Class Rumble - Tower Defense part 1: Chapter 62

As the notification of the event started echoing throughout the underground building, each and every representatives from sections A to F started making their way to a certain battlefield-like room.

A total of 30 students stood under a very bright flash of light. As the bright light shines over them, a very attracting scheme of colors from different team uniforms started to show.

Red was for Class A.

Blue was for class B.

Yellow was for class C.

Green was for class D.

White was for class E.

And Black was for class F.

These uniform made them very festive to look at, as judging from the audience, a lot of them were pretty much cheering for who was to be the best…a lot of those were mostly renowned Nobles and some were pretty rich commoners like merchants and company owners.

You would think that a private event like this would only show a limited amount of people, but throughout the years that this event has existed, its popularity has only grown and has been growing through the ears of many endearing people.

"..." most of the common students stood nervous over the prying eyes of the audience, while the nobles relished in the cheers of the potential sponsors and connections they might attain by showing promise through this event.

"..." Hamil however was looking around the audience in search of any particular faces that might catch his attention…people who were in the novel in particular.

"...Ah, so he's here." he stood with a smile on his face as the view of the most important character watched him and all of the students stand to show their appearance.

"Arthur Rhodenfield…" he mumbled the name and soon realize that Arthur himself was also with the other characters Licia Von Roseivolt, Liam Deus Dottingham, Ethea Vel Fraleworth…and for a shocking reveal, Ranzy Volde Savez was also with them..

"...Ranzy." as he stood in surprise over her appearance, he could only look away to not make eye with this character.

He understood that the reason for them being here was none other than Martha herself. She wanted to show her growth to these people as a show of her being someone that could stand on equal grounds with them someday…she knew all to well that these people were ultimately talented people…people who had bright futures ahead of them. To show her resolve, this was her chance to be just like them.

For a person who was a year younger than them, she had this sort of disconnect between them and her…the age gap meant that there was also a power gap and it was the thing that bothered her.


As the bell rang, all the students faced their attention to the stepping noise of the host who was walking in to the battlefield-like stadium.


The man came walking in with a clown mask on his face and a microphone on his hand. He shouted his introduction and it made the audience cheered in wonder.







As he screamed out his performance, the bell rang three times.


"The First round is just like any noble test to show one's capability. In the land of a battlefield, two towers are held to against each other! One is to fall while the other holds its champions!"

"Just like what your handlers has told you, the first one to destroy the opposing tower, wins the battle. To gain one's score, it is gained by how fast one is to destroy the opposing tower. With a time limit of 2 hours, you are only able to gain 10 points by destroying the tower and you are going to get additional points from eliminating the opposing team. 2 points are offered to each students eliminated. But remember, the moment the tower falls, the game is over. Even if you eliminate a student after the tower falls, you wont gain a point."

"And destroying your own tower won't give you any benefit as it will result in immediate lost."

"And for the point system in the time limit, you can gain additional points by how low your time is. If a team is able to accomplish the event in under thirty minutes, you are able to win 10 points, if it is under 45 minutes you are able to gain 8 points, if you are going over an hour, you get 5 points. "

As he explained the tower defense rule, the bell rang again and revealed the very alphabet that showed the section that stood first to participate.


"And the first section to battle is Class A!!"

The letter A showed itself to the screen, and the people cheered over it. Immediately, Class A made their way to the front and waited for the opposing team.


"And the Opposing team is…..Class E"

The team that was going against the class A was class E. Hamil didn't know anyone from Class E so it didn't took his attention all to much, but for Class A, it held Martha who was the start pupil of that section.

As Class E stepped up to go against Class A, they showed a very intimidating expression, but all the class A gave in return was a look of pride and a slight disinterest towards the bunch.

"..." the Class E gritted their teeth in hate and soon marched their way to the artificial Portal.

The Class A also entered the portal and soon after they entered, it was suddenly shown above the screen; the students were shown inside the gate. The moment they entered, the timer was then counting its way down.

They were automatically separated from each other in a 50km distance and class A immediately made preparations to initiate their tactical plan to go against the class E.

Three students made their way to a certain room and started chanting out a certain spell. One of those students was Martha.

As soon as spell was made, the tower that was already seemingly reinforced by magic suddenly was casted four times its original barrier.

The two students who was with Martha exhaled in exhaustion, but soon smiled over the effort of what they just did. They give a thumbs up to Martha's way and she gave a confident smile back. Although she was part of the group that enchanted such a terrific spell, She was standing all so well almost as if she wasn't affected by the drawback of chanting such a spell.

After this was done, Martha proceeded to walk down the stairs and made her way to group up with the kids who were preparing their equipment to go to the opposing team.

Their plan was very simple.

Reinforce the tower to a very high defense with only two of the mage-like students watching over the tower. While the rest of the students would go against the opposing team…these students were a very strong power house for Class A, one was obviously Martha who just contributed in reinforcing the tower, another Student was Richard Vener Dickson who was seemingly good in using a Sword, another student was good at using a Bow. These three students were very athletic and would make great time to go against the opposing team.

It only took two minutes for them to prepare, and soon they were making their way to the opposing tower.

As Martha chanted a buff spell to increase their speed, they were then proceeding on with twice their speed. It would only last about five minutes, but at the speed of what they were going at, they could traverse about 7 kilometers in just under that time.

One thing that mattered in this challenge was the preparation one had to settle himself so that he or she could compete in the right condition. Martha who just used the barrier buff as well as the speed buff would have been expected to be exhausted and might have been overwhelmed by the burden of using such a spell in such a young age and at such a fast pace, but through her efforts, she had enough strength to continuously create the speed buff in order for her and her team to go through the forest.

She was this determined to be the number one in all the competition just to show her friends that she was this great of a person.

Using a buff from a person of her age would consume around 2.5 mana points, and with her only having two mana circles (50 mana), she had already used 10 of her mana on the barrier buff and with her continuously using the speed buff to get through the forest, it would take her around 17.5 mana points.

The moment that she would arrive at the opposing tower, she would only be left with less then half of her mana.

She calculated all she needed to have the perfect sequence of spells to use as buffs and for the remaining, she would use for combat. So she wasn't worried, she was confident.

Confident that she could take on the tower and confident to win this challenge flawlessly.


They ran for 37 minutes and finally, after running through such a thick forest, they finally arrived at the front of the tower.

"..."it was obvious that through their pace to get here, there wasn't a single enemy that came their way. It only meant that none of the opposing team was planning on going through the forest to counter them.

All five of the representing class E students were all gathered in the tower. It basically identified the name of Tower Defense, where they actually planned to defend their tower all until none of the Class A students remained, and it would give them the chance to attack the other Tower.

One thing to consider in the Royal academy is that students were equally separated by their strengths and status. So it meant that none of the actual class were fully capable of attacking another section without facing a few consequences. It wasn't your typical story of the top class being one that rules over the lower classes…it was all equal for all students.

But even though it seemed as if all of the student classes were separated and brought an equal chance, it meant nothing to some actual students who planned to be the best and were students who were given the opportunity to grow in a great environment.

One for example is Martha who aimed to be number one, while Richard her teammate was obsessed with fully beating Martha down at her own game. Although he was a bit weaker than she was, he had the power to fully take on any other student that wasn't Martha. These two were nobles with the opportunity given to be stronger while The class E on the other hand, was lead by a simple noble who had no intention of being as weak as the other classes but his determination wasn't as strong as the other two nobles.

It felt like even though he had a great environment to grow on, he couldn't fully show his potential.

This was how the story was written in this arc. Martha was a strong foe and Richard was the other strong teammate. Together, both would continue to run through the event and win in such a high class of power and will.

Through Hamil's eyes, no matter what tactic was planned, even when five students were going up against the Class A, it would only end up in the Class A being the winner.

He read through this part and already knew the outcome.

But he still watched anyway since it was fun to see that the novel he was reading was getting a realistic adaptation to his perspective.

He watched as three students who carried swords with them ran up to Class A in hopes of defeating them, while the two other class E students remained in the back as support.

As the three students ran up against Martha, Richard and the bow user, the other two supporters began using a simple elemental spell to distract the Class A students.

"Fire Ball!"

"Wind Spear!"

As both elements flew at the three, Martha countered this attack using her fire spear.

As the fire spear flew across the field, it first stuck the wind spear and caused a huge explosion that engulfed the middle field in both dust and debris.

As the dust covered the area, the fire ball suddenly burst through the dust wall and made its way to the three, but the bow user handled this well by simply firing her arrow infused in mana.

*Boom!* the arrow impacted the fire ball and it caused it to explode once again.

During that explosion, the three class E students used this chance to use the explosion as cover and ran through it with the intention of surprising Martha and Richard.

Because of the thick dust clouds that covered the field, Martha couldn't tell to which direction those students were going to appear from, but as she struggled to wait, Richard suddenly stepped up and pulled out his sword.

He infused his whole right arm with mana and swung across the dust with such force, almost half of the fog was pushed back and revealed the rushing Class E students.

"..!!" Richard didn't stop in his attacks and instead stepped even further forward to rush against the enemy.

"HHAA!!" he swung his word yet again with such a fierce force, that it contacted with the sword of the leading member of the class E students.

"!?" the leading class E student was shocked to see Richard up front.

The class E leader gritted his teeth and tried to push back Richard while the two other sword wielders began making their way to go against the bow user and Martha. But as the two ran pass the clouds of dust, they were immediately meet with two fire spears flying their way and five arrows that came from the bow user.

""!!"" both were instantly struck down and were eliminated from the challenge.

"..." Seeing the two people being taken care of, Richard also made his chance to take care of the leader.

He started infusing even more mana into his sword and started pushing back the Class E leader. His power was so strong that the Class E leader began to shake as the force of his sword was too heavy for him to handle.

"!!" it didn't take another second and Richard pushed forward with his sword. The Class E leader lost his balance and soon he found himself falling down and Richard pushing him down with such a strong force.


He strongly pushed down to a point that Richard created a small crack on the floor from his advancement.

Brute force won over against the class E leader and the two mages of class E surrendered willingly over their lost.

There was no second chance of hope to win.

Martha then proceeded to destroy the tower with the mana she had left. It only took a dozen fire spears for the tower to fall and a minute for her to fully bring it down to her knees.


The bell rang and the first event ended.

"Time for class A is 40 minutes and 37 seconds. And with the elimination of the whole team, you get a total of 28 points!" said Jack' O wonder as he cheered for the accomplishment class A obtained in this event.

"While the opposing team gets 0 points." said Jack.

Looking at the time, Hamil could only ever smile to see that he found out how much he needed to not beat it's record.

"...I guess under 45 minutes should be enough." said Hamil as he was looking forward to his battle.


The bell rang again and this time, Jack announced the next class to take action.

"The next section to step forward is….Class D!"

The moment he called this section out, a certain face started marching his way upfront along with the other classmates he was with.

"...Tyler River." said Rebertha as she mumbled under her breath the unfavourable name of this person who was the leader of Class D.


"And the opposing team is…Class C!"

The people cheered and Hamil and his friends started walking up front.

A certain tension was in the air as both classes faced against one another. Although Tyler wasn't the one who was in front of Hamil, Hamil could feel a heavy gaze making his way. He turned to look at Tyler and saw that this particular student was ever so confident in his smile.

"..." Hamil could only ever look back to face his front and try to ignore the boy who had intentions to make this event hard for him.

"...Goddam my luck." he said as he made his way to the portal.

Not long after, he found himself standing in front of such a thick forest, next to a long tower that seemed to be quite sturdy.

he smiled at the beauty of the architecture and soon walked his way to meet with the others, expecting that they too were ready.

"Are you guys ready?"