A month has passed, in the camp we were mentioned to hold a kind of celebration or group meeting. Represent a before and after of our lives, a kind of theater. I think it was great we had an integration, the boys from the beginning were super spontaneous, they could turn sadness into happiness. I needed that change.
With them we had talks and workshops together or at least three out of five, the best thing is that I shared more time with her. I was able to learn more about what was happening because of his insane brain, I liked it when he passed on a crazy idea to others but it was the best for me. There were times when we behaved like real rebels, we played a kind of game, the boys didn't understand at first, but then they understood that we were crazy. It is really the best thing that has happened in this time, I hope to continue, the idea that everything comes to an end and I lose communication with the boys terrifies me.
The group was made up of: Yamileth, Julia, Jorny, Anthony, her and me. The group was everywhere, we were a gang, if one fell, we were all there to help each other, someone entered with bad intentions, we tore them to pieces. Rough but true!
The final day we did what was planned, some groups projected their life, it was really very fantastic, there were many presentations with themes: reflective, action, drama and comedy, all with a jovial touch. At the end we met at the mall, we tasted a family barbecue, we all love to eat, my friend is a complete carnivore, we laughed to see how she ate, she looked like a lion devouring its prey.
From there we returned to the camp around 9 pm We met as usual, we began to eat some sweets, soft drinks, a little of everything, we remembered our beginnings, the first relaxations, it was very good to remember everything that we lived in the camp.
That night I remembered how our installation was, she had a certain mistrust in sharing a room and that meant sharing: the kitchen and what she feared, sharing the bathroom. She thought he was a libidinous predator and lurking against her integrity it was funny to see her, her expressions reflected a girl. When he remembered him he died of shame.
One night while we finished cleaning, we arrived exhausted, heated up food, took a bath and went to sleep. In the early morning I heard some moans and small whimpers. Observe how she was made a little snail by way of defense, as soon as she felt that she was close, she hugged me, I returned the hug, I didn't know what to do. I began to give her little bumps on the head, whispering that everything is fine, that she trust me, I take care of her and protect her. She let out a scream and said, "Alex, you can sing to me and tell me that angels will never die." I was taken by surprise no one had even sung to my ex, but seeing her in that state gave me a guilty conscience. Also, I am puzzled. Why did he say that? She was different there is no doubt. When I told her I fell fast asleep, but in my arms, I made an attempt to get away but she held on tighter, so I slept next to her.
The next day she was very sad and distant, I did not dare to ask her what was happening to her, as they say: leave the person alone to express themselves and do not intervene in what you cannot solve. She spoke to me herself, she apologized for what happened, it hurt me to see her in that state, her way of expressing herself was very disastrous, as if she were dying. Could it be that there is a ghost and that torments her?
From then on it did not happen again, on the contrary it rose from the ashes, it was a phoenix. I liked him, his positive attitude, he didn't let anything harm him, at times he got tired and lost his patience. At times I get to think that I knew her for a long time, it will be because I like her. Well it seems that my romantic or mellow self comes out. She usually says that when couples are in love mode, at first it caused me between surprise and laughter, but I understood that it is her way of making fun and hanging out. Sarcastic and funny at the same time, I love it!
I remember when we used to travel, about two hours. He sat down, greeted, read and then said “see you tomorrow”. It was strange, I was asking him, it was like saying "see you later" his funny version, his way of acting was so peculiar. In truth, traveling with her was unpredictable, she didn't know what she was going to say, her jokes were the best. While we were traveling, I observed how the others looked at us in a way that they imagined that we were a couple or hesitating. Sometimes we acted as a couple but it was all a joke. I imagine they came to a conclusion, after on one of the trips, she told me that after finishing a project she had hardly slept, she was very tired, we talked for a while, but then she fell asleep. His head rested on my shoulder and his arm around my waist. It was the key point for the passengers to start assuming an alleged relationship.
That day I was taken aback by the shocking comment. "People are like flowers when they reach the right hands, you take care of them at all times or treat them like garbage." Could it be that she is my flower or the answer I needed to all my doubts? Is she the possible heroine that saved me from doom? Is it the angel that has always taken care of me? Is my dream promised? All this I will solve at some point, for now I must focus on my priorities, then there will be time to deal with emotional issues.
I remember when we met at the terminal, as if fate wished to bring us together. We had different schedules, she came in an hour later, but she left an hour earlier. But there was a greater force that made us travel the same, equal seats. In times of exams we were very tired, I had a gift paper I asked him what it was, curiosity killed me. I had hit it!
"He told me that I needed to fix the portfolio, present it tomorrow and it must be impeccable." It was the last thing she said, she had fallen asleep, typical of her and leaving me in the middle of a conversation, sometimes she finished them but every five minutes she yawned, she was tired, annoying. So I told her to sleep and I woke her up at the stop. When I woke up I saw how it joined my body, due to the cold, it was very cold. I tried to keep her warm and give her a little heat, she said that I always walk with a hot temperature. Then I took her hand and I could see how everything changed, she was red, I didn't see her completely, however her ears gave her away, I discovered something new, when she is nervous her ears are her weak point, they take on a pink color and start to decline his look.
I would like to know if he remembers every experience we have had with the boys, the pranks we used to do, I hope he never forgets me. I think it has become my promised wish.