
It was great to spend the afternoon with Alexander, in a nutshell I wish people were more human, less superficial, because they look pretty, they hurt others. With Alexander we have had things in common, reading and music. They don't treat him badly though.

-Alexander, you see, no one points you out, they don't criticize you or want to make a fiasco out of your life.

-Hey! Stop with that! They do not speak for being the new one, since time passes they will do the same. That's how life works. You just have to be strong, you should never be afraid. Also, I think you're different, not in a bad way. You must have more security, above all confidence, that the rumors do not hurt you, on the contrary, take it as advice so that you form a new way of thinking. Agree?

-Agree! It is clear that I will not change from one day to the next, as the days go by I will strengthen. Thanks for listening! I apologize for the above, it wasn't my intention, I don't know what happened, I'm not like that, I felt very pressured and I think I lost control. Sorry! Excuse me?

-Of course I apologize Yuley! It's okay, however, he excused you on one condition. Do you mind if I give you math classes? do you accept

-I agree! Just because I need to improve my subject, I also need to enter the camp, so the math classes will help me.

-Well then a deal! When do we start classes?

-Tomorrow at 14 pm, do you think?

-If, according! In order to pass, you will have to have a lot of patience, I learn slowly, ha, ha, ha.

At night

Facebook message sound But who will it be? An unknown message! How did you get my profile? I'm going to review, hopefully and they are not from the course, they only write to annoy. I'm really afraid of what the message will say.

Hi Yuley! How are you? Did you like spending the afternoon with me? -Afternoon? I passed? I do not remember. Mm I spent the afternoon with Alexander. I guess it's him?

-Excuse me, just in case! Are you Alexander? If not him, then I don't know who you are?

-Girl if you're smart, of course I! Who else guesses?

-I'm sorry sometimes I usually receive annoying messages.

-Well, it's not to bother, I just want to chat more with you, have a great afternoon, you're a great girl, also very good with jokes. I liked how you fell from the car and dramatized it. It was excellent, you're cool!

-It's good that it was you! But tell me how did you find me on Facebook? And it is an honor to tell you about the fall Ha! But don't tell anyone. NO ONE!

-It was very easy, but I won't tell you how! LOL

-Yum, you're bad! It does not matter. Answering the first, I have to accept it was very good to spend with you. You are super Alex!

-Oops! I think I blush!

-There is no big deal! Your cheeks look like squirrels!

-I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or an offense?

-Hey look! We have spent time chatting, tomorrow we have classes, we are going to have some raccoon-like dark circles

- Okay girl, we have to rest! Until tomorrow!

-Bye! See you tomorrow Alex!

Camp Acceptance


I can't believe they accepted me! I hope there is a change not only personally, but in everything. It's time to face, fight for myself, be strong, have a better attitude and self-esteem. Since I started classes with Alexander I have changed. At first he was losing his patience, however the days passed he understood. I am happy, he managed to get in and I will no longer be alone, I would have a friend in the camp.

-Hears! Do you have everything ready for tomorrow? You see it's about three months and in that time, I hope you don't say that you've missed something, I'm not going to help you. Because I kill you! I KILL YOU!

-Relax woman, I have everything calculated! Besides, I have traveled a lot and I know how to solve everything in a situation. I am cautious! I am clever! duh!

-There are! I hate it when you're smartass! Ha, ha, you are self-centered!


-Hears! Don't overdo it, I'm just telling the truth, you're being pessimistic! Though I'd be keeping my whole lady pack. Help!

-Miss SOS? What does it mean?

--Well everything that the girls leave terrified. Do you know better than me?

-Oh I know! Hears! How do you know about the subject? However, it is true that one should carry more, to save an emergency, ha, ha, ha.

-I know from mom and a friend, I confirm the doubt. That's why I carry many boxes for any emergency and save blessings, if you understand me. Truth?

-Yes, yes boy! I don't want to find out about your sexuality. LOL!

-LOL. It's okay girl healthy mind, I won't say more! I'm going to check that we have what we need for the months. Bye, see you tomorrow!

After talking to Alexander and reviewing the list, I couldn't sleep, it's the emotion. Wait that long to enter, the best are accepted. Its purpose is to develop new expectations, to form a tomorrow. In addition, it has been about three months, I have gotten along wonderfully with Alex.

The next day we left around 8 am because, my dear friend, he forgot to bring his personal suitcase, his electronic devices. On the trip: we ate, we talked, we played and more talk. Then I was reading a book by Doroti Paez, I also brought from: Ema Blanco and Karin Romel. While Alexander was listening to his music, the place was far away, so I fell asleep on Alexander's shoulder.

When Alexander woke up, he said that we were about to arrive at the camp, to tell the truth I felt very uncomfortable sleeping like that, it wasn't bad but it was weird for me, well I'm always weird.


The whole trip was fun, sharing so many things I don't know, she says she's weird, not at all attractive. Along the way, we talked until she started reading, when she fell asleep on my shoulder, she looked calm. To tell the truth I like to see her like this at times I tried to snuggle her and make her feel safe, I think I'm liking it. Calm down Alex still, you are sensitive to start a new relationship. It is a total No!

When we arrived they gave us a room, luckily there were divided beds. We put away our things, putting a label so as not to get confused, then we went to eat. The place was huge and the food was from so many countries, I felt my stomach roar and I was drooling. I think I am going to die!