The Day Came for the Start of the Trials.

Inside the underground cellar unknown to public citizens of the clan was a Crimson-Black Haired lady dressed in a silky yukata who looked like she was in her twenty's. having found carrying a pair of a plier-like tool. Pliers that were coated with the blood of a man that was found hanging upside down against the wall.

"..." With the woman picking up a clean sheet of fabric to wipe down the blood off the pliers, she looked to the half-dead man and smiled as she approached him so lewdly. 

"Well, thanks to you Darling, we can finally move on to the next step in our plan, aren't you proud of yourself?" asked the lady as she caressed the teared jaw of the man who could barely speak a word.

"Hm-oo…e" speaking of gibberish, the man weeps in the influence of his pain.

"Well, try not to speak, Darling. It'll be all over soon enough. Think of happy thoughts…happy thoughts of your family and friends. Think of your daughter, your wife…your soon to be delivered son, think of them all while I try to comfort you out of your misery."

"...hmkkk!!" the man tried to struggle, but to the lost strength in his body, he simply remains chained on the side of the wall.

The lady only ever smiled as she soon puts the pliers down a rusty metal table and then proceeds to pick up a new set of tool. A new one that resembled both a saw and a scissor.

"Now, open wide…Ahhh~~~" with the lady playfully playing with the man, all of a sudden, a person enters the underground chambers. A messenger that was carrying a scroll on hand.

"Pardon me for intruding your work Madam Tilly, but new orders from the Elders have been made strictly unto you." 

"...Hmm? And what is this order that they've sent?" asked the Lady who was named Tilly.

"Everything has been written here." as the messenger spoke, he handed the lady the scroll.

Having to pick up the scroll and read it on the spot, her brow furrowed and she looked to the messenger in a rather agitated gaze.

"Tsk...Bring my daughter into my chambers immediately." said the Lady.

"As you order, Madam." with that, the messenger quickly disappeared from her sights and the lady was able to put down her tool with a rather disappointed expression. 

"Hmm, it seems that you were lucky today Darling. Too bad, I can't enjoy this as much as I could have. Oh well, looks like I'll end it here then." as she puts down the bladed tool, and simply picks up a knife that was placed next to it. 

With it, she simply stabbed the man's wrist where it suddenly started bleeding profusely.

With no hints of stopping, the man panicked and tried to struggle as much as he could.

"Hnn!!!HnKK!!" but to his unfortunate state, it was hopeless.

"Hey…don't move so much, you'll dirty up my dress." said the lady.


"Oh, you don't have to struggle so much now. Its over. I don't need anything from you anymore. So just rest…just rest and let death take you." said the Lady as she puts up a devilish smile on her face.

And with it, she then picks up another knife where she then stabs it right down his groin.



The man shook in craze as he was feeling an unnatural amount of pain. Pain so indescribable, what the man was feeling was both agonizing and and yet unflinching seeing as how by each second, foam was producing from his mouth like a rabid dog.

And the reason for that was simple, a poisoned knife. A poison so excruciatingly similar to that of a hundred black Silver-eyed widow's bite extracted down a single edge of a poison blade. This poison is strong enough to even kill an elephant that was the size of a simple modern house with just one scratch against its skin. So having it used on a man's groin was nothing but painful.

"Hmm, looks like the knife was too much for him." said the lady as she pulls out the knife stabbed at the man's groin and then proceeds to pierce it down his mouth where it was able to pierce through and was able to hit the wall. With the rabid foam, dripping down the dull edge of the blade, lady Tilly simply pulled out the blade and licked the sharp edge of the knife with a smile on her face. The edge was was coated with poison.

"Hmm, its lacking a bit. Maybe it needs a more concentrated dosage…maybe I should add the king viper's venom next time." said the lady to herself as she was unsatisfied by the effects of the poison. Meanwhile, the man was simply hanging against the wall with dead cold eyes, pointing down to the floor.

".…" with that, she had completed her day's work and was eyeing the man from tip to toe, observing the very contorted expression he gave at his death.

"Hmm, for an S-ranked noble, he sure did squirm a lot." 

With that she left the underground cellar and was making her way back to her humble abode.

As she made her way to her castle-like home, she sat down to her chair that was seated at the very center point of the house, on where she then took a glass of whiskey from the table next to her, where she added a dose of poison into it. 

And as she sat down with a poisoned whiskey on her hand, she looked to her front and saw that a young lady had arrived. A young lady wearing a Yukata with a very eye-catching ribbon on her back. With her hair tied up like a bun with an jewel accessory passing through it, the lady was as elegant as a jewel In front of her mother.

"You called, mother?" asked the Lady in front of her.

"Hmm, Yes I did. Tell me Rin, have you met the boy named Hamil Crux? The one who just arrived yesterday?" asked the Lady.

"No I haven't, I've just arrived about an hour ago from my recent mission and I was tending to my garden per usual. And also, I don't think I'm aware of anyone by that name in this clan." said the lady whose name was Rin

"Really? you must have at least known a bit about him? After all, you both trained together when you were just young children back at the school" asked Lady Tilly.

"...Hamil Crux...Crux…now that I keep saying his name…no I still don't know. The only people who I keep in mind are the kind of people I'm assigned to take out…that and you, my mother." 

"...That's a bit sad. But nonetheless, you should be happy, today you're going to be assigned to Hamil Crux."

"I have to kill him?" asked Rin.

"No, you are assigned to be his Guide throughout the trials that he will undergo in the next couple of days. You aren't assigned to kill him, but you are going to report everything about his actions and achievements in the trials."

"Trials?…What kind of Trials?" 

"Well, you'll find out eventually." 

"Okay, but why me?" asked Rin Curiously.

"Why not you?" asked Tilly.

"Because, I'm not usually given these kinds of missions, I'm more into the kill-kind of missions."

"I understand." said Tilly.

"Is this even a mission in the first place?" asked Rin.

"It is. Its has been directly given by the four elders. So make sure to complete it to the end." said Tilly in a serious manner.

"...The Elders?"

"...Yes, now get going. Today is the day that his first trial will commence, here is the list of the trials that he will undergo." said Madam Tilly as she handed a scroll of paper to her daughter.

As Rin opened the Scroll on hand, her eyes widened in surprised and she quickly looked ot her Mother in question.

"...What is this? Are they serious about this!?" asked Rin as she sees the four written trials that were made for even she herself could not take on.

"Yes, so what do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't this Hamil kid interesting?"

"Hmm…to be given all of these trials from the get go…and from the elders no less…I guess I'll have to do my job then." said Rin Blatantly.

"...Knowing that its coming from the Elders, you have to take this mission seriously."

"I understand that. I'll be going now." said Rin as she turns her back from her mother and started walking off.

"Well, I'm sure she'll be even more surprised if she finally sees the kid herself. Maybe it'll bring in some memories." said Tilly as a playful smile appears on her face.

"...Still, seeing as how they specifically called in my daughter into the mission, it makes me curious to no end." 

Meanwhile in a simple house somewhere in the village, Hamil was seen early in the morning practicing his strikes on a stone pillar created by his own power.

With no weapon on hand, Hamil was simply striking the stone pillar, bare-handed. 

and the stone pillar was no ordinary pillar, it was a sentient pillar that was capable of thrusting columns and slabs of hard rock at a person at the speed of sound. This was a new-formed golem that Hamil had made for the simple practice of hand to hand combat.

Having been given the order to attack Hamil at its full speed at unpredictable directions, the stone pillar was a way for Hamil to step-up his game in improving his reaction time.

Normally he can easily read an enemy's movements even at the rate of an attack similar to that of the speed of a bullet, but today, one particular item was wrapped around his head.

A blindfold.

And not just any simple blindfold, but a blindfold meant to erase not just his sight, but also the sensation of his hearing.

All he could ever rely on at that practice was the sensation of touch.

Simply put, the moment with the sentient pillar would attack or even touch his skin, he would immediately try to counter back the attack at point-blank range. He had been undergoing this kind of training since the first peak of the sun's rise.

Now, two hours has passed and yet not once as he been able to counter the pillar on time. He's body has been struck 20,456 times and yet, he has only been able to block with his fist five times.

It is by his process that in training, repetition is key in learning the process of a fight. Being put into an unknown situation of beat-ups and pain in such a long time, he couldn't help but smile as a sense of adrenaline was coursing through his body.

'...I need to be faster…faster…devoid all my sensation in hearing and sight…and simply focus on the matter of touch itself.' in this simple thought, his body has already been struck ten times in all directions unpredictable. Being able to keep focus of a thought while undergoing a barrage of hits is one of the growths he had obtained. A focus so pure on the intention of countering an attack, that it made him actually feel the sensation of wind at all fronts.

One might wonder why he was undergoing such a reckless form of training, and to answer that question, is simply put, he was bored. 

He was bored and he had a thought of doing something about this boredom.

And training was put into mind.

Finally after two hours of being put in such a state of wonder, he could finally feel the sensation of touch, not from the stone strikes, but the wind that goes against those strikes. 

Before the strike from the pillar could reach him, the wind that comes front from that strike was the first to make contact with his skin, and before it could even touch him, he moved to counter.

So after two hours, he made a perfect counter in the loss of his hearing and sight.

One successful counter was made.

After that, he simply pulled away the blindfold and noticed that His aunt and a girl wearing a yukata was standing behind him.

"...How long have you been there Aunt Mary?" 

"...about an hour ago." said Mary as she was rather worried by the sight of her nephew who was covered in bruises all over his body.

"..." and the Girl standing next to her, simply watched as her eyes were furrowed in concern and question as well.

"...Who are you?" asked Hamil as he looked to the lady beside Mary.

"I'm Rin from the Poison House of the Clan, I'm here to attend to your schedule. Guide you properly in taking the trials." said Rin as she bows to Hamil in greetings.

"...They never told me that I was being given a guide, do you have proof that you are who you say you are?" asked Hamil.

".…" without saying anything, Rin brought out the scroll and opened it in front of Hamil. 

"..." having been read it afar, Hamil simply sighed as he puts away the pillar golem.

"The First trial is starting in a few minutes from now. I'll guide you to the location, so please follow me in trust. Any material used in the trial will already be prepared in the location." said Rin.

"Is that so?"

"Hamil…I…" having been speechless by what she had just saw, she could only look to Hamil, thinking nothing but the thought that she knew nothing of her nephew. 

To witness the very motion of his training early in the morning, one could not predict that Hamil was already at that level. So she asked herself the question. 

Who is he? Is he really the Hamil that I once knew?

Just last night, Hamil had the chance to be alone with his thoughts in his home…to see that the next day, he was doing something completely 

"...Aunty, I'll be going now." said Hamil as he looked to his aunt straight eye to eye and Mary could only ever look to her nephew in question…trying to fin the words to say something to him.

"Hamil, as far as I know…you weren't this strong, you were weak. But You said in front of the Elders that you were able to conquer a gate and because of that, you were able to grow at an unbelievable rate. So I'm proud…and your Parents would have been to. From here on out, I can't help you as a Family could and would…your in the hands of the clan now, and because of that, it will be hard…harder than conquering even the gate that you conquered. So stay strong…be strong, become stronger…and…and…" as she continues to speak to her nephew, tears began to flow from her eyes as the fear in her heart started to show.

"...And…know, that I love you…"

"..." Hamil was shooked. 

He could only ever stand and watch as his Aunt cried in front of him.

"..." so in response, he slowly made his way to his aunt and he hugged her. He hugged her tight enough to show his appreciation towards the care she showed unto him. And in the right reaction, Mary embraced Hamil like he was her own child. Tight and filled with care.

"I'll be back." whispered said Hamil as he slowly pulls away from her.

And with no sense of retaliation, Mary lets go.

"I'll be waiting." she said.

And with that, Hamil left his home, he left his aunt, to go face the trials given to him. with a soft farewell, he waved his hand to his aunt and smiled.