Coming Back to Class and Learning like Usual :Chapter 73

As I stared at the visage of his proud and dominant form, I have never thought that beyond his view, his presence alone made me tremble in fear. I couldn't understand why I was feeling this way…it was as if, he alone was the only one capable of making me feel so watched over.

At the simple gaze of his eyes, I would immediately lose my strength to stand at his level...

But unlike before, he showed a calm and welcoming presence around him.

It feel like I was the one who had a problem with his presence.

"Oh, it's the same girl from yesterday."

Hearing his voice in a calm environment felt completely different than it was inside a gate. I wonder how such a change was possible, it was almost like he didn't seem to keep his guard up against me, now that we were outside a dangerous environment. But still my knees were as loose as they could ever be.

"Ah..." I tried to speak out, but it seems as though nothing would come out of my mouth in his presence.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he looked concerned over my pathetic figure…

"..." the way his concerning eyes looks over me, it was as if I was basking in a warm light.

And suddenly he reaches out his hand, almost as if he wanted to assist me into getting back up on my feet…but before I knew it, I lost the strength in my arms, the vision to comprehend the holy image and the only thing I last saw was a vertical scene of his legs…it probably meant that I fell to the floor.


"Eh?" the scene before me was pretty bizarre.

I just wanted to help her out but instead she just went and refuse my offer by playing dead…I felt a bit weird seeing her just lay on the floor like a piece of rock…but I couldn't ignore the stares the people were giving me on the train station.

"...Ah, can anyone call a guard over?"

Not long after, two guards came running to my direction while they were carrying a stretcher.

"What happened here?" asked the guard.

"I…genuinely don't know." I said while looking a bit concern as they placed her over the stretcher.

"Hmm, this may seem a bit controversial, but…did you harass her?" asked the second guard.

"What!? nonononono! No!"

"Hmm, your quick denial on the subject is suspicious." said the first guard.

"I…just listen, if she wakes up from this incident, then we can ask her ourselves what happened."

"Hmm, sounds reasonable enough…but its exactly what the Killer would say!" said the second guard as he looks to me with a suspecting facial expression…just like what you would see in those detective dramas.



The first guard went and smacked the second guards head for saying something stupid and apologizes to me.

"Sorry for letting my partner speak out like that…he's been getting into Detective Dora this past few days."

As he and the second guard lifts the silver haired girl away from the station and into the medical clinic, I on the other hand was left to my own while the people surrounding me were giving me the bad eye.

*Sigh* " I better get to class now."

But as I started walking into school, I was meet with a gaze from a certain Remmy Polinske.



He could only look to me with such a pitiful look. As if he was looking at a close friend who got dragged away by the police after committing a sexual crime.

"It's not what you think."

"I get it…its your time of the month."


"The Hormones are probably kicking your nutsack pretty hard right now."


"You're Horny aren't yo-"


But before he could finish his sentence, he received a notebook to his face.



"...You don't have to deny it."

"F**k you."

"What's going on?" suddenly another person came and joined our 'conversation'.

"It's nothing Sofia." I said while I glared at Remmy, warning him to not push on with the bit.

"Let's get going then, class is about to start soon." said Sofia.

As she went ahead of us, we soon followed behind her as we walked our way to our classroom.

But just as we passed the gate of the school, up ahead at that entrance to the school building, I saw a particular group of people looking a bit suspicious. It was as if they were looking for somebody.

"Look up ahead, it's class-D." I said to the both of my classmates, warning them of the group.


The two instantly noticed the group and soon, they clinched their hands in response as they came closer to the entrance.

It was clear to how they reacted to the group as they were uncomfortable and uneasy about this class.

It was a bit weird though. Tyler wasn't with the group. Only the four representatives aside from Tyler stood at the entrance.

When we finally came to the front of the entrance, I could easily tell that the Class D kids were also nervous of us making our way into the school. Both them and my friends were nervous of each other.

But that didn't last long as we proceeded going into the school without stopping for them. I was a bit curious as to why they we're standing their all nervous-like when we came walking in, so I quickly looked back and saw that out of the four guys that stood there, one person looked back at me with a scared expression.

It was the same person that used a sniper in the event.

"...I wonder what they were doing there?" asked Remmy as he looked forward ahead, trying not to care much for what was happening.

"...I don't know." I said to him as I to walked forward without looking back at them.

"Let's just go guys." said Sofia as she walked a bit faster than usual.

I could see how uncomfortable Sofia was based on how furrowed her brows were and so was Remmy.

But after a while, when we distanced ourselves far enough from class-D , Sofia and Remmy's expressions softened.

When we came to our classroom at Ms. Eva's lecture, we were greeted by Rebertha and Sarah with a smile on their faces. Rebertha showed an expression that tells how happy she was with us fixing our issues last night and Sarah on the other hand showed a pretty wild smile that showed how excited she was of what was to come at the next class on practical matches.

When I look to the other classmates in the room, I notice that they just acted on their own like they usually would. That means that they weren't invited nor were they able to watch the events yesterday. Knowing this, I sighed in relief.

I quickly got on my desk while Sofia and Remmy got to theirs.

Not long after, Ms. Eva came to the class and what she showed us all when she came in, shocked us to our very core.

"Good Morning Class." said Ms. Eva.


Our eyes widened as the sight of a completely sober and functional teacher stood at the side of the board. For once, all of us thought that we were dreaming, and simultaneously we pinched our cheeks.


But our eyes didn't deceived us. It was real.

"Ms…Eva?" asked one of the students in class.


"Are you dying?"

"" answered Ms. Eva as she looked quite confuse of the question.

"Oh…are we dead then?" asked the student.


"I think what she was trying to say is…who are you and what did you do with our original teacher, Ms. Drunkinthemorning Eva." asked Remmy.

"Oh…it nothing serious kids, I just forgot to stack my wine cabinet last night." she said.

"So your not a skin walker?"


"Your not from an alternate dimension?"

"I don't think I am."

"Oh…this is weird." said Remmy as he finishes he's back and forth conversation with Ms. Eva.

"Okay, now that the issue of my sober image is out of the way, we can proceed with our lecture." she said as she faced the board and wrote something peculiar on it.

[Elemental Control]

"Okay class, we'll proceed with the prospects of elemental control. And with it, I would like you guys to move outside so that we can properly conjure the elements without damaging any interior school property. Chop Chop." she said as she clapped her hands.

The students were quite surprised by this lesson but soon, they got up from their chairs and made their way out of the classroom.

"Proceed to the open space in the middle of the track field." said Ms. Eva.

One by one, we got out of the classroom, but before I could leave, Ms. Eva called out to me to come close.

"What is it Ms. Eva?" I asked her.

"Um, its about your element."

"Oh, do you want me to just try to conjure my earth element instead of the dark element?"

"Yes and I hope you understand why I'm telling you this."

"I do." I understand her completely.

She didn't want me to create the dark element as of yet because it might cause problems with the rest of the classmates. After all, the dark element was quite rare to the public.

And so when we proceeded outside unto the track field, we were quite happy to see that it was a bit of a cloudy day and not so sunny.

"Okay then class, I want you to create your element that your best at controling."

Soon one by one, each of them created their own single element.

Sofia created Ice.

Remmy created Water.

Sarah created Fire.

Rebertha created Lightning.

But I on the other hand felt a bit troubled by creating my element.

"What's wrong Hamil?" asked Ms. Eva.

"I don't know."

"Hmm, if your trying to create your element, the one thing to remember is the emotion you felt. And the element of earth…what do you feel when you create something like that?"

"A strong solid will?"

"Yes…that's right. To create earth, one emotion that stands above all is the image of its form from your will to creating it."

[She's right boy…a strong Will will create our form…this works for every element but it is especially important to the element of earth.] said Gord as he spoke to my mind.

[that is the purpose of your gift, Summit's Will.]

"I see…"

[Now then…create the image in your mind and at the same time, feel the solid ground beneath your feet with you hands.]

[I can feel it…it's heavy…but I can do it.]

[Good…then bend it…Bend it with your will!]


As soon as I conjured mana in my hands, I could feel the weight of the land beyond my palm.

It was like every inch of the skin of my palm was filled with heavy weight of the land beneath my feet.

And when I created an image of a small round earth at the size of tennis ball in my head, I could feel something creating in front of me…the land beneath my feet was moving, and my palms could feel the sense of my imagination.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the creation of my mind…a perfect spherical ball was found floating in front of me.


I was amazed by what I just created…and when I used my will and moved the ball to my palm, it moved.

The moment I released my mana control, the ball fell to my hands and I could feel how smooth the surface was for the ball.

"That's amazing Hamil. To create a perfect spherical ball in your first try is absolutely amazing." said Ms. Eva as she complimented me.

"How did you do that?" asked Remmy as he looks to me with envy.

"I don't really know…I just feel and imagined the form of the earth."

"Damn…you're a goddam genius man. The first time I did it was completely trash…I couldn't even create a ball, it was just a bundle of rocks that formed like any other random shape. But you, you did it with the full shape of a sphere." said Remmy.

This made Hamil learn that Remmy had the compatibility of a rock element but he wasn't so adept with it. Instead he was more adept to using water as his element.

"Hmm, he's right. I know a kid that had the same element as yours and all he could do was make an already formed rock and make it float for 15 seconds. Granted, he was only 14 years old back then."

"Hmm, this can only tell us that you have a strong will for things Hamil." said Ms. Eva.

"Oh, cool."

[That isn't all you can do boy. You can create a ball a thousand times bigger than what you created or maybe yet, you can split small mountains with this element…to move the earth is to will your mind. When we go back inside the gates again, I'll teach the many possibilities you can create with the element of earth.] said Gord.

[I will also give time to teach you the another skill on the dark elements.] said Vexus.

'Nice…but I have a question for you guys?' I asked the two of them.


'Where have you guys been? You barely talked yesterday.'

[Hmm, as kings of our own elements we have responsibilities to watch over in this world.] said Gord.

[It won't be always that we are able watch over you…] said Vexus.

'Oh, I see.'

I understand what they mean. As kings, they might be pretty busy.

I'm lucky enough that they would give their time for me just to train and teach me along my life.

Anyway, I had to focus back on my class as Ms. Eva continued her lectures on the many possibilities that our elements have to assist our lives as students of the academy and grow even stronger.