Will it ever change all the bad I've endured? Will real happiness come? I can't imagine how other people are really happy they are not afraid of anything, they don't care if they are rejected or hurt; they are truly admirable. However, I am afraid, I am terrified of returning to rejection, I would not bear it, I have suffered enough to return to strong pain, not even Lenny's advice helps.
How to forget that granny's advice, with a word she knew how to get where no one has been able to find, the weak point. I remember them very well, they are like those photographs that are kept in the trunk of memories. “My girl, in this life we are destined to lose or win, but never forget your true essence. You are more than you think, take risks, live and give true meaning to your life”
I remember perfectly how it happened, that day I had ended up with my supposed adventure partner, it was somewhat painful because I came to think that I was the right person but in reality, I was just a selfish kid who fed on the hopes of others and played your whim. I began to feel like he was moving away and like every girl in love kept trying something that had no head or tail, it was illogical to continue with someone who did not appreciate me, I was so stuck that I did not want to understand. When he said it wasn't enough for him, it wasn't enough so he cheated on me with a high school girl.
I felt so bad I didn't know how to act, I didn't put on a show and I changed direction, I didn't want to hear from anyone, I walked around three hours or more, when I realized I was in an unknown place, it was very quiet, you could perceive a great tranquility where you practically find peace with yourself. It was a lake with a small bridge that led to a kind of little house or something, it was very beautiful.
I was so impressed that I didn't see my grandmother sitting next to me, I spent the afternoon talking a lot with her and night was even beginning to fall and I had to get there earlier and not start an argument. Besides, I felt a little better, I wouldn't let anyone spoil it, I finished saying goodbye to Grandma and thanking her.
At the end, she mentioned: the day the right person arrives and I know that they will arrive, they will meet here, I just hope I have the will to see them and wish them the best, that true love exists.
Those words have remained very impregnated, because she was telling the truth, she was like a great sage, she knew how to say the right thing if she said one word too many, she was specific with her advice. You are right, it's time to experience many things, I need to fulfill my goals and change everything bad that has happened, this time I will not let anyone spoil it, I will be twice as strong, no one will stand in the way, no more pain, now It will be the time of change.
-Daughter get up, you're going to be late! Your father wants to talk to you.
- What?! Now what do you want? Didn't do anything wrong to get your attention? - As far as I remember I have tried to take things in peace. Why do you want to talk?
-You haven't done anything but he wants to talk to you, please don't talk so loud this time, I want us to get along like a real family.
-I don't know, mom, there's no way we can get along, he always damages what's good, I can't stand his way of behaving.
-Daughter is your father despite how he behaves, he loves you, they just have to change so much how you do.
-Ma don't start with the same, that's not going to happen. I'm leaving before I'm late for class.
"Just promise me you'll talk to him!"
-Okay, I'll talk, but if things get worse, I won't do my responsibility. God see you in the afternoon! –As you dare to want to talk to me, he said not to speak to him under any circumstances, now what happens to him? I do it for my mother, because it really hurts me to see how she suffers. Uf, arrive with the fair! I don't like being late, being agitated, sweaty doesn't sit well with me.
-Ment could come forward and perform an exercise! – Argh! Why is this happening to me? I hate doing these exercises, no matter how much I see how he solves them, I don't understand them.
-Yes, professor -Damn, I have no idea where to start, I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of these, then they make fun of me, I don't want to!
-Excuse me professor, could you let me pass? I'm sorry for the delay but since I'm new, I don't know where the courses are, nor the schedules.
-It's OK, go ahead! And you miss continue with the exercise! No one has told him to stop.
-Thank you teacher this will not happen again. – Wow is the weird girl! Today she looks very different, she is doing a math exercise, it is easy but she has no idea how to solve it. This is my opportunity to take advantage of the teacher and not report, in addition to getting a point in acting in class.
-Ready teacher is already solved.
-Okay, let's check the result.
-Excuse me, professor, but they are not the correct results, that is, you cannot transfer a number without its respective sign. -I'm sorry, girl, but you've done the exercise wrong.
-It's true Miss Ment, young Williams is right here. -I can't understand how the year is coming to an end and I didn't learn something simple!
-Curse! How could he solve something so difficult! Did they get it from some genius site, what do you think? – I'm sorry professor, I'll do better next time! – Arg but how he smiles! How I would like to slam my fist into his stupid face!
-Miss, you should pay more attention to classes and not be scribbling, always the same thing doesn't seem to change!
Ray has hit the nail on the head, you feel the hurtful words of my father and because of the moron with a genius complex. "What did you just mention miss?" I've thought about it out loud! It can't be I'm losing my control
-Did you just call me stupid?
-Yes you didn't hear it young man or you forgot to wash your ears little son of snow!
-Oh, this is the girl who couldn't solve a basic math exercise! Don't tell me you're going to get your paws out minimal or Caroline's sister!
We had forgotten the presence of the teacher and students, it was just him and me, throwing words at each other: literary, movie names or sarcastic phrases. They were fascinated by that show, some even recorded it since it seemed like a comedy. I forgot my fear of speaking, fixing a gaze, maintaining a rooted and haughty attitude are things that I did not do, I preferred to stay calm.
-Youths! Behave already! You must not form a discussion as if they were pleasures, you are of an age to behave, you seem like troglodytes. Be quiet!
-We're very sorry teacher, it won't happen again, we're really sorry! Please excuse us!
- Of course it won't happen again! You will go to the student discipline room, I hope you don't have another argument or you will be expelled I said!
-As you say professor!
-Besides, this will be filed in your student sheets, I can't believe, you barely know each other and have formed an argument?!
Director's room
-Director, the two boys sent by Professor Dom Marc have arrived. Let him pass through, and also bring me his folders!
-Miss Ment, Young Williams. You guys are here to argue in class. Besides, Miss Ment, I can't believe you! You have an impeccable blade, just as you young man your blades have been impeccable! Classes are just starting and you guys got into an altercation?
-Mr. Director, I'm really sorry, I've had a clean student record, but this time I don't know what happened. Sorry! Please do not send the report!
-Director taking the floor, if you'll excuse me but I think I could make another decision, we also made peace. What do you think?
-Guys, you think I'm going to change my mind, you are very wrong! You must answer your actions and make it clear to you, this will go straight to your folders. For now go to your classrooms, at the end of classes, you must go back and talk to your parents!
- As you say sir, we will return!
-Damn, it can't be, it can't be happening! If he comes I'll have the worst of my miserable life, he can't come. What do I do now? Shit!
-Hey girl! What's wrong?
-It's your fault I'm here! If you hadn't been a genius, none of this would have happened! You just had to come in, and be quiet. But not the boy had to open his mouth, THANK YOU!
-WHAT? Ha, now I'm to blame! But who has the error? Me for being wrong or you for being a know-it-all? Well, what's done is done, there's no going back. Sorry!
-I think it's very good girl! Have you had the ability to reason and give another perspective to the situation? Do you mind if I buy you an ice cream? There we can clarify everything that happened!
– Oh ice cream! Delicious! Boy you know how to hit the nail on the head, but I don't know, I didn't bring any money today.
– Don't worry, I'll invite you! Today I pay. What has been reading my thoughts? Cannot be!
-Okay, because you said ice cream, I also deserve an apology from you young man!
-Mentioned apology, then it would be the opposite. You owe me an apology, miss!
I blushed no one had spoken to me in such a nice way, something tender. There is conscience, you have said something illogical! You are misunderstanding things. I remind you what was agreed. Do not involve us, do not get excited and above all do not give your heart.