Escape From Prison And The Man Frozen In Ice

Jones and Shiro were in their cell currently training.

"273, 274, 275"

On Shiro's body were many bruises, some of which had healed after yesterdays fight. Normally the injuries that Shiro taken should heal in a week or more. But it seemed that after his change, his healing ability drastically improved.

Jones had not seen the fight that occurred yesterday, as he was getting his wrist treated. But he had heard the rumours about Oliva being defeated, though he didn't know it was his current training buddy that did it...

"Hurry up and stand in line!" A familiar line sounded and all prisoners of the C block came out.

The guard brought out the register and checked the inmates.

The guard slowly progressed and soon reached Shiro...

A look of terror splashed his face and he nodded his head shakily. Shiro nodded his head back with a smile and the guard continued his duty... Nervously.

"Shiro, was it you?" Jones observed this, and summed up the only answer he could think of. He knew Shiro had immense strength from sending a guard flying, and the current rumours were of someone with long black hair, and purple/reddish eyes...

At first he ignored it. Lots of fake drama circulates within the prison after all. That's one way of entertaining themselves, but seeing this change in the guards behaviour he now wasn't sure.

"Didn't you already know?" Shiro stared at Jones thinking he was rather slow... "What!? So... I have been staying with the man who beat 'America's Strongest'!?"

Jones brain seemed to have overloaded. He couldn't believe it. This guy who was casual and carefree most of the time, had managed to overcome America. Overcome It's strongest!

Shiro put his hand on his chin, in a thinking gesture and said, "Actually, It's 'America's Second Strongest' now... Doesn't sound as cool though..."

Jones eyes expanded and his mouth hanged. This guy was treating it like an empty title! Like he had just won some candy...

"Can't you take this seriously?" Jones sighed tiredly. This piece of information and the way Shiro acted was truly too much for him.

Shiro stared at Jones before replying, "Nope" Firmly popping the 'p'.

Jones sighed again thinking, 'I hate this guy...'


The C Block prisoners were all seated, eating their meals.

The whole atmosphere was different.

All the prisoners knew that inside their block was Shiro. A strong fighter from Japan who had beat Oliva.

A certain obese looking man noticed this change too. And all the prisoners were looking at Shiro. It was quite an odd sight to see.

But Grundo seeing this, decided to show his superiority and made his move towards Shiro. He had left when Jun was defeated. While he heard rumours of someone defeating Oliva, he would never think it was the small looking boy in front of him.

Shiro had clearly noticed this and put his palm out at the guards, stopping them from interacting with the situation. Why would they mess with the strongest person in America?

Seeing the huge man coming forwards.

Jones warned him, speaking for Shiro. "Don't try it you ugly f*ck." He always wanted to say those words, to this monster. He used to be the one drowning in his sweat, while doing manual labour...

Chuckles were heard from every person in the room. They were clearly enjoying this situation and what the outcome would be.

This was the last time Grundo was going to be insulted. Today he decided he was going to show his supreme dominance by eating this pathetic pile of muscles. Yes... Eating.

His large hands reached out quickly, and Jones closed his eyes with his guard up in anticipation.


"Huh?" Jones eyes opened, reacting to the noise to see nothing.

Grundo was gone.



'Why is there red liquid coming from the ceiling?' Jones slowly raised his head, and saw Grundos huge body stuck in the ceiling, with blood leaking from every orifice he had.

He looked at Shiro nervously who was now standing just where Grundo's body was previously. And observed.

Glowing purple/reddish eyes, and a jet black flowing aura covering his whole body. His leg was raised in the air, pointing to the possibility that Shiro had kicked the large man.

'So this is you Shiro. The man who beat America's Strongest'. A content smile appeared. He had never seen Shiro like this and seeing this only confirmed Shiro's strength. "Thanks... Shiro."

The prisoners, who had been tormented by Grundo rejoiced.

Looking at the situation it didn't seem like he would recover, or if he did he wouldn't have the strength to torment them anymore.

Although they were all criminals of the highest priority, they all nodded their head to Shiro acknowledging his strength and thanking him.

The guards watching stood firmly. They didn't know of Shiro's personality but they refrained from making any movements currently, until they observed him more.

Shiro returned back to his seat taking a deep breath, then looked at Jones with his usual smile.

"Let's eat!"


It was now night time and Jones was asleep.

Considering that Jones wasn't strong enough for his future endeavours Shiro didn't include him in his current plan.

If Jones followed him out, he may die in the process as Shiro's plan was quite simple but dangerous... Anyway, because Jones wasn't strong enough, he decided to 'ask' politely about some things when conducting his plan so Jones could enjoy better treatment.

'Maybe I could break him out when I'm stronger?'

Shiro spared one more look at his first friend in this world, if you don't count Baki.

'I'll make sure you live well Jones' It seemed that this huge guy had grown on him...

Shiro moved towards the sleeping Jones and pressed a pressure point around his neck. This technique wasn't hard to do and put Jones in a heavy sleep.


Shrio's cell door had been punched off. And the guards were alerted, some prisoners springing awake.

"CODE RED!" A guard shouted. He couldn't see Shiro's figure well in the dark and he was very tired after taking the night watch. Though this didn't matter.

Shiro sped towards block A, which wasn't too far away. The prisoners had also awoke at this point and were rioting in their cells.

Shiro soon reached Baki's room. He punched out the door in a similar fashion to before and 3 inmates greeted his sight.

"Yo Baki, nice sleep?" Shiro acted as his usual carefree self, even with this carnage going on.

Many guards were rushing in block A, trying to pinpoint the escaping prisoner.

"Shiro... What are you doing?" Baki seemed rather annoyed. Shiro had just caused a code red, and alarms were constantly flashing and making noises. The whole prison was probably in chaos at this point.

If someone managed to escape, then the image wouldn't be good for America. Or the prison.

"I'm just escaping. Came to say bye."

The guards at this point had found Shiro's figure standing where the broken door should have been, and they rushed towards his back.

"HEY STOP! PUT YOUR HANDS UP OR WE WILL SHOOT!" The guards were furious. If this prisoner escaped, they could lose their jobs.

"I'll see you soon Baki." Without waiting for his reply, Shiro turned around to the guards.

He slowly raised his hands, and the guards came closer. "WAIT!" A guard shouted. "I-It's him..." The guards looked closer and they realised just who they were threatening.

Shiro smiled and as he took a step...


A guard had shot out of fear...

'Sh*t' A single thought crossed all of their minds.

The bullet had hit Shiro's body and did absolutely nothing. In fact the bullet itself seemed damaged.

Shiro walked forwards, and seeing as how they had already messed up the guards continued to fire!


More than 20 guards were firing at Shiro's figure, but he still remained unhurt. Bullets ricocheted and sparks pinged.

But Shiro carried on. A feat like this wasn't really rare but it still surprised many of the guards and prisoners who were watching. Including Baki.

Oliva was able to tank full shotgun blasts. But seeing a smaller figure like Shiro do the same was quite exhilarating.

As Shiro got closer and closer, he was soon face to face with the many guards in front of him.

The gunshots stopped, and the guards froze in fear. All they had were guns... And they still didn't do any damage.

Shiro slowly walked and walked. He didn't attack.

After all these men were not exciting to fight. It would be slaughter and he wasn't someone who would cripple or kill guards for trying to keep their jobs. But the fact they had decided to attack him even after knowing who he was...

A frightening aura bursted out of Shiro.

Many guards fell to their knees, and their faces turned pale. And as they looked at the back of the now walking Shiro, they saw the image of a demon. A demon consumed by black flames, an image that would make them remember this day.

This was the mental image Shiro had projected...

Baki looked at Shiro in astonishment. Baki had developed a similar technique. But... To make an image this frightening. He was starting to resemble a certain father...

"Is the problem contained?" A radio sounded on one of the guards. The terrified guard slowly picked it and replied. "Don't stop it... That thing isn't human, It's... A demon."

The radio stopped. And no reply came through...

Shiro soon walked out to the courtyard. Helicopters were flashing on him and lights were shining. The shape of the prison was a pentagon. Hence It's nickname 'TheBlackPentagon'.

Shiro decided to choose the simplest way to escape. Brute force.


The thick concrete wall was punched. Causing huge cracks to appear.


Shiro punched it again, completely shattering the wall.

The helicopters and watch guards did nothing. Who would wanna mess with the person that beat Oliva? They would die if they tried.

Shiro continued with his simple plan. Moving wall after wall, destroying them in only 2 punches.

And soon, Shiro was out.

He had expected a little more resistance, but it seems the effect Oliva had on these people was more than he thought.

Shiro soon made it out into the open desert. The helicopters staying near the prison, and the guards inspecting the damage.

"What a monster..." A guard sighed looking at the damage... These walls were incredibly thick, and to break through them with only 2 punches...

He then sighed again thinking, 'This is going to be a long day.'


Shiro was now in the open desert. While his great plan went incredibly well, he didn't bother to think how he was going to get back to civilisation...

The desert was long and Shiro walked on the only road back.

'Pickle should have been found now right?' Shiro knew that after Baki's actions in the prison, Pickle would have been found frozen.

'Guess I'll know when the news comes out...'

Finding a 190million year old man frozen in ice, would definitely be a famous topic. When Pickle came out everyone would know, including Shiro.


"We meet again president." A day had passed since Shiro's escape, and news of Oliva's defeat and Shiro's escape had spread.

The news had gone crazy, but considering that Shiro had beat Oliva, the feat of escaping prison wasn't too damaging on the countries image. If the prison couldn't contain Oliva, how would it contain the person that beat him?

'What is this guy doing here again?' A sorrowful expression was on George Bosch's face. He had initially been kidnapped by this guy, and now this exact guy had defeated Oliva...

But he came back to see him?

Shiro looked at the president with a calm face. He was actually quite confused with the Baki presidency. You see, the president changes abruptly. Next would be Barsak Obama who would be president very soon, and then Trump, who get 'sorted' out by Yujiro.

Giving no more thought to the matter, Shiro continued on and said, "I have a small request... You see. I have a friend called Jones. Treat him well."

The president sat, looking at this strong man. "You came... Just for that?" It seemed that the president misjudged Shiro's personality, thinking he would be like Oliva. But to think he only came to make a request for his friend.

'This could be used against him...' A fleeting thought passed this politics mind. However even if it did, he was too scared to do anything.

A firm expression adorned his face as he stared at Shiro, "And what do I get out of thi-"

His words stopped, as he now saw a feral grin on Shiro's face. It made him remember a certain person that could withstand missiles, and was comparable to the might of a whole nation's military force.

His posture straightened and he said, "It will be done!". Shiro's smile turned into a pleasant one and he made his way out.

But as he reached the door...


Shiro turned his head around wondering what this president had left to say. The president mustered his courage and said, "We have found something. Something we think you might be interested in."

Shiro looked as if he wanted him to continue.

"A man frozen in ice from the time of the dinosaurs. And this man is alive! You said you came to fight strong opponents, and America has one. However... If this person goes haywire I want you to be there to help stop him."

The young man opposite the president, looked very excited.

"I agree. Now tell me where..."

The two had a chat about a secret military base, and soon Shiro had left.

'I think I'm going to retire... I can't deal with these monsters.'

The president slugged in his chair and continued to sign some documents.