mind, but the more he thinks about it, the more a nagging feeling that maybe Grant is telling the truth eats away at his psyche.

Grant throws up his arms and says, "Yeah, of course, I am. I don't belong to a secret society that pushes agendas and controls the world. That's crazy talk. As if such a thing would even exist."

"What are you talking about?" Jack knows that Grant has many secrets, but being a member of an Illuminati-type organization can't possibly be one of them.

Grant quickly responds, "Nothing, my medication is clearly making me delusional. Let's just get back to talking about your sister."

"Whatever," Jack says, crossing his arms; he already knows it's impossible to try and get any information out of him. "What else can you tell me about Akeko?"

"Well, apart from having a huge teacher fetish, she also has a major tentacle porn fetish," Grant says, happy at expertly shutting down any suspicions Jack might have.

"Of course she does," Jack replies sardonically. It seems this will be a huge stereotype chase all over the world. It's not so much a 'Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?' but a 'Who in the world can we offend next?'

Grant continues his debriefing, "She's a straight-A student, obviously. Her mom died when she was 15, and she now lives with her grandmother. She's currently single, which means she probably hasn't found the right teacher, or the right octopus, yet. Oh, and another thing, she's pretty tall. Like six foot tall, to be exact."

David walks in and interrupts the conversation. He doesn't bother greeting Jack and walks right up to Grant and whispers something to him. Grant then whispers into David's ear. David then exits the room quickly, leaving them both to continue their discussion.

Grant looks at Jack's puzzled expression and says, "I've decided to have someone help you out on your missions. Think of her as a sidekick, like Robin is to Batman."

"Her?" Jack asks rhetorically; it could really only be one person.

"Hey, big bro," he hears a familiar sensual voice.

Jack turns around and sees Tiffany standing there, grinning from ear to ear.