Here we go. I don't think it's that bad, it's just rumors from the brainless middle schoolers.
-Good afternoon guys! You are here for many reasons, the purpose of the regulation is to improve your behavior. Let's get to the point, the detention room is not bad and you realize for yourself, you can do any activity. As long as no one gets hurt.
What! That was it! I imagined a numberless punishment. This is very good! Well, I can carry out my activities. I'm going to do what I love in this life eat and listen to music.
What happens now! Who is bothering? Whose? That boy is asleep, she is playing, they are chatting and it's good they even whistle. But who is throwing paper? Who the hell is he?!
- You are the neuron who is throwing paper! Who you think you are?
-I was getting bored and needed to strike up a conversation. I thought it was a good idea to chat with you, we were the only ones who were alone, I didn't see a bad idea to start talking.
-Of course! Excellent idea! Very good!
-Yes, it was great! Aren't you upset?
-Not at all. I like it when you throw paper at me! And chat with you.
-Seriously! That good! I am charming, I have the best ideas when trying to socialize. By the way I'm not unknown!
- Shall I tell you something charming?
-Yes tell me, what you want my queen!
-I would like to remove a tooth and fit your half neuron! It seems that your species is in extinction and those ideas can die. Lovely boy if you want to live don't mess with me.
At the end of the hour I don't expect to be there one more minute with that neuron, the only good thing was his face at my comment.
Great! Here we go my first week of school and I have a detention! MARVELOUS! How boring! The manager allowed us to carry out any activity, I did not bring anything that could distract me, everyone is conserving with someone.
Wow, how lucky I am! There is also the mute girl. wow! I'm great with nicknames! I started to get his attention, throwing paper at him. Go! 1, 2, 3 He finally paid attention to me, he's frowning. Has he bothered? His face says something else!
It's time to start a conversation with the mute girl. Sounds annoying answers short to each question. When I told him “I am a charmer”. He showed me a very beautiful smile , but I managed to get a sarcastic response.
-If you keep bothering me, I'll blow out a tooth, knock you out and maybe die.
I was surprised to hear her, that girl is weird I confirmed it. But curiosity investigates me, it is something abnormal in me, but seeing her write, as she meditated, she frowned as she remembered something. Why do I care about her? I have seen some girls . I am new and observant every detail. But she? I do not understand!
I remember some places that I have lived, one day an old man said something to me.
In life you have to experience many things, good and bad, but above all the biggest risk you have to be careful of is love. It is a whirlwind of feelings and passions, the day it appears before you it will be a very strong blow. You must be careful with what you are going to say, because when the right person comes into your life, you will feel that you are taking another course, you will give the best of yourself at all times. Above all, do not get carried away by the cover, you will have to explore each of its virtues or disadvantages. Everything will happen in due time, you just have to have a lot of patience.
After that day I didn't see him anymore, as if the earth had taken him away. I liked your advice. Hope someone finds it again!