JA, what does that guy think, that's how you start a conversation. I am a charmer! duh! He's going to be charming when I knock him out. Cannot be! Because I'm here thinking about that fool, it's getting late to go shopping with Len and do my homework ahead of time.
-Hey girl! What happened? You're late! Detention ended three hours ago. What have you been doing my little girl?
-Oh that I! I didn't do anything wrong! I was late because I was remembering in a nuisance.
-You thinking? In that way? Big hassle? The only bother you have is teacher Rogers! Are you hiding something from me?
-There's Leon! Why did you name me after that lady, enough about tomorrow?! You don't have to say his name, every time I hear it I panic!
- It's okay Yu! I know perfectly your trauma with Rogers, leave her alone. She's just a teacher who hasn't found a way to waste her time!
-Okay! Where do you name her again! I'll break a summer collection or a tooth like half a neuron!
-Hears! You can't do that, it's my stuff! What is that half neuron?
-Oh! The new boy! Turns out he was in detention, he started throwing paper, feeling bored and wanting to start a conversation.
-And what did you do? Looks like it wasn't a good thing. Did you say something ugly?
"Well, I told you, if you keep bothering me, I'll take a tooth out of your sweetheart!"
- Yuley, it's serious! Why? You know how boys are, and you also know very well that there is a step from love to hate.
-Yes, I know Lenny! It annoys me all the time, it doesn't mean I hate it, it doesn't count, you know I won't fall in love again and end up with a broken heart.
-I'm sorry Yu! It didn't have to get to that point, I'm sorry to remember everything.
Calm down Leon! I have to learn to live, that is past, it will not harm the happiness of now.
-You make me feel very proud my little one! It's not going to ruin a stupid our happiness. As long as I'm with you we'll get ahead, this friendship goes further. We are queens.
- Thank you very much Leon! For always being in the moments, but let's change the subject. Let's eat! Buy and if there is time to advance homework!
-Very you! Always the food! LOL.
-Of course, the food is the best! Let's go fast I'm starving!
-Good afternoon ladies! What can I help you?
-Well, you could help me with an order, a large hamburger, some fries, cola and an ice cream.
-Nothing more?
-Not only that!
-Ok, your order is in a moment and what do you want, miss?
-For my part a hamburger and cola
-Well in a moment we deliver your orders.
-Here are your orders ladies, enjoy.
-Thank you very much!
-Are you going to eat all that?! You can?
-Of course look I'm for the potatoes, we're going to buy and take your time, you know full belly everything is happy. Well let's go shopping!
-What! You're done! My tail is missing and you're standing up.
- Oh girl, food is life, it fills the soul!
-Ok, now end your food philosophy and let's go shopping
-Look, Yu looks perfect on you, try it on!
-Okay, but you know I don't like this.- It's a nice dress, simple, blue, a little short with a few stones like I like, she chose the perfect one.
-Wow, you look great! If you see, I told you!
-Yes, but look what I found for you.
-Small this beautiful one sees that deep down you know the subject. I already tried it. - It was a red dress with a heart cut on the back, tight at the waist and ending at the knees, this girl went overboard.
And to combine we took some black heels and silver.
-Well, ladies, have you decided what you are going to wear?
-Yes, for now we will take this, but in the next one it will be more than this.
-Okay girls! You know that you are always welcome since you are the clients with the most visits, for the next time you will have a surprise.
-Great thanks for everything! It is the best store! Bye!
-Bye girls, come back soon it will be well served!
Lenny's house
-If you see, I TOLD YOU, it fits you perfectly, you have a beautiful body to show off and now comes the best part. My little girl, you look beautiful!
-Are you telling me the truth or are you playing with me?! -Well actually you're right, you've done a good job, the makeup is simple but beautiful, the hair loose and with some waves. I feel like the inner self is being reborn.
-No, don't worry, I'm telling you the truth!
-Well, I will trust you. I look at the phone and am amazed at how quickly time has passed. – Lenny is very late I must go! My mother is going to kill me if I'm not there before him. I'm supposedly referring to my father, although he has never treated me like a daughter. Mom says: “he's your father and you have to respect him” , ha as if correcting everything he's lived through.
Get there before things get ugly. Since I can remember I haven't had a nice moment or maybe I have, but they have been like lightning bolts, because it always ends up being ruined but what I remember most have been blows, words and even blood. That just remembering hurts my heart, for not having enough courage and facing him as he deserves since being a father does not give him the right to treat me as he pleases. Well for tonight it is better not to remember anything. I better take a shower since the shopping has left me tired and then I walk to Morpheus.
No please, leave me, I didn't do anything wrong! I just said the truth! You don't have to hit me like that! What don't you feel sorry for? I am your non-animal daughter! Even so, you don't have to hit me so hard, you're crazy, a person without knowledge! That you don't know how to treat others? Look how I'm bleeding, I hope that the day I die I don't want to see you crying, you better go before I go to tell my Grandfather!
There is not the same nightmare or dream! Why? I hope one day everything will end although I doubt it, however I hope that everything will change. The days go by I can't stand it, I have chosen to advise myself that everything will change, he will realize it and he will be a new person. I have made the decision not to run into him at lunch, in the dining room, as long as I don't cause a problem because Mom is suffering and I don't want to be the cause of her bitterness.