Bow Confidence and a Lovesick Dude: Chapter 46

As he exited the room, he simply made his way to the halls. While he did so, he brought out his new found power and tried playing with it a little, just to see if what he got was actually the same level of power those beast had with them.

With his right hand raised, he first brought out the power of the earth element.

*crack* like a cracking noise, a small piece or rock was slowly starting to form over his palm.

"...Hmm, it feels heavy to use, stiff even. Next is the Dark element."

*zzzzznnnnnn* like a humming zone of a stable void, he exerted mana to release his dark element. He observed its very peculiar texture

"...Its easier to to make than the earth element but its harder to control, almost like it's a vacuum sucking my own hand in and at the same time pulling me out…that's a pretty weird feeling." seeing this, he was sure that this was the same power as those beast.

While Hamil was going home, he noticed that a lot of students were still in school roaming around. Seeing as the sun hasn't fully settled in yet, he thought that he could go and explore the place even more hoping that he would see a vital character walking around the school.

As he wandered through the academy like the background character that he was, he thought of many places that had the highest chance of meeting a character from the story. So after minutes of thinking through all the main locations in the novel, he figured that the only place accessible to him at this time was…

"The training center."

So without wasting anytime, he made his way to the Training center.

When he arrived at the training center in the academy. It was the third biggest building next to the coliseum and the actual teaching department. It was a place that was filled with all sorts of training gear. He saw different types of training facilities. Things like a Gravity room, a 20 meter deep pool, Combat-doll practice simulation, a dual practice ring, a lot of weights and treadmills were also there, a shooting range and even a mini store that had the essentials when training in the building like potions and whatnot.

He saw also that almost half of the building was full of new students who were interested in working out in this building

When he looked around, he saw that a lot of the students were mostly surrounding and were cheering around the Practice ring since two second year students were at each others throat fighting hand to hand combat without mana being used.

Both were pretty skilled with one person who was using a martial art that was pretty similar to kick-boxing while the other was constantly dodging with moves that were similar to that of a normal boxer

Seeing them battle one another, it was like actual match in his past life. Their combativeness was showing through their skill and It was a pretty entertaining thing to watch but he wasn't interested and seeing them fight.

He looked around a bit more and saw that a few 2nd year students were working out and training like the usual even though it was the first day.

And after walking even further, he finally made it to the shooting range. The place where students come to train their proficiency in fighting long distance. With some using a bow others would use magic and rarely anyone would use guns.

Seeing this view, he was amazed to see how advance the training field was for the shooting range. The target itself was pretty far, almost up to a 1 kilometer of distance was between him and the target. It just showed how big this building was and overall the academy.

Seeing that a few students were practicing their abilities, he felt a bit of nostalgia of when that time he got trapped in the hero's gate and he had to fight through an immortal group of warriors just to escape…

"Hmmm, good times." he said as he reminisced in the past

Seeing this chance, he wanted to test his bow proficiency since it was a long time since he used a bow.

So he picked up a standard long bow that was displayed at the stand for anyone to use and tried shooting again.

"Hmm, this bow is a bit more lighter than riverflow and its string is more easier to pull." he said as he observe the bow's properties and compared it to the bow that was gifted to him by the blind ruler.

He only wanted to see if he could ever shoot in a long distance since most of the things he shoot were most likely not even 30 meters away from the target. The shortest available distance the shooting range gave out was a standard 50 meter. This gave Hamil a somewhat confident feeling that he could shoot it at that distance.

As he slowly pulled the string of the bow up to his chest, he slowly started exhaling; making his focus more precise. And all up to half of his breath, he was finally able to precisely aim the arrow at the center of the target.

' wind rising and no obstacles ahead…easy.'

*Tik.* ~Swisshhhh~ *Thud.*

It was a perfect hit at his first try.

"Hmm, next is the 100 meter distance."

His next target was double the distance of the first one, so it was going to take double the concentration.

He began doing his stance all over again with pulling the bow up to his chest and then aiming at the same place as he always did, but this time he slowly tilted his aim up a little bit to adjust to the target.

".….fuuu" he inhaled

".…" he concentrated.

".…haaaaa" and he shot.

*Tik.* ~Swoosshhhh~ *Thud!*

"Hmm, it missed but its still in the target, just not at the center."

"I have to try again" seeing this attempt failed, he decided to try again.

'Hmm, the arrow landed a bit lower than what I intended but if I try adding mana into the arrow and bow then it'll surely hit this time.' he thought to himself while preparing his stance yet again.

As he held the string up to his chest, he then fully coated the bow in his mana, strengthening its very ability to fire.


As he fully focused all his sight on the target, his senses sharpened to a point that his view towards the 100 meter target was clear in sight.

He then focused and he fired.

*Tik.* ~Swoosshhhh~ *Baam!*

As it struck the target, not only did it hit the center but it went through the board as well. Hitting pass the 100 meter target and pushing through to the 150 meter.

As it hits the 150 meter, the arrow pushes itself halfway through the board and at its center.

".…" he was silently amazed by the shot. But seeing as how thin the target practice board was, it seemed natural that it would break by that force of power.

"Hmm, if the force of the arrow is this strong just from applying mana alone, I wonder if it can still make it at the 300 meter mark."

He wondered what the limit of range was for the mana arrow to give just enough that it was possible for battle. So he aimed for doubling the distance of 150 meters to 300 meters.

And so he then proceeds to the next distance which was a 300 meter distance from him and the target

For this part, he needed pure focus when firing.

Seeing the distance alone, he wished that he had a scope with him just like one of those in a sniper so that he could easily take aim. But regrettably, those things weren't accessible to bows of this quality.

*Tik.* ~Swoosshhhh~

At the first he shot he missed

"...A little to the right I guess."

*Tik.* ~Swoosshhhh~ *Thud!*

At the second shot, he did hit the board but it wasn't near the center.

*Tik.* ~Swoosshhhh~ *Thud!*

At the third shot, he hits near the bullseye

*Tik.* ~Swoosshhhh~ *THUD!*

And finally at the fourth shot he was able to hit the bullseye.

"..." he admired the fact that he was quickly adapting to using a bow once again, and seeing his confidence, he thought he could hit another 300 meter distance without a second try.

"Okay…lets do this one more try."

'Breath in.'


'Breath o-"


But just as he was about to shoot, a loud bang echoed across the building and it resulted in him missing his shoot.

*Tik.* ~Swoosshhhh~


He was quite annoyed by what happened so he looked to where that noise came from only to see that it was someone from the shooting range.

He saw that a student was using a sniper rifle in the shooting range and thought that maybe they were crazy for doing this. From what they were using, it was a sniper rifle without a muffler, so it was loud as hell.

It wasn't just Hamil who got annoyed by that sound but so was the rest of the students who were using the Shooting range.

And didn't take long for some to surround the person who carried the sniper rifle.

He thought that it would be nice for the guy to be scolded for doing that stupid shot. But as he got a closer look, he realized who this was, so he panicked and quickly puts down the bow and walked away without looking back.

He knew this person and without thinking back, he paced his way out of the training center without slowing down whatsoever.

His mind was overflowing with anxiety as the very image of that person somewhat brought him with complicated feelings, both fear and joy.

= Anxiety

"Oh god she's here."

He didn't stop for one second and continued home, with only the thought of that very person in his mind.

*** The Next Day:

The next day after Hamil got his Element evaluated and how he gained his confidence back from using a bow, he was unexpectedly tired from not being able to sleep at night whatsoever.

"...Uhhh" he was sluggishly walking to the entrance of the school, when suddenly he was approached by his classmate Remmy who was looking the exact opposite of what he was feeling.

A shining look of unnaturally excitement glowed in his face, seeing this made Hamil sick.

"Good Morning Hamil" he said smiling all over.

"...Uhh, yeah morning." he said as if he acknowledged the very fact that a sun was shining his way.

"Say, do you believe in Love at First sight?"


"Will I do! And you should too!"


"Hear me out. Yesterday while I was going home with Sarah, I thought that maybe we should all eat together next time, you know since we were friends and all."

"...You and me, sure we can eat together. But you and Sarah, you have to at least fight her to make her eat with us."

"...Hmm, True, but while I was having this thought I was suddenly hit by a chair yesterday."


"That Chair made me encounter my very first love. THE WOMAN OF MY DREAMS!"


"Don't believe me? Here, see this."

Remmy discreetly looked around and seeing that no one around was taking interest in their direction, he then passes his phone to Hamil, showing a picture of a certain young lady that was a 2nd year student. he showed him a pick of a beautiful blonde lady that was standing over by one of the public halls.

Looking over it for a seconds, Hamil thought that it was just your run of the day Beautiful noble ladies

".…Ah, it's the girl from yesterday."

He realized that this was the same person from yesterday, the person who fired a sniper rifle without a muffler.

This person was none other than Evangeline Ester Strauss, a second year noble lady who was deemed to be the Villainess of the story in part of the academy story line.

Where like how Richard Vener Dickson will act as the barrier for Martha to be in the Story, Evangeline was also the same but more fucking brutal.

In one of the arcs she was written in, she was a major hindrance to Licia when Licia was trying to survive in a Gate and Evangeline was always getting in the teams way by luring in monsters to their way. It was pretty brutal if it wasn't for Arthur's potential to go past those many monsters.

Another arc was when Liam tried to be a part of the Royal Committee but Evangeline was able to beat him first into entering one of the most special positions in school.

Another was arc when they were all supposed supposed to be having fun at a beach, when all of a sudden, Evangeline hired a hundred water mages to conjure up a storm just to end their fun time. It was pretty funny but nonetheless, she was a villain.

"Hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm." Hamil was showing a conflicted face the longer he looked at her image. Seeing it just gave him a bad vibe is all.

At first, Hamil tried blinking a few times to make sure if she was the actual lady and truth be told, she was.

"Ah, I hope you the best of luck my friend and I'll be digging your grave in advance." Hamil said while giving Remmy a thumbs up.

"...I wonder what her name is?" said Remmy as he continued to admire the picture.

"You don't know her name?" asked Hamil.

"No, all I knew is that she is the most beautiful lady I could ever lay my eyes on, even if she did throw a chair my way."


"I have a favor my friend."


"Help me search for her once again."


"Great, will pick up on this later after school." after he said this, he began charging onto their class, leaving Hamil tired and pale from this event.

"*Sigh*...he's gone death over love." he said while sighing over his friends lost cause of a reason.

He continued on his way to his classroom, hoping he could finally sit down but as he was about to open the door, he felt that something wrong was going on beyond this door.


As he opened it, he saw that everyone of his classmates was cautiously guarding up against five students that were standing in front of the blackboard.

Students that were somewhat similar to the people from yesterday.

"...finally, the last man enters the room." said the tall kid that was standing in the center of the five kids.

"...You're from the D class, right?" asked Hamil as he was familiar with the guy in the center.

"Looks like you remember." answered the tall guy.

"What do you guys want?" asked Sofia as she tried confronting the kids that were emanating a few killing intent their way.

"We're just here to remind you about the traditional Class rumble that's going to happen in the weekends" said one of the kids from the D-class.

"Class Rumble?" asked Remmy as he was curious as to what it was.

"Class Rumble, the Traditional private fight from each section of the first years to have representatives to fight against opposing sections. Winner takes all." said another kind from the D-class.

Hearing this, Hamil was sure that this was the event where Martha was going to be fighting Richard in the position to be rank one in the first years.

It was a tradition that for each section from A to F, five representatives were needed to be picked to fight against the opposing section. It happened for Arthur and his friends but they won flawlessly.

"...Hmm, Okay noted. We won't be late." the one who said this was none other than Rebertha. She already knew this was coming since her brothers also fought in such tradition in the academy.

After hearing the confirmation, the five students left the room and bid farewell. But before the tall kid left the room, he was staring intently down at Hamil's way for some unknown reason. But Hamil in turn was too tired to care that he unconsciously gave him the middle finger for a quick second.

"..."the tall kid didn't respond and just walked away.

"...Uhh," when they finally left, that's when Hamil finally settled in to sleep in his desk. But right before he could lay his head in, the door opened and Ms. Eva was coming in with a bad case of the Hangovers.

"...Damn it." he argued with tears seeping in his eyes.