Class Rumble - Tower Defense part 2: Chapter 63

As Hamil approached the four who stood by the gate of the tower, he could only see the nervous faces of the two people he expected to be a nervous wreck.

These two people were Sofia and Remmy. He can understand why this was happening, first is because of their nature as a person. Sofia may be a noble who was top one in her class but she wasn't typically a person who could handle such a crowd, even though only flying magic cameras were the eyes of these land. She was shy, a bit flustered and most of all she looked like she was about to faint any minute now.

Remmy on the other hand was so giddy by the event that his giddiness evolved to an emotion of uncontrollable shaking and fear of failing. It reminded Hamil of the time he had to take on the entrance exam of the college he was getting into in his past life.

His two other classmates on the other hand were pretty much chill towards this whole situation. Rebertha was calm and collected as if she was used to this situation and Sarah was pretty excited and confident of what was to come in this battle.

He was sure that he could rely on these two by how the moment calls for it.


He clapped his hands pretty hard and it caught their attention.

"Are you guys ready?" asked Hamil and their response was that they looked at him in a certain positive way.…he exerted a certain aura around him that made them think that this was a person that was capable to be relied on. So their nervousness eased a bit and soon they smiled at him with a more positive view.

"We're good." said Sarah as she looked at him with a more wild but confident smile.

"Okay then, so should we go on with our previous plan or should we take a different approach? Since Tyler is going to be our enemy, I don't know how this whole event will end. He's a D-rank just like Hamil and he's pretty fast on his feet." Said Rebertha. She tried recalling back when they were at one of the joint subjects were classmates would spar against one another to evaluate their strength. On that class, Tyler was a merciless foe against his sparring partner. They all saw how fast he was on his moves and his fist itself could punch a hole straight out of a normal person if he tried. He was a beast on that spar and it took a teacher just to stop the match from going too far.

"...If he does decide to go on the offensive, I can assume it'll take him and his group to be at our tower around 50 minutes…but if he does go on the defensive, I can at least stall him so that Rebertha can take down the tower…the rest of the group might go after our tower by then so it'll leave me with a lot of room to guard Rebertha against Tyler while she readies her attack." Hamil said his thoughts but the group then looked at each other with a worried expression, something was off about this silence.

Remmy spoke up and looked at Hamil directly.

"...I think Tyler is only after you in this battle." he said this with a nervous tone.

He and the rest of the group knew that Hamil was probably the strongest one here, and that strength attracted the menace that was known as Tyler.

"Yeah…I bet he's expecting me to go to face him directly." Hamil said as he knew that Tyler had seen him in a certain image that seems to be somewhat the same as Tyler himself.

What Tyler saw in Hamil was that Hamil was a person who identifies himself to be a person who was strong to a point that Hamil recognizes his strength as something not a lot of people could ever fight against in his year.

Tyler thought that Hamil was strong, as strong as Tyler himself.

And Tyler thought that to a strong persons point of view, he could only ever face off against a person who was as strong as he was. So Tyler felt a since of connection between him and Hamil. He yearned to fight Hamil and crush Hamil so that he could prove himself to be the strongest in his year.

But Hamil couldn't care less about what Tyler saw in him, all he really cared about was to finish this game in a pretty positive end.

"So what should we do?" asked Hamil, as he tried to see what his group had to say in this situation.

"...I think we should go with our usual plan." said Sofia.

"I agree." said Rebertha.

And both Remmy and Sarah also agreed to what Sofia just said.

"Okay then." as he said this, Hamil began making his way out of the tower and started stretching. He wanted to be completely flexible throughout his whole run to the other tower with Rebertha on his back.

"..." Rebertha on the other hand could only show a nervous expression. And it wasn't because of the whole situation with Tyler. No, this whole nervousness came from what was to come her way.

It was an event that she was going to be experiencing for the first time in her life.

A piggyback ride by someone who wasn't from her uncle or from her dad. Instead, it was from a friend who was the opposite gender of her. It was a boy who was one year older than her. It was a boy who she idealized to be a supporting pillar in her life in the royal academy. It was a person who she felt a bit nervous around in intimate times like this.

It was going to be the first time she was going to hold someone…and that someone was Hamil.

As Hamil positioned himself to receive Rebertha on his back, Rebertha gulped in her nervousness and began approaching Hamil as much as she could. By each step she made, a second would pass…until finally in the fifteenth second, she came in the full view of his back.

"..." she stood in silence over the view of his broad back. She could tell how much this person before her was training heavily…but she has never seen him train in person…so she could only imagine how hard he was in his life to be this kind of a person to exert such a reliant feeling.

She could tell that this person has her back in the worst of cases.

So she smiled and finally leaned in to ride his back.

"I'm ready." she said.

"..." Hamil turned back to see her condition, and looking from how comfortable she was on his back, he felt ready to begin this journey.

"Okay then. I'll be relying on you guys to handle this tower" he said this as he turned his back to face his friends.

They look at him and gave him a thumbs up in assurance that they got this place covered.

As such, he and Rebertha began the run to the tower.

The moment he made his first step, a sense of pressure suddenly filled the skin of Rebertha. And like an exploding arrow, a thrust from his leg pushed him in such a distance. He was now running.

"!!" and to Rebertha's perspective, he moved like a flying arrow.

She could feel the wind blowing up against her hair, and the pressure was similar to how she would be if she run at her highest speed possible. And yet this boy in front of her was running without seemingly showing a sense of weakness. It was effortless to Hamil.

She could only show a smile on her face from how this sense of wonder she was feeling right now seemed to envelope her very emotion. She was in the high of her life in that moment.

They traversed at a speed of almost around the same speed as Martha could under her speed buff spell. They might even go faster than this if Rebertha could do the same buff as Martha can but the only reason she couldn't was because she wasn't capable of doing so. She was a mage who only focuses on the prospect of attacks, not on support.

She was an attack mage.

So the only thing she could rely on for the moment was Hamil and his already admirable speed.

On the outside of the artificial portal however, the audience who watched the big screens displayed before them were shocked to see something major happen. And it wasn't about the fact that fact that a commoner was running at impressive speeds with a lady in his back but instead, the audience were in shock to see that a particular tall boy was running at an even faster rate.

As if this man was running almost at the speed that was capable of surpassing that of a fired bullet.

This particular boy traversed through the thick forest all on his own without a single member by his side as a support. Nothing could ever catch up to him at the speed at where he was going.

The reason for this could be explained a few minutes back. Just as the Class D representatives entered the portal, the leader of that particular group was handed a special form of potion that revealed a very effective aspect that involved his speed. The person who gave that potion was none other than one of his members who was a noble.

This particular potion would have costed around a million ence for just this one single bottle. And as a noble, it really didn't bother the teammate that much under the circumstances they were in.

"Remember, this potion would only last you ten minutes, that's it." warned his teammate as he gives the bottle that seems to contain a bright yellow liquid inside of it.

"Only B-rank hunters would drink this and be fine after…but for a person whose not even a C-rank to drink this, will the only thing you would expect after drinking this is a hard form of pain. Your legs would probably feel like snapping after the potion wears off, so you should also bring this with you. after the potion effect starts to recede that's when you should drink this. It's a form of healing potion that strengthens one's pain tolerance." said one of his members as they passed a bottle that holds a dark-red liquid inside of it.

"...Okay then." said Tyler as he then proceeds to drink the first potion.

The moment he finished drinking all of the contents inside the bottle, he was suddenly filled with a splurge of energy running all over his body like lightning.

"!!…this power…its unbelievable…" the moment he said his thoughts, he suddenly started his charge straight at the forest.

*Boom!* his first step caused an explosion that left the floor all broken.

And 10 minutes later, he came to a stop under a very big tree in the middle of the forest.

"haa…haa….haa…" he was exhausted. The after-effect of that potion was something he knew was going to be painful, but to experience the feeling of his legs being almost like a broken glass made him want to cry…but the fact that he made it all this way in such a short amount of time also made him smile in such a crooked way. He estimated that by the time he will arrive at the opposing tower, he'll be healed enough to take on the guards and the tower even though the chances of a certain person might have been a guard instead of an attacker…although he assumed that Hamil might have been a guard instead of an attacker, he was certain that his image of Hamil was that Hamil was the kind of person who would attack rather than defend.

He then started drinking the other potion and soon, he could feel his body becoming more and more numb. But it wasn't so numb to a point that he could still run at an average pace.

In just under 10 minutes of continuous running, he had already traversed a distance of around 30 kilometers.

This was a feat he had never done in his life…he was satisfied and was now making his way to the opposing tower.

Meanwhile, Hamil and Rebertha were nowhere near Tyler. They were on a part of the map that was not so close to Tyler. While Tyler was traveling in a seemingly straight direction, Hamil had to travel in places that seemed rather safe to run across. After all, there were monsters in this portal, he had to make sure that he was running while not taking the attention of nearby monsters.

It's been ten minutes and in just a couple more time, the tracker was going to activate and soon their locations was going to be showed to one another.

Hamil knew this and he had to run a bit faster since he had to cover a lot of ground before the time would run out.

"..." finally after the fifteen minute mark, the tracker then started to reveal all of the participants locations. And it was shown inside the towers of both teams, so to know where the attacking teams were, the defending teams had to call out this information to the attacking teams using a speaker that was placed in their ears.

"...It looks like only one person is coming to attack our tower." said Sofia as she used her speaker to call out to Hamil.

"...That must be Tyler and he's going in alone. Where is he at right now?" asked Hamil

"...He's already past half-way to our tower…but he's nowhere near in your direction so just keep going in a straight line and you won't be meeting him by then." Reported Sofia.

"..." Hamil was silent for a bit as he was shocked to find out that Tyler had already made such a distance in just under 15 minutes.

"He should be aware of our direction, is there any change to where he's heading?" Hamil asked this because the thought of Tyler changing his Direction just to meet him means that he might be after Hamil after all.

"...His position stopped." said Sofia.


"...And now he's not moving from his place at all."

"We should continue on our path…if we do meet Tyler, we'll just have to handle him by then." said Rebertha as she reasoned with Hamil.

"...Okay." Hamil agreed and continued on his way.

a few minutes later, the tracker revealed that Hamil and Rebertha had already passed Tyler but it also showed that Tyler's position has not moved since then.

And after a few more minutes of running, and Hamil and Rebertha finally arrived at the opposing team. There at a certain hiding spot, Hamil knew that they were waiting for them.

Suddenly, Sofia then calls again.

"Report…Tyler is on his way to our tower…he's starting to move again." said Sofia as she reported the location of Tyler.

"How long do you think will it take before he reaches the tower?" asked Hamil.

"I think...Around ten minutes." said Sofia in a rather nervous tone.

"Okay, hold tight. We'll be finishing this before then." said Hamil as he cuts off the speaker.

Hamil was a bit curious as to why Tyler had to wait for a few minutes before starting to run again. He felt like something was off…his eye furrowed over the worry of this thought.

Still, he had to first go against the opposing tower before worrying about something that wasn't in his view.

"Are you ready Rebertha?" asked Hamil as he look to Rebertha with a serious expression.

"Yeah." Rebertha looks to him with a confident and excited expression and soon, their raid was finally about to start.