A Corrupt And Merciless Prison Plus A 'Great' Vacation...


[There is a rather gore scene in this chap.]





The sound of metal resided throughout the prison, awakening many of the sleeping criminals.

"Hurry up and stand in line!" A short guard with a small build shouted. He had done this regime many times. And if he wasn't strict he would be here all day...

"Jones!" The guard read the register shouting each prisoners name.




The register continued and soon it was finished...

"No talking is allowed. If you talk no warnings will be given... Come!" The guard gave the only warning and walked away.

The prisoners followed the guard to a cafeteria and they all collected their grub before sitting down.

Shiro was seated next to Jones. All prisoners had a simple meal of an omelette and dug in.

While eating. A loud shout alerted all the inmates...

"HEY! DONT TOUCH MY FOOD!" It seemed the food was the only luxury in this prison, and touching each other's was a line that shouldn't be crossed.

The prisoner who was angry, threw a punch, and the guards didn't move...


The punch landed in the grip of the food robber and sounds of his bones breaking were heard. "ARGHHHH" A painful moan escaped the prisoners lips as his hand was being crushed slowly.

The prisoner kneeled in pain, in front of a tall figure that had an obese looking body.

Shiro watched on, wondering why the guards stood there doing nothing.

"That's Grundo. Otherwise known as 'TheGlutton'." Jones had seen Shiro watching intently and explained who it was.

Jones then moved his head to Shiro's ear and whispered, "The reason why he can breach rules, is because he has connections with 'The Second'. Although assaulting the prisoners is as much as he can do."

Shiro nodded in understanding. He knew who 'The Second' was and if this person had some connections with them, it's understandable why the guards would ignore this.

Grundo sat back down. The other prisoner groaning in pain...

"Hey scum! Come with me." A guard finally decided to take action. But he moved towards the downed prisoner instead. He grabbed him roughly and dragged him to a dark room. The prisoner screaming in agony...


A gunshot fired, and the noise reached the prisoners who were currently eating. But no reaction was visible on any of their faces. This was probably a weekly occurrence to them...

Shiro was slightly surprised, but continued eating. That prisoner was probably dead and he thought this prison was definitely messed up.

Time passed and the meal was over.

The inmates then followed a guard. But did not arrive at their cell.

They had instead went underground into the block C- and it was here that they would do manual labour.

All prisoners of the C block hammered metal plates into the wall. They had to do this for 3 hours before they could return back to their cells and go out into the courtyard.

Shiro and Jones managed to pummel the sheets easily, with 'TheGlutton' doing the same. But after an hour some prisoners started to get fatigued, and had started to think irrationally. Especially those next to Grundo...

"Hey fat boy!" A loud shout passed though the huge room, "You sweat like a f*cking pig! It's getting all over me! Move away before I beat your a**!"

A few snickers were heard from the prisoners. And even the guards... None of them liked 'TheGlutton' and they only complied with what he did because of 'The Second'.

Grundo stopped immediately. And with a ferocious anger grabbed the assailant's small head. His eyes bulged and his face caved. And soon...


Two eyeballs had fallen onto the ground and a mashed head, mixed with brain parts...

"URGHH" Multiple prisoners threw up. Even though they were criminals, what they had just seen was absolutely vile. Even Shiro winced and a bit of omelette rushed back up his throat at this display of gruesomeness.

"Hey keep it in li-" A guard was just about to put Grundo in his place. But he immediately stopped after he saw the murderous look in his eyes, and the splattered brain matter on the ground. He turned away, before saying "K-keep working!".

'What a great vacation...' Shiro decided to rethink any decisions regarding following Baki in future for a 'vacation'...

The hard labour continued for hours. And after returning back to the cells, a day had passed.


The morning sun had risen, and Shiro was doing one handed handstand pushups.

"220, 221, 223, 224" Jones was counting for Shiro.

These 2 prisoners had become a lot friendlier during their 1 day in prison. Jones was a training maniac, which explained how he got those muscles... And Shiro liked training. Just not as much.

Through this 'like' both of them had developed a slight friendship. They both pushed each other to the limit in training and Jones liked it.

"Wake up! And line up!" A familiar line caught the guard of the inmates and they all rushed out to do the daily register.

However at this point a huge black male with a purple patterned shirt and a thin moustache with great, huge muscles bigger than Jones walked by...

Everyone realised this man as 'The Unchained' or as most would call him Biscuit Oliva!

Oliva looked at the inmates as he walked by noticing Shiro, from Baki's description.

Yes... Baki and Oliva had already met. While they didn't fight, they had a brief chat and Shiro was mentioned. Plus, it wasn't hard to miss someone who had a face similar to Baki's and purple/reddish eyes.

Oliva continued walking. He was going to Baki's room which held a previous famous boxing world champion, Iron Mike and 'The Second'. Who was known as Jun Guevaru.

The reason for this was because Oliva, was going to fight Jun in a few days. Battling for the position of 'Unchained'.

Shiro wanted to enjoy his vacation with some entertainment, and went to follow Oliva. As he walked a guard quickly reacted and rushed towards Shiro, thinking he was trying to run, or attack.

"Hey Stop!"

Shiro continued and the guard took out his baton, and swung at him.

But before Shiro could blitz this man. Jones hurried in front of him, silently cursing Shiro for his recklessness.

He raised his hands and blocked the baton.


His wrist had fractured. Shiro didn't expect Jones to do this... Who would anger the guards and possibly die, for a prisoner that he had known for 1 day?

Shiro looked at Jones in a new light.

And before the guard could continue slamming his baton. Shiro sent a strong side kick, sending him crashing into the door of another room.


The guard spurted blood, and it seemed his insides had been ruptured... He wasn't going to die, but definitely needed some treatment.

Before anymore guards could intercept, Oliva who was now watching raised his hand and stopped them.

"Don't attack him. Let him come..." The guards froze in their place, not wanting to anger this huge man.

Jones was shocked at Shiro's display of power. He had known he was strong from the training session they did, but this strength... He thought could rival, 'TheGlutton'.

Little did he know...

"Thanks Jones. But you should go back." Shiro patted Jones back before walking with Oliva.

The two behemoths walked side by side, towards block A. Where Baki's room was.

"America's strongest huh?" Shiro looked once more at the bulky man. He could tell that he was strong. If he were to battle him right now and he didn't get serious he might get damaged.

Oliva looked at Shiro as they were walking, "Shiro Hanma. Have you come to fight me too?" Shiro raised his hands on the back of his his head, walking carefree and replied "No, but don't underestimate Baki, Oliva. If you do. Then you will lose..."

"Hahahahahahah!" A boisterous laughter sounded at Shiro's response, "This is my turf boy... I'm number 1 here. And you can see my power in the upcoming fight." Oliva was quite an arrogant person, but he had reason to be. The title of 'America's Strongest' was not just for show...

The 2 continued walking in an odd silence, before making it to Block A and Baki's room.


Instead of opening the metal door, Oliva had... Ripped it off. The door slammed into the ground revealing a surprised group of roommates.

"Yo Baki!" Shiro entered the room and stood next to his brother. "Shiro... Where did yo-" A rude voice interrupted the brothers greeting.

"Good evening, Mr Guevaru." Oliva's deep voice resounded throughout the cell.

Oliva and Jun Guevaru then continued to talk.

They talked about their likes, the reason for fighting and who is going to lose. Essentially it was constant blubber...

Seeing this beatdown conversation, and weird chat Baki got annoyed, his Hanma blood burning. These two were meant to be the strongest rivals. Fighters that he could battle to get stronger. And here they were with such a stupid chat, waffling about fighting...

And with this thought he grabbed their shirts furiously and loudly spoke.

"Are you two screwing with me!?" Baki's eyes intensified, "Fighting for others? Talking about what's necessary for a fight!?" He looked at both of them with an intense look, "Stop the hanky-panky and boasting! An-"

It was at this point that both Guevaru and Oliva attacked Baki. They both reached out their hands intending to hit his face with their palms.


The speed was fast. But before their attack landed, a figure with purple/reddish eyes intercepted.

Shiro had grabbed both hands stopping them in place. "Two against one is a bit unfair right?" Shiro smiled, and looked at the two.

The two attackers had not used their full strength just now, so Oliva wasn't too surprised by Shiro being able to block it.

In fact if Shiro had failed to stop the attack, he would been more surprised. Shiro was a descendant of HIM after all.

Guevaru didn't care. He had just wanted to shut Baki up...

"Thanks Shiro." Having a brother was quite nice for Baki. If he didn't have one he was sure that, he would have gone flying right now...

Oliva and Guevaru's conversation continued on, reaching an odd topic.


Oliva had taken out a red handkerchief and... sniffed it...

"How stimulating!" A look of euphoria was on his face. (This actually happened btw)

Oliva had just mentioned that he fights for his girlfriend. And now the topic was oddly changed.

Guevaru had thought it was weird, but he had see much weirder, "A present from her?"

"Wrong. I bought this in the town where she used to live."

At this point Baki and Shiro, shivered both thinking the same thing...

'This guy... Is meant to be the strongest in the US?'

The conversation continued, touching many more subjects that were similar, before Oliva asked Guevaru if he wanted to smell the fragrance on the handkerchief.

Guevaru decided to spit on it...

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Small tears flowed down from Oliva's eyes and he ran out screaming...

Everyone in the cell looked at each other in shock. The strongest man in America had sniffed a handkerchief like a pervert, and ran out crying...

Everyone have only one thought at this moment.

'Werid guy...'


Days had passed without any commotion and Jones and Shiro indulged in their training.

Grundo had continued his acts of stealing food, but this time without casualties.

But today was the day of the BIG fight...

Oliva and Guevaru were finally going to battle and all the prisoners had rushed out into the courtyard to watch it. They had been waiting for this moment.

Two figures, surrounded by more than 4000 people... All intent on watching this battle.

Oliva on one side in a speedo, with his girlfriend who... Was beautiful?

She was laying on a huge bed, and she was large and obese. Her fat rippled creating waves on each move, and standing up was hard for her...

"I'm off, Maria. To prove just how strong your man is." Oliva briefly glanced at the bedridden Maria and turned towards Guevaru on the opposite end.

Guevaru slowly removed his orange top and bandana and got ready to fight.



A torrent of punches had connected on Oliva's body. The fight looked in favour of Guevaru and the prisoners watched in anticipation.


Guevaru continued his assault, until he noticed that this situation was strange. Oliva was... Undamaged!

He had tanked punches that he nearly put his all into, and was inflicted with no damage!?

The prisoners gasped at this scene. Unknowing of what Oliva would do... But as they wanted Guevaru to win, they chanted his name hoping that he could take this huge man down.



Guevaru stood with a smile and prepped his strongest attack. A shocking white aura expelled out of his body.

But Oliva still standing, decided to prep a strong move too...

He raised his fist and his vessels bulged on his arm. A clear aura similar to Guevaru's appeared.



Had won!

The prisoners screamed, happily celebrating the victory and Shiro and Baki congratulated him.

"Your truly the strongest." Shiro praised.

But Guevaru noticed the oddness of this situation... Where was Oliva?

His vision crumbled like an illusion, and he was actually unconscious!

It seemed Oliva had hit him so hard, that he instantly fell unconscious blurring the line of reality and dream. And dreaming of his victory.


His body fell to the floor and he had lost.

Everyone watching including Baki and Shiro were amazed. The fight that had been building up for days, was ended in a few minutes and one opponent completely unharmed.

Jun Guevaru had underestimated Oliva's raw strength and speed, paying the price.

Oliva turned away, and went to pick up his girlfriends bed. She had trouble walking, and only wanted to be taken places while Oliva was carrying her.

"Sorry Baki, but I can't resist!" Shiro had watched the fight and his blood boiled. He hadn't fought in a while and ignored the urge to fight. Plus he hadn't tested his new capabilities much...

Shiro quickly stood in front of Oliva, and removed his shirt. His dense, compact and slim muscles showing...

"Oliva. Your girlfriend is ug-"


Shiro narrowly dodged an incoming punch aimed at his head. He had intended to rile Oliva up by insulting his girlfriend but...

'Maybe my plan worked too well...'

Oliva's eyes turned red, and his vessels popped outwards, looking like they were trying to squeeze through his skin.

Baki watched on, observing how strong both were. He didn't know his brothers exact strength, but since he was so confident in challenging 'Americas Strongest' he expected him to be on the same level or stronger.

'Heavenly Demon Style: Shadowless barrage'


Oliva in his rage, threw an incredibly fast punch, intending to pierce through Shiro's head.

But as he punched, Shiro elusively dodged so fast it looked like he didn't move his head and walked past the punch.

And as he passed Oliva's figure...


Multiple afterimages of what looked like Shiro's fist barraged Oliva's torso. Rupturing his insides and causing a massive amount of damage.

Oliva's eyes widened and he spurted blood from his mouth.

'Extremely fast!' He thought

Maria was watching with a firm belief in her boyfriend. But as she saw this scene her belief wavered... Oliva noticed this, and his determination spiked.

"Your stronger than I thought Oliva." Shiro thought that he would have passed out by now. While he didn't use his full strength, he had still put a lot of it into that move.


As Shiro arrogantly stood with his back facing Oliva, a backhand slammed into his cheek widening his eyes. And sending him into a few of the prisoners...

'Gotta stop my habit of underestimating people...'

He got up with blood crawling down his head and walked towards the furious Oliva.

Baki was watching intently, and at this point he felt his blood pump faster, wanting to fight...

Shiro's eyes glowed and he was in a state of pure calmness. The polar opposite of Oliva. He blurred, disappearing from his opponents sight, and appeared above him with his fist reeled back.

The two figures clashed conducting a raw exchange of brute strength.

Shiro landed on the ground and exchanged punches with the furious man.


Punch after punch landed. The 2 figures not defending at all. Blood spurted onto the ground, and they were both getting injured.

But Baki noticed that Shiro was slowly getting faster and stronger with each punch... He was getting stronger within the battle! Although at an extremely slow rate. Even his injuries started to heal at a visible, but very slowly and was only noticed due to his keen sight.

Oliva was being pushed back. Each punch was losing power, while Shiro the opposite.

The ground splintered, not being able to survive the sheer force these two were outputting.

Even the spectators had to move backwards to not be injured, and they shouted Shiro's name cheering him on.




The sound of cheers could be heard as the battle was coming to an end.

Two bloodied figures. One tiring out and the other only getting faster.


A strong final punch connected to Oliva's face as Oliva's punch connected to Shiro's. Oliva flew above the prisoners and into the prison walls, with blood all over his body.

While Shiro stood with a great smile that looked rather scary, as his teeth were filled with blood.

'America's Strongest' had been...


The spectators roared once again and Shiro stood. His chest high.

Shiro turned his head towards Baki and said, "You fighting next?"

Baki nodded his head, but when he looked at the condition of Oliva who was still stuck in the wall and unconscious...

He sighed. He definitely wanted to fight. That's the whole reason he came to this prison... Even watching that fight made his blood boil with excitement.

He looked at Shiro silently vowing to surpass him and beat him up for taking his battle.

'Guess I might have to stay here longer...' He thought annoyed.