Intro D-class and the Secret of a D-rank student: Chapter 48

After all the classes ended, a group of students were hanging around in a certain public room. Those students were from a certain section in the first year category.

All they did while they were in that room was they chatted with one another about frivolous and meaningless topics that any normal student would talk about.

One of them was sitting in the teachers desk with his foot up on the table while he was continuously playing a mobile game on his phone.

He was quite tall with almost a 7 ft tall height and hand quite a slim figure. He's green hair matched with his black earring signified that he was quite a rebellious looking teen.

While he played with his phone, another student approaches him and and whispers in his ears. Telling him information that he ordered him to look into.

"They're training again?" He asked while looking a bit smug at the boy who gave him information.

"Yes, it been three days and all they've been doing was train in the training center for every free time they get." said the student

"Hehehehe." he chuckles over their so called preparation in some certain event.

But as he laughed, the student adds another piece of information to the alpha like student. He whispers it in he's ear again.

"Hmm, is that true?" he questions the student.

"Yes, one of the decided representatives of the C-class has been going to the library instead of training for the upcoming class rumble." said the student in a somewhat certain tone.

"Which one?" asked the tall kid.

"The one who uses a spear."

"...I see." he's laughing manner disappeared the moment he heard of this certain students action.

He then stands from the teachers table and pulls out something from his pocket.

"Your taking it this early?" asked the student.

"Its my medication. I might forget a bit later on so its only natural that I do take it now." said the tall kid as he pops a pill of tablet from a somewhat small silver case.

"I see…." said the student understandingly as he looks a bit conflicted over a certain doubt in his mind.

"A-are you confident that we can win against the C-class." asked the student

"...Hmm, If your not confident then I suggest you train." said the boy as he looks the conflicted boy in the eye.

"B-but you said-." the boy tried asking more into his doubts but the tall student cuts him off with his own logic of reason.

"If you and the others feel like we are lacking than it is your own responsibility to grow as a person. I'm not responsible to what happens in the next few days so make do with what you can with your time. If you care enough that we don't get look down upon then be stronger and win your match." he said while glaring at him with cold look.

"W-what about you?" asked the student.

"What about me?" he answered the boy with his own question.

"...Are confident that you can win against the other classes." asked the student.

"...leave everything to me. I'll make sure to win every fight that comes my way."

"..." hearing his words resulted in the boy smiling over the confident promise of victory. But that didn't mean that he was sure that they'll win as a whole class, so he clinched his fist and started making his way to the training center to train.

The tall student looks back as he saw his informant leave with such a promising look in his eye.

He smiles and decided to leave the room and go to a specific public domain in the academy.

"Hmm, he said that one of them was at the library…lets see what my prey is like." he said as he confidently made his way to the library.

After minutes of walking, he arrives at the library. At the front of him was a huge gate like door that was the entrance for the library. Seeing this intimidating piece of material in his way, He showed a glare to the door of the library with a grin that was shown from ear to ear. He pushed the door out of his way and entered the very premise of the library.

As he enters the room, he saw that a lot of students where in the library and decided to walk in to look around.

After minutes of walking he found the boy from class C

His cold gaze glazes over the boy who was intently looking at a book.

At first he didn't expose a tinge of killing intent even with those cold look of his. But the second he splurges a bit of killing intent to the boy's way, a certain feeling suddenly emerges around the boy. While his head was looking down at the book, his gaze was purely at the direction of the tall boy. With his bangs that covered his eyes, the image he exerted around was nothing more than a curious stare to the glaring tall boy.

"You must be Hamil from the C-class."

"...And you must be a student from D-class."

"Call me Tyler. Tyler River."

"...Okay Tyler, what do you want with me?"

"...What are you reading?" asked tyler

"A book." said the boy.

"...Hmm, judging from your actions in the recent days, it seems as if you not worried at all of the upcoming rumble."

"I'm more worried of the test that's coming in in a few days."

"...Oh, I see. Do I take your action as a sign of confidence or is it negligence?"

"I prefer to focus on things that are more…important."

"Hmm, so you don't see the upcoming event as something worth your time?"

"No, no I didn't say that."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I'm just doing what any student should do, and that is to study."

"A student huh…"


"Do you not care?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your classmates has been training everyday with all the time they can get just to get stronger and here you are wasting away at the library reading a book."

"Okay, so?"

"Hehehe, how laughable."


" seems as if I'm seeing a mirror right now."

"A mirror?"

"You act as if you don't care, that you show no interest in the contest at all because you feel as if you can win with ease. You know your strength too well that you don't intend to ready yourself for the upcoming fight."


"Your just like me."

" that so."

"hahaha, be sure your ready enough that you can actually prove your strength to me. When I challenge you, you better accept my request YOU Bastard."



After that exchange of conversation, Tyler left the library with such a signified smile. A smile that showed restlessness over an upcoming battle that he no doubt would enjoy.

Meanwhile, Hamil remained in the library preparing for the exam. He constantly read through every book he could about elements and smiled as the thought of that very invitation from the visitor gave him something to look forward to in the upcoming class rumble, something aside from the Duel of both Martha and Richard.

"Hmm, I've been in here for almost five hours now, I should better move on with my next list in today's activity."

He stood from the table and made his way out of the library, as he left the library, he soon saw that a few of his classmates were also going home. Those classmates were Rebertha, Sofia, Sarah and Remmy. Having seen them walk together, he casually approached them from behind and simply walked with them as they made their way out of the school.

"So, how are you guys doing with your training?" he asked.

"Hmm, not a lot of things improved on my case. But I did got the basics down in using my mana on my sword fence." Said Sofia as she sounded tired from their training.

"Oh that's great. Once your body gets used to the feeling of using mana, it'll improve the your body's mana exponentially." he said while complimenting and commenting on Sofia's growth.

"Well, all I did was try to learn a new skill so that I get to have more heavy attacks." said Sarah as she too was quite tired from the day's training.

"And what's the skill called?" asked Hamil.

"...That's a secret I'll show you at the class rumble." said Sarah as her smile was clearly showing signds of confidence.

"Speaking of the Class rumble, its tomorrow, so you guys better get a goodnights sleep tonight." said Rebertha as she reminded them that tomorrow was the day of the class rumble.

"Right, its tomorrow." said Remmy as he shockingly forgot about the time of the event for a second there.

"I'll pick you guys up and we'll go together to the location." said Rebertha.

With them talking like this as if nothing was wrong, you'd think that they might have been mad at a certain somebody because of how he was just studying the whole time instead of training. With how hard they were at the training center and for him to just leasurely read on a book, anyone who didn't knew the reason would likely think that it was somewhat unfair. Despite the weird treatment, there was a good reason for this.

"So…you going back to the gate?" asked Sarah as she looked at Hamil in glaring way.

"Y-yeah." he said while nervously looking away from her gaze.

"Hmph, I still can't believe that you're a D-rank Hunter." said Sarah as she maddeningly complains about his so called rank.

"Yeah…I mean it's not really that big of a deal though." said Hamil as he felt a bit nervous over her rage.

"Not a big deal!? your rank pretty much tells people that you're a goddam genius. Only a handful of the first years are around D-rank and you happen to be one of them. God! This is so frustrating!" she complained on and on as it was clear that she was jealous of his rank.

"I mean, I wasn't really planning to tell anyone about this. But you did see me exit a D-rank gate, so I don't really have anything to say about this."

About three days ago, after they just finished training in the training center, this was still at the time that Hamil was also joining their spar in training. After that spar, he thought that he should at least visit a gate once again since it had been a long time, so after school ended, he decided to go to the hunters association and go hunting instead to increase his stats.

After hours of hunting , he came out of the D-rank Gate with a lot of mana cores in his storage ring. The moment he came out of the D-rank gate, he also saw that Sarah also just came out of a E-rank gate. At That moment of realization, she came to understand how much stronger Hamil was compared to her.

After that encounter, Hamil had to tell his classmates his rank. The moment they knew of this, they really didn't have much to say but instead be in awe of his rank. This also gave Rebertha the ingenious idea to hide his strength by not training. The reason for this was because she knew that a few students were lurking around the school and were watching each representatives do their training. They were basically scouting ahead the enemies.

Because once they do come out to fight in the school Rumble, that is when it was time that Hamil will come out as their trump card.

"...You came out of the Gate on your own, it basically was a solo hunt, While compared to me, I had to hunt in a E-rank with a few other people. I wasn't strong to hunt on my own yet." said Sarah as she rambled on and on with her frustrations to the group.

"Okay, so what do you want me to do knowing that I didn't tell you guys about my rank back then."

"...I-I don't know, I just….. I'm just mad that I'm this weak." said Sarah as she moped on her honesty.

"Do you guys hate me too?" he asked, seeing as how mad Sarah was from hiding his rank.

"...No, not really. I'm just happy knowing we have a higher more chance now that we have a D-rank hunter in our class." said rebertha as she smiled her way to Hamil.

"I-I'm actually quite happy to know that one of my 'friends' is actually a D-rank hunter." said Sofia as she emphasized 'friends' in her statement.

"Me too." said Remmy as he say this in context that he agrees with Sofia.

"Okay then. So Sarah, to answer your question, Yes, I will be going back to hunt in a Gate. And maybe this time, I'll try applying an element into my attack. To try if I've improve in using my elements."

"oh yeah, you said that you could only create simple basic elements but can't apply them yet." said Rebertha.

"I suggest you try to buy a skill like what Sarah did, it's more easier to apply it with an actual guide of a book instead of making your own and its cheaper than hiring a teacher to teach you." she added.

"Thanks, I'll look for skill in one of the stores then." he said while accepting her advice on what to do with his powers.

But that wasn't his plan, although he too know that it was cheaper and easier to buy skill books, Having a teacher teach you was more profound and effective. And he didn't worry about the price because he already had a teacher to teach him about his element, and it was more than a teacher. The one who was going to teach him was none other than a King. Well…two kings to be more precise.

{Boy…have you conquered your fear?} said a voice in his head.

(N-Not yet.) he thought to himself as he looked his way to the exit of the academy.

{Remember Boy, Darkness is a formless being.}

{Without it, nothing is everything but with it, everything is nothing but darkness.}

{It is formless by default and will only take form if it is made contact by the one thing that contradicts with its being. That is light.}

{Everything has light and therefore everything has darkness}

{It forever flows in an infinite amount of directions which is why it is truly a perfect element of its own kind.}

{Like a shadow, it will forever be there at every object and being possible.}

{And like fear, it is always lurking beyond everything that is not fear.}

{A dark element at its finest is nothing more than both the creation of the vessels fear and shadow.}

{At cost of creating your darkness, one must first control your fear. Only then will your shadow coexist with your fear. Only then will you be able to control the Darkness. }

{So forever live with your fear and you will create your shadow.}

{Remember this well boy.} said the murky voice in his head.

Hamil looked his way on the path as the very lesson for darkness dampens his mind.