Class Rumble - End of Monster Hunting: Chapter 70

Outside the gate, a lot of nobles and rich men were found watching the scene of the monster hunting event in big screens that were divided into all of the six groups. Some were dining in the seats, others were just enjoying the scene that was presented before them and a few were taking notes of some promising characters.

One particular person in these bands of people was a girl who watches across on some of the many balconies that surrounded the screens in the middle.

Evangeline Ester Strauss

She with her blonde hair and red rosy lips were quite restless over searching for one particular person.

"Where is he?" asked Evangeline as she fidgets on her seat restlessly.

"Who are you looking for madam Strauss?" asked the attendant who was standing by her side and managing her every need.

"A student from C-class, His name is Hamil."

"Hamil?…Hmm, I'll see if we could find an image from any close drones in his vicinity.

The attendant proceeded to pull out a somewhat high-tech tablet out of his pocket and dabbled with the gadget.

It has been more than 30 minutes since she had seen the perspective of the boy who she wanted to look for…the boy who she once meet inside a gate.

"It says here that he has not been requesting for any medical carriers, so we can assume that he is still in the event-….wait, this can't be." suddenly the attendant's voice sounded worried and shock.

"His location…the GPS tracker in his registered digital watch has been in the same place for 32 minutes…something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" asked Evangeline.

"This is only my speculation madam, but I think this participant is in danger."

"What!?" Evangeline stood from her chair with a concerned expression.

"I'll call the managing team and they'll send in a medical carrier at the GPS's location."

He proceeded to call out one of the handlers of the drones and made a emergency request to come to this specific location inside the gate.

With nothing to do but wait in worry, the girl sat back down in her chair.

"It can't be…"

Since the time that she walked into the building and unto the balcony…when she came to see the many participants in today's year…the person that quickly caught her attention was none other than this boy…the boy who she once meet in a gate in their first encounter.

When she came to find out that this boy was participating in the event, she was quickly filled with an excited emotion inside of her…she knew then and there that boy was attending the same school as she was.

And knowing that fact, she showed such a brilliant smile.

'I'll definitely make him mine…' she thought.

Through the showing of the events, she watched and cheered only for this one boy…she saw how fast he was, how strong he showed himself to be…and she also saw a desperate moment in his life…a moment where he showed anguish.

At that moment, she felt wanting to comfort the boy…she wanted to support him in the event.

When she saw his arm got caught by the blades, she unconsciously stood up from her chair in shock of the moment…and at the scene where he was shown to be pushed and smacked down by the orc, she could only grip her fist in pain and worry…

She was worried for the boy.

When the drones were caught in the attacks and when she lost visual of the boy, her worries only grew.

And now that she knows that the chance of him being in danger was possible, she sat in her chair with fear…but in that fear was also hope.

She had questions about the boy and his actions.

Why does he seem quite weak in this event?

Why is he piggybacking a girl throughout the whole run?

Is he alright? He should be.

Why did he just used a shield in the fight against the orc guard?

Why didn't he used his sword like the last time we fought together?

Is he hiding his strength? He must be.

Why is he protecting one of the Dottinghams?

Will he just save any girl whose in trouble?

I know he can kill this orc by himself…why won't he do it?

Even though their fighting style is good together, the girl with the bow bothers me…I hate it.

Why is he being pushed around by the orc?

Why is he holding back?


Along with these question and so much more, she couldn't wait to confront the boy.

But these question wouldn't be answered…not until she knows he was safe and she knows for a fact that he is safe…she hopes for it.

Staying in such a state of worry, she could not help but hope…here she tries to use her training towards patience…she could only wait and hope that this boy was okay.

As she does, she notices that on the other side of another balcony, a certain group of friends seen cheering for a certain contender in the event.

This particular group was none other than Arthur, Licia, Liam and two more other guest, Ethea Vel Fraleworth and someone else who she didn't quite know, Randy Volde Savez.

"..." staring at their proud faces towards who seems to be Martha who was the sister of Liam, she felt envious.

Arthur was found standing with a smile on his face when looks to the screen, and the same thing went for Licia and Liam. They all were quite proud of this person. They were all gathered for this one person.

While she alone was the only one to stand and watch for another contender…a contender who was not found in the screen.

Soon the attendant came and informed Evangeline of the boy's situation in the presumed GPS location.

When the camera turned on for the drone, it only showed an arm laying by the ground.


And to Evangeline's reaction, her eyes started to gather tears and she turns away.

But before it could drip down to her cheeks, something unbelievable happened.

[...What the?]

A voice was heard.

[A drone's here?]

A voice who she found to be pretty familiar.

Slowly, she turned her head.

And when she came to see the image in the screen, she could only ever smile with such hope.

'He's safe!!'

After that, the beating in her heart calmed with wonder and she could rest easy knowing that he was safe.

The boy in the screen went and grabs his severed arm and soon requested a medical carrier.

The drone near him reacted to his call and soon he was carried out of the forest.

What happened in those minutes where he wasn't seen was never known.

What he did and what occurred will never be known…

As a few more minutes passes, the second event was finally over.

As the second ended, one by one the contenders walked out of the gates alive and safe.

Some were injured and carried by the medical team, other's were fine and continued to walk on their own.

And the boy who Evangeline wanted to see the most, walked out of the gate with a cold expression.

He continued to walk until he came to the medical room where he was assisted by a more professional team that came to work on reattaching his severed arm.

He was placed in the same room as others. And as he laid there with his left arm being attached to a machine fixing his hands, he could only look at the ceiling with a tired expression.

"..." through that tired expression, he was remembering the moments when he came face to face with Tyler.


Silence ensued in the room…but his mind was still hearing the voice of that boy begging for his life to be spared.

Suddenly, the door from the room opened and someone came and walked to his direction.

"...Hi Rebertha."

"...Is your arm feeling okay?" asked the girl who stood by his side.

"Y-yeah, it just feels like my arm is being dipped in cold mint. That's what it feels like."

"...I see."



"...Are you feeling okay?" asked Hamil as he wanted to know how well Rebertha was in recovering from the first event.

"I'm fine, my mana recovered and so did my strength." said Rebertha in a rather kind tone.

"That's good."



The awkward silence was dreading the tone of the room. For every question answered, silence would follow. Hamil could tell that the reason for this silence. It seemed like Rebertha was hiding something from him or maybe holding something back within her…her argument…her complaints to a certain someone.



"Don't ever do that again."

What she meant by this was of the fact that Hamil left on his own for the second event. Hamil could tell that Rebertha was angry at him by deciding to do that on his own.


She raised her hand and placed it on his shoulder.


With that conversation, it felt like Hamil was forgiven…he thought that maybe he was going to be slapped by her the moment he got out of the gate and they would have an argument but that expectation never came.

It seems like Rebertha was more accepting than he thought.

She didn't say anything after that. She just stayed in the same room where they all were.

A smile would show on her face from time to time as she looks to her classmates, knowing that they were together.

And soon, Ms. Eva came into the room as well and went to check on Hamil if he was fine.

"How are you doing Hamil?" asked Ms. Eva.

"I'm fine." said Hamil.

"That's great to hear." said Ms. Eva as she looks to him with a soft smile on her face.



But her soft smile soon furrows in concern.

And the next question, turned Hamil's expression to somewhat complicated.

"Did he apologized?" asked Ms. Eva.



"...I…I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"...instead of apologizing to me…he begged."

"...oh, I see."

"I didn't know what to do after that." When Hamil raised his spear to his direction, he saw the boy kneel in forgiveness. After that, he was left pondering in the sight of something so pitiful.

He couldn't go through with his act.

So he lowered his spear and he simply walked away as the image of something pitiful bare in his mind.

"So you forgave him?" said Ms. Eva.

"...I don't know. In my mind, I did want to punish the bastard but in the moment, I couldn't." his hand gripped tight and the conflict he had within himself made him enraged.

But Ms. Eva spoke to him face to face and grabbed his tightened hand.

"It's hard…"


"For kind people Hamil…Its hard to hurt people…even the bad ones."


Through these words, Ms. Eva told Hamil that he was a kind person…she decided this because of his actions…and the conflict between hurting someone and himself, he choose to hurt nothing but the conflict with himself.

Even his determination to avenge his friends, he couldn't act on it.

Knowing this, Hamil felt somewhat weak…

He still couldn't swallow what Ms. Eva told him about his actions…he just couldn't. To him, it felt like he failed protecting his friends, so he couldn't forgive himself for this act of mercy towards Tyler.

wallowing in his self doubt, he remained conflicted.

Meanwhile, on the balcony of the guest.

Martha came and approached the people who came to cheer her on in the event.

Licia first came in and hugged Martha as hard as she could because of how proud she was. And then Ethea gave a congratulatory handshake to her achievements as any student council president would. Ranzy cheered her as she would in her shy and soft way by simply cheering her on. Liam gave her an empty bank check as a gift and Arthur did what he would normally do, which was congratulate her by simply saying how much she has grown since the last time they fought together.

"You were amazing Martha." said Arthur as he stood and give his compliments to her.

"I'm amazed but I'm also a bit curious as to what happened at the battle with the Orc guard." said Liam in a suspecting way.

"Yeah, the screen from your group suddenly turned off and the next thing that was shown was after fifteen minutes later, the orc was found burned and beaten." said Arthur.

"Uhh, the thing about that was that I accidentally shot the drones while I was trying to fight the orc…" said Martha as she tries to lie in the situation. But her lie wasn't all so believable, despite that, the group just went and accepted the lie, knowing that it was probably a lie.

Throughout all these thanks and chatting, one simple conversation suddenly pops out of Ethea's mouth.

"So about that fight against the Orc Guard, who was that boy that helped you?" asked Ethea.

"Ah…um, I don't really know him all to well. He just came out of nowhere and warned us about the incoming attack." said Martha.

"Really?" asked Licia in a rather surprised tone.

"I thought he was a knight in shining armor that came to save you guys. I mean, the way he carried himself throughout the fight was pretty cool." said Licia.

"He tanked everything the orc did to attack, I'm pretty impressed by how strong this guy is." said Arthur.

"From what class is he? And how can I contact him?" asked Liam

"He's from C-class and I don't think he needs to be meddled with by a rat right now." said martha while he looks to her brother with suspecting eyes.

"I wasn't going to do something. Geez." said Liam as he tried to act all innocent.

"What's his name?" asked Ranzy.

"Uhh…Hamil, Hamil Crux." answered Martha.

'Eh?…Ha…mil?' hearing that name, Ranzy suddenly felt as if she had heard of that name before. It echoed throughout her mind like it was something familiar that she once heard about. But she knows for a fact that this was the first time she had heard of him.

"Hmm, Hamil Crux, this might be my chance to invite to join the committee." said Ethea in a rather student-president-like way.

"But it's weird though, didn't he used to use a spear in his first match in the tower defense?" said Arthur as he remembered that moment.

"Ah, you're right." said Liam as he affirmed that scenario.

"I wonder why he didn't used the spear on this event." said Arthur as he wondered with a furrowed brow.

"The kid must have his own thing going on, we shouldn't pry on his choices." said Ethea as she tries to take clear of the suspecting thoughts.

"You're right." said Arthur.

"Anyway Martha, father asked me to bring you to him a while ago after the second event was finished, we should go." said Liam as he looks to check his watch for the time.

"I see. I guess we should then." said Martha.

Soon they exited the balcony and made their way to a certain empty room that was guarded by two menacing men.

When they entered the room, their thay saw one man who was sitting down on a sofa, reading a book.

"We're here father." said Liam.

"Come and sit down." said their father as he pointed to a chair opposite to his side.

When they sat face to face, Martha was looking a bit nervous over what was to come.

"...Father I-" but before she could speak, the man with the spoke first.

"I can assume that you made your ritual, Martha."

"Yes father."

"I see. Well then, you can expect that from now on you will face a much harder path young lady."

"What do you mean? You taught me that ritual in case I was in danger. I used it, so what will happen now?"

"A path…a path that your mother once took."


"Your mother is the only person you can ask these questions from now on…take caution, my little girl."

As he finished speaking, he handed a peculiar gift to Martha.

"Here." said her father.

When she accepted the gift and opened it, she was surprised to see a box shaped object wrapped in what seems to be a seal.

"What is this?" asked Martha.

"..."but his father didn't answer.

He wanted to imply that from here on out, this gift was only going to involve her and her mother. Her father cannot know anything about this nor will his brother…

"..." looking at his eyes, Martha understood well.

"Thank you father." said Martha as she made her bows and exited the room along with the gift.