The Presence that leads to a Brawl: Chapter 117

With his presence ever so noticeable, Evangeline couldn't help but worry for what was to happen.

And in an attempt to stop it, she forcibly took to grab his hand. Locking her arms around his to act as a anchor.

"...What are you doing?" and to his notice, he turned to look at her with a furrowed look along with a question on her action. There in her actions to stop him, his presence was diluted.

"...Please don't do this!" she pleaded…she knew the context of what was about to happen. As a hunter…a person who experiences battle in a daily basis, an invitation to a fight in the mere presence alone was something she had once felt in battle. The enticing invitation of one's very presence could ultimately result in a sort of battle.

And watching as Liam and Arthur react to his invitation, she could not help but worry…

Worry that Hamil himself would get hurt.

And despite the fact that she knew that he was strong in some level…she was not yet able to determine a person's level simply by their presence alone…her judgement in that moment was wrong. And despite the fact that Hamil's presence was quite elivating, the chance that this was something else of a level worried her…

""..."" but the two young men knew, after all, they themselves experienced how strong and how fast this young man before them really is. And now, with just his presence, they can tell that he isn't holding back anymore…

"...Its going to be fine, this isn't a fight to the death or anything like that. We're just going to have a brawl…that's all there is." said Hamil as he tries to reassure Evangeline. After all, knowing how she felt about him ever since he heard her confession…it felt embarrassing to think about it, but nonetheless, he had to reassure her feelings in this moment.

"No! That alone is a stupid reason! You can't just fight simply because!" said Evangeline, refusing to let go of his hand.



Every lady stared as they saw how Evangeline refused to let him fight…her direct feelings were showing. Most of all, Licia who saw this came to realize something within herself as well…

Licia saw the strong presence that Hamil was exerting in that room…and she knew just how much of a presence it was to a point that it made her shiver in fear… and in that moment, she thought of maybe stopping Arthur from moving forward with the fight.

"Arthur…" she called, but her voice wasn't as powerful as Evangeline was…

"Don't worry, I'm not going to lose." said Arthur as he too tries to reassure Licia.

"!?" And in that attempt of reassurance, it only made Licia's chest tighten even more.

It didn't reassured her…

But as this showed in her very body language, Hamil turned to her and smiled…

"Don't worry, I wont break him." a creeping smile formed over his very expression…a smile filled with confidence.


And Licia could only ever stand in shock.

And with that, Hamil walked ahead of the whole group and made his way to a gate. Evangeline couldn't stop him and the same goes with Licia…and the others, they simply stood and watched as the very words of a proclamation for battle that came from Hamil's presence showed a sense of truth…

They were somewhat curious of what was about to happen to a point that they could do nothing but watch as the events unfolded.

Martha, Ranzy, Rebertha and Sofia all simply stood on their toes. Their curiosity simply won over them.

"Lets go." said Hamil as he lead forward.

"Where are we going?" asked Liam.

"A gate, that way we don't have to worry about the damage we might do to the building."

"..." having said this, Liam imagined for a quick second the result and the travesty of this battle…

He smiled in the thought of the effect that this battle might come into…so going into a gate with no environmental damages to the building assured him to never hold back.


Ah…I've done it now…

I'm a fool for acting like a show-off in front of the main characters of the story…

I'm a fool through and through with how I've lived my life in this world…

All of my judgements were wrong…and despite the fact that I did some small right things, it still doesn't matter…

I got angry…

Just like how I knew I can always assure my anger towards a demon, an insult to my strength was just as irritating…

They insulted me for hiding…

Me…a Ruler…me hiding…?

I mean sure I did try to hide my very presence and all that…to try and not interfere so much…but I guess I was just having that much fun in this world…

Haaa…. I really should have not done this…

I could have approached this better…

But maybe this isn't all that bad…

Because in the end, I'll leave the two of them a permanent reminder of my very existence…

That I'm strong…

No more hiding…no more holding back…

No more typical side character cliches in a novel…

This time, I'll fill my role as a Ruler…

It doesn't matter if they know my strength or not because all that matters is that I am what I am. I And I am a Ruler…

I earned this right…

Showing my determination in the scene could only mean one thing for the two…

It was an invitation to a brawl…

The 2nd round where I fight head on against two characters at the same time…but this time…I'm not holding anything back.

"So you wanna fight?" asked Arthur.

Smiling against Arthur who wielded his sword with the intent to kill, I simply stated the obvious.

"What else is there to do you idiot!"

"We cannot do it here and we cannot do it inside the training arena used by the hunters since its being occupied right now…the only choice we have at the moment is a gate."

"A gate huh…sad to say that I can't enter anything that's way beyond a D-ranked gate."

"We're not entering a place as complicated as that, we're going to an F-rank gate…it's the best place to go all out." said Liam.

And just like that, words in exchange of a battle was set…

The girls were left to their own in wonder of what just happened…

But the context was clear…a fight was about to happen and all of them knew that they wouldn't miss it for anything.

Without wasting time, all of the girls followed the three boys into an F-rank gate…

This gate was the same gate that I first entered in my time here in the building. It was filled with a random amount of monsters like goblins and Robin Wolves…but compared to before, they wouldn't really pose a threat to us. And it was also the same gate that I met Ranzy…

Knowing what happened here, I just hope that nothing happens to trigger back any of her memories…

The drug that she took may have eliminated all memories of me…but it didn't erased her memories revolving around environment that she herself went through…meaning, there's still a chance that she might remember the time that she got attacked by a pack of Robin wolves..

"..." walking up front, and up to a field of aquamarine colored grass that went up to the height of my chest, I then began to terraform it. As easy as it was, I gained inspiration to build a platform that was similar to that of a coliseum but with less details on the other aspects. All I put into this stage was a flat floor, a wall with pillars surrounding the entire stage and a balcony for the others to watch over.

With the field that we were standing on being so big and wide, it wasn't really that troubling to borrow about two hectares of land…

Five minutes…it took me five minute to make the stage…

"Eehh!!!????" Martha screamed in shock as she saw the rocks and dirt move from place to place to form a wall…

The others were silent but had their mouths agape in the scene that was happening before them.

"Hmm, so have that much control over the earth element? I'm surprised, you could have used this while we fought for the first time." asked Liam.

"Don't be too amaze, this is just simple handwork. If you want to be really surprised, look at some works from a true master of bending rocks. S-rank elementalist can make better structures in their sleep." I said.

"...I know, but no one in their right mind would say that this itself was just simple handwork…no one our age should even be capable of pulling this much rocks from the ground…but you did." said Liam.

"...enough of that, get inside." with a demanding and cold tone, I had them walk inside.

"...So, why did you even make this in he first place?" asked Arthur.

"...Aesthetics Arthur, its too plain to just fight in an open field." I answered.

"...So your that kind of person to care such things?"

"Well, if I'm capable of it, why not just do it."

As we went inside, I wanted to close the entrance so one could enter…but before I could, a shout came from a distance.


Out by the distance…

Two young men stand with sweat dripping from their faces…and fear plastered as the day would shine..

Tyler River…Remmy Polinske…

It made me wonder why they were here, so I stood and waited as they rushed forward.


"Hamil, what is going on?" asked Remmy.

"...Nothing is going on, so why are you here?" I asked.

"The whole association is going crazy right now because someone caused a scene by putting out a strong killing intent…and then I saw you and a couple of other people walking into this gate…the moment you entered, the presence was gone. Were you involved in something?" he asked.

"In a way, I am. But anyway, what is he doing here?" I asked as I pointed to Tyler.

"...Ah, I don't know, he followed you guys first before I could and the moment we got inside the gate, this thing in front of us was already made…who made this wall? This wasn't here before." he said.

"..." I was silent in the response…


"...Remmy, I don't think I can explain what it is that is happening without feeling stupidly egotistical about it, so I'll let you be the judge for whats about to happen inside."


"Just…follow me, oh and you too." I said as I turned to look at Tyler.

A statement is going to be made in this very moment…from this battle.

I want to make it happen…