
My destiny, my new look

I remember how we started in this camp. I have learned how to stand firm and straight, that nobody can bend me, also in socializing. In understanding and analyzing the behavior, their expressions and emotions, it has been very difficult at the beginning, being a closed person but with the help of Alexander I overcome every fear.

The first thing that comes to mind was the surprise that we had to share a room, we had to take care of everything. The food and the bathroom, I know it sounds crazy, but the bathroom is sacred. That place was my hiding place, I cried, I felt that I could free myself from my problems, forget everything. I wouldn't let anyone see me cry and feel their pity.

At the beginning the food was disastrous, I didn't know how to prepare good tasting dishes, only: rice, potatoes, salad and juice, junk food. Until Alex, he got a big pimple, according to him he was horrible, he made a drama, that day I decided it was time to change and eat healthy. I talked to the camp cook, she taught me many things, she told me some of her little tricks. He was excellent to learn, he had a lot of wisdom as well as patience. I love her so much Nonna.

On Alexander's birthday, I prepared a baked chicken, a cake, despite being careful he likes chocolate but I love chocolate. A small meeting, the boys brought some drinks everything went normal, they left before the time, we had the night alone, we finished the bottle of vodka, I gave him a hug and wished him a happy birthday, he gave me a kiss on the forehead , he took me by surprise and said - "Thank you for making this day very special, destiny, I love you much more than you think" , a kiss near the lips and he fell asleep, I was perplexed I did not know what to do, the only thing that came out from my mouth, "It's nothing, Alex, I love you."

Regrets that taste like joy

In all physical training, Alex won and the worst rubbed it in my face. One day the trainer Sanders, held a team competition, the athletic Alexander Willioms could not be missing, the most outstanding, however the bad luck of the female group, they chose me, I did not run badly, but lately I felt my body get overwhelmed.

The points were clarified, as was the route and the end, everything was going well. Alex lost a few seconds tripping over a stone, however every second he felt tired, in one of the advances I saw how Alex went ahead. I lost visibility, my legs gave out and I fell. I could hear the cries for help, but nobody did anything, I wanted to get up, I had no strength, I tried to get up but failed. Alex picked me up, I could see the desperation and fear on his face as he said: “Yu, don't fall asleep! Here I am!" listening to him I could trace a smile, but then I lost consciousness.

After three hours in the middle of four white walls and being connected to a seat of hoses, I went into desperation, that machine began to sound more scared, I needed to scream, get out, I had no idea how I got to that place. A doctor and a nurse came in, they injected a transparent liquid into the hose that was near the vein, a tranquilizer, I rested for at least half an hour. I wanted to get up but a body prevented me from moving my legs, it was Alexander sound asleep, his face was red, his nose sniffed badly. Something caught my attention, he was sleeping holding my hand, I felt a tingling throughout my body. He woke up giving a small cry of fright but at the same time happiness, I observed him and asked myself, could it be that I was dead and came back to life?

Alex shed a tear and hugged me, as if he had never seen me, or maybe he didn't want to let me go, he didn't understand. He spoke to me with tears but a laugh began to form; “You my little one! I'm glad you're okay! You don't know how scared I was, I don't want anything bad to happen to you, I'll be here!"

The last thing he said made her tear up, however Alex calmed each of them by repeating, "I'll be here" and placing a kiss on the head. Then the doctor and the nurse arrived, they told me what had happened, staying two days in the hospital until the tests gave better results and partial recovery of energy, they left without first applying ten million injections, they made me sleepy and the sometimes faint.

The first night Alex brought clothes for me and for him, because the young man talked to the nurse on duty, they would let him sleep in the room to take care of the patient according to him, I was uncoordinated and something could happen to me, she believed him and they let him sleep . Alexander took two chairs and made them bed-like, it looked uncomfortable, sharing a room with him taught him many things. I stood up because I wanted to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water, but the IV pole made a sound and woke him up. Angry with himself, he told me to call him, that's why he stayed, he scolded himself. I thought I'm getting to know him better! Am I liking it?

Alex from that moment did not sleep, he did not let me move or make any movement without him supervising him, in truth he began to feel something "love" or "anger". When the nurse arrives, a laugh dancing on her face, her name is Josselin, I check how the serum was continuing, everything is going normally, however, out of the corner of my eye I saw how Alex helps me sit down and ask how I felt, don't be afraid, he was to take care of me and protect me, I repeat I felt my whole body tingle when he kissed me on the forehead. In that, the lady mentions:

The love of youth is very beautiful, however I see a destiny, boys, always keep your gaze firm, because it is the gaze of destiny.

He finished his sentence and Alex spoke: “You say it as if love came, however, what I am going to ask I hope is not disrespectful, is that person still there or not?

She replied: -No, now I'm his fiancée! While showing off her ring. Our emotion filled her with joy, but she was curious who would be the person causing the radiance of her smile.

I took a deep breath meditating the words, I didn't want to be rude and impolite. -Your words are wise full of kindness and solidarity, I appreciate what you said, however I have a doubt. How do you know that between us we form a destiny? Are you a clairvoyant? She smiled to see how he asked nonsense, she kindly replied: "Love and friendship are very strong ties, but I see that their ties are united by a mystical force, despite everything that happens in their lives, they will be braver than ever." what they think". It is not necessary to be a seer, the voice of experience speaks to you. Guys I went through the same thing and let me tell you, it was the best, it was my test of love and pressure.

It was at that moment I understood and regretted what I said before, I thanked him for his sincere words, wishing him the best words in his life, just like Alex, who liked each of the words.

Alexander was very attentive, the food that arrived, was offered for him to eat from his hands and not move, the boy restrained. The doctor arrived with the first tests, he was afraid because they had been causing discomfort for a long time.

-Miss Ment good afternoon! We have checked each exam and we observe that you have a defice in: red blood cells, bone problems, kidneys, heart, and what may be a low blow, your brain, you have bruises, this causes you discomfort, irritability and has presented Fainting. I don't want to get ahead of the results, but I'm afraid if she continues to have fainting spells and throbbing headaches, she may have to have an operation.

Dr. Anders was explaining the results, I felt my body tense, he was speaking scientific terms and it was difficult to understand, Alexander was holding my hand, his face seems to understand what I was expressing. The doctor at the end mentioned; rest, avoid disappointments, problems and above all he could not receive or give blows or he would cause death.

-Calm down Yu, we're going to get out of this together! I know it's easy for us but we'll make it and with the help of the guys everything will be great! Don't give up on this we will get ahead, always together!

-Alexander, I thank you for every word, now I don't know, my head is a mess. For the moment I will trust your words, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being together and not leaving me.

-I will never leave you Yuley! Do not hesitate, I will always accompany you, okay?

-Agree! I promise no matter what happens I'll be there, Alexander I love you!

-I love you too, my little one!

Third day

-Miss Mint! Today is the day you will leave the hospital, I hope you keep each indication in mind, carry out check-ups every six months until the year is up. Then we will see how the treatment continues and the changes, everything depends on you.

-Thank you very much doctor! Rest assured that I will follow to the letter, I will not fail at anything!

-Agree! Now go to reception and pick up the medications, the sheet with the instructions and finish the paperwork. It's specific data, it won't take long!


Calm down Alex! I can with the suitcase is not heavy!

-We had no strength left! Understood!

-Okay! I will not do lifting that requires physical strength! I assure! Alexander look! It's Sick Josselin with Dr. Anders! wow! They just kissed!

-Oops! They know how to respect the labor margin Come on Yuley, the taxi came for us!

-Ready Alexander! Let's go!


When they arrived at the camp, the boys had made a meal, low in calories, in carbohydrates. It was great spending time with them, Alexander taking care of every moment, the boys came to think that something was happening and we didn't want to say, but nothing happened, for now.