A Shadow, A Boulder and A Bird: Chapter 49

{Remember this well boy.} said the murky voice in his head.

There comes a time in every novel that a teacher would come along and guide his student to the ways of his powers. Its always the part in the novel that the protagonist has to take in consideration the time he needs to learn the power and control it to a point that it'll someday surpass the teacher.

And now the time comes that I too was going to the process of learning a new power. Despite me not being the main character, I too had the chance to learn something new from someone powerful.

Unlike the Rulers where they only gave me their acknowledgement and tools to become a Ruler someday in the future, Vexus Embratyl was going to be the first person to lead me to a path that I know is powerful.

I remember that in some parts of the Novel, the Elemental Kings were introduced. It was a time of war between Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and the Kings against the overflowing amount of monsters and Demons that rose against the peace of the world.

In that prominent moment, Vexus Embratyl was introduced along with Gordeseus and all the Elemental Kings.

With Arthur being the main character and the disciple of the Wind King, Emurteus, he too had a part in the war that made constant and major contributions with the events of the war.

Going back to Vexus, he wasn't really written much in the novel except for the time in the war. All the other scenes in the novel was more on the Protagonist and the other characters that were involved in the main story. So in simple terms, even though Vexus Embratyl was written as a King of the Dark Element, he was only known as nothing more than that description, which was the 'Dark Elemental King'. He was basically a side character just like me but his existence nonetheless was something no one should take lightly. He was comparable to that of a god after all.

Right now we were inside a D-rank gate. This particular gate was completely different from the F-rank gate where in this gate the species that were living inside were known as Orcs, a completely more stronger and more dangerous enemy than the typical Goblin.

I've already hunted a few times in this gate to a point that I knew a specific place that was never occupied or visited by any monsters or hunters. And right now, I am standing at the very place where I can focus myself in learning the dark element which I was quite interested in learning in.

"Vexus, I'm ready to learn the Dark element." I said while standing nervously in the middle of the forest.

{Hmm, we may begin then.} his murky voice was just as low and dampening as it was the first time we met. In that unknown world where his ginormous form was that of a void-like ocean wave and his voice was as slow and lagging, he promised to help me become something that was worthy of my title. His reason for doing so was not answered but I wouldn't deny help from a king if it meant I too would be at his level one day.

Compared to his voice before, his voice today was more straight and more clear. So teaching me was going to be more easier knowing that he could communicate to me more directly.

{Are sure you want to learn his element first before mine?} asked Gordeseus in my head as he to was curious why I wanted to learn the dark element first.

"I'm sorry Gord but Vexus was the first to offer his teaching. Still, after I learn something from Vexus, you can be sure that I'll be also intrigued to what you teach me. I promise you that." I say to him, knowing that he was just as powerful as Vexus so I was just as lucky to have him teach me.

I try to wonder how they were able to communicate to me without them being here beside me, but knowing their existence as the kings of the elements, I didn't think that common sense would work in their ways. So for now, they were talking to me in my head and I didn't want to trouble myself by understanding how it worked.

{Ruler, can you try to conjure the Dark element out on your hand.} said Vexus as he started his first lesson.

"I can."

{Good. Now then, you understand that anyone can easily conjure their own element as easy as it should be if they are blessed by its spiritual element. All it takes is the basic commodity of a blessing so that you can first take the first step in the elements.}

"Yes, Ms. Eva said the exact same thing."

{Hmm, but the figure of a element can also be triggered by the form of the emotions of a person. One needs a certain trigger to activate any element. As a human you can already have the ability to feel all emotions from sadness, joy, rage, disgust, this emotions helps to trigger the element of the person.}

{For the Dark element, it had to be something that wasn't particularly in the good end of emotions. It could either be a feeling of loneliness, fear, and if needed, Fury. So the more strong the emotion, the more powerful your release is to the element.}

"Emotion…how exactly should I conjure loneliness?" asked Hamil as he was unsure of what he should lead on with the Dark element.

{Hmm, what do you think is the most loneliest feeling you have felt in your entire life?}

"Hmm, my loneliest experience that I could think of right now should be that time I was going through the Ruler's Challenge."

To conjure the emotion, Hamil thought of the one thing he remembered in the trials he needed to pass through in order to become a ruler. As such , the first emotion that went through his head was none other that the experience of death.

By the challenge of the Blind Ruler, he had to go through a number of times dying and reviving.

As that thought was made through his head, Vexus immediately noticed the negative emotions show in the face of Hamil. His eyes started to Darken and the atmosphere around him was starting to feel a bit suffocating.

{The dark element was as formless as it could be. Just like death, It truly didn't have any form} said Vexus


{Can you hear me boy?}

"...I can, it just depressing how that memory was."

{Hmm, if you know how Death already feels like then the only thing I can say to you is that conjure that feeling. Just like how you easily created the basic element, do it again but this time remember the feeling of death.}

As such, Hamil manifested the Dark Element with the thought of death in his mind. It quickly enveloped the hand he used to conjure the element and soon finished forming over the palm of his hand.

"...It's more different than the first one." said Hamil as he noticed the clear difference between his first time creating the Dark element without the use of his emotion and difference between using his emotion.

It was just like a formless void, it floated just up on his palm. When compared to before where it was just a simple and basic dark element, this had a more interesting aura behind its existence.

"...What should I do now?" asked Hamil as he didn't know the next step to the process.

{Now I can start teaching you the skills that are only available to the Dark element.}

"..!" Hamil was happy to hear that he was going to learn a skill in the field of the dark element.

{As you hold the dark element on top of your palm, remember that Darkness forever flows in an infinite amount of directions. In these case, you will conjure the Dark element to envelope your very body.}

"What do you mean by that?"

{Like mana, you have the ability to distribute its properties to weapons and to your body in assurance that you will be more stronger and more resilient to any attacks. Try this with the Dark element.}

"Okay, I guess I'll try."

Hamil stood in silence with his eyes close as he conjured the Dark element in his two hands. He visualized its formation like a flowing ink as imagery was important in this case. Spreading like a simple water flow across his body, it scattered throughout his hands all up to the end of his shoulders.

He opened his eyes and saw that his two arms were completely coated by the dark element.

He first tried to see if he could feel something with this whole element around his arm. As such, he tried pinching it first.


But he felt nothing, as if the whole hand was dead and cold.

'Hmm, It doesn't hurt when I pinch myself. How about if I…'

He tried clinching his fist tight and then he went and approached the nearest tree. Looking at its size, it was just about half a meter in diameter.

"This should be enough." he said to himself as he looked and aimed at its center.

"Ha!" he said as he proceeded to punch the tree.


He's hand went through a half-meter wide tree. The tree shook so much that it disturbed the birds that were resting on its branches.

"!?" he was shocked to see that his hand didn't feel a thing whatsoever over that punch.

"What is this?" he asked Vexus.

{That is the dark element or what it fells to be inside the shadow of it. I named it the Shadow skin.}

"I don't feel anything, is this armor?"

{...in a way, yes. But if you release the shadow of the Dark element, then you can return to your original state of being}

Suddenly, a notification screen appeared before Hamil and informed him that a skill was made.


[Skill made: Shadow Skin - An ability used by most skilled assassins and demons. It acts as a thin layer of armor that relieves the user from most pain whatsoever. Caution to its use, one most take note that once the shadow completely envelopes the user throughout its body, it could take over its emotions and destroy the user's mindset.]

After reading its description, Hamil got curious and brought out his profile to see if anything changed.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Trained Warrior


God's followed: The Rulers (4/4)

Mana: 49.5

Strength: 120 (+15)

Luck: 1.0

Agility: 107

Stamina: 114

Intelligence: 56


Bow Proficiency: 50%

Spear Proficiency: 70%

Sword Proficiency: 100%

Shield Proficiency: 50%



*Sword Ability - Swordsman's Apparel (E)

==Swordsmanship Owned: 1/100

-Basic Swordsmanship - Enlightened

*My Bow Ability - Light Reflection (E)

*Spear Ability - Impossible Accuracy (C)

*Shield Ability - Shield's Copy (D)


*Shadow Skin(F)(15%)

He looked at the characteristics of the skill and saw that it had a percentage of how much he used. Looking at his body, it seemed understandable that only around fifteen percent was used for the shadow skin skill as it only enveloped his hands. And the mana consumption on it was cheap, with only 0.5 mana being used.

He was also worried about its description on the last part. Seeing as that if it completely envelopes his whole body, it'll ruin him. He had to ask Vexus about this.

"Say, what would happen if I use this skill to completely cover my whole body?"

{...I advise you not to do that for now. Only when you can face your worst fears can you overcome and master this skill, If not then you will surely suffer.}

"...can you be more specific."

{...The Shadow skin is somewhat like a Parasite. Once the Shadow skin completely devours the user, it will manipulate it's mind to face its fear, if you fail, then you will slowly be broken by the shadow.}


{See for yourself. Look over your shoulders.}

As he said this, Hamil simply turned his head and saw that the Shadow skin was slowly climbing up to his neck.

It didn't even took a minute of using the skill and the shadow skin was already able to move an inch from the tips of the shoulders.

"..!?" Hamil was surprised to see this to a point that he panicked and instantly deactivated the skill.

{...A dark element at its finest is nothing more than both the creation of the vessels fear and shadow. As such, fear is always present no matter where you are.}

"...this skill is pretty rough to use. It's scary how dangerous this is to the user but at the same time, its really useful. It's pretty much a double-edged blade."

{True, but you are a King, a B=boy that was acknowledged by one of the most powerful mortals that walked this world. If you were given such title then you are surely able to surpass this power and master it. Have confidence boy, at the cost of creating your darkness, one must first control your fear. Only then will your shadow coexist with your fear. Only then will you be able to control the Darkness. }


{Hmm, will proceed with the next skill that I will pass on to you. This skill is mostly afflicted by the very-}

{Hold on.} suddenly Gordeseus interrupted Vexus's lesson.

{What is it, Gord?} asked Vexus as he sounded a bit irritated by the interruption.

{The Boy said that once he learns one skill from you then he can move on to me as his teacher.} he said this with such a smug tone that it irritated Vexus.

{Hnnn…boy what do you think?"} asked Vexus.

"ahh…I did say that…I think. I guess we can move on to Gord next." he said this with not much certainty.

{Great! Because I just have the right skill to counter the effects of the Shadow skin.}

"You do?"

{Hmm! It is called the 'Summit's Will'.} he said, proudly as if he bested Vexus's skill.

"Summit's Will!?" Hamil was surprised to hear that very skill be spoken of by Gordeseus. As he remembered that this very skill was none other than the skill that the main protagonist had. It was skill that had the ability to passively make the user be mentally tough and strong against any prowess that were involve to be mentally breaking.

{Ah yes, that skill was always used every time we would initiate in our traditional battles.} said Vexus as it remembered the times of war they fought in.

{Hmm, good times indeed. You could break me but at the same time I could never crush you.} said Gord as he reminisces on the past.

{As sharp as the tip of a mountain, as unyielding and inflexible like a pinnacle, you are a stoic figure with this worlds form and against its problems.} quoted Gord

{Hmm, with this skill it would likely help you prolong your use in the Shadow skin and strengthen your mind when it comes to certain enemies.} said Vexus.

"How do I attain it?" Asked Hamil. But he surely knew that this skill in particular wasn't something that could be taught. In the book, Arthur attained this from a skill-book in one of the high-ranked gates. The problem with that skill was that the skill-book was a Grimoire. Meaning that when Arthur opened the book, he was instantly gifted by the book's skill. He didn't need to learn it like one of his skill. It was one of his lucky encounters that was pretty useful in his journeys.

Hamil hoped that just like the Grimoire, he too could instantly acquire the skill.

{To attain this skill, you must first go through many of my challenges.}


{Unlike the Shadow skin where you can learn the skill, this particular ability is earned through my acknowledgement. As such, you will have to attain the one thing any man must pass through in their lives.}

"A-And what is that?"


"Pain? What do you mean pain?"

{Survive my solidified mind, and you will attain my power.}

"Ahh…" Hamil thought to himself if whether or not this challenge was going to be worth the skill. If pain was involve, he was already scared of what was to come his way since this was likely involve with a king's choice of use. He didn't know what he could expect from Gord's challenge but he also didn't falter because of the merit of the skill.

Summit's Will was an important factor in Arthur's journey and seeing as how Hamil had to involve in his way of life in the future, he had to take the risk and attain this skill as well.

"What's the challenge?"

{Survive my mind's world for five days and reach the top of the summit.} said Gord.

"...wait, five days? But I have something important to do tomorrow, I don't think I have the time to go through the challenge just yet." said Hamil as he remembered that the Class rumble was happening tomorrow.

{Do not fret. In my mind, time flows differently than that of this world. For five days, it'll likely take five hours.}

"Five days for five hours…Hmm, it's already 10 PM outside this gate. If I take it today then I'll surely make it out of this gate by 3 in the morning."

{Do you accept my challenge, Ruler?}

After thinking about it for a while, Hamil made his decision and agreed to Gord's challenge.

"...Okay, I'll accept."

{Hmm, Before we do this, I'd advice that you'd do this in a more secluded area.}

"What? Why?" asked Hamil

"It's already a good place to be in. Not a lot of hunters or Orcs go through this place, so I'm pretty sure that this is a good place to stay in." he said while confidently the isolation of this part of the forest.

{I'm not sure about that.} said Gord.

"What do you mean?"

{There's fifteen orcs coming this way along with their bloodhounds.} said Gord.

{They must be expanding their territory.} said Vexus.

"So I guess I should go home then."

{It's better that way.} said Vexus.

"*Sigh*…Okay, I guess I should start going back then."

As Hamil made his way through the thick forest, he finally made it out and was now on the pathway. As he walked his way through the path, he noticed that a few Orcs were walking to his way.

"Hmmm One, two, three..four…..…fifteen. Fifteen orcs are coming my way and two bloodhounds as well." he saw that the orcs Gord warned him about was probably this hoard of Orcs. Seeing this encounter, he felt like it was bad-luck for him since he tried to avoid them but seeing as how they were already face to face, he also saw this as a opportunity. Since he hadn't hunted a single orc since he came in here, he taught this might be the perfect chance to gather more mana cores to sell.

They haven't really noticed him yet, so he quickly jumped on one of the trees and tried to hide.

"Hmm, maybe I should try experimenting a bit." he said to himself as he looked at the glaring but clueless Orcs.

"Hey Vexus, what would happen if I used the Shadow Skin on a weapon?" he asked Vexus.

{...It'll improve the weapon no doubt. Making it more sturdier and as sharp as it could be. If cut with the weapon, then it'll surely have the effect of a small chance of shock.} explained Vexus.

"Oh, thanks. But what if I tried using it on a weapon that was mostly made of my own Mana."

{Hmm, why don't we figure it out together then.} said Vexus.

As such, Hamil began manifesting something made out of his own mana. After a second of concentrating, he created a simple sword that was made of mana. Its transparent look and cyan like color made it look like it was a crystal sword.

"Okay, then lets.." he then manifested the dark element on his other hand and fused it all together in the mana sword.

"Hmm, its weirdly a little bit heavier…and the edginess of it is through the roof." he said to himself as he looked at the black sword that was on his hand. It reminded him of the edgy shows he used to watch back in his past life.

"Ahh…this feels weird."

{Hm, why do I feel insulted for some reason} said Vexus as he looked at the cringed face of Hamil

"Okay then."

"Sword's Apparel: Basic Swordsmanship." as he used the sword skill, he jumped off the tree and then confronted the fifteen Orcs that were in his way.

"Goddam, you guys are tall, Almost 3 meters long." he looked at the orcs and saw their heavy equipment plastered all over their body and the swords and spears they carried were covered with a mixture of blood from humans and animals that were roaming in the forest.

"Okay, then. Let the hunt begin." as soon as he said this, a 2 meter long spear was already coming his way. Just as it was about to make contact with his body, he instantly jumped to the sides and avoided the giant spear.

He used mana on his feet and dashed right to the Orcs but as he made his way, the orcs used the bloodhounds to attack him. With two hounds coming his way, he didn't stopped on his tracks to fight them, instead he went and extended the length of the swords blade.

As they confronted each other, Hamil first went and sliced the nearest dog in half. With the other dog coming his way, he didn't have time to lift the sword back up so he instead faced the hound. As the hound jumped to Hamil's way, it aimed for Hamils face. But just as it was about to gnaw itself at his face, Hamil with his intense speed, grabbed the Hound by its jaw and pulled the animal apart.

It didn't took him a minute to kill the two animals and he was already making his way to the orcs. He aimed at the first orc that he saw and attacked it.

'Basic Downward strike!'

He used his skill and sliced through the orcs body like it was a piece of meat that was being butchered through its skull.

The impact of his strike shook the orcs and caused some to grow maddeningly angry at his way. One orc tried to thrust his spear at his way but Hamil just went and parried the spear away.


He then threw the sword straight at the orc that thrusted his spear and it stabbed him at his eye. Having left dead, Hamil quickly grabbed its 2 meter spear and turned around to stab the orc that was coming his way with a big broadsword.

But having noticed that the sword was clearly more tougher than the spear and coming his, he had no chance to block it, so he went and instantly reinforced the spear with his mana.



He could hear the spear's handle cracking by the force of the broadsword. He quickly activated the skill Shadow skin and coated his two arms. With this, just as the spear was about to break, he went and grabbed the blades of the broadsword instead. He deflected it aside and used the full force of his punch to the Orc's neck.

As his fist collided with the orc, his fist pushed the orc to the side with the force that completely broke the Orc's neck. Leaving the dead orc with a 45 degree neck.

He then grabbed the broadsword that was stuck to the ground and used it to slice the neared orc that was coming his way. He sliced through four orcs and that left eight orcs to the helpless realization that the boy that was carrying a huge broadsword was a threat. Some decided to runaway while others stayed behind to let the other's escape.

Three ran away and the five came to confront Hamil.






The five Orcs roared at Hamil in a attempt to scare him but all they got in return was the cold eyes of a predator.

Hamil dropped the broadsword and manifested two new mana swords at his hand.

He coated them with the shadow skin and made his way to the five Orcs.

It didn't last a minute before all of them were laid to the ground. Some were cut open, some were headless and some were stabbed.

It left the three orcs with nothing but fear in their heads. But they didn't stop to run away.

They already distanced themselves away from him for about 200 meters away in that minute. They hoped that they could survive this, but as they run, a sudden gunshot was heard across the forest.


One oger fell


The second ogre fell.


And the last ogre fell.

"...a sniper?" Hamil said to himself as he heard the gunshot.

He tried to take a step but as he did, suddenly another gunshot was fired.



It didn't hit Hamil but instead it was aimed near his foot.

This meant that it was signal to tell him that he shouldn't move from that spot.

"...Hmm, for some reason I have a bad feeling about this." he said while he was standing still on his spot.

After minutes of doing nothing but standing still, he now saw that someone was making their way to his direction

"...Hmm, professional alright." He noticed this because he enhanced his view with mana and saw that the person approaching him was carrying pro-like equipment

"He's wearing a pretty expensive looking pair of googles and a camouflage suit, so he must be a professional." he said to himself as he continued to look to the man's equipment.

As he got closer, he felt that something was off… it felt as if a major event was going to happen to Hamil.

Finally the sniper approached Hamil. He's gear was still intact so Hamil couldn't fully see who this person was.

"Hey, you Orc stealing bastard." the sniper called out to him but something was wrong.

'...a woman's voice?' he thought to himself as he heard the sniper talk.

"Do you know who I am?" the woman asked in an aggravating tone and this made Hamil cautious of who he was about to talk to.

He thought that the only person who would ask on who they were was none other than a Noble. So he had to keep extra careful of what he should do.

"...Can I help you?" asked Hamil as he couldn't really think of anything to say except ask if there was any problem.

The sniper finally took off her camouflage suit and revealed the person within.

"!!!???" he was shocked to see who this person was before him.

"You bastard! You stole my goddam target!" she said out loud as she was quite angry

"..." Hamil stayed quiet as he showed a tinge of despair on his face. Inside he was panicking as the revelation of the encounter was a karma he didn't expected to happen.

Because in front of him was none other than the very despised Villainess known as Evangeline Ester Strauss.

'Ah…goddammit God, you gotta be kidding me.'