Confronting the Inability to see he's Weak: Chapter 113

Standing at the front of the academy, I came here simply to uphold the request of what the Head Principal had told us as a warning. To explain myself why me and Arthur were even fighting at the academy at such time.

I would have not given a thought of mind to even attend this call if it wasn't for the fact that I had to talk to Arthur for one reason.

To help him gain his power at a more straight path.

After doing this, I just hope that he fulfills his role as the main character.


"He's not coming, is he?"

"Hmm…just wait for a bit, he'll soon come."

As the clock continues to turn, the silence in the room made Arthur very nervous as he was in front of the Head principal. He came as requested by the principal yet the other person in question was not here to represent themselves.


"...While we wait, tell me, how did it start?" asked the principal as he looked to Arthur with his chin resting on his hands.

"...I wasn't the one who started it."

"Oh? And how so?"

"He came and tried to kill me while I was in the medical room."

"...Were you sure of yourself that it started that way?"

"Of course I was…he threatened me."

"Then why are you still alive today?"


"Your standing here in front of me as a breathing man…"

"I'm standing here because I survived…that's all there is to say."

"...speaking from experience, when a man comes and tries to kill you in your sleep and you survive, that man won't simply give up just because you avoided death that day…no, a crazed man out for murder simply goes by his instinct to get murder you even if it stakes him at his own life."

"...What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that he wasn't out to kill you…seeing as how your alive today."

"...then maybe he hasn't given up yet."

"Tell me, what did he say to you?"


"I'm sure of myself that he had something to say to you…seeing as how he's not out for murder but still took the chance to meet you."

"He was trying to kill me…but he said that I was weak."

"And there we go, the answer for his reason. I think I can say with full confidence that its clear what he was trying to do, no?"

"...was he flaunting his strength?"

"Was that really the first thing to come to your mind?"


"...Well, we certainly will know once he comes into the room."

"...I do-"


As the door was knocked three times, a head pokes out and checks to see if someone was inside and to their guess, the awaited person came into the room.

"Hmm, looks like you're here. Wonderful, we can begin to hear each of your excuses." said the Principal.



With the sound of a wooden desk cracking echoed in the room, Arthur left the room with his head in a flames of irritation. all that remained was the cold sense of distance from Hamil and the creeping curiosity of the principal.

"...Say, before you leave, can I ask you a question?" asked the Head Principal as he stood from his desk and went up to one of the bookshelves.


"...Do you know me from somewhere?"

"...And why are you asking me that?" countered Hamil.

"I've met a lot of people in my time, there were some who I would meet eye to eye and I could see that in their eyes, everything that they've experience could be told in one simple gaze. Even from the boy just now, I can see that he has had a harsh life to live…I don't know specifically how it goes, but I can tell that he will live to go through many challenges…"


"And the same goes for you. I can see that in your eyes, you have a deep burden within you and your having a hard time to figure out what it is that you likely need to solve this burden…but you crave strength..."


"Are you going to solve this burden with your strength?"


"Other than that, your eyes spoke of familiarity…as if you look at most of us as if you know something about us. Are you someone who can look into the future Mr. Hamil? Do you have the ability to foresee the future?"


"...Is it the future that you burden yourself with?"


"Hmm, here's a word of advice from your elder then."


"Don't try to solve a problem that hasn't even happened yet…otherwise, you'll die or maybe worse than that, the problem will only get worse."

"...So dying isn't a problem."

"Dying is just an escape…people who die before they could suffer the most are the one's who are very lucky."

"...Is that so."

"it is…now then, about your request that you've asked me this early morning…I can only give you five months of off-time from school…but once you go past that time, I won't be giving you any chance of stepping into academy without labeling you as an intruder…or as a guest."

"...Thank you."

"Shouldn't you say goodbye to your friends before you leave?" he asked.


Without saying anything anymore, Hamil left the Head-Principal's office and never turned back his head.

As he walked down the corridors, he was met with Arthur who was waiting for him down by the stairs.

"..." without minding his presence, Hamil walked pass him.

"...Are you just going to walk away after saying that bullshit of an excuse you pulled off!"

"..." hearing Arthur speak, Hamil had to stop in his steps and turn to him with the same cold gaze as before.

Hamil had already explained himself to the principal before the appointed time. It happened early in the morning where Hamil had to sneak pass the guards and speak to the Principal privately about his request to go away from school for a few days off. Having pulled out his position as a member of the student counsel, the principal had listened to the boy in his request.

And although the Principal did not know about his nature to be affiliated with the Crow Talon Clan, the principal had seen something within Hamil's gaze, the desperation of his reason. He had seen the eyes of what the boy was willing to give up for on the pursuit of strength…for the pursuit of the path of a King.

That is why he forgave Hamil and let him simply go without a proper excuse.

Instead, what he told in the meeting with Arthur was simply about a typical boy wanting to beat the shit out of Arthur seeing as how he was this supposedly known genius of a character in the Academy. Hamil said he wanted to prove himself that he was the best…and in reaction, the principal laughed, but Arthur didn't.

"You watch yourself Arthur, the world is very open with the chance to kill a talent like yours."

"What does that mean? Are you going to attack me again in my sleep? Is that what you mean!?"

"...No, I'm saying that with your performance during your fight against the S-rank Demon, you had no chance to even beat the bastard."

"Y-…How did you know about that?" Arthur was shocked with Hamil knowing what happened during the attack at the school dorm.

"...Gossip gets around once in a while. Either way, with your current strength and with how the demons failed to even capture one student from the academy, you have to prepare yourself in the assumption that they'll strike again."

"Are you saying that the demons aren't giving up? That they'll attack again?"

"The Academy is a hotspot for people who are born with a gifted amount of mana…its an easy picking if they plan it right the next time they attack." said Hamil.


"Don't be sad about this…its not like the people you love are going to be affected by it. The chances of them being taken away into the territory of the demon kingdom is as much as that of a normal student…so I wouldn't bother with worrying if it were me." Hamil said as he turned to Arthur with a cold smile on his face.

"..." And Arthur could only look to him as if the person who he was was unbelievable to believe in. With sweat dripping from his face, the anxiety of what Hamil told came to cross his mind.

"...Your weak Arthur."


"With the way you are right now, you can't protect them even if you gave your life for them."

"What are you saying?"

"They'll die before you could ever do anything about it."


"...Martha, Liam, Ethea…Licia. What do you think will happen when another S-rank demon comes back to pick them up like so. Do you have any clue on what your going to even do if that was the case?"

"Are you threatening me?" as Arthur spoke, a small scale of his power began to emerge, and the presence around his area became heavy. But Hamil was not affected by his aura for even a bit.

"I'm warning you Arthur. With the way that you are right now, you'll just die without even doing anything." as he said this, he started walking away and leaving Arthur to his own.

Making his way down, he noticed that Licia was by the stairs, looking at Hamil with a worried expression. He assumed that she must have been here to pick up Arthur…and seeing her expression, he wondered if Licia heard a bit of what they were even talking about.

Still, Hamil simply went pass her and made his way out of the academy.

"..." and seeing him leave, Arthur expression turned to worry.

"What did you guys talk about? Did he apologize to you?" asked Licia as she went to approach Arthur.

"N-no, its nothing. Lets just go." having tried to push away the topic, Arthur tried to simply ignore Hamil's words. But seeing as how his tightened grip soon loosened, the words of Hamil has already taken effect.

As they walked, a certain thought came up to his mind.

'...Am I really that weak?'

With that, the seeds of warning was planted inside Arthur…


Having exited the academy, Hamil started walking his way back to the apartment. With the free time he had, a few things came to pass his mind.

"In the end, I wasn't able to give him the information that I have…"

What he had in his storage at that moment was a piece of information containing a certain item that may or may not help Arthur in a way.

But because of how Arthur seemed so agitated back then, it seems that giving him this information will only be tossed away. Hamil had to wait on the time when Arthur has settled with himself.

Still, with what he has said to Arthur, he just hoped it was enough to convince Arthur of himself. Now that this was settled, he had to find a way to give this information to Arthur while he's away on the Crow Talon Clan…

"Maybe I can leave it to Iris…with her being friends with Martha, she might be good enough to leave this information for him. I can trust her on that." with that said, he thought of calling her by phone…but just as he was about to, his phone started to ring, and a certain name was out to reah him.

"...Evangeline?" having wondered why she called to him at this time of day, he decided to answer the call.


[Hey, where are you right now?]

"...I'm just leaving school…why?"

[School? What are you doing at the academy?]

".…Some stuff happened."

[...Is that so? Well, I was wondering if you were free to do anything today?]

"...I am sort of free today."

[Really!?…*Ahem*…anyway, do you want to meet up?]


[Um, at the Hunter's Association…]

"Why would you wanna go there?"

[I was just wondering if you ever had thought of updating your hunter card. Can I ask what rank you are right now?]

"...I have a D-rank card…why are you asking me this?"

[You know, just to…*mumble**mumble*]

"What? I can't hear you."

[...anyway! Just come to the hunters association. I'll meet you there!]

-cut off-

After that, the call was cut off…

And seeing her reaction, I can tell why she called out to me…

Yes, I am clearly understanding the situation…

*He doesn't*

…She's trying to recruit me into her social group.

*She's not*



On the other side of the phone….

"GyahH!!!! I did it! I called him out!"

As she rolled around her bed like a typical teenage girl, she then stood up from her bed and made her way to her dresser.

"hmm, lets see…."

Looking at the various dresses she had inside, she wondered which one would be perfect for this event.

"...I need something that'll really make him notice me!" With what happened the night when she hugged Hamil at the tent after the terrorist attack, she noticed that there were also other competition after Hamil…doing something like picking the right outfit for this meet-up will only do her the good chance of impressing him…

Or so the plan goes…