Classmates and Lunch: Chapter 47

Just as the Class D students were leaving the Room, Ms. Eva came walking in with a clear show of a hangover.

"Ughh…wheres the bucket…" the moment she stood in front of her students, she immediately threw up all under her desk where coincidentally there was a bucket placed.


".…" The students sat in clear disgust over her vomiting gags.

Each and every student thought the same thing while their teacher was in the time of her life.

""Is this going to happen everyday?"" they thought as the scene before them made them shiver in disgust.

After a few minutes of cleaning herself up, she finally started her class by introducing her lesson on Elements.

"Okay, class lets begin."

As Ms. Eva began her lesson, Hamil on the other hand was somewhat struggling to keep his mind in focus.

After minutes of discussing her lesson, Hamil couldn't take it anymore and was starting to sleep unconsciously while he was listening to his teacher. His head would drop from time to time but he would always come back up at every time he would nap.

All of a sudden, the person behind him was poking his back with a pen.

"!?" noticing this, he turned around to see who it was that pocked his back and saw that his classmate Sofia was continuously poking his back with the sharp in of the pen.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly to Sofia.

"Here, take this." Sofia in turn just gave him a piece of tablet that seemed to resemble a tic-tac mint.

"What is this?" he asked not knowing what it was.

"...Take it, it'll help with your drowsiness." she said while handing the mint like tablet.

"...thanks, I owe you one." he said while gratefully receiving the medicine.

"Yeah, I'm counting on that." she said while she nonchalantly turned back her attention to the board.

"..." Hearing what she just said, Hamil was a bit taken aback by her comment. He thought that what she just said about a owing her a favor was something he thought she wouldn't admit to, it turns out that she was a sly person. Hamil thought that she wasn't just a smart person by her rank but she was also quite direct with her thoughts.

After taking the mint like medicine, he was surprised to see that his drowsiness was almost instantly lost. Although he was just as tired, his body was clearly in the condition to last the day without sleeping. He was tired but he wasn't sleepy.

"Okay then, when an Element is formed or made into existence, what do you think is the basis behind activating such a power?" asked Ms. Eva as she began her discussion towards the elements.

"What is the fist thing that comes to mind whenever you try to conjure a element?"

With a couple of students who raised their hands, Ms. Eva picked a random student to tell his thoughts.

"W-whenever a person was granted a Element, they now that in a certain way, a specific feeling always occurs whenever I'm trying to create an element out of my own hand." said a student.

"Yes, for each element one specific feeling is always present the moment you conjure your element. For the Fire Elements, they conjure a flame through their intense emotion. From simple rage to calm but a furious thought, a flame could easily be brought out by a student who was gifted with the Fire element. For a water elemental, the gift of calm is always the necessary trigger to activate. All elements have their ways in the world."

Hours passed and the first period was finally over. With Hamil having to take a few notes, he was amaze to know that what he learned about the elements and its properties. With such a topic available only to this world, it really gave him the natural curiosity any student would have in their search for knowledge. A sense of wonder was what he had through out the lecture on the elements.

After the first period, they're next subject for the day was somewhat an open schedule. Meaning that they were free to do whatever it was they can inside the academy.

Just as Hamil was about to walk out of the classroom with the intention of going to a library to study, he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders by one of his classmates, Remmy.

"Hey, where are you going after this?" he asked while showing a gesture of friendship through physical contact.

"...I'm going to a library, I'm going to study more on what Ms. Eva just discussed and more on my own element." He said, showing clear indication that he was busy.

"Oh right, you just got your element evaluated yesterday. I guess it makes sense that you want to learn more on that stuff." he said, knowing that Hamil just got his element evaluated yesterday.

"Wanna come? I really need someone whose experienced in using their elements." asked Hamil in a chance to invite his classmate to the library for a better understanding on what a element was in a personal sense.

"Hmm, I'm not really that good at using my element. If you wanna have someone tell you what it's like to fully be capable of using his/her own element at will, you need a noble for that." he said, saying that he wasn't fully confident in his own knowledge in the use of his own element.

"A noble… hmm how about Rebertha?" he said, suggesting one of their noble classmates.

"Hmm, from what I've seen in her fights, I haven't really seen her do much with her element." said Remmy as he remembered from yesterday's spar that she didn't really show much attacks that were elements.

"Did she avoid using her element?" asked Hamil.

"Yeah, I mean it was just the first day."

"...I guess your right."

"Hmm, if your really looking for a classmate whose fluent in the elements, why not Sofia."

"I should try asking her then."

Just as they talked in the halls, Sofia came and approached Hamil from behind. Tapping his shoulders as she goes to catch his attention.

"Hmm?" having to turned around by her tap, he was caught off guard by the fact that Sofia was too close to his space. And seeing her close, Hamil noticed that she wasn't as tall as he thought she was. She was almost around just 5'5 ft.

"...!?" Sofia was also caught off guard by Hamil's reaction to a point where she took a skip back.

"...W-Where are you going?" she asked.

"T-To the library." said Hamil.

"I see, I overheard you said you wanted someone who's good at using her elements. Lucky for you, I'm quite good at using my element." she said while proudly pumping her chest in confidence.

"Hmm, I see. So do you want to come with me?" asked Hamil.

"Hmm, you owe me two times now." she said while showing a smirk on her face for the piled debt he owed her. She walked ahead of him, indicating that she would lead him to the library.

Having seen her walk on, both Hamil and Remmy looked at one another and nod too each other's understanding of what character she showed them through her action.

'She likes to take the lead.' Thought Remmy as he looked to Hamil in confirmation with the same thought and in turn, Hamil too agreed.

Having no choice but to follow, Hamil left Remmy behind and followed Sofia to the library. But as they got further away from each other, Remmy called out to the two and said an important note.

"Oh right, I forgot. Hamil, Sofia, you guys better come to the Cafeteria later, Rebertha has something to tell us. It had something to do with those guys from the other section." said Remmy loudly as to make it a point that it would reach Hamil and Sofia.

In turn, the two nodded at Remmy's note. And continued on with their way to the library.

"Oh and don't forget that you have to help me find that girl later! You got that Hamil! You promised me!" Shouted Remmy as he tried to remind Hamil of that promise he made from the entrance.

"...Ah." Hamil heard this and stopped in his tracks. His back was turned away from Remmy but his expression showed tiredness from the complexity of that request. Dead fish eyes remained from that reminder.

From then on, he continued on walking to the library like a dead man and Sofia on the other hand was getting a bit giddy in her walk. Unknown to her that her classmate was walking like a zombie.

She had quite a few thoughts running around in her mind that she didn't fully noticed Hamil's weird posture. She had intentions on where she was going and it involved the pitiful looking Hamil.

When they made it to the library, Hamil noticed that the very library they entered was a place that indicated the very symbol of both magnanimous and brilliance. Shelves were found all over the place, with each rack covered in precious knowledge filled books. Those shelves stood at least three meters tall and had a very dominating presence on them.

"Hmm, this place is amazing." said Hamil as this was his first time entering the library of the book, "The Mystic Royal Life."

He knew that a couple of people from the book were working in the library and if he had a chance to meet such a character, the one place he first thought of was the reception desk.

When they both walked to the receptionist, Hamil immediately recognized one of the characters. This character was branded as the very spirit that guarded the library. Her physique was like that of an hour glass, with both hips and chest matched to a level that was 'F-sized'. she was like those characters that had quite a silent personality that was paired with well-rounded glasses but was quite sharp with the tongue deal. Her looks was beautiful to a point that she was like a doll created by the most talented artisan. And she was, because she was a 167 year old doll created my one of the Grand elders, in the purpose to protect the library of the academy.

She was..

"...Marilyn." said Hamil as he unknowingly spewed her name right out of nowhere.

"How may I help you today?" asked Marilyn in her cold and soft voice.

"Um…" Hamil couldn't say anything to the librarian as he was to shocked in awe over her beauty as well as her existence as a character in the book.

The only thing that was processing through his head right now was…..


His inner simpness was going all over in his head to a point that it seemed like he was just standing around with a stupid look on his face.

Although Marilyn wasn't that important in the story line, she was such an iconic character to the fans that she was branded as a fan favorite to the community. With majority of the fans being male.

Sofia on the other hand was going to the receptionist and was asking where the books about elements was displayed. After asking this, she turned to Hamil and saw that he was still admiring the beauty that was Marilyn.

"...Hmm…this guy." seeing this, she could only show a look of frustration over his reaction to the librarian.

"Yes, Books about Elements are displayed over at Shelf C-137." said Marilyn about the information.

After hearing the information she needed, Sofia then tugs Hamil on his sleeves and tells him to follow her.

"Ah, right. Sorry." after snapping out of his fanboyness, he nervously followed Sofia to the location.

As they walked to the many aligned shelves, Sofia was looking around and observing the interior of the building. She admired the glorious victorian-like style of the design of its interior architecture.

With the long path that almost took 4 minutes of continuous walking, they were finally able to reach the shelf that Marilyn informed them about.

"Okay, lets see here. C-137 hmm, Oh there it is." Sofia immediately went and pulled a few books that were related to elements and Hamil observe a couple few more books and pulled one that peaked his interest.

"Hmm? What did you get?" asked Sofia as she saw Hamil pull one book from the shelf.

"Ah, its this one book about a dark element." said Hamil as he flipped through the pages and he read the first topic.

"Dark element? Why did you get that?" asked Sofia.

"Well, from what me and Ms. Eva figured out from yesterday's test, I was able to get both Dark element and the Earth element." said hamil as he recalled what he did yesterday.

"What!?" Sofia was shock to hear about Hamil's irregular pair of elements.

"...Hmm, you reacted the same way Ms. Eva did yesterday. But why is it such a big deal though?"

"Hmm, you probably didn't know this but not a lot of people gets to be paired with the Dark element. If someone did get paired with a dark element, they only get paired with the dark element and nothing else."

"What do you mean?" asked Hamil.

"The dark element is the only element that doesn't have the ability to be paired with another element. All other elements are capable of being gifted to another pair of elements but not the Dark element."


"I don't know."


"Come on, lets go to one of the tables, maybe there's something written in these book about the dark element."


As they walked to one of the open tables, Hamil came and talked to Sofia about something that has been bothering him since the start of this whole ordeal.



"Why are you helping me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Its weird that someone like you is spending her free time with someone like me."

" know how I gave you that mint a few hours back and you know how I said you owe me one?"


"I'm piling up your debt towards me. With every kind act I do today, I hope you will one day pay them full time."

"What is it that you want me to do?"

"...I want you to help is all."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, It might not be as known to a lot of people but my family isn't well-off like the rest of the nobles."


"We're a noble family that's slowly losing our title."


"Just a few more push and we'll fall like any small family out there."

"okay…but why me?"

"Do you really have to ask me that?"

"...I don't understand."

"You are a strong person Hamil, and if there's any chance that my family will have a bright future then I have to do everything I can to make sure that I will have you by my side so that I can help my family survive."


"Strong people survive and I know for a fact that you are a strong person."

"Wow, you're a shameless brat aren't you."

"Hmph. you don't get to survive in this world without the help of others, I know that fact personally since I'm quite a weak person when it come to fighting. And with my rank being first in the scholastic rank, its just enough to bring me a light of chance. But you are different."

"What do you mean?"

"Its clear as day that your more stronger than Remmy when it comes to a fight. I know this because I tried comparing you to one another yesterday."

"Hey, that's not cool."

"And your smart enough to be third in our section when it comes to the studies. Your like a 4-star gacha character in one of those mobile games. You have pretty high stats."

"Oh…" that last compliment gave Hamil quite a nervous thought since he wasn't actually smart enough to be third in the class when it comes to studies.

"I'm not saying this so that I can make you feel sorry towards me but instead I want you to know that I want to be your friend."



Both stayed in silence for a couple of seconds after her confession to be his friend and after some thoughts Hamil just went and said his piece.


"Really!?" Sofia cheered in joy as she made an ally with the strong kid. This gave her confidence towards her own future as well as her family's.

After this talk, they went and continued to read on the books the picked. They saw a lot of stuff that was written in the books about elements but not a lot about why the dark element was not able to be paired on other elements.

They read and shared thoughts to one another for two hours and enjoyed their time together.

After reading those books and taking a few important notes, they finally left the library and was going to the cafeteria. But just before they left the library, Hamil went and approached Marilyn upfront and asked her one particular request.

"Please can you sign this!" he said as he gave a 90 degree bow while handing out his notebook with a pen and paper.

"..!?" Marilyn was both shocked and curious as to why he was doing this but seeing his sincerity, she smiled and signed the notebook that Hamil was gave showed her.

The reason he did this was because he planned to have all the written characters in the book sign his notebook as a way to make them memorable in his moments.

After receiving her signature, he left the library all giddy like.

As they walked to the cafeteria, they were able to meet the the other classmates, Remmy, Rebertha and Sarah who was sitting in one of the cafeteria tables.

"There they are." said Sofia as she pointed out to where they were sitting.

"Lets go." said Hamil as he went and approached the group.

As they approach them, Rebertha came and wave her hand at their direction in hopes to catch their attention. The two waved back as they made their way.

"Looks like everyone is here." said Sofia.

"What about the rest of our classmates?" asked Hamil as he could only see five members including him at the table.

"They wouldn't come." said Rebertha as she showed an annoyed reaction towards Hamil's way.

"Why did you call us here?" Asked Sarah as she too was quite annoyed by this gathering.

"*…Sigh* its about the class rumble."

""!?"" hearing this easily caught the attention of the four students. Especially Hamil who knew a certain event that was going to happen in the Class rumble.

"...I'm thinking of having all five of us attend the Class rumble." said Rebertha

"So we're going to act as the representatives for the C-class?" asked Hamil.


"Have you told Ms. Eva about this?" asked Sofia.

"...Teachers don't usually get involve with this event. It sort of a student tradition if you will." answered Rebertha.

"Hmm, D-class said that it was a private fight between each sections, so why do I have to be part of it when I'm not even in the top 10 in our class when it comes to fighting." said Sofia as she remembered that she was just rank 15 in the pratical ranks.

"Do you have a reason why your choosing all the five of us as the representative?" asked Hamil.

"Hmm, its about representation towards nobles."

"What do you mean?" asked Remmy.

"...A lot of the students tend to be quite a hassle when it comes to nobility, especially the nobles. if we go in without at least two nobles to act as your guide in the Class Rumble, you'll face discrimination the moment you enter the coliseum. I thought that Sofia should enter because she was ranked one when it came to the scholastic rank so I thought it would balanced out with her being 15th in the the practical ranks. Also I was second in the scholastic ranks but 11th in the Practicals, I also balance out." Rebertha said as she told her reasons.

"Hmm, I guess it makes sense." said Remmy.

"Okay then. You guys better train hard until the weekend comes. We have to be ready when that day comes." said Rebertha in a attempt to motivate her classmates.

"You know what this means Hamil." Sarah then calls out to Hamil.

"What do you mean?" Hamil was curious as to why she called him out.

"Next class is sparring again, you better not back out from my challenge." said Sarah as she showed a grin towards Hamil.

"Right, sure." Hamil just went and said yes to her request since it didn't really do any harm for him.

"Oh, speaking of challenges. Hamil you better not forget about helping me today." Said Remmy as he called out to Hamil, reminding him of the crush-crisis.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sofia then asked in curiosity towards the boy's talk.

"Oh, its just some girl Remmy met yesterday." said Hamil as he filled Sofia's curiosity.

"Oh, gossip." Rebertha instantly became interested about having heard of Remmy's crush.

"Who is it?" Rebertha asked.

Sarah on the other hand wasn't really interested.

"Ah…here." he was overwhelmed by his classmates curiosity that he just went and showed them the picture he took yesterday.



Both Rebertha and Sofia's reaction was a bit grim that Remmy was curious as to why they acted a bit taken aback by the picture.

"..What? Whats wrong?"

"Oh my god."

"Hmm, We'll its been nice knowing you." said Sofia as she tapped her classmates shoulder in grievance over his choice of women.

"Do you guys know her!?" asked Remmy.

"Of course we do. Everyone whose a noble knows about her." said Sofia.

"Yeah, She's the noble whose known to be the 'Grim Sight Reaper' because of her use on snipers." said Rebertha.

"Oh, so she uses a sniper." said Remmy.

"She's a pretty noble sadist, I heard." said Sarah as she nonchalantly added information to Remmy's direction.

"Oh, so she's a noble. I see, but her name is?" Remmy was too blinded by the lady's beauty that it seemed like he didn't hear on what they just said about this lady and her bad reputation.

"Ah, uhmm, its Evangeline Ester Strauss." said Rebertha as she was quite taken aback by Remmy's reaction to her words.

"Evangeline…what a beautiful name." while Remmy was distracted by the name of his crush, Rebertha went ahead and treated everyone to a free meal.

"So what do you guys want? Its on me." said Rebertha.

"Oh, a free meal. Everything taste nice when its free." said Hamil.

"I'll have the chicken set." said Sarah.

"I'll have the Beef set." said Sofia.

"I'll have the…Lamb set." said Hamil.

"Okay then, and you Remmy?" asked Rebertha.

"I'll have the Evangeline set." said Remmy.

"Okay... So one chicken set, one beef set, one lamb set and one medkit for the delusional. Okay then." after she said this, she left the table and went her way to get those orders.

It left the three classmates look to Remmy in such a sad way.