Leaving a Message Filled with Strength: Chapter 118

In the nature of battle, simply put, when men are in front of a challenge, they are tempted to win.

Here in the coliseum made of dirt, two young talented warriors stand with weapons hand on hand. And as a person who stood with no weapons on the other, he simply looked at the two and smiled.

"...There's no hard feelings put into this fight, but that doesn't mean that we should hold back..." said Hamil.

"You're right, there are no hard feelings. But I want to add something to the table to make it interesting." said Lism

"And what is that?"

"...winner gets to order the loser whatever he wants." said Liam.

"...Hmm, very well then." and Hamil simply agreed.

And as the battle was about to start, a voice came over the stage…


Martha's voice echoed, and in that shout, Liam turned to see why she screamed out.

"...What is it Martha?" asked Liam in a loud voice.

"This isn't fair…two against one is not a fair action. Let me fight along side him." said Martha. Indebted to the person, she felt compelled to help.

""!!"" everyone in the balcony looked at her especially Evangeline who stood beside her. But Evangeline simply stayed quiet.

"...O-oy, don't butt in." said Tyler as he was nervously trying to contain the situation. He knows Hamil enough to see that this battle was going to be one of a lifetime chance…and to see that someone wants to assist a monster like him feels like its just going to be a waste of time.

"...Hamil…I'm going to ask you again, why are you doing this?" asked Evangeline in a low tone of voice, hoping that he would give a clear answer.

But Hamil simply did not react.

"...Hey, what is going on?" asked Remmy as he stood by his classmates Rebertha and Sofia.

"...I'm not sure myself. But from the looks of it, Hamil challenged the two strongest seconds years to a fight." said Rebertha.

"W-what!? we should go and help him!"

"...Do you think he needs our help? Or is he even asking for our help?" in Sofia's soft voice, she seemed curious as to why Hamil made the declaration to do this. It seemed reckless…but

She, Rebertha, Evangeline…and Remmy, they all seemed to think that maybe he can do this…

His stance alone breed confidence…

"...Then, shall we start?"

"...Yeah, lets do this."


And in an answer, he made his first step, that alone shook the whole field. By his step, the room was suddenly engulfed with a heavy sensation.

Everyone questioned how it was possible…that a person like him was able to create such a feeling that it simply shook them to their core.

The answer was simple, his will…the will to be a king…a Ruler…it was simply that which made him have such power.

Arthur and Liam who stood to watch the approaching Hamil simply reacted by gripping on to their weapons tighter than before. Liam with the chance to fire his arrow, and Arthur who awaits for the perfect time to attack.

They looked and saw that the person before them, was a person with great power and he attained it at such an age…

'...Judging alone from our last fight, he's probably around a B-rank.' thought Liam

'...' Arthur simply stared.

"...Apolo." and with that a flash of black lightning came crashing down. It blinded the two for a quick second, but when they looked back, Hamil had simply stood with the spear pointed at their direction.

""..!?"" everyone was shocked. To see him hold a black spear only made him more terrifying to look at.

And to their surprise, he took a step aand by then, he disappeared from their sights.

"Liam!!" Arthur screamed but Liam was too late in reacting, Hamil was already near enough to reach him…and instead of a spear's end making its way to Liam, it was the scene of a hand blocking his very view..

"...*Kuf-!?" Hamil grabbed him on his face and threw him down on the ground. The very force of his slam, made Liam flinch to a point that he lets go of his bow.


The very force of his slam caused the ground to break.

Arthur quickly reacted to swing at Hamil, but to his dismay, Hamil used the other end of his spear to target his stomach. The moment his spear reached Arthur, Arthur convulsed in pain.

Picking Liam up from the ground, he threw him at Arthur, but as he raised him up, Liam quickly grab hold of his entire body like a snake and did everything he could to break his arm.

"..You Bastard!!" a creaking noise was heard as Hamil struggled with Liam, and with his focus on him, Arthur took the chance and thrusted his sword down on him.

"!?" quickly noticing this, Hamil swung Liam to Arthur's direction and Arthur reacted by blocking with his entire left arm.

The two second years clashed and Liam clenched in pain as the force of the swing was so powerful and heavy that he had to unconsciously let go.

The two rolled away from Hamil and stood back up again…

"...He's strong alright." said Arthur.

"...Yeah, by strength, he can dominate me…but if its you who heads in first, maybe you have a chance, I'll assist as much as I can." said Liam as he brings out another piece of bow from his inventory.

"...Okay." and with that, Arthur quickly made his way while Liam had to keep Hamil busy with a few arrows going down his way.






Five arrows came raining down at different directions, but Hamil simply twirled his spear up front to blow them away.

Arthur came in front and faced him off…

Using his swordsmanship, he did everything he can to try to injure Hamil, but Hamil was keeping up at a rather fast pace. Compared to before where they were almost equal, Hamil simply did his modest to counter each strike with his spear. It was as if, he was able to predict his moves that easily.

"...When did you get that good?" asked Arthur as he continued to fight Hamil in place.

"...I just got faster, that's all." said Hamil.

"...So youre not taking this seriously?"

"...no, not yet."

They continued to fight and fight, meanwhile Liam tried to do as much as he can to support Arthur by firing at certain directions. But no matter how much he tried, Hamil was always able to catch the arrows with his one hand while the other was busy holding off Arthur.

"H-he's amazing." said Ranzy as she saw Hamil effortlessly holding the two back.

"..." Licia who watched was nervous as she saw how Arthur was struggling to keep up.

And not before long, Hamil was starting to fasten his pace and his body was starting to be enveloped by a black substance.

"...Lets go and move on with the second act." said Hamil as he grabs Arthur's hand and pulls him in only for him to kick him with a force that broke his bones.

"Khk!!" Arthur was thrown to a wall and seeing this happen, Liam was shocked.

"Y-you -Just like before." said Liam as he was reminded that when Hamil turns into a black skinned void of a person, he was getting serious.

"...I call this my Shadow Skin form, ans because I turned into my shadow form, you should know what that means." said Hamil.

It was an invitation for Liam to turn into his Knight Form.

And gladly he did.

Without hesitation, he brought out his form. This time, he plans on keeping up this form until the very end of the two minute time limit.

And with that said, he rushed in.

As quick as he was, he disappeared from his place and Hamil did the same.

The two fought on hand to hand combat at such a speed that not a single person in the coliseum was able to perceive. They moved and moved with Liam's every step burning the ground and rising the temperature, while Hamil, keeping up in his place with a smile on his face.

The fighting continued for 30 seconds until…finally.

"!?" Hamil caught off from his defense and Liam was able to catch him open for a powerful strike.

'Gotcha!' with a singeng flame that was compressed into the color blue, reaching a point that it turned into a plasma like force, he narrowed his palm down to Hamil's chest and made a strong impact.

[Compact Flame!!]

"!!" it hits his chest and threw him against the wall…


"Hamil!" Evangeline screamed and the rest were silently shocked.

Pillars falls and walls started crumbling down on the spot…

But not a second later, Hamil came bursting in from the rubble as quick as he could with a charged attack of Apolo surging with black lightning.

"Tough bastard!" Liam with his bow on hand and a surging flame on his arrow, he fired, knowing all to well that Hamil would fight again.

He fired.


And Hamil saw this happen.

A flame so hot that it can burn the very dirt he stood on…

But he didn't backed away.

Instead, he clashed it with Apolo by his hand.


The attacks collided and an explosion occurred. Flames and lightning scattered in the area…and Hamil was seen still looking freshly singed from the attack. Most of the shadow skin on his arm was turn off, but it quickly made back to its full state.

"...You truly are a monster." said Liam as he stood with heavy breaths.

"...This isn't enough Liam."


"...This isn't enough to protect your sister." said Hamil in a rather low voice.

"..." Hearing him say those words, Liam grips tight on to his bow in frustration and fires again.


But this time, Hamil brought out another weapon.


The flaming arrow came but his summoning for a shield was much faster.

The moment the two collided, Hamil simply swung the shield at the flaming arrow and caused it to break.

"!!" Liam was shocked by this. To see his powerful attack be swatted away like a fly…and break as easily as glass. He felt defeated at the fragility of his own arrow.

"...What are you?" asked Liam.

"...I'm a strong man." said Hamil.

"..." then and there, Liam realized the gap of their strength.

His hand that felt so weak, was starting to let go of his bow…

"...Liam, don't do what I think your gonna do." in his soft and low voice, Hamil knew of what was to happen.

"...You showed me your strength and now I saw it…your strong and I'm weak…isn't that what you were trying to do? To show me the difference in our power."

"...no, you idiot."

"Then what is it then?"

"To show you your we-" but before Hamil could finish, a surge of power erupts from a certain direction.

"..." Hamil turned to where Arthur was…and saw the green light appearing from the rubble.

"...Oy, Lets do this right, you bastard." as that voice was heard, out came Arthur bursting with energy.

He rushes in and grabs Hamil in the face and slams him down like a child.


The ground shatters like glass, leaving no even place to stand on. Even Liam was starting to lose his balance.

With the smoke of sirt gathering at where Arthur just slammed Hamil, as it slowly dissipates, it was seen that Arthur and Hamil were staring at each other eye to eye.

"..." Arthur with his substantially new look. with a cracked face that subsides a green light within, a formed twisting vine that centers in his left eye, and the look of absolute power surging from him, Arthur showed what the novel calls his Evolutionary Form. Both his strength and speed drastically increases and his moment of power…but the longer he uses this, the more his life force gets taken away…luckily, being a dryad meant that he has an enormous amount of life force.

"..." Hamil who stared back with a calm expression, knew this form all to well…Arthur's very presence was leaking out like a broken gas pipe. It was spreading everywhere that it would lead to what the book calls a stampede. His very essence of power that derives from the dryad calls out to invite and entice all of the monsters in the area. It was one of the properties of being a dryad.

"...Your getting out of control Arthur, are you sure you want to do this?" asked Hamil.

"...it's an F-rank gate…nothing so serious would be attracted to me essnce. Its all goblins and wolves out here." said Arthur.

"...well, if you say so." with that said, Hamil kicks Arthur on his chest, pushing him off the floor and on to the open view.

He didn't stop here and chased him up to pierce Arthur down with his spear.

With a swing so powerful, it Arthur did what he could and countered it with his sword. The moment the two weapons clashed, it caused another explosion of power.

But to the surprise of Hamil, Arthur was able to slide against the spear and was making his way down to slice of his head. But Hamil brought out his shield to block his attack.

Arthur brought him back down to the floor and continued swinging down with a force so fierce that it causes the ground to shake.
















Slashing down over and over again, Arthur saw no progress against Endit.

"...Ha, How tough is this shield of yours?"

"...Pretty fucking tough." said Hamil as he pushes Arthur off again with his shield.

Following that push, Hamil launched Apolo up and following on Arthur, but using white scale, Arthur defended himself.

The two weapons clashed, but Arthur was able to deflect him aside. He pushed apolo to a stopping motion and while in midair, he kicked it back to its owner.

The force of his kick was just as strong of when hamil threw Apolo, but the moment, it crashed at Hamil, Hamil simply received it like it was a falling feather.


"..." Arthur landed down and stood to watch as Hamil simply sighs in the moment.

"Tell me Arthur, do you think your power is enough?" asked Hamil.

"...What are you implying?"

"Are you strong enough?"

"...against you? Probably…" said Arthur with a smirk on his face.

"...Then you're a fool." he said as he retracted Apolo back into his body.

And with that, Hamil brought out another sense of weapon from his arsenal.

"...Come, Rondemince." as he spoke those words, his back lets up in its blue light…and out appeared a sword on his hand.

His very presence changed dramatically…

"!!" and Arthur and Liam felt this surging power…

A sword with a blue edge came…

A sword that even White Scale could never compare to…

A sword that holds the position of a king…

A sword that exudes the very definition of true power.

With one look, everyone in the area knew just how powerful that sword was.

The silence in the area was so suffocating that everyone had a hard time breathing. Heavy breaths were all that was heard

"...I'll ask again, Are you strong?" Hamil asked

"..." but Arthur could not respond.

"..." without warning, Hamil made his final move.

Filling up Rondemince with such a tremendous amount of mana, he readied himself to strike…

"...Basic Sideway Strike."

And with that, everything in the arena was ruined. His slash went against Arthur, Liam and the walls that blocked them from the outside. The balcony didn't fall because Hamil manipulated the platform with his element as well as a shield to protect them from the falling debris, keeping everyone safe on top.

But everything else went out as it goes…

Like a quick flash of light, Arthur thought it was like a nuke was thrown at his face…

Liam felt the same…

Such power…

How? How is it that someone like him was this powerful?

They thought that they had died as they had seen nothing but a misty sight of darkness and deafening ringing on their ears.

But they felt their legs move and their arms twitch…

'ah…I'm alive.' thought Liam as he could start to hear his own breathing.

"...?" he then felt an arm touch his hand and soon, someone pulled him out like he was a weed. Turns out, it was Tyler and Remmy helping him out form the dirt.

Liam was also seen being assisted by Martha and Licia.

The look on his face was pure defeat…both of them were.

"..." and Hamil was nowhere to be found.

"...W-where is he?" asked Liam.

"...He's outside, fighting the stampede of animals." said Tyler.

Hamil was dealing with the monsters that were attracted by Arthur's presence from his Evolution form. About a thousand monsters were outside waiting for him and seeing the numbers, he had to deal with them quick using Riverflow, his bow.

"...H-how long was I out?"

"Everything ended four minutes ago." said Remmy.

"...I see." Liam was astonished. To see another form of attack come from him, something that was way beyond anything they had to compare…it was unbelievable. In the end, He had submit to his defeat.

"...I am truly weak." he said.

"Yes, you are." said a voice that came near to him. That voice was his sister, Martha.

"...I'm sorry." said Liam.

"Why are you apologizing?" asked Martha.


"You lost… I get it, but so what?"


"You were fighting a man that had the strength comparable to a monster…"


"...If you feel so frustrated, train and be strong. Become a monster just like him." said his sister.

"...Saying things like that so easily…you think its that easy?"

"...I don't know, but I do know that I want my brother to be at least strong enough for himself to get back up from this defeat. So like I said…So what?"

"...yeah, thanks."


Outside the ruined coliseum, Hamil and Evangeline stood side by side as they watched a Golem wrecked each and every monster in its way.

"...So, what are you going to do?" asked Evangeline.

"...What do you mean?"

"...You won against them…that means that you can get them to do anything you want, being the winner an all."

"...I'm leaving the kingdom, I told you that right?"

"Y-yeah, at the restaurant."

"...Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"...so what, what are you going to do?"

"...I need to train more…get stronger more…"

"What? After all that?"

"...Its not enough."


"...I want you to tell them my request in my place…this message isn't just for them…its for my classmates as well."

"...okay, but why not you? Why don't you just say it to them now?" asked Evangeline.

"...I can't. With how Arthur is today, he probably won't listen."

"...So what do you want me to say?"

"...Tell them that a rematch would happen again at the start of the second semester. Tell them that if I don't see any improvement, I'll kill them this time."

"...Eh? Are you serious? And you want me to say this to your classmates as well?"

"Sure, why not."

"...Ehh..that's crazy."

"Well, even if you don't, I'm sure Arthur has got it in his head the idea of what I was trying to deliver."

"Is that so?"

"... yeah."

"...you know, you're a pretty crazy guy, right?"

"...I'm abnormal."

"...that you are." as she spoke her affirmation, she leaned in close and pecked his check. As for the last time, she wanted to convey her emotions…



In the silence, Hamil was surprised by her attack…

And not before long, the two were as red as a tomato.

"...G-goodbye Evangeline."

"Y-yeah, g-goodbye."

"Don't forget to tell them."

"Yeah, I wont."

And with that, the day ended with Hamil leaving the gate along with his golem. The coliseum was surrounded by about 500 dead robin wolves and goblins.

Hamil with his spirited expression, felt a gaze...so he looked back unto the coliseum, there he saw Arthur at the top edge, looking at him with a cold and distant gaze.

Hamil's smile disappeared and he simply continued on, leaving a sigh to the wondering main protagonist.