Class Rumble - Avenging as my Right: Chapter 71

"It's hard…"


"For kind people Hamil…Its hard to hurt people…even the bad ones."

These words that Ms. Eva spoke to me…I don't think it was something that should describe me. If anything, I deny these words.


What does it mean to be kind?

That I don't know.

Through the years in my past life, I have never thought myself to be kind…I don't think anyone would think to themselves to be kind.

I know kindness can be an act…an action of a good deed.

But my thoughts in the moment where I stand to his begging life, I wanted to crush him right then and there. My thoughts weren't kind…so it must mean that I wasn't kind…right?

…but I didn't act on those thoughts.

So am I kind?

These conflicting thoughts kept rambling on in my mind…it hurts to think of such way.

Why did it have to be so complicated?

Or maybe I'm making it complicated for myself.

The only answer I would think to face right now was either; am I kind? or am I not?

But I know that the world can't be a full black or white scenario…where one character can be distinguished by his act or personality…I know for a fact that the world is full on gray and complicated…the people are complicated…the life we live is complicated…maybe kindness is only one of the acts that I presented myself to be? Maybe I can be cruel, or angry, sad, hated, happy…

It's possible that anyone can be anything…even me.


As I look to the ceiling with a furrowed brow, I felt that inside my mind, I understand a little bit of myself…a little bit of the people as well…

I can probably consider my decision back then to be kindness or it could be a virtue.

I should rest knowing that what I did was morally right…if anything. It conflicts with my promise for revenge but it also keeps me straight to what was right.

In these moments of pure silence, it helps me organize my thoughts…as these moments are the only time when I can fully immerse myself. I couldn't do this in my past life because I didn't really cared for it back then…but now in my second life… I'm thankful for this understanding.

And in these moments of rest, I could smile while I continue to talk with my friends.

"Hey, what do you think goes best with pizza?"

"IDK...Pineapple and ham?"

"What the fuck!?"

"I mean, I've tasted it…it's good."

"Blegh! Disgusting!"

"What about you?"


"Fuck you!"

"Have you never tasted tuna on Pizza!?"

"I don't think fish should even be on bread, you bastard!"

"What about a tuna sandwich then?"

"Hmm…I guess that's one example but anything aside from tuna sandwiches is disgusting!"

"Say's the guy who want's pineapple on his bread."

"It's pizza! It goes well with cheese and tomato sauce, you bastard!"

"And so is fish pizza!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

"Shut up you two!" screamed Sarah as she continues to lay on the bed, recovering.

"You're taste are both awful." she commented.

"What? You should at least try fish pizza man, it's good." said Remmy.

"I don't eat fish." she replied.

"What about pineapple on ham?" I asked.

"I tasted it and its garbage." she said.

""Then what do you like then?"" we both asked.

"The Classic Caramelized onions, apples and goat cheese." she said sincerely.

"I think your tongue is broken." said Remmy.

"You should let the nurse check on that." I said.

"Fuck you guys." she said while pointing a middle finger at both of us.

"Hmm…I like the classic meat pizza with the golden flakes and exported caviar from the north." said Sofia while sharing her taste.

"Eh…that's a bit rich for our taste." said Remmy.

"I agree." said I as I agreed.

"I wonder what's happening on the third event right now?" asked Licia as she looks to the door with hopes of good news.

It has been an minutes since Rebertha and Ms. Eva left to participate in the third and final event. During that Hour, my classmates were finally awake. We talked about what happened after the first event ended and how the second event proceeded.

When they announced the scores for the second event, I was right with my counting that I only hunted 57 points throughout the whole event. As during my walk to looking for Tyler, I would come across a few monsters to hunt.

Class A got 118 points and added by 28 points from the first event, they got 146 points in total.

Class B got 157 points and added by 21 points from the first event, they got 178 points in total.

Class C got 57 points and added by 24 points from the first event, they got 81 points in total.

Class D got 91 points and added by 6 points from the first event, they got 97 points in total.

Class E got 98 points and added by 0 points from the first event, they got 98 points in total.

Class F got 75 points and added by 8 points from the first event, they got 83 points in total.

judging from their reactions on how everything went down, they were blaming themselves for being helpless against Tyler and how they could not do anything for the second event. I said that it was fine and that they shouldn't worry too much about it, but all they gave me in return was their apology for bringing the team down.

I don't blame them for acting as they are right now…instead, I told them something that I wanted and needed to tell myself as well.

"...If you wanna blame yourselves, that's fine. But instead of blaming your weakness, don't be an idiot by staying weak, instead become strong like any common sense would tell you."

After saying those words, Sarah came to look at me and proposed a deal.

"I wanna fight you…for real this time."


"Don't hold back against me…if you do, I don't think I'll ever forgive you for that."


"And so do I, I wanna grow stronger…I wanna fight you, Hamil" said Remmy as he looks to me with a serious expression.


"I want to fight you too." said Sofia.

"Hmm, I guess first thing we should do then is simple. All of you will fight me tomorrow at the same time. Be sure to prepare yourselves"




The three of them were quite shock of my proposal for training, but nonetheless, they agreed.

And after teliing them about the second event, I went and explained what would happen in the third event.

As for the third event, the plot of the novel proceeded like it would always should.

A one on one battle against each student sections.

Each section picks a representative and they will act as the fighter for that section.

For class A, it was Martha Deus Dottingham.

For class B, it was a student named Eleanor Denzell.

For class C, it was Rebertha Don Dumis.

For class D, it was Tyler River.

For class E, it was Jack Thorn Tulip.

For class F, it was Robin Dell Fowl.

In the novel, it was written that Richard and Martha was to take on a one on one duel. Before reading the book, other's thought that it was a fight to prove who was the strongest, and they were right. But since the two of these characters were in the same section, Richard appeased the managers to create a quick duel to present who was the strongest and right representative for Class A.

The duel was already over before I knew it, and Martha was the clear winner.

Despite my want to watch the duel between those two, I couldn't see the fight because I was recovering in this room.

I could only sigh in disappointment as the fight went on without me to watch it.

We waited as the event beyond the stage played out as it should have.

It has been another hour since then and I feel like it was Rebertha's turn to fight in the competition. Not one of us got to see the event play out, but we can tell that just from the explosions alone and the cheers of the people, we can assume that it must have been a fun thing to watch.

But I myself had a bad feeling about today's fight with Rebertha.

Her silence before she left concerned me.

And for the message I left with Ms. Eva, I don't think the message that I passed on would help Rebertha in the least.

I can see it in her calm eyes…she's hiding something from me.

I need to do something.


As she stood outside the stage, watching the competitors fight against one another, she was also preparing herself by wearing one of the sets of light armor that gave her a certain boost in magic.

She was also wrapping her hands in a white bandage, almost like what any boxer would do before putting on a glove.

When the fight ended between Class A and B, Ms. Eva came to her side and told her that it was her turn next to fight.

"Are you ready?" asked Ms. Eva.

"I am."

"Good, just be safe out there." said Ms. Eva.


"Oh and Rebertha."


"Hamil wanted me to tell you that you shouldn't worry about what happened between him and Tyler. Everything should be okay now…that's what he said."


But Rebertha simply continued to walk away from Ms. Eva after that.

Jack O' wonder then came to the center of the stage and hosted the next fighters.

"On the Left side of the Stage is none other than Class D's Wild Card! Tyllllleeeerrrr Riiiivvvvvveeerrr!!"

Hearing Jack O' Wonder announce the left side, Tyler came walking in with a complete set of fighting clothes. One that was fully for martial arts.

"And on the Right side of the Stage is Class C's participating Noble of thunder! Reeebeeerrrthhaaa Dooonnn Duuuumiiiisssss!!"

Hearing her name be called out, she came walking in with her armor shining against the lights.

Her calm eyes…the moment she came to meet with her opponent, she glares with the intent to kill. While Tyler on the other hand seemed a bit less motivated to fight.

*Ding* *Ding*

As the bell rang, it initiated their signal to fight.

Rebertha didn't held back and instead she immediately conjured five magic circles behind her back.

This was called quick casting from one of her spells. It was less effective as a damage dealing move but the intent behind summoning these skills were according to whatever element she had.

She was announced as a Noble Thunder because of her characteristics to only have one element. And that was Lightning. So when she cast her quick casting spell, the element that came out of those magic circles were none other than Lightning itself.

Although it's not much as a damage dealer, the one thing to consider about lightning was that it could stun just like a taser.

One by one, lightning fired at Tyler's direction.

Seeing as how unmotivated Tyler seemed to be at the moment, it felt like he was going to be struck down by the lightning. But right before it could touch him, his body reacted all to well with the danger and he dodges each and every strike.











He seemed agitated after those attacks but Rebertha didn't want to let him have a chance to attack.

So without stopping, she proceeded to cast another form of spell.

She casted a magic circle in the middle of her forearms and soon a long string of lightning came out of each palm.

[Lightning Chainwire]

A lightning ability that uses long strands of lightning to use as weapons by wrapping down at the target and create large volt currents to incapacitate the target.

Having two strands of these lightning wires on her hands, she seemed quite threatening to the audience.

She proceeded to swing her chain down at Tyler's way and soon strikes down at his direction. The fall of the strike caused a dusty explosion that covered Tyler's area. Rebertha wasn't so sure she struck down a body with all the dust in the way, so she used her second chain to swing it sideways.

But the moment it went past the dusty explosion, Rebertha wasn't able to feel the impact of a body clashing against the chain. It meant that Tyler was able to dodge the whips throughout all of the dust in his way.


Suddenly the sound of two palms smacking against one cause the dusty explosion to dissipate and what showed beyond the dust was the figure of Tyler with his palms held together in a praying form.

"Rebertha…I wanna talk." and Tyler suddenly speaks out.

But hearing him speak only made her angrier as veins started to pop out of her stressed head.

And Rebertha replied to Tyler's request for conversation.

"...I don't want to talk with a person as sick as you."

It wasn't an appealing reply.

She then proceeds to move forward with her chains and rampantly attacks Tyler with no reason to hold back.

"Haaa!!!" she swung both the chains down at the same time to Tyler's direction but he easily dodges them by only stepping back once and it causes to crack down on the floor.

Seeing that Tyler saw the miss, he then turns back to Rebertha and tries to talk again. But when he turns to her, he was surprised to see that for some reason, the handles of those chains were suddenly rolling to his direction. It was as if the handles were rolling back up to the tip like a tape measure used in construction.

When it came to roll itself completely, it suddenly explodes right at his face.


'Damn…bitch.' he manages to shield himself by blocking with his arms but that explosion was no simple explosion. When Tyler tried to move, he was suddenly stunned out of nowhere.

The explosion was the caused of that.

This gave Rebertha a chance to strike Tyler.

She proceeded to cast a magic circle over her head and she then drank a potion that she brought out of her inventory.

That potion was no ordinary potion.

It was something developed by her family, the Dumis's.

If consumed, they will come with a great enhancement of both physical and magical in the element of Lightning. As such, she was instantly devoured by a bright yellow light from her casted magic circle.

"GHh!" She gritted her teeth as the process was painful.

But as the light vanished, Rebertha was shown with an immense increase in power. She could be seen with yellow lines appearing under her eyes and her eyes were suddenly golden with the effect of the potion.

Even though she wasn't the physical type when using her abilities as they only are mostly magic and sometimes the chainwires. She decided to use a potion that wasn't fit for her character.

Her reasons for going this far was worrying for Ms. Eva

"I will break you…" these words had an impact to Tyler.

As she stood with the energy inside of her…she could only look to him with a furious glare.

"I…I'm sorry." but he apologizes before she could move forward with her attack.


"..." silence ensued the stage…but not a second passes and Rebertha made her step.

"Sorry?…SORRY!?" She screamed at him and it causes her hair to rise from the current of electricity that ran across all over her body.

"You don't have the right to apologize!" she said as she grips her hands tightly…readying herself to attack the bastard.

As she opens her palms, lightning gathers over it.

"You hurt my friends and you hurt Hamil…not once have you been punished for those actions!" saying those words, she ran to Tyler with balls of lightning at her hands.

When she was in range to reach him, she pushed her right palm and aimed at his face. But Tyler reacted and shielded himself from the attack.

[Fourth predator form: Buckle Defense]

He coated his arms in refined mana and raised it to defend against her attack…but the ball of lightning was impossible to defend if one did not have the right equipment to use against it. Lightning runs to anything conductive and flesh itself was one of the many thing that couldn't be used as an insulator.

The best move to avoid this attack entirely was for him to dodge, but he couldn't.

So when the ball of lightning clashed against his arms, he was instantly caught by its current and he soon got electrocuted all over.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" he screamed as the lightning pushes down against his arm.

With one more push, Rebertha used the other ball of lightning from her left hand and struck it right at his face.

As she swung her left hand, she knocked him off of his feet and threw him down to the ground.

Seeing him laying down on the floor, she moved to attack again.

She went and created four magic circles above Tyler's defenseless body and she showered him with rains of lightning bolts.


He screamed in agony as each bolt fell to every part of his body.

One by one, not a single one missed, it was almost as if the lightning was attracted to his body.

After 10 seconds of that attack, Rebertha suddenly loses her balance from her feet and she tumbled down on one knee. She was feeling the effects of using such a powerful form…her mana capacity wasn't holding well enough to last her three minutes.

"Haa….haa…tsk." she clicks her tongue from the annoyance of being this exhausted from simply these two attacks…if she took her time and conserved her energy, she might have lasted longer. But her anger was simply influencing her actions to recklessly attack. Still, she didn't care for the drawback of these attacks, instead she stands from her kneeling position until she came to look down upon on the beaten Tyler.

Despite the fact that she was only an E rank hunter, she was able to beat a D-rank hunter. It was possible because of the fact that she prepared herself to take on anyone...especially from the chance that she would come across the bastard that was in front of her at this very moment. She wore high quality armor, she used deadly spells and she didn't hold back on any of these materials. It was clear what her intention was.

She punished the bastard and she made it clear that she could take him on.

As she raised her hand, she conjured another magic circle that had a sense of danger to Tyler.

'I need to move! I need to get away!' his mind races as he saw the deadly magic that was going to be performed by his opponent to his beaten body.

He struggled as he crawled away from Rebertha, but his efforts were futile.

He could only move a few inches away from Rebertha before then, she would attack.

'...Shit, I can't run away."

But seeing the hopelessness, he gave up and closed his eyes.


"..." and then he heard it…the swishing and cracking noise of lightning coming to his direction was heard.


But he felt nothing after that explosion and was as if he wasn't attacked at all.

So he opened his eyes and found himself to be unaffected by the attack.

"!?" and then he notices something.

He saw that before his very body, something was found protecting him. It was something hardly detectable by human sight but before him, he could tell that something was protecting him. It was as if a shield was in front of him.

When he turned to look at Rebertha, he could see the shocking look of surprise on her face.

Surprised by the fact that Tyler was alright, Rebertha was confused and suddenly she notices a stare that felt familiar to her. So she turned around and saw someone she did not expect to see...


Hamil was found standing beside Ms. Eva as she assisted Hamil by carrying the healing machine by his left side.

"..."Hamil only looked in silence as he stares at her. He wasn't saying anything to her…he just stand and stared…it was as if he was expecting something from someone.

Hamil used a combination of both Light's Reflection on his other Skill, Shield's Copy and he placed it just at the front of Tyler's body at a distance that wasn't so detectable by the referee.

"...I" she tried to speak but not long after, she suddenly falls again to her knees and she could see blood dripping from her nose.

The Drawback of overusing magic on her body was affecting her too much than she expected. She struggled to stay in place as she looks to the laying person in front of her.

"Y-You…" with her shaking voice, she raised her hands again in an attempt to attack…but she was stopped.

She felt something touching her palm.

When she lifted her head, she saw the boy holding her hands in an attempt to stop her…

"I…" the boy spoke.


"I surrender."

"..." Rebertha stared in silence as she sees the boy kneel with two knees in front of her as he holds her hand from her attack. It was as if the form he showed her was a plea for mercy.

*Ding!* *Ding!*

And the event ended with Rebertha's win.