Meeting the "Villainess" Evangeline: Chapter 114

With the time I had to prepare, I made my way to the hunter's association. There, before I could go in, in the distance, I saw Evangeline looking rather neat and proper with how she was wearing a outfit similar to that of a women working on a office. With her black pencil skirt that reached all down to her knees along with some black leggings, her black sharp sleeve that speaks authority with under it being a turtle neck as beige as the color itself , and her rather serious looking black sunglasses with the hint of her crimson gaze behind it, it seems like she was there waiting for a business meeting.

And by that assumption, I must have been right to think that she was here to speak about forming a sense of partnership.

AN: LOL, Partnership indeed.

Me on the other hand, I simply wore a simple not too shabby pair of clothes. From a long sleeved shirt, and black jeans, I was normal as I can be. Yet still, it made me nervous knowing how good she looked compared to my side character looking presence.

"..." but seeing her be there, waiting for me, I did not hesitate to move forward.

As I walked, I waved my hand back to say hello, and in response, She turned to look at me and dropped her glasses down a bit just to make sure that I was the right person.

She smiled knowing that I was walking to her, and she greeted me as I came close to her distance.

"Your here. Great." she said.

"How long have you been waiting?" I asked. Concerend for the fact that it's been a bit hot lately.

"Oh, I just got here, same as you." she said as she wiped her sweat with her handkerchief.

"Um, I never really explained why I called you out here, so I'll tell you now." she said, as she looked with a rather nervous expression on her despite wearing the sunglasses.

"Um…how about we go inside first? Your sweating a lot with how hot it is out here, and there's air conditioning inside the building." I said.

"Oh, we should go to the top floor, there's a restaurant there." she suggested, smiling as if she has just realized this great coincidence.

"...Oh, okay." I said, not thinking too much about it. I've been to the restaurant twice now, so it really isn't that much of a problem.

As we walked inside, I tried to act like a gentleman to her in respect to her authority as a noble. With how I opened the door for her, walked with her to the elevator and how I pressed the elevator for her, I didn't really want to inconvenience her in any way.

And in response, she looked at me as if I was doing something wrong…

As we rode up to the top floor, she spoke.

"...Why did you do those things?"

"Um, what do you mean?" I asked, looking rather nervous with the thought that I did something wrong.

"You got the door for me, you walked rather stiff while we were walking to the elevator, and even when you pushed the button for the elevator…those things are pretty weird for you to do." she said, rather straightforward.

"I mean…"

"Don't tell me your actually treating me like a typical noble?….Are you!?" she asked with a raised tone of voice.

"..." but I couldn't say anything since she was a bit mad and admitting to those actions being true might only ever fuel the fire.

"...Listen, I want us to be friends…we are friends…right?" she asked, as she took off her sunglasses down and looking at me with a furrowed look of worry.

It seems as though she was worried when she asked that question. And thinking of it, I realized I messed up…

"...we are." I said, looking at her with a soft smile, as I tried not to act stiff around her.

"Good, because, truth be told, I wasn't certain we were…" with a clear show of her anxiety, she looked up to me and smiled.

"Oh…" and for a quick moment, I felt my heart pulled by something. In seeing her genuine smile, I was a bit drawn by it…as if I was tug…but it soon faded the moment the door opened in the elevator.

"..." Seeing her show a smile like that was something else. Compared to anyone else, this was different in a way…but I didn't really understand it other than for the fact that maybe I was just too nervous.

As we got off the elevator, the person handling the entrance guided us to a seat that was shared for two people.

"...Ah." looking at it, I realized that this seemed like a date for anyone who would look our way…

With two people who were of the same age inside a fancy restaurant, one couldn't help but think of the open idea of it being a date…but as I looked to her, she didn't seem all that nervous.

Maybe I was just overthinking things again.



It's a date!

It is goddam date!

Our first time out together from anything aside from the gates and it's an actual DATE!!!


Calm down, its obviously nothing more than dinner with a friend…but…

When I turned to look at him…

Why the hell is he looking all nervous like that!?

Is he thinking what I'm thinking!?


Maybe I should look back again…

When I turned to look at his face, all I saw was his usual soft expression. Goddamit!!


I'm overthinking things too much right now…so for now, I should try to calm down and sit.


But before I could, he pulled my chair for me to sit on.

"..Ah, sorry."

He apologized.

But knowing him, he probably only did it out of pure gentle mannerism.

"...No, thank you."

In truth, I kind of like being treated like this…it didn't seemed force when he did it just now. So probably he's just being nice.

As he sat down in front of me, I quickly picked up the menu and tried to look over the various choices. When I peeked over his face, I saw him looking over with a serious expression.

"...Are you ready to order?" I asked.

"N-no, I don't really know a lot of the choices here…so if anything, maybe I'll have the chef recommend me something light." he said as he dropped the menu down and a waiter came to pour us both a bottle of expensive wine. Although we didn't really ordered it, I didn't really mind.

We gave our orders to the waiter after he poured us our drinks.

There, as he sat looking around the restaurant, I picked up my glass of wine and started sipping a little bit.

I had to start the conversation before the silence prolongs itself.

"...So, I know I didn't really explained the reason why I called you here…but simply put, I want us to hunt together in a C-ranked gate." there, I said it.

"...A C-rank gate? Hmm, I'm sorry but I'm still a D-rank hunter. I can't really go through the gate without updating my hunter's card first." he said.

"That's why we came here today. Lets try to update your card to C-rank, just like mine. Together we can hunt inside the gates for days, given how the academy gave us a lot of free time." as I spoke with a smile on my face, seeing as how this was a great way to increase our bond with one another inside a gate, I thought it was a great idea.

"Oh…I see." but his face, as he answered, it didn't seem like he was up to it.

"...What's wrong?" I asked.

"..." but he stayed quiet and didn't answer.

His silence only tightens my chest…the anxiety within me grew.

Maybe he hated the idea of hunting together…

Maybe he only saw us as nothing more than people with different lives…friends with no actual benefits…maybe he wanted us to simply be what we are today and nothing more.

My hand tightened in the silence, it tightened in the thought of us not moving forward for a change.

I didn't want that.

"...I can't hunt with you on a C-rank gate…not today." he said.

"W-what? Why?" I asked.

"I know this amy be a bit sudden, but I"m leaving the Academy for a bit."

"W-what!?" to my surprise, I stood from my chair and caused a ruckus through out the restaurant.

But I calmed myself down for a bit…and soon, I looked to him and asked again.

"W-where are you going?" I asked.

"To my hometown…its outside the Kingdom." he answered.

To hear him, I couldn't help but wonder what his hometown was like…but most of all, why he had to leave in the first place. Although I don't know him that much, I felt saddened that he had to leave…

I wanted to know more about him…

I wanted him…if anything.

And although this may sound selfish, but truth be told, I'm a greedy woman. When I meet him, I didn't really thought much of it, but when we fought together, I was attracted by his strength…and that attraction might have grown into something, but I'm still holding back on approaching him full willingly.

I didn't want to force him away with my affection…

But thinking about it now, the last time I felt something like this was with Arthur…and although I did show him my feelings, he didn't reciprocate.

He left me for someone else.

Maybe I was selfish for pushing my feelings, but back then I genuinely thought that I love him, but he only threw me away because he didn't thought the same.

I'm scared if it's the same way with him…

"Oh, I see…so for how long will you be gone?"

"...Months, maybe a year even. By then, I might have to give up on being a student because I won't be qualified by its age limit if I re-enroll."

"Why are you going away for so long?" I asked.

"Its personal…and I wanna leave it that way."

"..." I was speechless by his answer…by not telling me his reasons, my hand only tightened even more.

"I've talked to the head principal…he only gave me around five months to be allowed to leave, if I go over it, I might be expelled." he said.

"...Are you going to leave me too?"

"W-what?" he sounded shocked for a bit.

"...Are you going to leave me?" I asked again

"N-no, I don't want to leave…I want to come back as fast as I can, if I can…but my situation is a bitch. I don't have control over it…"

"...I get it. I do." my words felt sad, as if I wanted to shed a tear…

"...Evangeline?" and yet he looked to me as if he noticed…


"...Why are you sad?" he asked.

"...because, your leaving you idiot."


"...I thought we could be more…I thought we could build something out of us meeting together…" i said as I looked down on the table, avoiding any sense of eye contact.


Ah…I feel like shit. In the end, I spoke out and forced my emotion on to him…just like what I did with Arthur…

He might find me weird…and he might even avoid me now…

"Okay, how about a compromise then."


"...Since we're friends, why not just call me on the phone while I'm away."


"...I can't hunt with you while I'm away from the kingdom, but that doesn't mean that it's the end for our friendship, right?"


Friendships are one of the things that binds humanity as a whole.

To see that Evangeline values me as friend really makes me happy. And knowing what she went through with her problems in establishing a proper and ideal relationship with anyone, I don't want to be another man to simply leave her to her own…just like how Arthur affected her. It wouldn't be right in any common sense at all.

If she sees me as her friend, then I'll do everything I can to be her friend.

As I proposed to her the idea that we really don't have to cut off our relationship as friends when I'm away, I'm quite shocked to realize that she must be dull to the idea that friendships still last even when we are far away from one another.

So as I proposed to her that we can always call each other, she looked to me.

She leaned up from her chair…

Making her way to me…


And without thought, I received a soft sensation to my cheek.


Wait what?


What happened?

What the fuck just happened?

Before I knew it, I saw Evangeline excusing herself to go to the restroom…

And I was left to my own…

In the wonder of my thoughts behind the endless possibilities of what the fuck just happened!?

Please Author of this world! Tell me what the fuck just happened????????????