A New Day And The Promised Fight

'I think I could beat Bigfoot rather easily now...'

A young figure could be seen lying down on a bed.

It was Shiro... After his fight with Bigfoot, he trained his senses heavily, and developed his skills a bit more, along with his strength.

Shiro's senses were currently abnormally developed. He was constantly in a state similar to observation haki, from one piece. And not much could currently escape him. However due to the intensity of the information he had limited it to a few metres...

It had been more than 40 days, since his battle with Bigfoot.

He now took this world a lot more seriously, after experiencing that battle. And during this time, he anticipated how the canon was going.

'Baki has probably already had a visit from Yujiro with his dead friend monkey...' Shiro thought, 'I wonder if HE will visit me?'

And at this point Shiro sensed a strong fighting spirit. One he could recognise instantly.

"F*uck..." Shiro shouted, surprised.

"So you noticed me..." The door creaked open revealing, Shiro's Father, 'The Ogre'.

"RAHAHAHAH" An abrupt laughter sounded.

"You are becoming a meal worthy of me. Shiro!" He vigorously said, "But not quite yet..." As he said this a small grin appeared on his face. And Shiro readied his stance.

"COME! SHIROO!" Yujiro screamed, "Let me have a small taste!".

Shiro, speedily rushed towards Yujiro.

'Heavenly Demon Style: God's Descent'

The familiar black aura encompassed Shiro's leg, surprising Yujiro for a split second.

"Your full of surprises Boy." Yujiro murmured quietly, with a grin.

Shiro's body raised in the air and spinned, delivering a spinning hook kick directed towards Yujiro's face.


The kick landed firmly in Yujiro's grasp, and after blocking, Yujiro delivered a roundhouse kick to Shiro at a speed that Shiro couldn't react to.


Shiro, plunged into the wall destroying part of his apartment.

"Disappointing..." Yujiro could make Baki crave vengeance by killing his friend, but Shiro had no friends or much that he cared about. He wanted Shiro, to become a great meal. So he decided to some 'small' encouraging...

Stepping on Shiro's wrist, a crunching noise was heard.

"ARGHH" Shiro's wrist snapped... But Yujiro didn't stop, he then moved to his other wrist.


"AHHHHHHHHH" The pain amplified. Shiro, couldn't think anymore and the pain clouded his mind.

"WEAK!" Yujiro shouted arrogantly.

"Your still so weak. SHIRO! Become stronger or your I will kill your brother!"

Shiro had developed a bond with his brother during this time in this world... And when Yujiro, threatened Baki's life...

A sudden feeling raised within Shiro's body.


A familiar black mist, filled his mind and with it, a purplish red aura made it's way into the atmosphere.

It was killing intent.

Yujiro observed the change happily, and before Shiro could attack, decided to end it.

But before doing so said, "1 month... Come and find me in 1 month. Baki will be there too." He then knocked out Shiro, before walking away.

"To think he was that pure... RAHAHAHAHA..." Yujiro's laughter resounded through the atmosphere, causing confusion to the nearby pedestrians walking along.

'What a weird guy...'


Shiro woke up in an unimaginable amount of pain...

'First my leg, and now my arms..." Shiro let out a tired sigh, and stood up to meditate. He found a while ago, that he heals quite fast, possibly due to his bloodline. And a broken bone may heal within 1 week, or even a few days. This was not unnatural in the Baki world.

'Guess I'll have to postpone my plan a bit...' Shiro decided to put his focus into perfecting his art, and training. For the battle soon to come.

And soon... 29 days passed.


Shiro was wearing a plain red hoodie and some comfy joggers.

The night sky shone and he was now walking towards a large open field, with a gate around it.

It was filled with many people, who were acquaintances of Baki.

"So this is your brother, Baki." A man or large stature, with huge muscles and a wide build said. He was wearing a purple shirt with white pants, and had a scar in the shape of a cross on his face.

Shiro recognised this person from the anime as 'Kaoru Hanayama'.

Baki stared at his brother, noticing the subtle change in his temperament. It felt different, but he didn't know how...

As Baki and Shiro greeted each other.

Yujiro watched on, observing both of them. With their mother, Emi behind him.

"Baki. You go first." Shiro softly said. He first wanted to observe Yujiro.

"Watch me Shiro, I have gotten stronger!" Baki said arrogantly. He then readied himself and ran towards Yujiro intending to fight.


The ground suddenly started to vibrate.

"Nani! An earthquake! A big one!" The spectators were perplexed and confused.

Baki who was caught off balance, started to balance on one foot before planting both firmly onto the ground.

Yujiro however prepared his fist slowly, and with devastating power threw it onto the ground, causing the rumbling to stop.

The people around were astonished, including Shiro himself who knew it was coming. 'When will I be able to do a feat like that?' Shiro silently wondered.

"Wha- He... Stopped it!" Someone said. "No way!"

The spectators grew even more confused and had started to have some realisations of the power 'The Ogre' had...

As the rumbling soon came to an end, Baki immediately rushed Yujiro not caring about the feat he had just done.

He ran behind him and curled his legs around his waist, while proceeding to choke him in a chokehold.

Baki's muscles were flexing and bulging, showing the mass amount of force he put into the chokehold. But Yujiro stood still, unmoving and breathing calmly.

Yujiro raised his arms, and swung his body around, so quick that Baki's legs slipped off his waist and his arms could barely hold.

As Yujiro was spinning. Baki's arms soon gave out and he flew into the air, before sumersaulting and rebounding off a fence springing towards Yujiro, intending to kick his face.


The kick connected, leaving an undamaged Yujiro. Baki then proceeded with a combo that left Shiro, rather impressed, as he seemed stronger than than his anime counterpart. Probably due to the sparring they had...

Uppercuts, sweeps, punches to the throat and body, and powerful kicks. Were thrown at Yujiro constantly.

However none of this did any damage to the unmoving Yujiro. As Baki finished his combo, he planted his foot on Yujiro's chest and backflipped onto the grass, crouching.

'endorphins?' Shiro thought.

Baki let out a concentrated scream before releasing his technique 'endorphins'.

Endorphins could increase one's durability and pain resistance. A rather good technique at this stage.

Baki, then continued his onslaught of heavy punches, unto the face of Yujiro. Each hit landing cleanly on each cheek.

As Baki was attacking. Yujiro started to speak. "I thank you all... The little snot who did nothing but look up to me, is now attacking me with his all." He looked at the spectators "His level has now reached the top of modern fighting. Therefore, I thank you all who made him grow! And you are next Shiro!"

Yujiro briefly glanced at Shiro, who was calmly watching before turning to Emi and saying "Emi- It's feeding time! I'm going to eat today!" He said excitingly.

A smile crept onto Emi's face seeing how happy Yujiro was...

The Ogre then decided to counter the now attacking Baki, with an axe kick that, caved the ground.


Baki's body landed firmly in the grass, unmoving, before springing back up and facing Yujiro.

Baki closed his eyes in anticipation, for the next attack. Putting all his sense on overtime.

Both fighters readied their stance and Yujiro karate chopped Baki's head at lightning fast speed. However Baki used the momentum of the attack, preforming a webster like front flip and came down with a strong axe kick, that smashed into Yujiro's head.

Yujiro, however smiled.

Shiro quickly, shouted "WATCH OUT BAKI!" As he knew what was coming next.

Yujiro used the attack's momentum against him and preformed the same exact movement plastering an axe kick into baki's face. The sheer speed was so fast, that Shiro's waring didn't help at all...

Baki flew into the ground deforming the earth and going unconscious. Before being smashed in the head repeatedly with Yujiro's fist.

At this point Shiro, wanted to rush in and stop this fight. But if he did, he didn't know if Baki could truly survive. Emi's sacrifice was crucial to the survival and maturation of Baki, and possibly himself.

While he could jump in and try, Yujiro may decide to kill them all if his 'meal' was interrupted.

Emi stepped up, towards the excited Yujiro.

She glanced at Shiro, and with a sad expression, murmured "I'm sorry". She then clenched her fists and ran towards Yujiro.



A fist landed clean onto Yujiro's cheek, breaking it in the process, however Emi seemed unaffected by the pain. "YOU NOW FIGHT ME!" Emi screamed.

She then threw her other fist at Yujiro, also breaking it in the process. At this point Emi looked rather pitiful, and anger slowly began to build in Shiro. The faint purple/red aura once again sneaking it's way into the air. While Shiro didn't exactly like his mother. He still cared for her a little bit...

After all it's not like she abandoned him, like some certain parents did...

Emi, then spat on Yujiro's face and kicked Yujiro's groin straight after.

Yujiro responded with a double clap to the ears, bursting both ear drums instantly.

"Is that all?" Emi said with an unwavering confidence, unaffected by the constant pain she was in.

Yujiro smirked, and Emi slowly went towards Yujiro before placing her hands on his shoulders and firmly biting his shoulder as hard as she could.

Yujiro stretched his hands outwards, before hugging Emi, and saying "What a great woman!" He then squeezed Emi's back snapping it in the process. And soon she fell limp onto Baki's unconscious body lying on the grass.

Shiro, was both angry and sad... Sad about his loss of a new mother, and angry at his stupidity just letting it happen because of some 'plot'. A purple/reddish aura seeped out of Shiro...

Yujiro, noticed Shiro's current state and raised both hands creating a devilish aura that clashed with Shiro's.

"COME SHIRO! Do well, or I'll kill Baki too." Yujiro said menacingly.

Shiro's body sprung forwards immediately.

'Heavenly Demon Style: Demonic Judgement'

Shiro's eyes flashed purple, making him look like a true demon, and at a devastatingly fast speed, delivered a sweep to Yujiro's legs.

Yujiro leaped, avoiding the sweep and dived down with a punch aimed at Shiro's head.

However Shiro reacted fast and twisted his body, then preforming something similar to a butterfly kick, aimed at Yujiro's stomach.


The kick landed firmly onto Yujiro's stomach creating a pressured wave exactly like his move 'Pierce'. It seemed Shiro had unconsciously, applied it to his attack only making it more dangerous.

"RAHAHAHA" Yujiro laughed. He was enjoying it. The thrill, of fighting! He loved it. A slight grin appeared on his face, before he used the momentum of the kick, to backflip and firmly land on the ground.

However Shiro, hadn't finished.

'Heavenly Demon Style: God's Descent'

The black aura appeared once again on Shiro's leg, however this time it was more intense and slightly larger. It looked like the flames 'Amaterasu' from Naruto, but more water like.

Shiro, spun and jumped. Leaving afterimages of his leg to dissipate within the air, and delivered the most powerful spinning hook kick, he had ever done.


This force vibrated the ground...

The kick surprised 'The Ogre' and landed on his abdomen. The kick managed to slide him across the grass, a centimetre. Showing just how much power was contained inside it.

Yujiro, laughed before saying "You have entertained me well enough, boy" Shiro didn't reply... He seemed too engrossed in the fight.

"This is enough for now... After all you still have room to grow. And so does Baki." Yujiro smiled, then flexed his muscles and delivered a supersonic punch towards, Shiro.




Shiro, hit the ground instantly, sliding across the grass and through the metal fence, which surrounded the open field before crashing into a stone wall.

The aura slowly dissipated, and he was left unconscious.

The spectators who were watching were astonished.

They were glad Shiro stepped in, although a bit late. And if he hadn't made a move, they themselves would have done the same.

Yujiro, then turned away calmly before getting into a helicopter. He spared a glance at the now conscious Emi, who was cradling Baki and slowly dying.

As Yujiro was flying away, a peaceful atmosphere soon encompassed the surroundings. The people watching decided to stay quiet, spectating the sad scene in front of them. However a few of them brought the unconscious Shiro towards Emi and Baki, and soon watched as Emi sang a lullaby, while slowly losing her life.


As Emi said her final words, the light dimmed in her eyes.

She he died holding her two sweet boys that she neglected for nearly her whole life. Training them endlessly just to please one man. This was a regret that filled her dear heart.

The sound of crickets could be heard...

And a regretful mother was soon left... Peacefully sleeping amidst the night sky.