It Should have been a Simple Update on my Rank...:Chapter 116

Outside the building of the hunter's association, three human sized owls were out and about observing a certain master…a boy acting like a fool.

With how his hand shook each time he tried to eat the food on his plate and how his legs continued to shiver in the moment…the boy could hardly ever focus on what was in front of him.

The person on the other end of the table however was simply looking quite nervous as well with how she was trying her hardest to avoid eye contact with the fellow in front of her.

She had just confessed her feelings and did not know what to do next…

Both were a mess…and to even add more awkwardness to the table, a pair of unexpected guest came along and stood in front of the two with a rather tight and held-back expression on their faces. Two people who the boy knew all to well…

Sofia and Rebertha, his classmates. Both talented nobles at the first year of the academy.

"Ah, you guys what are you doing here?" he asked, completely surprised by their visit.

This was a sudden development in the story and the boy could not tell where it would lead him to.

The two as well did not expect that their friend and classmate was also here in the restaurant but with an unsuspected surprise. To see that he was in a meal with a senior in the academy made them stood to look rather suspiciously at the boy.

They have just finished eating their lunches and were planning to update their ranks but as they made their way to the exit, they came across the two pairs of people…

"Ah, sorry for interrupting your meal, we just came by to eat and have our ranks updated down at the bottom floor and I didn't expect that you were here with…a senior." said Rebertha, as she looked to Evangeline with a nervous sweat dripping down her neck.

"Ah, actually, yeah Ms. Evangeline invited me so that we could also have my rank updated…"

"Hmm, is that so? Well how about we go and get our ranks updated together. It should be fie right?"

"Ah wait a minute Rebertha, their still eating and…I think we were interrupting their date…" Sofia said with the second part of her words being more quietly said as her shy manner goes.

Seeing the predicament of her actions, Rebertha realized this and tried to excuse herself.

"Ah!…right, sorry about that. Maybe we'll go on ahead then." said Rebertha with a rather discouraged tone.

"No, its okay. We were just about done eating anyway, and I think it would be fun to see what my juniors are like in the action. I also want to see how you fair yourself against Hamil in combat." said Evangeline as she found a perfect way to divert from the awkward situation that happened minutes ago.

This was the perfect chance to compare Hamil to this year's nobles…

She knew the two families quiet well…

Sofia Del Dmitriy of the Dmitriy Family. Known for their great ability in swordsmanship and the compatibility in the ice element, they were a great force to deal with back in the days of war.

Rebertha Don Dumis of the Dumis Family. Known for their great advancements in science and their great disbelief in the gods, this family was quite a helping hand back when the wars were at its golden time.

If compared to the boy that sat in front of her, how much would they fair well in a fight?

She already knew that the boy himself was in the same league as her so it would be safe to say that the two juniors could not compare in the least….but if the chance arises that both of them were to fight together, how well would they fair? How strong are the today's first year nobles?

So as they finished eating, all four of them went down not knowing that after they just went down, another group followed them behind in the curiosity of their actions. That group being Arthur's group.

"What are you doing Arthur? Why are you following them?" asked Martha as she was curious by this sudden decision. They weren't even finished eating yet but still, Arthur decided to follow Hamil down.

"You don't have to follow me, I'm just going to down to see what their about to do." said Arthur.

"Well, its not that I don't mind following…but…hmm…anyway, were already making our way down, lets just follow through with this." said Martha.

"Eh? B-but the pudding!?" with her love for sweets, Licia was the first one to see the sight of the pudding being delivered in a cart that was already making its way to their table.

"...We can have our pudding desserts wrapped up in a container and have it delivered down to us later." said Liam.

And without hesitation, he was the first one to go in the elevator. His action to be impatient was showing and it made Martha worry. She had heard on what happened to his brother…on how that a certain someone that was his age was capable of defeating him even in his strongest form…

Although she did not get the name from her father, Liam's reaction alone to seeing a certain someone was a clear sign to her that this said person must have been the one to claim victory over her brother.

' can't be…right? I mean he's a first year like me and from what I know about his strengths, he should still be around D-rank…' her mind was boggled by the thought that of this person's true strength.

"What's wrong Martha?" asked Ranzy as she was worried by the expression that Martha was making.

"Its nothing…come on, lets go." said Martha.

"...I heard what they were planning to do down at the bottom floor. Their planning on having their ranks updated." said Arthur.

"..!?" Martha was shocked to hear this from him and Arthur in his own world of thought, wondered if he could finally see how strong this said person was…


Updating your ranks was simply a process that was similar to that of re-testing your limits in certain challenges.

So with that said, Hamil will simply have to redo all of the test needed to update his rank. He had already done this before back when he was updating his rank to go to a D-rank gate, and seeing now that his back, the first person to greet him was none other than the manager himself as well as the lady who helps him, Rian and Shirlett.

The two people who finalized his Hunter card.

Back when Hamil had to update his rank for the first time to being a D-rank, the two of them were pretty shock to see that he came back already after a short period of time has only passed. They were skeptical at first but after seeing his improvements, they were blown away by how strong he was…

And again, they did everything they can to recruit him into the association, and this time they did not hesitate to simply offer him a great amount of payment upfront, but nonetheless, Hamil had to decline.

Now that he came back for the second time in updating his card, the two greeted him with open arms. Like a servant would to his king and majesty. Bowing in a perfect 90 degree angle.

"...Eh?" Sofia and Rebertha wee shocked to see him being treated as such, but nonetheless, they can somewhat understand that someone of a genius should be respected in some way…this must be the only way that the association show's value in the talented hunters by being worshiping.

"...please stop this, its too much." said Hamil as he stood rather annoyed by their form of welcome.


"Anyway, since you plan on having your ranks updated, why not have Shirlett assist you on your progress. That way we can skip the lines on waiting for your turn. Think of it as a special service given by the association." said Rian.

"Is that alright? Should we really accept this form of service?" asked Evangeline.

"It shouldn't be a problem to us, after all most of the people that we will be handling are a group of nobles. Its only right to tend to your needs in anyway possible." said Rian

"That's right, so please allow me to accompany you on your test." said Shirlett.

Without any hesitation, the girls accepted their kind gesture and had Shirlett lead the way for the test.

With the first test being the Mana Circle Scale.

Just like last time, all they had to do was exert all of their mana capacity down at the beasuring scale.

Wit the first one being Sofia…

Her last record of her mana was around two circles…a typical amount needed for a student that attends the academy. Today, she plans on going way beyond that level and double the amount.

"..." although she was talented in bought areas, she usually leans in to the swordsmanship area of her abilities.

"hnn!!" exerting everything she had, she quickly managed to fill two circles of the scale…but everything after hat was starting to slow down half-way through the upcoming third circle…

She did everything she could…but in the end, she her limit was only around half-way through the third circle…although she expected this…she also noticed that she had grown quite well with how the last time she had her mana measured, it was just at the tip of the 2nd circle. Truly, she had seen an improvement in herself.

The next one was Rebertha who was also registered as a 2nd circle hunter…

The last time she had her mana recorded was the day before the academy would start. Back then, she only had about two circles and a quarter of an amount to the third circle. Today, just like Sofia, she plans on having to break to the third circle…

"..!!" just like Sofia, she had quickly managed to fill two circles of mana…but by the next, the scale continued to grow…until finally…she had reached the third circle. Marking her as a 3 circle hunter.

But by the time she had finished, blood suddenly falls from her nose…she had over exerted herself. Making her head ache in the pain of overexerting her limits.

Compared to Sofia, Rebertha was a mage through and through. It was only natural that she could beat her in the aspect of mana capacity. But still her efforts today seemed a bit too much as it can be seen that she can hardly ever support her body with the way she was coming back.

Shirlett quickly assisted Rebertha with a pure dose of mana potion to recover…and just as she drank, it was time for Hamil to measure his mana capacity.

In his current record, he was able to fill two circles in the scale…today, he, just like the others, he plans to fill the scale up to the third level.

'...I have to make it seem like I'm struggling for a bit.' he thought.

Right now his current limits of mana was around the fifth circle, if he wants to actually make them believe that he had a hard time with this test, he had to act just like how Rebertha did at the end.

Luckily, he had a plan to fool them.

So as he started the test, he was able to quickly past the second circle…but as it made its way to the third, he slowed down the process…

By then, he started using genesis to create a small pint of blood on his palm…the moment it reached the third circle, he acted as if he was coughing up blood..





With the blood dripping from his mouth, Evangeline wa surprised to see him struggle with this task…

And in reaction to him suffering, she approached him and supported him back as he hangs his hand over her neck.

*Cough* "…I'm fine…its nothing." said Hamil.

"Dont act like an Idiot…*sigh* I never thought that you would have a hard time scaling up to the third circle…but I guess I was wrong. You should have told me that before you started….you idiot…"

"...Yeah, I'm sorry." he apologized.

""…"" both Sofia and Rebertha saw how Evangeline reacted to Hamil's struggle…and compared to how she reacted to the two of them, it was clear to see that she cares for Hamil more…

And it worried the two…especially Rebertha.

"...C'mon, lets get to the next test." said Hamil.

All of them didn't really mind moving on and so they went to the next stage. Although they were a bit hurt internally, it wouldn't really affect how they would do to the Dummy tank which was the next test.

They would only do one attack…

The fitting score to reach the C-rank was around 225 to 275

His last record was around 186…just enough to make him a D-rank…

Seeing as how both Sofia and Rebertha were still having a hard time, Hamil volunteered to go first since he was feeling okay.

"...are you sure?" asked Evangeline.

"Its fine, all I have to do is use a spear to attack the Dummy tank three times."

With how he held the staff in his hand with a grip strength that could literally smash the dummy to pieces, he had to be careful with his strength. He already knew how to hold back since his last test, so doing it again shouldn't pose a problem to him.

"...lets do this."

Without preparation, he simply run up to the dummy and pierced the target with a small bit of effort…he made it look though as if he gave it his best with how he screamed his attack..

But that small piece of effort caused the Dummy to rattle in place as it struggled to hold on…

Clearly, Hamil seemed to underestimate his power…


There, it should the least minimum amount of score to place as a B-rank…

Seeing that score, he began to drip in cold sweat…

'...fuck…did I do too much?'

The last time he took a test was before he gained the 5th circle mana capacity. Devouring that plant that he used to increase his mana also caused him to gain power…although he knew just how strong he has gotten, he had not yet know ho to hold back…

And just a day before, he had already bonded with a monster that lives in the darkness…an Azimar. The Azimar that he bought in the Black Ridge Market. So that also increased his level of power, now in his current state, it was clear that he was not sure how strong he was…

The area was silent…

And to take not of that silence, Hamil turned back to see what everyone was feeling when he did what he just did…

"...Ah, sorry about that." he had nothing else to say but apologize.

"...Amazing!?" but the one to shout was none other than Martha herself who saw the events that happened.

Hamil and the rest turned to where that voice came from and saw that by the edge, Martha and Arthur's group was there, peeping by like a couple of stalkers…

"...Arthur." with a silent whisper to the ear, Evangeline called out to the one man who caught her eye.

Seeing as how they were discovered, Arthur decided to stand out of the edge and face him head on.

"Is this your true strength? Barely even able to reach the B-rank so it seems as though your holding back on them." said Liam.


"...But if you didn't held back, then how the fuck did I lose to you?" his tone came with a temper that could burn…and the grip on his hands was starting to get tighter and tighter…

To see that the person who bested him was simply here, taking it easy and not showing his full potential felt like an insult to him.

"..." Hamil simply looks at him with a cold gaze…it seems as though he was in a bind.

Hearing no reaction or say, Liam walked pass Hamil and simply looked at the score.

By then, he gripped his hand so tight that he unintentionally created flames in his hands…


And in one single hit, he punched the Dummy tank to a point that he was able to push back the doll away from its stand. It rolled down and fell to bits and pieces the moment he pulled his arm out.

There the score showed.


It showed the same strength of a B ranker.

And although he was registered as a C ranker, his rage simply caused him to act and pose his strength as such.

"...This is the power of a B-rank hunter…I pulled everything I had in that punch. And if you people are blind enough to see that the man before you is hiding his strength, then all I can say is that the man before you is a fool." he said.


"he is a B-ranker no doubt!" he shouted.


And all Hamil could say back in return was his silence.

"...Is this true Hamil?" asked Evangeline.

"...I've fought you as well, and even with my strength, I can say that you are strong…so why hide your strength?" in his somber tone, Arthur stood with a gallant gaze and question the young man before…


The pressure of two men wondering why the man who they suspect was strong, continues to hide his strength…it was a mockery to their own battle with him in the past.

And yet, the young man continued to stay silent.

But his silence felt like an escape…

And in that moment, to escape felt like a cowardly thing to do…especially when you were titled a Ruler…a king if anything.

So with a simple gaze at the two…he spoke.

"...Yeah, I am strong." and with that, a pressure that was capable of enveloping the entire floor simply made the whole hunters of this room shook in fear.

It wasn't killing intent that brought them to their fears…no, simply his pressure caused everyone to be on their toes.

And in response, the two simply brought out their weapons as it aimed at his very presence.

It was obvious to see that the two main characters were threatened…

Here in this moment, the two strong young characters was faced a young man who simply had the presence of that of a strong person.

But they didn't fear him…instead, what they came to acknowledge in their hearts was the idea…a chance…an opportunity to become stronger. Because in front of them was a man who showed great potential in guiding them to a path of more strength.

They couldn't help but smile in this moment.