Talking to a Friend and to a Guest: Chapter 72

Life is complicated…that much is true to everybody.

Our actions affects the lives of others as they see that beyond our actions, it contradicts with theirs ideals.

And through that contradiction, we create conflict.

Conflict isn't something one would naturally want, as it affects our bond as people…it makes the lives we've lived, complicated.

I remember it too well, her eyes looks to me in shock as I contradicted with her choice.

Her eyes back then was filled with a question that I can see all to well.


I couldn't speak to her after that…I simply left and hoped that one day, she could understand me.

I left the building even before I could congratulate her of her achievement. She won the event for class C and after that, we took our place as third for all that came for the event. I was still healing my arm but I can tell that in just a few more minutes, my arm could be functional again. The rest of the team was still healing and couldn't leave until around 2 in the morning, So after I healed myself, I left. They saw me leave but they didn't asked why I left…they simply waved their hand as I walked away.

But Ms. Eva came to me before I could leave and said that a special banquet event would occur the next day as a celebration for today's event. She said that I should go tomorrow and I nodded my head as I left. She could tell that my intentions for leaving was because I couldn't face her…the conflict I created between us was hard to say or explain.

I hoped that time will help her understand why I did what I could at that moment.

But a single day didn't even passed and she came…and she had the courage to meet with me.

At night, I was greeted with a knock beyond my door. There, I saw her stand before my room with a melancholic expression. An expression that had the intent written as a wanting to talk.

But I couldn't start the conversation. I didn't know what to say to her…I only hoped that she would tell her reasons for coming here tonight instead of me.


"Hamil…I…I wanna talk."

"...come inside." as I invited her inside my room, I went straight to the kitchen and started to prepare a warm drink for the night.

As I did, she spoke her intentions…her questions.

"Why were you there?" she spoke with a nervous tone as she stares at my back,.

"..." but I only gave her silence as I brewed tea over the kettle.

"You were there and…and I felt that you did something."

"...I did."

"...W-what? Why!?"

"I did what I could to watch over you…to protect you." I only spoke my truth with simple forward words.

"I don't understand."

"Then let ME ask you a question."

"...I-" but before she could speak, I cut her off and made my statement

"What did you feel when you saw him right before your eyes?"

"...I hated him…don't you!?" she said as she looks to me, expecting that I had the same opinion as she had.

"I do."

"Then why did you stop me from bringing down the bastard!? "

"I just felt like it was right to end the pain there."

"What?" she was bewildered by my answer.

"When conflict is solved with conflict, the only outcome from it is pain…this is what Ms. Eva told me."


"Didn't he apologized?" I asked.

She went silent and the only sound heard in my room was the kettle boiling.

"..." but her silence only made the confirmation to my question.

"I'm telling you this now so that you don't make enemies in the future."

As I said this, I then poured her a cup of tea.

She only stares at the cup with a furrowed brow that showed confusion and concern.

"I don't get it…it just feels so unfair to us."


"He did all of those things with a smile on his face…and I…I…I wanted to get back at the bastard."

"...I think you did enough."

"...Did I?" she asked as if she wasn't certain of her own words.

"We'll see…"

As I said my answer, I looked outside the window and pondered over what was to come tomorrow. Will this feud end? Or will it continue and grow?

She in turn, could only look my way with the same worried expression.

"Rebertha." I spoke up as I look to the window.


"Do you hate me for what I did?" I asked.

"!?" as she heard this question, she suddenly turns frozen before she could sip her tea.

"You probably do." I said.


"...Hmm." I smiled knowing that it was only her right to hate me…

"I don't hate you…not at all…" but unexpectedly, she said something else…something I did not expect.

"...I see."

"In fact…I respect you."


Hearing her say those words made me smile. It was sometimes hard to be respected nowadays especially through words.



"Congrats on winning against the bastard."

"!!…oh, thank you."

After this, we simply enjoyed our tea time together. And after an hour passed, she had her fill and she said her goodbyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"You too."

As she left, she waved her hand goodbye and in return, so did I.

It felt like we didn't move at all from our conflicts…it still feels like I did something I shouldn't have…and this feeling won't go away.

As I turned away and closed my door, I only wished that tonight I could sleep well.

But before the door could fully close, it suddenly stops.



A voice was heard… a voice I wasn't quite familiar with.


I didn't move after hearing that voice, it seems as though it felt dangerous to move rashly against this person.

I didn't feel her presence at all, even after I just came from out the door. I made sure that no one else was awake this night nor was there anyone standing on this floor except me and Rebertha who just left.

"I haven't heard from you for a long time." said the female voice.

"...Heard from me?" I asked.

"My letters, you didn't write back. I was getting worried."

'Letters?' hearing the fact that she wrote me letters felt like it was something familiar to me.

Having no clue whatsoever, I turned my head ever so slightly and saw a blonde lady standing before. She wore a black hat, a black purse, black shoes and a black coat fit for a fashion model that reminded me of a black swan.


"...It's Aunty, you ungrateful brat,"

'Why is she here?'

I thought to myself as I stood with sweat dripping from my face.

It was weird to see her in the dead of night. No one should be visiting me right now…but I know all to well who she was or what she was capable of, I saw it back then in Hamil's past.

She was a part of Crow Talon. It meant that she was dangerous.

But I also know that she is good to Hamil…after all, she was his aunt.

"Why are you doing here?" I asked her.

".…it's about your contract."

"My contract?" I was clueless about any contract she was mentioning about.

"I know it's hard to accept this as it is, but your Five year freedom is up. The elders want me to bring you back within a month to our village."

'Ah…I remember now. it was about the deal my parents made for me to live my life as a normal kid…but the elders only gave me five years to live my life as I wanted.

"I see."

"I know it's hard to call you back but please remember that we can't disobey their decisions."

"Within a month…I understand." I simply went along with her words and agreed to come back. It would be stupid after all to go against the Crow Talon, if I did, I'll only end up losing my life.

But I had one month left…I had time to do something important before I leave. And that was to stop the terrorist attack from happening.

"What will happen to me after I go back to the clan?" I asked.

"...I was told that you will face a certain challenge to measure your growth." said Mary.

"what will happen if I fail their challenge?"


"I see…"

"But besides that Hamil, I'm quite proud of what you did over the past few days since you've entered the Royal Academy."

"What do you mean?"

"I've read your profile."

'Eh…? how can these people easily steal my information…the people managing this stuff should really put a lock on their goddam system if this keeps on happening.' I thought to myself while I was annoyed of the fact that people were easily getting my profile like it was a piece of fruit in a short tree.

"I can't believe that my nephew is a D-rank…if you can just advance one more rank, you can be just as strong as the other kids back in the village." said Mary proudly.

"EH!?" I was surprised to find out that kids my age were C-rank…it hard to believe that fact. But then again, I remembered that this was Crow Talon…it was simply their way of life to be this strong at ages under 20.

It wasn't something impossible to be this strong at such an age, after all, I too was already a C-rank in my current power. If had a month inside a gate, I could grow even stronger and become a B-rank. But since I was already a C-rank, I didn't have much to worry about in the challenge that was going to be given to me by the elders.

"Uhh, should I brew you some tea?" I asked.

"No thanks, I'm currently on a mission. I was only able to come here because you were nearby and I had to remind you of what was to come in a month." she said as she politely declined my offer to bring her some tea.

"Ah, I see."

"Anyway, goodnight Hamil."

"Goodnight aunty." I said as I waved my hand goodbye for a second time.

"Oh! And before I forget."

"What is it?"

"Did you use protection on that girl?"

"What? Protection?"

"You know…that girl…the one who just left…did you?"

"WHAT!? NONONONO!!!! She was just a friend!"

"Ah, that's what they all say…but please, never forget to use protection. My nephew."

"We didn't-"

"Ah, I can't believe my nephew has become a man before I knew it. I'm so proud of you."


"Anyway, bye!" as she waved her hand, she disappeared like a ghost.

And I was left with a misunderstanding.


The next day, I was found with circles under my eyes. It was clear to everyone that I didn't sleep a wink last night.


The moment the train opened its doors, I was meet with a full cart of people.

"ughh…my bad luck is kicking in again." I say as I stood squeezing into the many people.

After a while, the train now made its way to the Royal academy and I was found standing with a blank and tired expression.

'Ugh…I really should have drank black coffee instead of tea…ughh.' I say to myself while cramped in the train.

As I looked upon the passing buildings one after another, I suddenly felt a gaze making my way.

"..." I didn't really mind that gaze because I thought it was probably some random person looking at something like my curly hair.

But soon after, the gaze was suddenly turning more intense to a point that I could feel it to be uncomfortable.

I decided that I should turn around to face this person.

But when I did, I was meet with a person who was wearing some sketchy mask and sketchy hat and some sketchy glasses.

For some reason, I could hear Heavy breathing coming from her direction.

This particular person was a girl, judging from her skirt and uniform that was the same as mine.

'She goes to Royal Academy.' I thought to myself as I lightly glanced at her direction.

Seeing that she was at the same school as I was, I had a plan to actually figure out who this was.

I only had to wait until I would reach the school.

A few minutes later and the train finally arrives at the school and the students riding on the train quickly got off from the train and started making their way inside.

One girl who was wearing some sketchy mask and hat, was looking very busy, as if she was searching for a certain somebody.

'Where did he go?' thought the girl as she desperately looked at all the directions available to her.

'I lost him!?' she thought as she looked a bit gloom knowing that she lost her target.

All of a sudden, her hat suddenly pushes off from her head and it revealed her silver hair.

"!?" the girl was surprised of what just happened. When she turned around to see who it was that lifted her hair, she shocked to see that the boy who she was stalking was standing in front of her.


Her diamond eyes reacted to his gaze, and soon she lost strength to her knees.

"Oh, it's the same girl from yesterday." said Hamil.