Elemental Evaluation: Chapter 45

***Remmy Polinske POV

By that moment, as the very tip of the spear collided with her bat, he saw the realization that in just one single attack, the person who was ranked number 2 in his class was clearly stronger than he was.

"No way…" he said as he mumbled so softly in his voice.

He knows this because he knew the difference between him and the girl that just got thrown off the stage.

He was there when that girl fought the same exam as him, they were almost just as equal but he was purely more skillful in subduing the combat test doll because of his weapon of choice.

In his battle, he used a sword just like anybody else did but for the girl that took the same exam as he did that day, she used a very impractical weapon. She used a bat, a blunt object against a combat doll.

They both had a 2 circle mana capacity and if given the chance that they were to compete, Sarah Versus Remmy, it was clear to see that they were equally as powerful and as skilled.

Seeing that very girl being thrown out of the stage gave him the realization that it was a bit cruel to think that if he fought him instead of her, then the whole sequence would still end the same.

He felt a bit inferior knowing that such a person was there standing still and looking beyond him was Sarah who was just as strong or maybe as weak as Remmy was.

He felt inferior.

And he stayed quiet knowing that the person who was clearly the strongest out of all of them was a person who was recorded to be second in his section. It felt wrong for him to stay in such a false place in rank…he needed to send a message.

A message of truth.

But he was too scared. Although it seemed faked, knowing that he was number one made him feel a bit special…so he rejected the thought that a message should be sent and maybe let fate take its course.

He thought that in due time, the day will come for fate to send its own message.

He walked up to greet Hamil after his win, he felt a bit shaken knowing that the person before him was hiding his strength but he smiled nonetheless over his friend's success.

"...Its just the first day and a lot of things are already happening." he said as he smiled over his friend.

"W-what?" Hamil was confused over what Remmy just said but he smiled otherwise.

'N-nothing." said Remmy.

***Sofia Del Dmitriy POV

'.…Amazing, He's strong!'

Her thoughts bubbled as the battle ended.

She saw that at the very end, she noticed the very difference between their pure strength alone. With Sarah being pushed back while using her very dense mana and for Hamil to simply push her out with no mana at all, she saw the clear difference between the two.

And through this, she was even more amaze by the realization that their rank wasn't even gapped. It was a simple pair of the Rank 2 student against the Ranked 3 student of their section.

This realization made her give interest to Hamil and his strength that wasn't fully shown yet.

***Hamil Crux POV

After our spar was over, I just went and watched as the following students also sparred with their pairs.

A lot of students were surprisingly basic with their movements, some were pretty awkward when fighting against one another as if they were scared of hitting one another, some were quite skilled and was able to easily subdue their pair and some were as equal to fighting

A lot of those students fought well even if it was just the first day. Some of those students were Remmy and Rebertha, with Remmy using a sword and for Rebertha who was unexpectedly a mage. As for Sofia, I was caught off guard by how she almost lost against a classmate who was ranked lower than her in the practical test. Although she used a sword fence as her weapon, she was basically awkward when she came face to face with her enemy, it was as if she was just learning how to fight a person. It made me question on how she passed her test that way. But in the end she won by ultimately pushing her opponent off because of her overwhelming amount of mana.

after her fight, I also waited and watched the other section to spar with their pairs. It was just as the same but a lot of the students who fought there were quite skillful, especially the tall kid who dominated the fight by simply rushing at his opponent without any weapons and just beat him to a pulp. It was a brutal match that made Mr. Hoffman move to stop the match. It now made sense that the tall kid seemed like he was the leader of that class.

After this, all of our classes were basically done and it was already over, so some of the students were already going home by the time our classes ended. Some of my classmates were attending a dorm, like Sofia and Rebertha and for us commoners, we went to the train station to go home.

But before I went home, I first had to go to the teachers lounge where Ms. Eva is waiting to get my element evaluated.

After walking pass a few rooms and stairs, I was finally able to reach the teachers lounge. There I saw a lot of teachers who were busy managing there allotted schedules. When I tried looking around, I was able to see Ms. Eva lounging about in one of the sofa's in the corner.

'.…wow, what a role model.' I said to myself as I watched her very figure droop in the couch filled with laziness.

As I did so, she noticed my presence and stood from the couch and walked my way.

"Oh, Hamil you finally came, great follow me." she said, while yawning from her seemingly long nap.

"Yes ma'am."

As we made our way to the location where we were going to test me element, she started making small talk to pass the time.

"So how was you day?" asked Ms. Eva.

"Um, pretty good I guess, I saw that you were pretty relaxed on the first day while the other teachers were pretty much busy."

"Hmm, I still have time for you, after all, you're the most balanced kid I got that I'm handling this year. With you being second place in the Practical test and you being third in the Scholastic rank, I have to make sure that your at least taken care of." she said as if in a way to compliment me.

"Oh." But I didn't really had anything to say back to her.

"Its weird really, you're the first kid that I've meet who hasn't figured out his element yet. Most kids tend to want to know there element the moment they figured out that they were blessed with mana. It helps with the fact that it can help them set their own goal in life."

"...Well, I wasn't really that much reserve on the idea."


"Yeah…I didn't really take interest in elements that much."

"Well, did you know that most people can conjure up to three elements?" she said while trying to give out common trivia's about elements.

"Three elements huh….but I heard that aside from people that are gifted with more elements, people with only one element tends to be more powerful or more talented per say." I said this knowing that it as written in the book.

"Your right, People tend to be more proficient when it comes to only one element. This come's in a lot of examples, one for example is Liam Deus Dottingham or more specifically, the Dottingham Family. Their bloodline only consist of Fire Elementals. Throughout their generation, they've made a name for themselves because of how renowned they are at using their abilities."

"Hmm, but I also heard that dual elements are also quite a match to wonder." I say knowing that Dual Elements were quite strong in written fights in the novels.

"Dual elementals do have a somewhat fascinating take. If you are paired with the right element, then one can say that you are most likely to be a person who has a bright future. One example is Licia Von Roseivolt and the Roseivolt Family who are blessed with the Holy element as well as the Water Element. These two factors make up a great pair when it comes to healing a person."

"I see."

After walking a bit, we finally arrived at a room that was particularly dark and gloomy. When Ms. Eva turned on the light switch, it revealed a certain machine that I wasn't all to familiar with. The machine looked like a giant snow globe with a swirling mist inside, along with several gems in its corners signifying all various elements.

"This machine will help you identify your element."

"Okay, so what should I do?"

"Just hold your hands above the glass and insert your mana through it. Once you felt a tingling sensation in your hands, that's when a calling will happen and you have to focus to redeem the element."

"It's a bit vague but okay. I can do this." I said.

When I walked up the the machine, Ms. Eva assured me that nothing wrong was going to happen.

"Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen."


When I walked up to it, I raised my hands up to its glass and started inserting my mana through it.

At first nothing was happening and for at least five minutes of pouring in my mana, not a single thing happened.


But I didn't stop pouring my mana and instead continued in focusing through the event.

"That's weird, there's no reaction at all." said Ms. Eva as she watched her student pour his mana into the machine.

"...try pouring in more mana." she said as she thought that maybe that was the problem.

So I followed what she said and closed my eyes as well as I poured in more mana into the machine.

"..Hnn!" when I did pour in more mana, I felt that something was pulling on my fingers for a quick second. I thought it was nothing so I continued on pouring my mana. A minute later, another pull was felt and I couldn't ignore this time.

So I opened my eyes and thought that maybe Ms. Eva was pulling a prank on me or something but the moment I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in a deep dark murky void.

'!?' I was surprised but not to a point that I was scared and was curious enough to look around.

But as I looked around, I found nothing but the same dark murky void that surrounded my view. Its texture wasn't exactly completely black but it was black enough that I could make a distinction between closing my eyes and this color of darkness.

Back to where Ms. Eva stood, she only saw that Hamil was somewhat closing his eyes as he continued on with his test. She questioned herself on why this process was taking a long time since it usually takes only a minute or two to actually take approval for the element to grant its blessing. She knew something was off but waited a little further since Hamil was doing his best in the evaluation.

As for Hamil, he stood in silence. After a while, he noticed that the void suddenly moved and formed into a shape. As if a dark ocean wave formed right before his very eyes, it towered itself into a giant tsunami and came rushing to Hamil's Direction.

"!!?" seeing this happen, Hamil ran as fast as he could away from the wave of darkness. But no matter how much effort he made from running, it felt like he never moved at all from his place. Soon the wave caught up to him and swallowed him whole.

Caught by the wave, he struggled to swim through the current and tried to go above the black void of water.


He gasped for air the moment he came out of the water.

He looked around, trying to see if there was anyway to escape this predicament but seeing this very ocean touch his very skin, certain memories started climbing back up and his mind started to shake in fear by certain traumatic events.


Unknown to his panicked mind, another problem was coming his way. Beyond his view was a island that was against the very tide he rode on. Not knowing this, he was surely going to hit against the island's side.

Seconds passed and his mind was still in rumble, but his sense of view saw the very island he was fastly colliding against. Knowing this, he panicked and tried swimming back but it was to late.


The wave crashed against the island's edge and the body of the boy was found laying on it's sandy beaches.

"!! *GASP!*" *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

He soon woke up and started gasping and coughing from the disaster.

Not long after fixing and calming his mind, he stood from the beach and started walking away from it and unto the forest the island provided him.

He stayed quiet while walking through the beach. Seeing the ocean conjure itself back to the formless void it was, he shook his head in denial and continued walking through the forest.

There was no longer a ocean to be seen in miles and there was only a island left for him to wander. But the moment he stepped on a single piece of grass, another event occurred.

He wasn't even able to enter the forest, and noticed that the island was already shaking.

".…!!" the island moved so violently that Hamil was thrown off from it and he landed onto the surface beneath the island.

"Ugh…" he stood injured from the fall and started walking back to see what was happening to the island that was in front of him.

"!?" he was shocked to see that underneath the island, five limbs started appearing in different sides of the island. One by one, those limbs made the island stand even taller, four of it was used to raise the island while one remained stretched up to the sky.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" a screeching scream was suddenly heard all over all over the void and it came from the very head of that island.

"...A turtle!?" what showed before Hamil was a beast that resembled a giant turtle that walked over the very dark void he too stood on.

After seeing this event, he tried thinking of what he was supposed to do in this situation. He tried recalling what the protagonist did on their elemental evaluation but none came to mind. So he stood in place, waiting for what was to come next.

All of a sudden, he suddenly noticed the earth move again but this time it wasn't the giant turtle that did this, so he quickly turned around and saw that another wave of a void was making his way.

"!?" it was coming at him at fast pace and the sheer trauma it brought along was tossing him into a more panicked state. He couldn't do anything but stand to face the wave at full force.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" suddenly a roar of the magnamous beast resounded across the void and it stomped the very ground Hamil stood on.

"!!" the shaking was even more intense that it throw Hamil off the ground for a quick second and what came after that step was the very power that Turtle held.

Just as the Giant wave was about to hit again, a sudden wall grew between it and the turtle island. The moment those two powers collided, it created an heavy impact that flung Hamil of the ground and unto the feet of the giant.

"Gagh!" His head struck the the foot of the beast and made him anguish in pain. This caused him to lose consciousness for a few seconds.

"uuuhhh…..my head…my back…" the moment he woke up, he found himself laying down on the floor with two forms of monsters staring down at his body.



One was a silent shadow of water while the other was a stoic giant beast.

"...Ah." he couldn't really say anything to these beast so he stayed quiet until one made a move.

".…Future king….of a devoured kingdom…how pitiful" said the shadow in its murky voice.

"Nonetheless…he is a king" said the Giant Island.

"What is your purpose…king?" asked the shadow

"...I came to call upon my element." said Hamil in full certainty.

"...Hmm, centuries….it has been centuries since some have called out to us."

"Only kings can call to….kings."

"...That…is true…"

"What are you? Are you elements?" asked Hamil as he looked upon the tall monsters.

"We are more than mere elements…we are the very kings of our origin…of all existing elements. We are the Elemental Kings."

"I am Gordeseus, Ruler of the Lands" said the Giant Turtle.

"Vexus Embratyl, Ruler of the fears and shadows you all inherit." said the void

"So you people are just like Emurteus, the ruler of the Holy Kingdom of the Wind." said Hamil as he came to remember one of the Elemental Gods that was just inherited by the protagonist a few weeks back.

".…Emurteus?" asked the Giant Turtle

"Yes….Emurteus, he is…one of us." affirmed the Void as he too remembered Emurteus.

"How do you know….of him?" asked the Giant Turtle.

"I came to know him because of a book." said Hamil truthfully.

"...Hmm, you do not lie…Amusing." said the void as it used its powers to tell if the boy told the truth or not.

"You say that you call upon your element…..and we have come to respond to your call."

"So? What will you do now…King?" asked the void?

".…" Hamil stood in silence as he watched those two giants look over him with contemplating views.

"...I…I don't know." in full honesty, Hamil said this with his head down.

Since the day he received the obligation to be a ruler as well as its mission, Hamil had no idea how to start rebuilding his kingdom. At this time, he was a bit worried on how he'll ever start to actually make some progress. There was no teacher, no role to follow, only a mission that he had to blindly make come true.

So in full honesty, he said his thoughts to a being that was in the same name as him.

A king.

"...Hmm." without saying anything but a hum, the two elemental kings decided on one clear thing.

This boy who knows not what to do can be thought to go beyond what a king should be.

As long as one accepts he's failures or his mistakes, he will surely grow.

They knew he will surely grow.

***Ms. Eva Von POV

As the time finally passed by an hour, Ms. Eva ainally snapped from her place and rushed straight at Hamil's way.

Holding him between his shoulders, she was about to slap him back conscious.

"Hmm, I just hope the other teachers won't find out about this."


"Wake up!"


"Wake up!"


"Wake up!"

"hnn…it hurts." muttered Hamil as his cheeks were red and swollen from her beating.

"Eh…when did you came back?"

"R-right before you slapped me."

"...Oh, sorry."

"No, it's alright. How long was I out?"

"...An hour."


"So, what element did you get?"

"...see for yourself."

After he said this, he raised his hands and conjured two elements that were very unlikely to be paired up together.

"Eh!? A Dark element and a Earth element?"

"Uh…is something wrong about it?"

"No, no….it's just weird to see these kinds of elements paired together."

"Is the Dark element a rare element?"

"Hmm, for humans yes, but for other species no…"

"What kind of species?"

"...Dark elves and Demons."

"Oh…I see."

"...Are you a Half-breed?"

"What? No!"

"Just asking…just asking."


"Hmm, okay I'll put this in your profile and…also please don't tell this to the teachers, you know about me slapping…you, it'll really put a damper on my record."

'...what about your day drinking problem?'

"Got it, thanks Ms. Eva."

After this, Hamil just went home and Ms. Eva returned back to the teachers lounge where a bunch of paperwork awaited her very return…