Rained poured onto the ground, and 2 Young boys, were quietly sat in front of a tombstone.
One with tears in his eyes, and the other a solemn face.
'Even though, it's a simulation it feels so real.' Shiro thought. He hadn't forgot the fact that he was in a simulation, and that his main world was somewhere else, but he was beginning to feel as if this was indeed the true world of Baki. And not just a simulation.
Baki was quietly sitting next to him, with tears dripping from his eyes. And with a flash of determination said, "2 years... In 2 years, I'll return to Japan, Shiro."
"I see..." Shiro said. "Stay safe." A faint smile bloomed onto Shiro's face and as both of them stood up, they fist bumped.
The 2 brothers started to walk in the opposite directions, their will stronger than ever.
'I'll see you in the arena. Baki'
(Time-skip 2 years)
"RUSH HIM!" A large scream resounded inside a huge prison.
hundreds of vicious criminals surrounded a 17, year old boy. With long red hair that had black tips that reached his upper back.
It was Shiro.
He stood calmly in the midst of multiple attacks forming around, him. His eyes were closed and his senses keen.
The inmates were all bulked up, from the constant training they did in the prison, and many of them threw their attacks, at Shiro.
'Heavenly Demon Style: Asura's Rage'
The black void-like aura appeared, this time encompassing Shiro's whole body. Shiro's muscles bulged, and he felt his strength hugely increase.
Shiro spun around, preforming a hurricane kick, sending a bunch of attackers ploughing backwards, however it seemed that people behind the attack were also hit in a fashion reminiscent of Shiro's move 'pierce'.
As some attackers fell down, instantly being rendered unconscious. Shiro continued his onslaught.
He rushed towards, someone before using their face, as a platform to jump high and descended with a diagonal kick into a crowd of attackers.
"AAHHH" Screams, echoed in the prison, as the criminals realised what they were fighting.
"De- de- demon..." A horrified prisoner murmured.
As Shiro continued attacking, more and more prisoners fell down. The previous amount of hundreds, being rendered into less than 50.
Shiro, looked calm... As if he hadn't just fought a large amount of people. His void-like aura dissipated and his breathing turned steady, and soon only the sounds of grunts and Shiro's attacks could be heard.
'Heavenly Demon Style: Demonic Judgement'
Shiro's speed increased astronomically, and a purple flash sparked in his eyes.
To the prisoners, Shiro's current movements looked like a blur.
Shiro sped between each prisoner, tapping pressure points around their body, and soon roughly 20 fell...
This was similar to what Yujiro had done to Baki once in the anime...
The remaining prisoners, saw this and immediately gave up. They were not stupid after all. Hundreds of them initially, and only 30ish left. They knew they couldn't win...
'That was a good warmup.' Shiro, had now been training for 2 years, traveling across the world just like Baki.
He fought many strong opponents, and had managed to fully utilise his demonic aura.
He had guessed the reason for this demonic traits already, and pinned it on a mutation of the Demon Face. Though he didn't really know for sure.
Usually descendants of the Hanma bloodline can access a technique called 'Demon Face'. Users of the technique forcefully flex their back muscles, contorting them into the face of a demon. It increases all attributes many times, making the user much stronger.
Instead of the demon back, however. Shiro had acquired something else. The bloodline instead was unnaturally pure and when he used certain techniques changes would occur in Shiro's physiology increasing his attributes.
Changes like his purplish/red aura and his black water like aura. Or the purple flash in his eyes. These things were different from the usual Hanma bloodline abilities.
Shiro let out a deep breath, and calmly walked his way out of the prison. It was a rather large space, having hundreds of prisoners and Shiro soon reached the outside.
The sun beamed down, and the light blue sky could be seen.
'Off to the tournament, and the next saga...'
A slight smirk appeared on Shiro's face. And he started making his way to Japan.
A few days passed and eventually Shiro made it to the tournament. He had signed up the day before, hiding his identity and using a smiley face mask, so nobody could recognise him.
Combined with his much longer hair, he didn't think he would be found out...
He then took a seat and looked at what was before him.
A large arena, with many spectators watching... This place was the Underground Martial Arts Arena.
And as Shiro thought, a large man with a purple gi jumped onto the arena. And the announcer started his speech.
"And here he is!" The announcer said. "The youngest and most exciting fighter in 300 years! The king! Coming from seiryu corner!"
The crowd screamed in excitement chanting a name.
As the crowd chanted, a figure walked out. Compact and dense muscles. Strong pecs and a defined 6 pack. Baki.
The younger figure of Baki overlapped the current in Shiro's vision and, Shiro remembered the little kid, that was arrogant, determined and strong willed. Compared to the present version.
'It's good to see you again, Baki.'
As the battle commenced, Shiro made his way towards someone he noticed watching the fight. He knew the fight wouldn't last long and Baki would make quick work of the opponent.
"Izou Motobe..." Shiro said. A tall man that stood out in the crowd, with a medium stocky body and long grey hair pulled back. Could be seen.
Izou Motobe was an old Japanese Jujutsu master, who had once fought Yujiro, and suffered a great defeat, not even injuring the monster. Later on in the series he would do the same, and experience the same defeat. Lessening his will to beat 'The Ogre'.
"Hmm?" The man slowly turned. He had initially came to assess the potential of Yujiro's son Baki. But this person was interrupting...
Shiro slightly removed his mask, revealing a face similar to Baki...
"Shiro Hanma..." He murmured rather calmly. "I hope your stronger than your brother."
Shiro, not caring about what he said, slid his mask back into place, and walked away. "You can't beat HIM Izou Motobe, your too weak."
At this point in time, Shiro didn't know if he could beat Izou.
You see, Izou didn't fight directly and usually used prep time (batman) combined with his intelligence, to form plans or trick the opponent. Maybe the term 'Warrior' would be more fitting for Izou... He also preferred the use of weapons.
However in a fight with no weapons allowed or his prep time it would be an easy fight to win.
"The match is over!!"
Cheers resounded throughout the arena, and Baki had finished his fight, coming out as the victor.
Time gradually passed, and the next match started.
"KUROOOO!" The announcer screamed.
Shiro now under the alias 'Kuro' stepped into the arena.
The crowd sat silent, seemingly bored at the unknown contender.
Shiro was dressed in rather casual clothes, showing his lack of seriousness. He had a blue jumper, and some joggers, with some normal running shoes.
"From the other corner!"
"BINJOOOOOO!" (A great name for a great character...)
The announcer screamed, and soon followed the crowd.
Binjo, was a rather famous wrestler, with a big bulky build. He had fought a few times in other places, and came out victorious, bolstering his fame.
A man came up between the 2 contestants, who were now facing each other.
"Besides weapons, everything goes." He said.
The bulky man looked at Shiro. "Boy. Give up while you can." An arrogant smile was plastered on his face. "If you don't, yo-"
A vicious roundhouse smacked Binjo's face. And a trail of blood flew into the air.
The bulky body lifted into the air before crashing into the ground, causing a pattern like spider webs.
The crowd turned silent.
'He's... pretty weak' Shiro thought bored.
"The match is over?" the announcer questioned...
What had happened could barely be called a fight.
Shiro, walked calmly out of the arena, and a FEW individuals, had smirks on their faces watching the strong 'Kuro' leave.
Days passed, as Shiro finished his fights in a similar fashion.
During this time Baki had fought 'Mount Toba'. A wrestler similar to Binjo. And Baki had already 'fought' with Yujiro, passing out from a single tap on his pressure point.
Izou Motobe had also lost against Yujiro, in one palm strike, and Doppo Orochi had challenged Yujiro to a battle in the underground arena.
It was in that fight that Yujiro revealed his Demon Face to the crowd shocking many fighters in the process.
Baki also fought Kureha Shinogi. A tall man with a huge build.
In this fight Baki was angry. This was because prior to the battle he found that Kureha had conducted human experimentation, on people he promised to save.
Baki being the righteous man he was ended the fight delivering a goutaijutsu punch (A punch using the whole weight of the body) and Kureha's intestines being ruptured.
And it was now time for 'Kuro' and Baki to fight.
The crowd screamed at Baki, who was now facing 'Kuro' in a more serious attire.
Yujiro, could be seen standing on the side, with a smirk like he knew who 'Kuro' was...
"Besides weapons, everything goes." A familiar line sounded, and it was time for battle.
As Shiro slowly removed his mask, Baki's guard was already up.
"eh? Shiro!?" Baki's mouth hanged open in surprise.
The curious crowd looked at the now unmasked Shiro. Not knowing who he was.
A few others watching recognised the familiar face and, now knew who Baki was facing.
A small chuckle escaped Shiro's lips, "Good to see you, Baki." Shiro smiled. "You have become stronger."
"Yeah... I guess it's has been 2 years, huh?" Baki replied, with a smile. "You ready!?"
Eager to fight each other the 2 fighters, got in their stances...
"Give it your all Baki!" Shiro excitedly said.
And a battle of brotherhood commenced.
Baki immediately started with his technique 'goutaijutsu'. And Shiro reciprocating his seriousness, used his technique.
'Heavenly Demon Style: God's Descent'
A fist and foot, collided, creating a small shockwave that blew the crowds hair backwards.
Baki's feet slid backwards his arm flying behind him.
A wave of air separated the 2 and Shiro, was seemingly uninjured.
Baki's hand, however was currently trembling. When their attacks collided his bones, rattled slightly.
It seemed like Shiro's pierce was in effect... If these attacks continuously hit the same spot, it could shatter the bones and damage the insides, of the human body.
However doing this consumed a lot of stamina.
'Strong...' Baki thought.
The 2 brothers then continued to attack each other, throwing barrages of combos and weaving through the attacks. And while fighting. A feral smile was present on their faces.
Yujiro, who was currently watching had a feral grin quickly appear on his muscular face.
More attacks were thrown and the 2 were completely engrossed in their fight.
'Heavenly Demon Style: Demonic Judgement'
Shiro's speed increased exponentially and a violet aura protruded from his eye. He hastily ducked down under a punch, and sent a kick under Baki's chin, sending him into the air.
Shiro then jumped up, and twisted before hitting Baki's face with an outstretched backhand.
Dust raised from the ground, and Baki was sent spiralling into the ground.
Shiro then used his momentum coming down, to prepare an axe kick, into Baki's stomach.
Shiro's foot smashed into the ground. But it missed it's target.
It seemed Baki was already behind Shiro. He grabbed Shiro's waist, and in a suplex motion. Swung Shiro over his head, and into the ground.
Baki's attack was successful, he had suplexed Shiro...
But as Baki raised and turned around, he saw that Shiro, was in a handstand position, unaffected by the attack. With a smile, similar to Yujiro's... Shiro then moved to flip, insinuating that he wanted to land back on his feet.
Baki used this moment of what he thought was weakness, to deliver another goutaijutsu at Shiro. This time putting everything he had into the attack.
However Shiro had actually faked the flip motion, baiting Baki into attacking.
'Heavenly Demon Style: Asura's Rage'
An odd noise hit Baki's ears and Shiro was enveloped in a deep black aura.
As his punch was about to hit Shiro's stomach, Shiro slightly twisted his waist upside-down, dodging the attack and using his hands, to propel off the ground, spinning and kicking Baki's neck.
The crowd were shocked.
As Baki, flew down onto the ground. A faint bit of blood left Shiro's lips. Showing just how powerful Baki's attack was. Even though it narrowly missed, the sheer force of air had slightly rattled his insides and hurt him.
The match ended and Shiro had won.
"The match is over!" The announcer said.
The crowd screamed and the same FEW figures watched.
Shiro glanced at Yujiro, who looked like he was itching for a fight and smirked. "Not now old man..."
Shiro then walked off, disappearing into the night. Leaving an astonished crowd.
"Wow! He beat Baki." Kiyosumi Sato exclaimed.
Kiyosumi Sato was a student of Doppo Orochi, and after experiencing some 'moments' decided to watch Baki fight.
"Yes... Those two have great potential. But it's not enough..." Izou said ominously next to him. He had fought 'The Ogre' before and even though he didn't get to experience his true might, he knew, their current strength wasn't enough.
Hours passed, and soon Baki woke up looking in a state of being proud but also annoyed. He then, decided to go into the mountains to meditate and recover.
Shiro was currently inside a small apartment inside his bed thinking...
'It's been a long time since I been here.' Shiro pondered on his time inside this world, and the many things he had done. From fighting delinquents, to killing the beast Bigfoot and now defeating his brother, who could now contend with some stronger characters in the series.
After deeply thinking, he closed his eyes, and peacefully went to sleep.